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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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anybody seen ep 1 of that '90s show yet? opinions? thoughts?


mine are



the og cast looked relatively young for their ages. buuuut. at certain angles and lighting..they were def not the kids i fell in love with 20+ years ago. it felt surreal tbh. not so much seeing the actors as they are now in  2023 but that forman house setting. made shit look so surreal to me. especially when eric was being a dad to a teen. weeeird.

just weird to see. but i did enjoy the "foot in the ass" eric yelled at his kid and red said "never been prouder" that was good. looking forward to the next cameo appearances especially chef fez lol. but tbh i just skipped forward over the new teen cast parts of ep 1. sorry wasnt feeling the crew/characters. theyre tryin too hard that the teen crew mimic the old cast of characters. they shoulda written better characters than those doofy goofy characters man. 

asian kid may need to die in car crash. tbh..75% of he kid crew may need to get snuffed out of existence. 

its like the old crew had their own writers staff while the kid crew had a 2nd staff of writers. problem is old crew writing=good, new kids on the block writers=stinks

how do u save this show? cuz the kid crew sucks. weakest chain in the link. they shoulda just done it with the old crew and had the focus on the old crew with the kids being in the back drop not foreground. and better written kids. better written characters . word man.


Edited by VirginDefiler
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in that 70s show. i felt transported back to the 70s like a time machine. everything was just right regarding it looking, sounding, vibing like the 70s. authentic you know. but with the 90s show. i dont feel anything really is looking or sounding like the 90s man. like someone said, "those kids would have been made fun of in the 90s with the things they say that isnt right for the decade" it doesnt look or feel or sound 90'ish to me. shrug.

im telling you. the kid characters really haveta be fixed. their character design and dialogue. its bad imo. cringey bad. hurts bad. shivers.


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42 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Has anyone here ever beaten the NES Ninja Gaiden without save states or hacks?

I almost said yeah but realized I was thinking about Ninja Gaiden II, which was generally an easier game (and better overall, imo)  


The first game had that infamous 1 point that I eventually just gave up on....THAT JUMP... I think it was stage 5-1, something like have to jump over a chasm, but there's a soldier on the other side ready to shoot you, but much more dangerous is that eagle that appears as you are in midair.  You either will get hit by the soldier and knocked off the edge OR you get hit mid-jump by the damn bird.  I'm curious now to see how people actually got past it; I'll have to look that up on youtube then... I suspect the solution is to bait the game into spawning the bird with perhaps a short/halfway jump so you can attack and *then* jump over to kill that dude....but I seem to recall that it just keeps spawning the bird over and over whenever you try to jump.


Ninja Gaiden II though...that would go on to be one of my favorite games of the entire 8-bit era.  I loved everything about it.  


...but yeah, The Bird from That Jump can burn in Hell forever.  haha I was having a good time with part 1 until that point.

Edited by MillionX
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47 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Has anyone here ever beaten the NES Ninja Gaiden without save states or hacks?

Yes, back in the day.  I can't even say that it was especially hard- it just takes a shit ton of repeated attempts to learn each level.  The kind of stuff only a kid should have the spare time to accomplish.


I always found Battletoads and even Contra WAY harder.

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"Watch how you talk to me"
"“You’re fat… I’m a superstar… you’re a regular person.”"

WATCH: Passengers Applaud when Olympic Sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson is Kicked Off Plane



Olympic sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson posted a series of videos that she claims prove an American Airlines flight attendant harassed her. Still, the way her fellow passengers cheered during her removal from the flight seems to show few agreed with her complaints.

The embattled Olympian posted her video to Instagram in which she immediately accused a flight attendant of “harassing” her when he walked by and let her know it was time to turn electronic items off because the plane was preparing to take off.

“I’m recording me, but you jumped in my video, so I caught you because you jumped in my video. You’re harassing me at this point, so I think you should stop. I think you should stop,” Richardson said in the video.




In a second video, Richardson posted to her Instagram account. She is seen engaging in a long discussion with the flight crew as they tell her that the captain wants her removed from the flight. Richardson continues to insist she did nothing wrong and felt harassed because the flight attendant “jumped in my video” and put his hand in her face.

She even curses at some of her fellow passengers when they express their frustration with her disruptions.


Ultimately, when she gets up to leave the plane, some of the passengers applaud her removal.




Richardson also posted an explanation, still insisting she was in the right.

“Tell me if I’ll be wrong to pursue legal actions against the airline @americanair not only did the man threaten me but also an innocent bystander who simply just wanted a picture with me,” Richardson wrote on the post.

“In the beginning of the video you can hear a Caucasian male state that he doesn’t give a f as a man that male flight attendant is intimidating a woman,” she continued.

“Also, the captain not doing anything to help the situation and this flight attendant has the applause when I exited the plane when I’m pretty serious the disrespect I received would not have happened if I was a one of them,” she added.

“One of them even stated good luck with your ban ( I see he took the time to do some research but not stand up for what’s right) soooo @americanair this flight attendant name was John and he refused to state his last name,” she said.

“However, him and the lady y’all see standing next to him looked me up also if I see videos posted from this flight, watch,” she wrote, concluding, “If I can help just one person not have to deal with a situation like this with an individual like this, I’ll take the heat.”


In a statement, American Airlines said, “We reaccomodated the customer on a later flight and a member of our team has reached out to learn more,” NBC reported.


Richardson has repeatedly assigned a motive of “racism” to things she does not like. And in 2021, she was handed a suspension from competition after she tested positive for marijuana in her system, causing her results for the Olympic trials to be erased.


Richardson was later left off the U.S. Olympic team in Track and Field.

Edited by AriesWarlock
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**--^haha I saw one of my regular youtubers talking about that clip recently....such a shame that so many of the "Queens!" are so quick to live up to the stereotype of ALWAYS being "The Problem", always making a scene on a plane or any other public place.  Maybe she should've smoked a few blunts again to mellow out and stop bothering everybody.


Oh yeah Battletoads is the king of difficulty from that era.  It's so ridiculous that I just didn't believe anyone at the time claiming they could beat that game... if any one else, at that time made such an outrageous claim I would've demanded to see proof, like VHS recorded footage of them doing it.  I think most people gave up on the speederbike level.


Contra on the other hand---it didn't seem that tough to me because there was the 30 lives code backing us up.  I actually played recently (Contra Collection on Switch) and seemed to be going through the stages just fine.  Of course I'm referring to the NES version; I didn't have experience with the arcade Contra.

Edited by MillionX
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12 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Never really considered the original Contra as hard, even without the 30-life code. Just get a Spread Shot + Rapid Fire as soon as possible = profit. I considered Contra III (Hard mode) to be MUCH more difficult

Probably down to the fact that I owned a copy of Ninja Gaiden, but was only ever playing someone else's copy of Contra.  So I'm sure I had literally hundreds of more hours in on playing Gaiden.

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I guess even as a little kid that I was a mediocre gamer. In the NES era, the SMB 1-3 and TMNT 1-3 games were my favorites.

While there are a lot of games I enjoyed - I remember playing them mostly at other people's houses or renting them.



Duck hunt



TMNT 2- Arcade

TMNT 3: Manhattan Project

Jackal - Top down vehicle shooter



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15 minutes ago, Wellman said:

M&M Spokescandies Put on pause


I don't remember hearing nothing about all this regarding the M&Ms before finding this article today. It sadly makes sense but I had no idea all that drama was started over some shoes and characterization changes. The dumbness of making CG talking candy political 



There is so much dumb in this that I don't even know where to begin.

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Reason 1021 why the anti-wokes are more annoying than the wokes are at this point.


I'm an anti-woke myself, but I'm teetering. It isn't good watching EVERY bit of public representation for your "cause" be shitty. At this point, it's all dumbasses, grifters, and talented people lost in the sauce.


You know the crazy part? Without even watching that video, I'll bet money Tucker is framing it like "look how crazy the left is for injecting politics into candy". And his dumbass fans are eating that shit up, calling the left stupid, when they're the ones bleeding out of their eyes and ears over candy representatives that only exist in a computer program.

Edited by axeman61
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3 hours ago, J-ride said:

I really don't understand people who act this way when people are just doing their jobs.  The flight attendant made a perfectly reasonable request.  

It's really not that hard to be an asshole but people keep making it seem like it's an impossible task.  Airlines have been fed up with the bullshit in the past few years so I know she's seen people getting kicked off the plane for not being compliant.  Being a disruptive Karen on a plane does not work, they will boot your ass off the plane with the quickness.  And then she had to nerve to be like "I could fly a private plane", THEN WHY THE TF ARE YOU IN THIS TUBE WITH THE PLEBS THEN BITCH!? 

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12 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

It's really not that hard to be an asshole but people keep making it seem like it's an impossible task.  Airlines have been fed up with the bullshit in the past few years so I know she's seen people getting kicked off the plane for not being compliant.  Being a disruptive Karen on a plane does not work, they will boot your ass off the plane with the quickness.  And then she had to nerve to be like "I could fly a private plane", THEN WHY THE TF ARE YOU IN THIS TUBE WITH THE PLEBS THEN BITCH!? 

Sounds much like when Odell Beckham Jr (NFL player) was kicked out of a flight (alongside everyone else):



Gotta love how he's all like "I can fly outta here on my own LOL" to the other passengers he screwed over by his hissy fit

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Those "Fam0us Twins" are in trouble again apparently... I look forward to checking the rest of this out in a minute...

that scene last year of them yelling "YOU GREEN! YOU GREEN AS FUCK BRAH!" as their Dad lay bleeding out on the street still makes me laugh....what an absolutely glorious train wreck, these two.... 

*basically----raggedy ass hoodrat shenanigans, yet somehow they are famous on instagram.  The more I find out about them, the more dangerous they sound.

Edited by MillionX
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37 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Only people i see whining are right wing "news" networks and the people who watch them. Pretty sure the vast majority dont give one flying fuck either way. Its candy.


I really miss the Rice Krispy M&Ms.

Sure they're the ones whining about this but perpetually online left wing losers/"journalists" are the ones whining about a lot of other stuff. This isn't so much a left-right thing as it is an example of how easy we have it nowadays that we have to invent problems to complain about. 


season 13 GIF ...aaand I'm out lol

Edited by DoctaMario
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On 1/23/2023 at 11:39 AM, axeman61 said:

You have to click into it to see the fact check where it's not true. The woman behind it had these symptoms "disappear" within two days, if you go to one of the articles in the fact check.


I've been wondering why I've been seeing "this is X after one dose of Pfizer" along with a clip of someone dancing. Now I know.


These clowns went from "I know a guy..." to the Thriller dance. I love it.


Meanwhile when I took my first shot of Astrazeneca, the gal who had it before me lost consciousness and started convulsing after 10 mins.

No, I am not joking.

It was one of the reasons why we were required to stay 30 mins after the shot, because there were people who reacted badly to the vaccine, and the reactions varied from people to people.


I wouldn't talk about the veracity of that video in particular, but I know people (and I mean family and friends) who had some real health issues afterwards because the Pfizer vaccine, which is why the universal healthcare system of my country used mostly the Sputnik and Astrazeneca.


And before anyone here calls me antivaxxer or anything, I have 3 vaccinations, and will have the 4th eventually after the 6 months required after having covid.


Edited by Hecatom
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13 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Meanwhile when I took my first shot of Astrazeneca, the gal who had it before me lost consciousness and started convulsing after 10 mins.

No, I am not joking.

It was one of the reasons why we were required to stay 30 mins after the shot, because there were people who reacted badly to the vaccine, and the reactions varied from people to people.

It turned my best friend gay. I'm lucky, it just gave me a third nut.

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27 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

And before anyone here calls me antivaxxer or anything, I have 3 vaccinations, and will have the 4th eventually after the 6 months required after having covid.


Its funny folks are acting like it's a foregone conclusion that people could have bad reactions to an admittedly not very tested medication when they have bad reactions to medications that have spent years in testing. Like people are just out here to besmirch the honor of Lady Phizer 🤣


Edit: first post on page 666

satan GIF

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13 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Its funny folks are acting like it's a foregone conclusion that people could have bad reactions to an admittedly not very tested medication when they have bad reactions to medications that have spent years in testing. Like people are just out here to besmirch the honor of Lady Phizer 🤣

Vaccine injuries are real, albeit rare.


Twitter/TikTok videos of people chasing likes by doing the jitterbug, not so much.





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Saw this in an article. . . 


Line for Splash Mountain on the final day. 



Ha Ha Ha Lol GIF


Nostalgia for that ride can't be hitting that hard.


One ride I honestly wish I did get to get one last ride on was Back to the Future



The ride itself starts at 25:15. The aesthetic, the film's actors reprising the roles, the score, the time travel components within the vehicle all brought it to the next level. Watching it now, the modeling seems a bit dated but it's still one one my favorite ride sims that I've ever been on.


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