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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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9 hours ago, Vhozite said:

What’s the reason Manon’s heavy wheel kick does less damage and starts slower than the medium? Maybe I’m sleepy but I can’t figure it out 

If you catch people jumping with her heavy wheel kick you get meterless juggles.

It's in the character guide too.


1 hour ago, Vhozite said:

I will say Manon requires more brainpower than i expected.

My early impression is that she can be played as a regular footsie character who has especially strong anti-airs, with the distinction being that on certain hit confirms and anti-airs she gets to put you in 50/50s with potentially the highest throw damage in the game

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Street Fighter Men Show Hair Insecurities in Clear Ads



Clear, a hair care brand in Japan, is using Street Fighter to advertise its products near Akihabara station. The large signs will run from June 1-14, 2023. They showcase Guile, Blanka, and Dhalsim, with the message that even strong guys like them care about their hair. [Thanks, Game Watch!]


The advertisement shows Guile, Dhalsim, and Blanka searching up Clear products for their unique concerns. Dhalsim, for example, wants to buy tonic that’ll help him grow back his hair. Guile has scalp issues and is experiencing breakage. Finally, Blanka wants something that’ll volumize his hair. Using the Street Fighter characters in this advertisement, Clear shows that even the toughest dudes have their own insecurities. The tagline for this collaboration on Amazon is, “Use Clear to continue your hair.” The slogan uses a font similar to the one that appears in retro Street Fighter games.


Chun-li Twitch emote

Edited by AriesWarlock
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Is the matchmaking working correctly? I've been watching Snake all day today and he's in Diamond league already but keeps getting out into matches against unranked/new challenger tier players. I do remember there was like a skill level selection when you enter the battle hub for the first time but still 

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2 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

Is the matchmaking working correctly? I've been watching Snake all day today and he's in Diamond league already but keeps getting out into matches against unranked/new challenger tier players. I do remember there was like a skill level selection when you enter the battle hub for the first time but still 

If I recall right, you pick your experience level and then have to play in 10 matches (or sets? I’m not sure) to prove it. So on day 1, there may be a lot of players waiting for their placements to be finalized 

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Marisa is really good. Cancelable, safe on block, and can be one hit confirmed into a fast special if you’re on point or her target combo into a knockdown if you need something easier. I think she can hit confirm into heavy uppercut but if it’s possible the window is tight. However OHC’ing into medium uppercut is definitely possible I’m off 4 hours of sleep and I can do it. 

The best part is that this leads to a really good oki situation. Medium uppercut>follow>dash lets you hit as a true meaty (it’s -2 on block instead of the usual -3). So theoretically, you can see if your meaty lands then hit confirm into medium upper again right back into the same meaty setup. If you don’t like that you can cancel the meaty immediately into charged light gladius and it will catch back dashes, drive impacts (armor break), or reversal lights try to check your -2. My favorite tho is that if they wake-up drive impact Marisa recovers in time to go into guard stance and grab their recovery (or you can just counter DI).

Edited by Vhozite
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5 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

As predicted they realized being trolled only after they got scammed hard into believe SF bent to their bullshit, when was just the surface made to grab 9.something score everywhere in the west

Maybe he felt betrayed that the document from the Capcom leak about the company leaning progressive in their games and marketing didn't pan out. If that was ever the plan it went up in smoke when Capcom sold RE8 on horny.

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1 minute ago, Hawkingbird said:

Maybe he felt betrayed that the document from the Capcom leak about the company leaning progressive in their games and marketing didn't pan out. If that was ever the plan it went up in smoke when Capcom sold RE8 on horny.

People always overstated that document. It was some corporate blurb inside a larger document that was giving general suggestions to the company, suggestions that kinda went in the general direction of inclusiveness and shit and like that but didn't even sound that terrible, and in any case as with all suggestions it was up to the company and the developers whether to take those into considerations and how, if at all.


It's pretty obvious that Capcom never even thought about going in the direction that some people were concerned about.

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How do you guys feel about the character-specific resource management so far? 


I've looked at what everybody in the roster can do and... I have some questions to the balance department lol 


Like Honda has to charge up his HHS, one use only 

Ryu needs to denjin charge for every single fireball 

Jamie needs to build up his drinks level and it resets the next round 

Juri has to charge the stocks and those are spent on every fireball she throws out essentially 

Lily has to stack up the wind charges and can spend them on her specials 

Kimberly has to spend two entire bars of meter for a music install, which again isn't permanent 


And then you get Manon who just casually gets to not only easily obtain her medals, but also her specials don't consume them, her supers don't consume them, AND she gets to carry them to the next round, while pumping out like 40% damage off every command grab at Level 5?


I'm sorry but what the fuck? 

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16 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

Like Honda has to charge up his HHS, one use only 

Ryu needs to denjin charge for every single fireball 

Jamie needs to build up his drinks level and it resets the next round 

Juri has to charge the stocks and those are spent on every fireball she throws out essentially 

Lily has to stack up the wind charges and can spend them on her specials 

Kimberly has to spend two entire bars of meter for a music install, which again isn't permanent 


And then you get Manon who just casually gets to not only easily obtain her medals, but also her specials don't consume them, her supers don't consume them, AND she gets to carry them to the next round, while pumping out like 40% damage off every command grab at Level 5?

What you’re missing is that all of those characters you listed don’t have to interact with the opponent to stack their resources. Manon has to condition you into a grab or land a combo into her hit grab. The rest can stand safely full screen and stack resources if you let them. When Manon can whiff grabs to boost herself then we can talk. 

Also resources don’t exist in a vacuum none of these characters are the same. Manon isn’t getting meterless 2 hit fireballs or advancing plus on block specials from her medals.

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27 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

How do you guys feel about the character-specific resource management so far? 


Better than Strive where characters pretends they are making "resource management characters" and then lets them do all sorts of dumb shit.


For Ryu and Jamie, they have to give up time in neutral or oki to resource up. Matter of fact that's pretty much what's going on with a lot of these. In the case of Ryu, it isn't so much a resource you manage as an additional strategic pathway. That one Denjin Charge does a lot so you have to use it properly. You get a fireball or you get additional combo extensions.


In the case of Ryu, it gives you more stuff without  it being more stuff.

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They messed with something since the beta, the game feels a lot more responsive. Optimization, I guess.


Also, JP is fucking absurd. I really like how each of his fireballs clearly has a purpose. He can't set up a void and then throw the command grab fireball, that's important to remember in that matchup.


I was really just messing around in Arcade mode and trying to figure out the best controller layout. Gonna deal with some work stuff so I can go to World Tour.

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3 hours ago, -PVL93- said:

How do you guys feel about the character-specific resource management so far? 


I've looked at what everybody in the roster can do and... I have some questions to the balance department lol 


Like Honda has to charge up his HHS, one use only 

Ryu needs to denjin charge for every single fireball 

Jamie needs to build up his drinks level and it resets the next round 

Juri has to charge the stocks and those are spent on every fireball she throws out essentially 

Lily has to stack up the wind charges and can spend them on her specials 

Kimberly has to spend two entire bars of meter for a music install, which again isn't permanent 


And then you get Manon who just casually gets to not only easily obtain her medals, but also her specials don't consume them, her supers don't consume them, AND she gets to carry them to the next round, while pumping out like 40% damage off every command grab at Level 5?


I'm sorry but what the fuck? 


I wish Ryu's denjin charge would power-up also next Shoryuken

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15 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Last post then I’m turning in for the night.


Juri’s dives can be made safe,  it for the most part the are unsafe. Best I could manage was -3. Anything above the waist can be punished. 

Not a fan of light wheel knocking down here.


Idk if I’m the only one who didn’t know but all Juri’s store kicks are unsafe up close. 
L/M/H/EX are -4/-6/-8/-12 respectively. She does that shit in a block string her turn is over. 

Her overhead is -3 on block and before you no she doesn’t get links from it in FSE. It is however +1 on block from a drive rush. 

Her is +5 on hit, enough for her to link Tensenrin on hit if she’s close.


Her dash travels pretty damn far. It’s 22 frames but it goes far. Two dashes from full screen buts her in throw range. Far as I can tell it’s not buffed in FSE tho. 

Speaking of that, FSE in addition to the chain combos it makes every button besides overhead cancelable. She can do shit like sweep drive rush for pressure.

All this sounds in line with her SF4 iteration.  Assuming that still holds: her "dive kick" isn't a dive kick.  It's an air-to-air  anti-air.   When opponents jump forward at her, she jumps backward, and after both characters have passed the peak of their jump, dive kick into possible wallbounce, super.  It's really difficult for most of the cast to contest her divekick while they're also in the air.  Like, only Honda and Guile jump Fierce could do so, but even then, she can vary timing. 


idk if SF6 Juri can still wallbounce with EX dive or not but if so, yeah, this is what I'd expect.  Her flurry-of-fireballs super traditionally juggles very well and reliably.


AFAIK her DP, at least in SFV, was pretty dodgy as an AA, but it was a fine reversal, since her SF4 version had absolutely nothing as a reversal.  


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I went in ranked today and was placed in Gold rank. Gained a few points and got a modest 6 winstreak that was interrupted by a Zangief player who I was going to beat in the ft2 but he shamefully decided to ragequit. On day 1. LOL, LMAO even.


When it asked me my skill level I went with intermediate, the Gold level one. I was actually Diamond to Super Diamond in SFV, but I was concerned that the game would have matched me with people who probably played the cracked beta and would have just steamrolled me and my day 1 Manon. I felt the level of challenge was just right anyway, and I actually got my ass handled to me by a couple Silver players, especially a JP one who I had no idea whatsoever how to handle his zoning.

Dude got the Zappa thing where he can do overhead, low, mid and command grab from full screen, what the fuck is this Guilty Gear shit? He's going to be an absolute noob killer and I'm glad he's on the harder level of skill because otherwise he would have already committed a few war crimes on unsuspecting casuals.


I'm liking Manon a lot so far. I feel you can play her very dry and basic and still be very effective thanks to her stupid throw damage and good fundamentals.

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The character crisis is hitting me hard. So far just messing with different combo trials but that’s making it worse because I’m treating the trials as if they’re absolutely all needed to play a character.


 I’m trying to stick to my goal of learning a charge characters so that’s not helping lol. Funnily enough blanka is clicking the most so far. I’m avoiding trying manon till last resort because I know she’ll be my Laura substitute till she hopefully is in the game

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4 hours ago, Volt said:

Also, JP is fucking absurd. I really like how each of his fireballs clearly has a purpose. He can't set up a void and then throw the command grab fireball, that's important to remember in that matchup.


1 hour ago, Phantom_Miria said:

I felt the level of challenge was just right anyway, and I actually got my ass handled to me by a couple Silver players, especially a JP one who I had no idea whatsoever how to handle his zoning.

Dude got the Zappa thing where he can do overhead, low, mid and command grab from full screen, what the fuck is this Guilty Gear shit? He's going to be an absolute noob killer and I'm glad he's on the harder level of skill because otherwise he would have already committed a few war crimes on unsuspecting casuals.

JP out here getting everyone.  Just happened to me, got bodied in a set by a JP player.  Jamie is never allowed to take a drink unless it's baked into a combo ender.  This character is downright degenerate.  

Edited by HeavensCloud
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1 hour ago, Dragonfave723 said:

His laugh here is absolutely contagious 😂😂 very wholesome


48 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

The character crisis is hitting me hard. So far just messing with different combo trials but that’s making it worse because I’m treating the trials as if they’re absolutely all needed to play a character.


 I’m trying to stick to my goal of learning a charge characters so that’s not helping lol. Funnily enough blanka is clicking the most so far. I’m avoiding trying manon till last resort because I know she’ll be my Laura substitute till she hopefully is in the game

I’m in the same boat. I’m trying to stick it out learning Marisa so that I can grow as a player but so far Cammy is who I vibe with the best lol. My heart also wants to play Manon but in my heart of hearts I know I’m gonna absolutely suck with her lmao


Edit: it’s hard to describe, but I definitely don’t enjoy how difficult it is to setup up all of Marisa’s coolest moves. Like the gruesome command grab, the zoom in from charged gladius, wall splatting with EX Sparta or Superman, etc all feels like it takes…too long. Not that it’s bad, but just that the things that I enjoy doing with the character won’t happen often. If that makes sense

Edited by Vhozite
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8 minutes ago, HeavensCloud said:

@VhoziteBased on your character history I would have thought you'd be playing Juri.  She's most like Nash in my opinion in that she's more of a hit and run character that controls space well and can also zone a bit.  

She is 100% the most like him. However,


* I’m trying (perhaps in vain) to branch out from my usual play style


* I actually found her kinda boring when in training mode. Not bad or anything but coming from SFV it felt like she was missing a move or something. I do absolutely love FSE tho.


Idk I’ll probably give her another pass at some point. Also gonna try Jamie tonight I really like his number 10 color.

Edited by Vhozite
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10 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

I’m in the same boat. I’m trying to stick it out learning Marisa so that I can grow as a player but so far Cammy is who I vibe with the best lol. My heart also wants to play Manon but in my heart of hearts I know I’m gonna absolutely suck with her lmao



Yeah about to go play some more. But I completely understand where you’re coming from.  I’m overthinking this as if I’m competing for that 1 mil.😂


 just gonna try to have fun and play who I want. But I also wanna actually get decent at the game and get rid of some bad habits.

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11 minutes ago, FengShuiEnergy said:

so modern controls is a 4 button style. How does that work with punches and kicks?

There are no punch and kick buttons in Modern, the game picks some normals for your light, medium and heavy buttons and leave some out.

For example, if you press crouching medium as Ryu in Modern controls you'll crMK, but he can't use crMP for example.

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16 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

Yeah deejay deserves to be this strong after sf4.



Honestly its more than that. This game is shitting on other FGs in a lot of ways at this point. I'm just messing around with trials so far, can't say what the balance will be at the end. But the characters just feel well thought out...unlike other places I won't mention.



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