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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:




Why nobody should be using the 'thumbs up' emoji in 2022
+ Gen-Zers say they feel attacked whenever they see a 'passive aggressive' thumbs-up emoji + According to a recent poll of 2,000 young people aged 16-29, emojis used by 'old people' include the thumbs up, the red love heart, the OK hand and the grimacing face + Here are the top 10 emojis that make you look 'old'





And we thought millenials were fragile 🤣

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30 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


And we thought millenials were fragile 🤣

To be fair a lot of people use those very terms in extremely passive aggressive ways and a lot of those "translations" are pretty accurate to the people who use them. At least in work and corporate settings which is rife with passive aggression and coded language. 


The Emoji one is beyond me tho I don't understand that one, same as when I learned that younger people consider ellipses to be a form of aggression as well wheb it just signifies a pause. 

Edited by RSG3
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Well, I'm wondering now--- does Rachel Dolezal wear a bonnet since that's the "thing" now with an embarrassingly large % of Black American women? 🤔  

Also---how long until we see a Black woman that's a mayor or other political figure----actually wearing a bonnet in a formal public setting, like for a local press conference or something?  You know that's bound to happen very soon.  We already saw that 1 senator from Rhode Island twerkin' for votes upside down in a thong like a scene from a BET: Uncut music video.


It's an odd thing when you happen to be in the extreme minority opinion of a fanbase... each time I see other "ARPG"/Diablo fans discussing things on a forum, it's something I completely disagree with 95% of the time... like they usually don't give a damn about the story and general lore of the world; most probably would not care if Diablo 4 had no story mode at all, not even any cinematics.  Most of them happily accepted the "online-only" nonsense that will now plague all future installments of that franchise, the list goes on--- paragon levels was another thing... I kept hearing "eh they should do away with that (or greatly tone it down)"--- just get to the level 70 cap and that's just it for that character forever?  Sure, sounds so fun there to have zero progression past that point.  It's like a constant Twilight Zone situation to me, whenever I hear the rest of the fans' opinions on various things. 

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So I'm at the weird phase at work where I'm constantly making obvious mistakes, it's damn near like I forgot how to do shit I already KNOW how to do. You couldn't tell I've been in this field 5 years with my poor performance the past few months.


My new crew is being reallu cool about it but I personally am not okay with it, I set a standard for myself and I'm well below it. I don't like to be carried, I prefer to pull my own weight. Can't quite place what's going on with me


However, I'm NOT discouraged because I know I'll shake back as usual, but anyone else ever had something like this happen before? Doesn't necessarily have to be work related 

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1 minute ago, HD-Man said:

So I'm at the weird phase at work where I'm constantly making obvious mistakes, it's damn near like I forgot how to do shit I already KNOW how to do. You couldn't tell I've been in this field 5 years with my poor performance the past few months.


My new crew is being reallu cool about it but I personally am not okay with it, I set a standard for myself and I'm well below it. I don't like to be carried, I prefer to pull my own weight. Can't quite place what's going on with me


However, I'm NOT discouraged because I know I'll shake back as usual, but anyone else ever had something like this happen before? Doesn't necessarily have to be work related 

When was your last day off? I know you work a number of days in a row. Maybe you just need a moment to reboot. Clear the cache so to speak. 

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3 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

When was your last day off? I know you work a number of days in a row. Maybe you just need a moment to reboot. Clear the cache so to speak. 

My schedule is basically like 20 days on, 10 off. I'd like to think burnout is possibly the issue but those ten days off should be enough to get back right 


I'm hoping maybe once I get off in a few days, I can reset and then see what happens from there 



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Those scented candles last a long time... the small one I bought some weeks ago still has about half of the wax part left... and I had it lit for quite a while over the last few days when old college friends came to visit.  I'm intending to pick up another 1 or 2 of those "caramel beignet" ones on my next Super Target trip.  


Another "home furnishings" thing---I was also shopping around for new pillows since they were going to stay for a night... it's disappointing how many pillows are so flimsy and weak... I'm not sure how other people are on this issue but I prefer a more sturdy pillow.  When they're too "mushy" it seems like a pillow that someone's already owned and slept on for the past few years.


On another note---the latest from Toy Galaxy is about the monster cereals....I liked the character designs but never cared for the actual cereals... my tried and true as a kid was always the Honey Nut Cheerios and Frosted Flakes

ha, I'll bet most people forgot that "Yummy Mummy" ever existed...he was never as popular as the Count and Frankenberry.

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Random, but: what's hilarious about this Alex Jones thing is that the verdict is ALL his fault. He didn't participate with the court case much at all, and when shit got serious he got clown shoe lawyers who gave over his phone messages.


If he had been not slob-hanger retarded about this, he'd be enjoying his monetary freedom right now. But now he has to duck whatever collectors come his way for the rest of his life. Even if they knock that shit down to like 25% on appeals, that's still around 250 million he has to pay.

Edited by axeman61
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Chicago PD right now man... I've seen this episode a few times already but it's one of my favorites... the finale of season 6 (ep. 22) leading up to season 7 was powerful shit...Spoilers obviously though this is from 2019....


Sgt. Voight was desperate and that scene where he finally told Halstead about that asshole soon to be major Kelton --- "I'm going to see Kelton.... and do ....what needs to be done." as the dramatic music plays in the background.  Not long after that we see that Kelton had been murdered in his home; laid out in his living room, shirt all bloodied up........and they leave you with that cliffhanger right there at the end of that season.  Mannnnn that was the shit.  Things would take more shocking turns with season 7 episode 1 picks up right after that.


They're about to finally show season 9 starting up in a few minutes, actually... that's totally new to me since I've only been watching the old stuff in syndication all this time.  This one has taken over as the new champion of police drama shows; I can't get enough.

Ohhh yeah season 9 this is right after Burgess went through hell at the end of season 8.  Yeah it's safe to say I'm a bit obsessed with this show.  The characters here are some of the most badass people in the past several years of television.

Edited by MillionX
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Spider-man's Greatest Moments


ASM #39-40   (1966)




Spidey stops a bank robbery, but is hit by a gas bomb that seems harmless.

Unknown to Peter, it numbs his spider-sense allowing the Green Goblin to discover his identity!



GG defeats Pete and brings him to his hideout where we see the he is the father of his classmate, Norman Osborn




Osborn reveals that He had his partner Mendell Stromm framed for embezzling and then stole his secrets

(Stromm tried to kill Osborn in ASM 37 with an amoeba robot)


And thus...






GG releases Spidey and fights him with Spidey knocking into a live wire/chemical combo which gives him amnesia (lol)

His secret is safe..for now!


Note: After Steve Ditko's 38 issues as co-plotter and artist, John Romita takes over art duties starting with this issue.


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That Cyberpunk jam session is never-ending, folks


It would be cool if things were like the Cyberpunk world in the future... too bad reality almost always sucks in comparison to fiction though.  More than likely, the distant future will be far more disappointing.


Oh when those friends from the college days were in town we ate at a restaurant; this was actually the first I've even been sitting down in a restaurant since the pandemic started, actually.  Usually I might order from a place and just pick it up, so it was nice to have that little luxury once again for a change, reminding me for a moment of how things were prior to Spring/Summer 2020.


Random shit--- apparently the Zeta Reticuli star system is 39 light-years away from us

If the rumors and leaks about those aliens (the "Tall Whites" or the "Greys") that visited us are true, it's interesting that they are from that far away, and likely used a wormhole or extra-dimensional portals or some other amazing tech that is "magical" from our less-advanced perspective.


...and that distance is some wild shit in itself---that's how unfathomably large the universe is... even if you're capable of traveling at light speed... it would still take you 39 years to get there....and even that distance is "short" compared to how far away other things are.

Edited by MillionX
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I did not know the Arby's guy was something. Is this guy for real? LOL






257, “That was the loudest bang I’d ever heard. It sounded like an explosion.”

“I thought perhaps the End of Days was upon us. But it turned out that it was just a disoriented old lady in a Champaign-colored Toyota Avolon. Crashing into my world, like DMB circa 1996: ‘Whose got their claws in you my friend? Into your heart I’ll beat again!’”

Just before 2:00 pm, an elderly woman drove into the side of the restaurant, while trying to park her car.

“I turned around. An old lady had stepped on the gas instead of the break and ran into the restaurant.”

She hit three people who were sitting down and eating inside. They were thrown 8-10 ft.

“I saw their bodies tossed skyward, like rag dolls, thrown into the air by the late great André the Giant. I dunno! They appeared to be weightless, hitting zero-G like the fearless crew of a forgotten Apollo Mission, whose only objective was to obtain a Beef’n’Cheddar Classic and return home to Kathleen Quinlan—safe before sundown. I dunno! Part of me wishes I’d be hit by that car instead, so that I could have gotten out of work early, and gotten far far away from the shift manager Marcia’s judging and her lies [emerald eyes?]. ‘No I didn’t wash my shirt between shifts Marcia!’ So what if I smell like roast beef? This whole place smells like roast beaf!”

The fire department transported all three to the hospital and tell us that the man and two women, who were in their 30s and 40s, appear to have non-life-threatening injuries. As for the woman driving the car:

“A look the elderly lady’s bloodlust [blood loss?], spread across her wrinkled face, and it made me there to think: Perhaps this was no accident. Per chance, she was compelled. Compelled to steer her beige battening ram into the House that Beef Built! Driven not by the force of this earth, but of an earth below! An earth that mirrors ours in almost every way except the reflections are so much darker that many miles down. Some know the reflected realm to be the Nether World, others know it as the Abyss. I know it as this shadow zone. A world where the blackness of our sins stares back at us and merely laughs, ha ha ha ha! A world where God’s law governs no man. A world where there is no literal or figurative Mr. Belvedere given any authority to teach us right from wrong. A world where we are loosed [!] and given leathery wings, charred like brisket, to soar high above the judgment, of the well-pressed dry-cleaned, shift-managing elite. A world where I am elevated to my true pagan animal form and I take flight. Known only as the winged demon, Dead Dreadmore. And I fly high above the puritanical regime, anointed by the oil of our Beast Lord, singing, ‘I am the King of the Castle and you’re the dirty rascal. Crash into me. CRASH INTO ME!’ I dunno! Arby’s pretty cool!”


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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

He also played Russian gangster Valentin Zukovsky in the Bond films "Goldeneye" and "The World is not Enough"

That scene in the club in Goldeneye is still one of my favorite Bond scenes ever, along with the scene right before it with Bond meeting his contact. 


Man Goldeneye is such a good movie. Still one of my favorite Bond movies. 

Edited by RSG3
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18 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

Pixel 7 dropped. With the Best Buy rewards, trade in, and gift card, I essentially get it for free. This will be the first time I have ever traded in a device


I always advise buying phones on black Friday, preferably from the carrier's website or manufacturer's website (Samsung adds stuff like free wireless earbuds and other goodies). I see BB is having a $700 for a qualified trade-in for Verizon. Is that your carrier?


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