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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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42 minutes ago, Camacho said:

People who legitimately have gender dysphoria are a very small percentage of the population- this issue being made ultra mainstream by activists looking for back pats (and general social media dipshittery) have made "trans" the new goth/whatever other counterculture. Kids and teens who might be awkward, feel rejected, or have some other issues that historically have pushed them into countercultures are now jumping into this bandwagon.


Sounds like your beef is with TikTok, Tumblr and basically social media. Not being either facetious or sardonic about it; you're actually beef is with social media. There are high amount of issues it creates in teens as is. You add people who may possibly have gender dysphoria to it, or who see trans people as a means to be possibly trendy, and its a bigger issue.


This situation though is one where we need some good medical professionals and researchers. I am incredibly skeptical of letting kids 3-14 take pills of any kind etc. But if letting them wear dresses for a couple of years gets them to a more stable place, it isn't that big a deal.




1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

You can take fake tits out, but can you reverse the effects of HRT or go back if you've had parts of your body surgically altered?


You wanna know the amount of ways you can irreparably ruin a child? If you take issue with this, then you should start @ ing all the vegan/vegetarian posters here because their way of eating directly impacts the development of children. Cutting out protein has detrimental effects to growth.


Should be said that you don't have any elementary school kids/middle school kids getting their body parts removed. There are kids being given puberty blockers around those ages though. If they'd even get close to being prescribed these things, then the parents are likely talking to a professional.


But really, we let parents do all sorts of stuff to kids without batting an eye. People are picking this spot because its an easy way to rile up their political bases.  For some reason its only virtue signaling when people on the left do it but you got whole states making life difficult for gay kids and passing laws to do so and that's fine.


For some reason people always look at this issue like it happened yesterday. Keep in mind that whenever you see people talking about letting LGBT kids have a space that we aren't that far removed from parents sending gay kids to conversion therapy.

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2 minutes ago, Sonero said:


Sounds like your beef is with TikTok, Tumblr and basically social media. Not being either facetious or sardonic about it; you're actually beef is with social media. There are high amount of issues it creates in teens as is. You add people who may possibly have gender dysphoria to it, or who see trans people as a means to be possibly trendy, and its a bigger issue.


This situation though is one where we need some good medical professionals and researchers. I am incredibly skeptical of letting kids 3-14 take pills of any kind etc. But if letting them wear dresses for a couple of years gets them to a more stable place, it isn't that big a deal.


Honest discussions and research on the topic are basically blacklisted because of activists. Any public figure who speaks anything short of unquestioning affirmation gets labeled a transphobe and mobbed online. And yes, I agree that them presenting as their preferred gender shouldn't be anyone else's business.

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

And the reason you don't get the comparison is because you're missing the point, either intentionally or not, that leaving decisions like that in the hands of kids who aren't at an emotionally stable point in their lives is irresponsible. I've said it several times now.

And I've said multiple times it isn't solely in the hands of kids so how the fuck am I missing your point? I've said multiple times it takes tons of therapy and approval from a medical professional and a therapist. 


How many times do I have to say it before you stop pretending I'm not understanding your point? Your point is don't let kid make life altering decisions by themselves. I agree. Good thing that's not how it works, we can both sleep soundly at night now. 



Edited by RSG3
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24 minutes ago, Camacho said:

Honest discussions and research on the topic are basically blacklisted because of activists. Any public figure who speaks anything short of unquestioning affirmation gets labeled a transphobe and mobbed online.


Hold the fuck on right now. Shitty ass GOP backers ran conversion therapy for decades. That lead to multiple abuses and suicides.  These same mofos would be the ones backing a lot of these bills and counterfunding anybody who might go against a lot of their religious point of view.


You have got to pick some sort of lane here. Because all the black listing and other nonsense, al ot of the early on abusive stuff towards homosexuals came from the same people who are throwing these bills out there "because they care so much" about the kids.


All the blacklisting in the world isn't apparently powerful enough to stop a bunch of states from passing laws. So what the fuck?

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1 hour ago, Sonero said:


Hold the fuck on right now. Shitty ass GOP backers ran conversion therapy for decades. That lead to multiple abuses and suicides.  These same mofos would be the ones backing a lot of these bills and counterfunding anybody who might go against a lot of their religious point of view.


You have got to pick some sort of lane here. Because all the black listing and other nonsense, al ot of the early on abusive stuff towards homosexuals came from the same people who are throwing these bills out there "because they care so much" about the kids.


All the blacklisting in the world isn't apparently powerful enough to stop a bunch of states from passing laws. So what the fuck?

How exactly does opposing sex changes for children being given out like tic-tacs mean I'm on board with awful shit 700 club types did 20-40 years ago? 

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4 hours ago, Chadouken said:

I disagree.  I don't think it should be generalized like that.  I may have leaned toward that opinion in the past, but having seen this situation up close I've come to understand it in a new light.  I have a friend who has a teenager who just had their breasts removed because they identify as a male instead of their biological sex, which is female. This person is extremely happy that they have the support of their father, and they seem to be doing extremely well after the surgery.  I don't think it's right for a politician to decide that a parent needs consequences for helping their teenage child become who they identify as.  The decision to go through something like that isn't made lightly- and it should be made between the transgender person, their parents, their doctor, and their counselor.  NOT by a fucking politician.

There are other, reversible ways to express their sexuality before they turn 18.


It's really a fail safe mechanism because honestly, do you realize how fucking stupid teenagers are? Peer pressure and glamorization is a very real thing, especially in social media.

3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Minors shouldn't be making irreversible medical decisions. The law says you aren't mature enough to vote, smoke cigarettes, or buy alcohol yet you can permanently alter your gender. I don't see why, like multiple other things, the decision can't be made at 18. The person is an adult at hat point. Any potential regret would be theirs alone.

Exactly. No matter how you slice it, it all boils down to this.

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24 minutes ago, Volt said:

There are other, reversible ways to express their sexuality before they turn 18.


It's really a fail safe mechanism because honestly, do you realize how fucking stupid teenagers are? Peer pressure and glamorization is a very real thing, especially in social media.

Which is why a decision like that should be made with doctors and counselors, not politicians threatening life sentences. That's what I'm not OK with. If you are, cool. Move to Idaho. But I'm glad I got the fuck out of that shithole state.


When I lived there women could be arrested for breastfeeding their babies. And parents could get off Scott free for letting their children fucking die because they denied them medical treatment and opted for "faith healing". 


Fuck Idaho.

Edited by Chadouken
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Just now, Chadouken said:

Which is why a decision like that should be made with doctors and counselors, not politicians threatening life sentences. That's what I'm not OK with. If you are, cool. Move to Idaho. But I'm glad I got the fuck out of that shithole state.

See, they got you already drinking that kool-aid.

9 hours ago, Volt said:

Also, as usual, you really gotta read the fine print when it comes to Twitter.




Unlike what this dishonest clown was saying, which was:



It would make providing gender affirming care to trans teens a felony with a life sentence..

The law only states that the responsible people for the violation will be guilty of a felony and will be imprisoned. The cap is a life sentence, not the floor.


Let's be real, you got a lot of parents out there that want smoke with teachers because their kids got a bad grade instead of checking their kids and figuring out why they're not doing as well as expected.


When a doctor tells these kids that they're wildin' and that they gotta wait until they're 18 for that decision, do you wanna know what's going to happen? A lawsuit and a cancel campaign.


There aren't any real external checks to make sure these kids ain't about to do something they might regret to the point of suicide. The law is heavy-handed, and we know why these rednecks from Idahoe cooked it up, but that doesn't mean it's bad or super out of pocket.


The one thing that got you heated over it is that politicians got involved. Now, we both know I despise politicians as much as anyone and I've openly called both of your parties amateur circuses that are all but irredeemable at this point, but you're being blinded by "muh freedom!" culture.


It's important to have checks for things like this. Minors are not capable of handling situations like these. Parents have a hard time keeping up with the generation changes as is. Doctors and counselors are undermined. And that's not even counting how personal of a decision this is.


It's not unreasonable to tell kids to hold off until they're more mature to make a decision like this.

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2 minutes ago, Volt said:

See, they got you already drinking that kool-aid.

3 minutes ago, Volt said:

Let's be real, you got a lot of parents out there that want smoke with teachers because their kids got a bad grade instead of checking their kids and figuring out why they're not doing as well as expected.


When a doctor tells these kids that they're wildin' and that they gotta wait until they're 18 for that decision, do you wanna know what's going to happen? A lawsuit and a cancel campaign.


There aren't any real external checks to make sure these kids ain't about to do something they might regret to the point of suicide. The law is heavy-handed, and we know why these rednecks from Idahoe cooked it up, but that doesn't mean it's bad or super out of pocket.


The one thing that got you heated over it is that politicians got involved. Now, we both know I despise politicians as much as anyone and I've openly called both of your parties amateur circuses that are all but irredeemable at this point, but you're being blinded by "muh freedom!" culture.


It's important to have checks for things like this. Minors are not capable of handling situations like these. Parents have a hard time keeping up with the generation changes as is. Doctors and counselors are undermined. And that's not even counting how personal of a decision this is.


It's not unreasonable to tell kids to hold off until they're more mature to make a decision like this.


Don't pretend you know what the fuck I'm being blinded or heated by. Who the fuck are you? You don't even live in my country 😂 If I have a problem with shitty politicians making shitty laws with life sentences as maximum penalties (yes I can fucking read- that means a life sentence is on the table, ergo a threat you dumb fuck), I have a right to be against that shit.

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11 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Don't pretend you know what the fuck I'm being blinded or heated by. Who the fuck are you? You don't even live in my country 😂 If I have a problem with shitty politicians making shitty laws with life sentences as maximum penalties (yes I can fucking read- that means a life sentence is on the table, ergo a threat you dumb fuck), I have a right to be against that shit.

Ah yes, because I was so off the mark. 🤣

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1 minute ago, Volt said:

Ah yes, because I was so off the mark. 🤣

I guess you missed the part where I said I have a good friend whose teenager went through this, and it was a decision they made with a lot of consideration. It wasn't a fucking whim. Who the fuck are you to tell them, or anyone, that they can't make that decision as a family when there was a genuine need for it? Did you talk to that person? You know their situation so well you're going to advocate that my friend goes to prison?


Fuck you. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, making sweeping generalizations about situations that are none of your god damned business. Eat a dick, you piece of shit.

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Reading about that trans thing in Idaho is kinda not surprising. I'm very much apolitical and more neutral on things. Parents and children don't always really have the answer and that's ok. All the more reason to be lenient to see where the chips fall. You have one life after all. Do as you like with it. That's my two cents on the matter.

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1 hour ago, Volt said:

The law only states that the responsible people for the violation will be guilty of a felony and will be imprisoned. The cap is a life sentence, not the floor.

Which means there is a possibility for a life scentence meaning you're downplaying the actual hight of sentencing. This isn't the dunk you think it is.  Considering we send minorities and the poor to prison on abusive sentences on the regular, you can fuck all the way off with this downplaying bullshit. 


And Chad isn't off the mark. Your just being an asshole and downplaying the potential sentencing because you're under some strange delusion kids are being given, how did Camacho put it? *checks notes* oh yea,  sex changes like Tic-Tacs. 


The fact it even says life sentence is a possibility in the bill means they have a thought to using it or else it wouldn't be there. 

Edited by RSG3
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11 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Your just being an asshole and downplaying the potential sentencing because you're under some strange delusion kids are being given, how did Camacho put it? *checks notes* oh yea,  sex changes like Tic-Tacs. 

I'm really not. I've been respectful towards everyone, but since Chad has a personal investment in this topic to the point he's that aggravated over it, I'm not going to talk about this any further. There's no need for pointless conflict.

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35 minutes ago, Volt said:

I'm really not.

Actually you really are. You have very little insight to how our courts work and operate in reality. If you did you wouldn't be downplaying the Cap Scentence as we use abusive sentencing all the time. You're sitting he re telling Chad he's drinking Kool-Aid and over reactingwhen you know fuck all about him or how shit really opperates in our country. 


You're being a asshole even if you think you aren't. This would be like us telling you to calm down about Bolsenaro or whatever his name is, as if we have any right to tell you how to feel about your abusive government. Just stop. 


Edit: You know what really passes me off tho? That we are threatening to send parents to prison for a really really long time for trying to help their kid, well advised or not, but I aint heard word one from a politician, a left winger, a right winger, fucking anyone who says shit about how males dicks in this country get mutilated without our consent seconds after being born. This actually happens to a large part of the population, but sure just focus on the fraction of a fraction of a % of the population to make stupid ass laws about. If these anti trans people actually cared beyond their personal hang ups they would be just as loud and pissed about circumcision but they don't fucking care beyond their personal horse shit. They do not care about these kid at all. If you think they do, you're the one chugging Kool-Aid. 

Edited by RSG3
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Except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, whoever know-14
ingly engages in any of the following practices upon a child that circum-15
cise, excise, infibulate, or mutilate the reproductive organs and parts of a16
child, for the purpose of attempting to change or affirm the child's percep-17
tion of the child's sex if that perception is inconsistent with the child's18
biological sex, shall be guilty of a felony:19
(a) Performing surgeries that sterilize or mutilate, including cas-20
tration, vasectomy, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, metoidioplasty,21
orchiectomy, penectomy, phalloplasty, clitoroplasty, vaginoplasty,22
vulvoplasty, ovariectomy, or reconstruction of the fixed part of the23
urethra with or without metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, scrotoplasty, or24
the implantation of erection or testicular prostheses;25
(b) Performing a mastectomy;26
(c) Administering or supplying the following medications that induce27
profound morphologic changes in the genitals of a child or induce tran-28
sient or permanent infertility:29
(i) Puberty-blocking medication to stop or delay normal puberty;30
(ii) Supraphysiological doses of testosterone to a female; or31
(iii) Supraphysiological doses of estrogen to a male; or32
(d) Removing any otherwise healthy or nondiseased body part or tissue


So if you're a MTF teen, you can literally grow your hair out, ask for a double masectomy because you wanna do what Angelina jolie did and call it a day.


Also the ways in which they went about writing parts of it are hilarious:



Necessary to the health of the person on whom it is performed and is
performed by a person licensed in the place of its performance as a medical practitioner, except that a medical intervention that results in the impairment and mutilation of the reproductive organs and parts of a child is never necessary to the health of the child on whom it is performed if it is for the sole purpose of attempting to change or affirm the child's perception of the child's sex if that perception is inconsistent with the child's biological sex;



They probably spent a good few hours wording this to make sure they didn't accidentally ban male circumcision.  Don't touch a boy's dick if they think they're a girl, but if they're a boy and they think they're a boy well that's just the risk you gotta take with circumcision.



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4 minutes ago, Sonero said:

They probably spent a good few hours wording this to make sure they didn't accidentally ban male circumcision.  Don't touch a boy's dick if they think they're a girl, but if they're a boy and they think they're a boy well that's just the risk you gotta take with circumcision.

Yea just went on a bit of rant about that. These fuck heads pretending they care about helping these kids, but have no problem mutilating a baby boys dick because their stupid old book told them to. Hypocrites. 

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10 hours ago, elliephil said:

Playing Elden Ring on PC, keep having this issue where enemies will turn invisible in the middle of fights and it's really annoying. Peeking through NVIDIA control panel to see what can be done.


It's really funny to watch my guy ride an invisible horse tho.



You playin' on a crappy PC aint you?  Some guy showed me that the other day.  hmhmhm

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6 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Oh damn man where are they giving out sex changes like tic-tacs? 

I don't have time to go link hunting before work, but listen to this woman's story if you've got time.


None of what I'm saying is about being anti-trans, anti gay, or anything of the sort. I just think kids should wait before medicalizing the issue because kids- especially teens are- are very unstable and easily impressionable. A lot of them get sold on the idea that the reason they're depressed or unhappy with their bodies is because of their assigned gender, when really depression and all that comes with it are a pretty normal part of being a teen. I clearly recall being a depressed teen thinking "I would be happy if X"- surely a lot of you had that experience as well. Being encouraged to do something that will change your body permanently and having a community of idiots tell you "this is why you feel bad, go through these transitions and you'll feel better" has to harm for more people than exercising more caution with the very small percentage of people who really have gender dysphoria. 

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3 hours ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

You playin' on a crappy PC aint you?  Some guy showed me that the other day.  hmhmhm

16 gb of ram, 9th gen i7 processor, 2060 gpu. Seems decent enough.


Minimum and recommended specs:



I vaguely remember Dark Souls 1 not being optimized when that came out. I believe this is a common complaint about FromSoft PC ports.

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4 hours ago, Camacho said:

I don't have time to go link hunting before work, but listen to this woman's story if you've got time.

A story of detransitioning isn't a story about sex changes being handed out like tic-tacs. Where are they handing out sex changes like candy since that's your claim.

Edited by RSG3
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NCIS: New Orleans is on Ion as usual... (*Chicago PD marathon coming up next at 10!! That's why I tuned in).... I forgot that Vanessa Ferlito is on this series...girl is SMOKIN hot... she's one of the lovely ladies from the legendary Fox show "24", as some of my fellow disciples of Jack Bauer may remember.  It's a damn shame this woman never got to be as famous as she deserves, imo... she was in Spiderman 2 if I recall; she played one of Mary Jane's co-stars on the broadway show, but she only had that 1 scene, I think.  


that girl is SO fine (*bonus points for that NY sound to her voice.):

oh yeah I'd eat the cheeks without question.

Edited by MillionX
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