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Yammy is a good prediction Skort. Based on the pattern, if they go with one character reveal, it should be a returning character. The initial 4 were half new/half returning. Guile was a solo reveal. And the recent pair was one new/old old. I'm hoping for two characters but with all the other stuff they are keen on revealing it made be on characters and a detailed overview of the new modes (Battle Hub/Fighting Grounds etc.).


Side Note: That's not a typo, I typed Yammy on purpose. 🙃

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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2 hours ago, Skort said:

So we get a new trailer after the showcase in a few days. 


Place your prediction. 


I'm thinking Cammy. I also want it to be either Cammy or Mimi. Though we had 2 female trailers at evo so they could show a male this time around so maybe Dee Jay or ED ?


We still have to see 15 characters (assuming all 22 will be in launch cast and get trailer before release), wich is lot of trailers if they keep lot of days jumps from one to next


Returning 10: Ken, Gief, Blanka, Honda, Sim, Cammy, DeeJay, Rashid, Ed, Akuma

New 5: Marisa, Manon, Lily, JP and AKI


As general rule i think we will keep get at least 2 chars each update (an maybe even upgrade to 3), unless they use a single entry as additional cherry on top of a bigger reveal as they did for Guile(who was showed short after Ryu/Chun/Luke/Jaime), another possibility is if they change pace and go for single but few days wait... essentially they can go many routes, but i doubt we will get single reveals after kinda long wait


Like, for TGS i expect at least 2 chars


For the numbers we have left i guess "all New" reveals will unlikely be a thing, feels more logic they will keep mix the 5 left of New group with returning vets, specially considering some harder to hype old chars like Gief/Sim/Blanka/Honda that don't fit the edgy/cool thing would be helped by being released together with new waifus (+Cammy), so Capcom can present their new SF6 version and people will still be happy because they get something nice to look at


Actually i was suprised they used both Juri and Kimberly in same reveal, as they could have used them separatedly to hype up two "less cool" characters


For TGS i expect at least 1 male (as we come from 2 F reveal), but considering is Japan i also doubt we will not get at least 1 female


I say 1M 1F or 2M 1F


My bet would be Ken (loved, hype, 3/4 japanese)  and/or Honda (guess most friendly audience he can get) for males, and Manon for females.

I say Manon because she seems a character aimed specially at japanese audience since the real life reference is a french-japanese Jpop singer, and i would not be THAT shocked if Manon will end up being french-japanese too (the chara design itself already combine a japanese element and a french one after all)


But who knows, all theories are nice as long reality does'nt smash them lol, as said did'nt expected at all them to "waste" 2 of the few females left in same reveal, but they did



Half-OT: Guile reveal felt strange af for timing, being alone and all that

I may be totally wrong but i think is possible he was going to get more normal double reveal with Zangief (who's fellow WW and they even worked as "team" in SFV), but all what is happening in Ukraine may have made them hesitant to release a very patriotic russian char (and they have JP too,but guess they may bitch out and make him "unknown" origin or another country) and postponed his reveal hoping for less shitstorm period to make him jump in

Don't envy them on that one (at same time Gief is probably the trailer i'm most hyped for, given the level so far that level 3 Super is going to be legendary)

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10 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Actually i was suprised they used both Juri and Kimberly in same reveal


Tbh yes and no. Yes because Capcom already shared quite a lot of news regarding SF6 by that time  and no because it was EVO and most likely they wanted to ride the hype train and impress even more. Kimberly was already previewed in the small teaser we had in the main trailer and releasing a character like Juri at EVO goes a long way since a lot of people love her, a solid choice by Capcom. 


11 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

As general rule i think we will keep get at least 2 chars each update

One can hope,but let's not forget that even though a lot of us are saying that the game will be Q1 2023, nothing is really official, it can very well be Q4 2023 leaving them tons of room to release as they want ( i personally don't think it's going to be the case, but just saying ) 


12 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

My bet would be Ken (loved, hype, 3/4 japanese)  and/or Honda (guess most friendly audience he can get)

Ken would be a solid choice as well,Honda i think they will pack in with another character for sure. No hate on him but i don't think he will draw in a lot of hype by himself. 


13 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Gief is probably the trailer i'm most hyped for, given the level so far that level 3 Super is going to be legendary

I actually think it's going to be his Ultra 2 from SF4 . Siberian blizzard was it ? 



 PS : I actually think the last characters to be revealed will be Akuma and AKI. 


They are most likely saving Akuma for last because people sure love their edgelords and like it nor not, Akuma draws hype as for AKI , a decent chance she will be the main villain of SF6 ( purely speculation ofc ) and she will have some beef with Chun Li. Both being from China and Aki is maybe after Li Fen to finish what Fang started when he kidnapped her etc. 


PS 2 : Aki has  a decent design, a bit generic but i kinda dig the Cruella de Vil x Morticia Adams  look she has so i'm definitely trying her out but for the love of God DO NOT play similar to Fang, thank you.

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I think (well, I'm hoping) we see Marisa @ TGS. Out of all the leaked character, she's the only other character besides Kim to show up in promotional material, since she was on the billboard in the background in the E3 trailer. Plus I'm madddddddddddddddd curious as too how she'll play. I kinda want a mix of Rachel from DoA + Bryan Fury from SFxT. The easy answer would be "Alex with boobs" but I don't think it'll be that easy.

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42 minutes ago, Shakunetsu said:

I was expecting Cammy too way back before Kimberly reveal. Maybe this time

One can hope !  The event is in the UK afaik right ? So it would fit !


4 minutes ago, Jocelot said:

Out of all the leaked character, she's the only other character besides Kim to show up in promotional material, since she was on the billboard in the background in the E3 trailer

There are pictures of Dee Jay as well afaik. Regardless,all in time  😉


EDIT : yep  



Edited by Skort
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30 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

hype up two "less cool" characters

I think the least coolest characters right now are the new ones (due to lack of familarity), so they will be riding on the coattails of the classic characters with parallel reveals like what we saw with Juri.

I suspect the new villain will be revealed last (FANG was revealed last in SF5) so JP or AKI will be saved for later unfortunately. 

I think Gief or Ken from the classics would go next, along with a new grappler. I think the will definitely reveal the more shocking reworks before year's end to build hype.

The roster is also so far is visible lacking in villainy. By this time SF5 already revealed Necalli, Bison, Birdie, and Nash (he's dark). So Akuma and Divorced Ken could work soon.

Edited by Daemos
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13 minutes ago, Daemos said:

The roster is also so far is visible lacking in villainy. By this time SF5 already revealed Necalli, Bison, Birdie, and Nash (he's dark). So Akuma and Divorced Ken could work soon.


It may very well be a story where there is no "big bad" that wants to take over and ruin everybody's life.


  • Akuma is not really "evil" as in take over the world kind of evil, he basically only has some beef with Ryu and that's about it. I don't think he counts as a evil character truly tbh. He also gives fruits to kids.
  • Juri also became mostly chaotic neutral rather than evil. She won't be helping anyone crossing the street anytime soon, she will ruin your day  but i don't see her starting to kill off people etc.
  • Divorced Ken, i still don't kinda buy this leak and even if it's true,not really a villain.
  • ED is former Shadaloo sure but i don't see Capcom using him  as main villain material.
  • AKI , as i said earlier could have some beef with Chun but i wonder if that's enough to count as the main plot.
  • JP , unsure if he even is evil. Yea he has psycho power but that don't make him evil by default. Falke would be a great example. Still he remains a mystery so there is a chance he could be the "big bad".


Edited by Skort
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Just now, Skort said:

Akuma is not really "evil" as in take over the world kind of evil, he basically only has some beef with Ryu and that's about it. I don't think he counts as a evil character truly tbh. He also gives fruits to kids.

Oh no Akuma is evil as fuck. We had very rich debates debunking the myth that he is some gray with a strict moral code.


2 minutes ago, Skort said:

Juri also became mostly chaotic neutral rather than evil. She won't be helping anyone crossing the street anytime soon, she will ruin your day  but i don't see her starting to kill off people etc.

She killed many people and tried to kill even more in SF4. I don't think anything happened in SF5 that would change her alignment from Chaotic Evil. In fact, perhaps the existence of Bison kept her evil focused on something. Idle hands are the devil's playground.


5 minutes ago, Skort said:

Divorced Ken, i still don't kinda buy this leak and even if it's true,not really a villain.

Not a villain, but much needed darkness. Everyone right now is goody-goody except drunk Jamie.


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8 minutes ago, Skort said:


Tbh yes and no. Yes because Capcom already shared quite a lot of news regarding SF6 by that time  and no because it was EVO and most likely they wanted to ride the hype train and impress even more. Kimberly was already previewed in the small teaser we had in the main trailer and releasing a character like Juri at EVO goes a long way since a lot of people love her, a solid choice by Capcom.

You misunderstand what surprised me, there was never doubt that Juri+Kim would have generated hype... Juri got huge fanbase and Kimberly for various reasons was likely to hype lot of fans, specially in America

There's no deny it was solid choice for the reveal itself, but did'nt expected it in future whole cast release logic


What surprised me is that is that since waifus are precious goods to hype up a reveal and 22 are in large majority males, would'nt have been surprising see them use one female trailer each time to "help" other reveals, while Juri+Kim done on one shot like they did quickly shrunk their waifu stock


With 5 left if they want 1F in every reveal they need to do 2M 1F for five times (wich honestly would be good)


25 minutes ago, Skort said:

Ken would be a solid choice as well,Honda i think they will pack in with another character for sure. No hate on him but i don't think he will draw in a lot of hype by himself.

Yeah my pick is either 1M1F Ken-Manon or Honda-Manon, or 2M1F Ken-Honda-Manon

Honda being in a triple reveal with Ken and Manon would be probably be in the most positive scenario for him, nobody would complain about him in such rich reveal


But again, it's all theory games, example a Cammy is so universally loved that can show up at whatever moment she wants lol


Actually told in some post was my female pick for TGS (and before that Ken+Cammy were my totally wrong bet for EVO lol), just today replying to your question realized Manon at TGS would make lot of sense too, as before i was reasoning on her being french while on reality jap audience will have easier time "recognize" her


39 minutes ago, Skort said:

I actually think it's going to be his Ultra 2 from SF4 . Siberian blizzard was it ?

Yes, it was Siberian Blizzard, super cool move to see

But problem is it was an anti-air super, watching how other characters got theirs feels very specific/particular for a the last big Super

I  think Gief will get anti-air grab as 2nd super, but as Ultimate one gues he'll get classic maximum damage 720° up close epic grab


1 hour ago, Skort said:

AKI , a decent chance she will be the main villain of SF6 ( purely speculation ofc ) and she will have some beef with Chun Li. Both being from China and Aki is maybe after Li Fen to finish what Fang started when he kidnapped her etc.

I really doubt she will be the main villain, mostly because she's the product of a relatively weak character (FANG) and i don't even think she even had many years to train


I agree she's likely going to be Chun Li nemesis/rival though, kinda predictable pairing style/story wise

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I just realized something wild lmao.....


So the game will have  "open world" areas that you can explore in single player. So far the mods for SF games have been mostly costumes, some UI elements changes and some stage modifications.


You know it's gonna happen don't you ? Yes you do. Imagine how many crazy ass areas people will start modding into the open world to either expand upon it,change it completely, or enhance it visually. 


Hope you ready to meet Ryu in the open world practicing his power of nothingness on grove street. 






Edited by Skort
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2 hours ago, Skort said:

I just realized something wild lmao.....


So the game will have  "open world" areas that you can explore in single player. So far the mods for SF games have been mostly costumes, some UI elements changes and some stage modifications.


You know it's gonna happen don't you ? Yes you do. Imagine how many crazy ass areas people will start modding into the open world to either expand upon it,change it completely, or enhance it visually. 


Hope you ready to meet Ryu in the open world practicing his power of nothingness on grove street. 






You don't even need modders, when you have canon


"There’s also an official setting of Ryu working as a bouncer for gangs and drug dealers, showing that he doesn’t particularly care who he works for so long as it doesn’t intervene with his goal. [42]"


Of course he's also into undergroud illegal fighting/gambling, betting money on himself 🤣


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13 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:




Proximity block in SF5 was already super small. They probably changed the proximity block on Luke's special because it doesn't make sense for that move to lock you into place. The Laura example is kind of silly because its a move made to have goofy proximity block on purpose.


The Jamie example would've worked that way in older games too IIRC. I'd have to check it out, but I don't think you'll go into a standing block animation on sweep.


Edit: Checked ST and sweeps will make people go into a blocking animation on standing.  So there's even less proximity block in SF6 than SF5. Which means just stand block even more blockstrings to walk out of them.

Edited by Sonero
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Kimberly was introduced on an era where being a Ninja is an interesting thing to learn and it's no kept mysterious secret anymore because of information that stay in japan, so what's the problem with Kim being a Ninja because of being Trained by Guy? She's not something that just learn out of nowhere anyway


Tekken doesn't have a problem with with there new characters



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