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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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I’m over here struggling to reach Diamond went on a 8 game win streak in platinum 4, the game stops giving me matches I wait and even check my settings. Next match is against a master rank JP 😂😂.


I win the first match and get 163 points which is nice but after that he downloads me and I get blown up.

 Then matchmaking goes back to normal. I think this game really pays attention and is trying to constantly adjust your opponents instead of just climbing the ladder like normal.

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9 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

I’m over here struggling to reach Diamond went on a 8 game win streak in platinum 4, the game stops giving me matches I wait and even check my settings. Next match is against a master rank JP 😂😂.


I win the first match and get 163 points which is nice but after that he downloads me and I get blown up.

 Then matchmaking goes back to normal. I think this game really pays attention and is trying to constantly adjust your opponents instead of just climbing the ladder like normal.

So are you saying that the matching making showed you ill will? Okay I'll see myself out now... 🙃

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15 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Not necessarily waiting on Bison but yeah…I love the universal mechanics and general design direction in 6 but I’m just fooling around in WT until I find a character I want to main. Doesn’t help I’m busy irl and don’t have as much time to play anyway. 

I love me some Guile, Blanka, and especially Honda but I feel like a refugee right now. They've been very accommodating and I am grateful, but there's nobody I really want to lose myself in like in SF4 or 5. I am hoping that AKI can change this. I like JP a lot, but we just don't click.

Gonna be a long wait.

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10 minutes ago, Daemos said:

 I am hoping that AKI can change this. I like JP a lot, but we just don't click.

Gonna be a long wait.

Same I’m kinda just floating around until AKI drops. I’m really hoping she is a charge character! I was fooling around with Blanka and Guile and while I don’t really care for them specifically, it did remind me that playing charge can be really fun. 

JP does nothing for me besides make me think Bison would be cool in this game tbh. I have 0 interest in him.

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25 minutes ago, Bigtochiro said:

About hit master rank soon. I realized people sf6 play like they never play sf5 or other fighting games before. If anyone having a hard time, hear a tip play at your own flow and don’t worry what other people might said about your play style. Oh yeah when we doing a get together? If anyone want to be train I can train your if you want to just asking like @Volt

@Voltafter training under Bigtchiro for 1 year



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20 hours ago, Illwill88 said:

Then matchmaking goes back to normal. I think this game really pays attention and is trying to constantly adjust your opponents instead of just climbing the ladder like normal.


Yeah, it kind of adapts midway beyond just the rank you're at. I noticed this when doing my placement matches with Lily where I got Gold opponents at the beginning, then it went to Platinum and the last two (which I lost to) were Diamond.

It's not a bad system actually, it's as if some invisible mentor was watching you, deciding to put you up against someone stronger and then going "Ah, the noob wasn't ready" before throwing you back where you belong.

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42 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

after training under Bigtchiro for 1 year


You guys don't want it with Bigtochiro. Dude maybe one of the biggest assholes I've played. Actually he may be second place to MisterBee.


Need to replay both of htem to see who plays like the biggest asshole ATM.


Honorary mention to Sha because this game has turn him into rabid Bostonian at times. Might as well change his name to CelticFans83.

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The balance between localising and translating has always been a fine one. This isn't a new thing and has been done since the very beginning. Just mentioning Poison for example sends people into a pointless spiral of discussions because different monikers were used to describe her in Japan vs. the United States.

I have to do a lot of three-way translations in my job between English, French and German and even those three languages from the same continent, sharing some words and Latin etymology can produce very different meanings if you just translate 1:1. "To each their own" is a perfectly acceptable idiom in English but carries extremely heavy and questionable baggage in Germany because the saying was written in capital letters above the entrance to a concentration camp during WW2. Just to give one of many, many examples you'll come across in those scenarios.


Capcom's only mistake here is making this info public and therefore waking up people who have no idea what they're talking about. The fact one of those twitter idiots used the word censorship makes my blood boil. 

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9 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:
Well, I am not buying more of those shitty Capcom games now!!!!


Well, "western" market deserve to be trolled tbh


I far prefer lies over see another antoniades donte or Final Fight Streetwise


Even if lies were not enough to completely save SF6

I mean some gimmicks and trolling moves still somehow preserved SF as SF, but to some extent SF6 having american market as main target inevitably infected the aesthetic and stuff


On other hand SF6 will make lot of money, so despite my taste was the right thing to do

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11 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

What's more cringe? The Western market being so bitch-made that Japanese developers have to make special offices just for the purpose of making sure that direct translation doesn't hit one of the fifteen thousands moral taboos that make up the West's entertaining culture wars, or this one retarded Westerner in particular who decided to start cosplaying as a Japanese nationalist because he felt like they were censoring his video games?


Frankly, I just wish chronic, intense testicular pain upon all of them.

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15 minutes ago, Daemos said:

What makes you think it’s just Western? I am sure there are some Eastern European or Middle Eastern countries that object to certain characterizations.


It’s a shame that a game is more of a service now than art. The latter would respect the wishes and wills of the creators while the former of the consumers.

These markets are not that relevant


Well, ME is, and they got Rashid designed specifically to suck that dick market


One example may be that if memory does'nt play me tricks China version of SF Duel got censored Elena, not sure if elsewhere too



Elena Art from Street Fighter: Duel

normal version we have here

Billy Hogan (@l3oOkeR7) / Twitter


But beside pretty specific cases, it's pretty clear it's of american market lack of support/hostility Capcom is terrified of (and it's been like that for years), specially now that  twitter/whatever else made everything half wrong step away from hysterical retardness were few internet cunts pretend to be "the people", often without a legit reason beyond seek visibility riding a popular news


And of course most of these people not being fans of the brand, just wanting to spread their own ideology... or else is outrage


To be clear i'm not giving this a specific political color pointing finger at usual side, like some douchebag made a rant vid about Woke-game-SF6 because he seen once the Eternity cutscene lol

Both sides are very into make us aware of their IQ


Tbh for once i have to take my hat off for SF6 marketing team, that with very few small tricks somehow managed to brainwash western press into be blind about the fact SF6 it's what SF ever been and no major site started an easy crusade about SF6 being still anachronistic racist sexist whatever*


Either they got trolled or Capcom pay good, i'm fine with both cases


Or more easily press realized hype up SF6 as fucking great would have given them more clicks and views than offer us their deep political insight about the game values in relation to american society point of view


Whatever i guess



*my fav will be the "journalist" feeling betrayed by Cammy nostalgia alt months after any well informed person knew already it was a thing, being like you lied to me capcom

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Just now, Sonero said:

Is platinum in this game like Bronze in SF5?


Some of the people I run into are kinda eh....doesn't feel like they should be that close to master. 


Edit: Also dudes gotta chill with the modern controllers. Capcom pls.

Platinum is scrub tier, yes.


They're not really that close to master.  They'll never make it through diamond.  🙂

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15 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Is platinum in this game like Bronze in SF5?


Some of the people I run into are kinda eh....doesn't feel like they should be that close to master. 


Edit: Also dudes gotta chill with the modern controllers. Capcom pls.

Those guys likely got punt in Platinum when they did the rank placements. 

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