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Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.

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Only got a small taste of SF6 on Friday but from what I played it seemed fun.  There is a ton of depth to the drive meter I actually completely forgot about EX moves entirely and spent most of my gauge on drive rush, drive impact and parry.  Looking forward to nailing some perfect parries once the game comes out.


Ended up playing Jamie for the little time I had with the game.  He has a lot of tools that just wouldn't be allowed in street fighter V: a divekick, long range cancelable mk and rekkas.  Fun character.  


Netcode is rock solid, only had one bad connection in 3 hours and we both just opted out of the match.  Now I really need them to announce another beta ASAP.  

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23 minutes ago, delete_me said:

The only good thing coming from that god-awful cover is fans and people from the community coming up with better ones:



It's sad when your community is more passionate about your characters than you are. Like SF is one of the few games that I would go out of my way to try to own a physical copy of, and this is what they do. Not even the deluxe versions have better art.

Might as well buy the digital copy and hope the "Super" re-release will have better art.

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38 minutes ago, Daemos said:

It's sad when your community is more passionate about your characters than you are. Like SF is one of the few games that I would go out of my way to try to own a physical copy of, and this is what they do. Not even the deluxe versions have better art.

Might as well buy the digital copy and hope the "Super" re-release will have better art.

Or import from another region with a reverse cover 

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1 hour ago, Daemos said:

It's sad when your community is more passionate about your characters than you are. Like SF is one of the few games that I would go out of my way to try to own a physical copy of, and this is what they do. Not even the deluxe versions have better art.


I remember people passionately hating Ono like he was responsible for SF not moving forward to SF3


Here a thing the new guys in-charge are doing a great jobs with the communication and content like mini games and new modes. it's 10 times better than what we had with both SFV and SF4 combine that ONO was in-charge. The only thing I'll miss is the EXTRA BATTLE and the arcade mode that is for every character.


So what I would be talking about here specifically is the SETTINGS not gameplay and content which arguably better in SF6.


The thing is in the creative and management history this is usual logic,


that when you throw new GUARD and new people in-charge that are near or the same level as the previous they would really would rather start from the ground up and do something new in their own. if they had the creative freedom and not restricted.


Capcom is not Disney in having strict compliance on settings and characters regardless change of management. even the new logo isn't brand compliance if they had such thing on how every SF logo should be in every game.


So every one that got a shot with SF Franchise/IP in the future if this would never changes will just do their OWN NEW thing instead of sticking to continue what was left or fix the timeline to be more coherent. 




This is not something just like want happened in the DCEU movies when James Gunn took over it.


Take a look Ghost Busters, we had multiple iteration like the EXTREME GHOST BUSTER and then the movies, the PRINCE of Persia series and much much more. Every 2k and late 90s Ip had under go that thing then reboots and erase everything


This is a common thing especially if the guys that would replace the previous GUARD are not subordinates or and the case is not a passing of TORCH


So thinking of SF3 being the spotlight now and ALEX would be the new protagonist as the franchise proceed after ONO is gone, is a wishful thinking, I myself said this a couple of times in multiple threads in SRK and that I want RYU to be a sideline character from now on because I already know it's the better place regardless who would be in-charge or things would change.


People hated me for talking about the big elephant in the room because I contradict their fantasy and I want them to be VOCAL and SPEAK Up with the Sean in a different forum. REASONABLE FEEDBACK is golden


Some even labelled me that I preferred SF2 to continue to be the spot, I myself speak a lot that some SF2 characters are already dated and I specifically talking about the settings. and ALPHA is the better template of settings because it combines different both timeline and wants coherence.


This was already not just SF2 and SF3 but also the case for SF1 and SF2. So SFAlpha was the best among the Settings, SF3NG settings is terrible because it was disconnected. SFEX was the better than SF3 in terms of SETTINGS because it tries to complement the continuity which is because the guys on Arika liked SF2.


ONO was kinda RARE on someone who want to build a connection to timeline instead of just ignoring it and just build his own since there are no real strong consequences or branding that Capcom is imposing on SF other than make good sales and better product,


1.) Fighting Games doesn't become a better Fighting Game because of backstories and settings as the priority but rather the  gameplay and the fighting game community behind it and lore isn't the top concern of the community that Capcom Higher Ups knows it. 2.) Capcom Higher UPS doesn't really what games the SF IP would be plastered into hence we got SF2010 and SF3 which was supposed to be a different games, even Final Fight 1 was supposed to be Street Fighter 89. 




SO those that fantasize that when Ono out that everything will be now be SF3 and ALEX, lol, Do they really think that Capcom Higher UPS would have some kind of SF do's and don't to every new SF head that would take in-charge other than make a decent FIGHTING GAME? Do they believe that there are some sort of restriction and strong ideals to FOLLOW THROUGH the previous work and stories? HAHA


Hating ALPHA and SF2 character will never get them chance of SF3 characters as the main dominant roster and Alex as the main protagonist, that will never happen unless the main guys in SF3 development would return to took in-charge in future SF, BUT the thing is do they still prioritize those characters as of now and are they still confident with Sf3 characters? OR rather create NEW TRENDY CHARACTERs that would suit this generation of gamers instead of pushing their old character design.


Edited by Shakunetsu
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I don't think the cover issue is one of passion. The higher-ups and marketing people actually do have quite a lot of control over the cover of a game (obviously in addition to a lot of other things about the game). But it's not like the artists deliberately rendered ugly Luke as the only option, but it was the one PR people chose, for whatever reason. I remember something similar happening with BioShock Infinite, where Levine wanted to emphasize Columbia and Elisabeth but the marketing guys wanted Brooker on the cover to reach the shoot-shoot-bang-bang audience. And then Brooker it was.


It's funny though, because I do some local PR on my job as well and we always present three designs: two we personally like and one we absolutely hate to make the other two look better. That gives us some control over the process while also giving our bosses the illusion of choice. But if one day they go with our "Luke option" instead, oh boy...

Edited by delete_me
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42 minutes ago, delete_me said:

It's funny though, because I do some local PR on my job as well and we always present three designs: two we personally like and one we absolutely hate to make the other two look better. That gives us some control over the process while also giving our bosses the illusion of choice. But if one day they go with our "Luke option" instead, oh boy...

lol I do that, but I go with only one I personally like and the two that I dislike.


Even the new collectors edition is about look, but at least this one looks great.


I highly doubt it that they did a focus Ryu cover and collectors edition for SF6. Probably if there was a stage of approval for a collectors item it's either one, Luke with Jamie or Luke with Kim...


Then for the cover it's either Luke, Luke vs Jamie or something with Luke vs Ryu (that's probably the only chance Ryu thing make in)




The theme of SF6 is about the "New Generation" and not that other  "New Generation" of characters from the 90s that some people thought would be the center SF6 if they belittle ALPHA and SF2 characters... So no wonder with that THEME, Ryu will never be on the mock presentation of the design for SF6 and I'm okay with that and expecting that from the first time I saw SF6 trailer


Since even the MVCi collectors edition didn't have Ryu but Chunli took the spot.




To be honest I don't really think it's a marketing head that has the last say or the one that wanted Luke to be the front and focus. It's more of the creative head sides on why luke is now the front because this is Japan gaming company structure. And I'm okay with Luke as the front, since I don't play that much anymore of modern games after UMVC3 but not really with the cover alone.


And I'm also okay with Luke and Kim as the new collectors item even though I always wanted a Ryu Stage Diorama instead of a figure for collector edition for my toy collection but I don't really expect it with SF6 or even in future titles.

Edited by Shakunetsu
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