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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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9 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I don't follow either of them, so this news to me.  If he's doing all that he's a hypocrite that needs to sit down STFU.

Not only that... He posted photos of her BEFORE going to the Usher concert wearing the same exact outfit! He had no problem with her until Usher got involved.

And honestly, it's fucking Usher. What red blooded millennial women (or gay man) wouldn't go a little cuckoo in front of him.

Btw they apparently unfollowed each other from all social media now. I don't follow either of them but this fucking algo is feeding me absolute junk! I'm literally back on twitter ONLY to spam Nakayama Bison propaganda! 

Edited by Daemos
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11 minutes ago, Daemos said:

Not only that... He posted photos of her BEFORE going to the Usher concert wearing the same exact outfit! He had no problem with her until Usher got involved.

And honestly, it's fucking Usher. What red blooded millennial women (or gay man) wouldn't go a little cuckoo in front of him.

Btw they apparently unfollowed each other from all social media now. I don't follow either of them but this fucking algo is feeding me absolute junk! I'm literally back on twitter ONLY to spam Nakayama Bison propaganda! 

Man, I feel for their child. Poor kid doesn't have much of a chance 😟

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You'd all prpbably all do well to stop giving 1 single fuck what celebrities are doing. If they aren't in a movie, releasing music, a book, whatever, I don't give 1 fuck what they are doing. Trust they would step over your corpse without a second thought so why you care at all what they do is beyond me. Her putting her ass out is her choice, and him catching feelings because Ushers a better man then him is his problem.  


Only one getting any level of sympathy from me is the kid. Their parents are mediocre as fuck. 

Edited by RSG3
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I don't know, there's fiction that works without defined rules.  Stuff like Naked Lunch.  Or Garden of Forking Paths.  To some extent, even some sub genres of horror, eldritch stuff or Stephen King's It.


That stuff can really work in limited, discrete projects.  Tends to fall apart quick if it goes on too long, and really needs a hell of a writer to make it any good.

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Walked in on the deck mate talkin shit about me to the captain. I don't mind being chewed out when I make a mistake, but when you go to management with it, I question your motives at that point


Like, Ive missed about 3 months of work this year so I've forgotten things or am just simply out of practice. Give me a sec to adjust and get back in the groove before you count me out 😂

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6 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Walked in on the deck mate talkin shit about me to the captain. I don't mind being chewed out when I make a mistake, but when you go to management with it, I question your motives at that point


Like, Ive missed about 3 months of work this year so I've forgotten things or am just simply out of practice. Give me a sec to adjust and get back in the groove before you count me out 😂

Naw bro, it's 2023, you need to work like you have 40 years experience for entry level pay, get it together mam. 

Edited by RSG3
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Indigenous Chief Wants To Take Back Ben & Jerry's HQ Built on 'Stolen' Land



An Indigenous tribe descended from the Native American nation that originally controlled the land in Vermont the Ben & Jerry's headquarters is located on would be interested in taking it back, its chief has said, after the company publicly called for "stolen" lands to be returned.


Don Stevens, chief of the Nulhegan Band of The Coosuk Abenaki Nation—one of four descended from the Abenaki that are recognized in Vermont—told Newsweek it was "always interested in reclaiming the stewardship of our lands," but that the company had yet to approach them.


It comes after the ice cream company was questioned as to when it would give up its Burlington, Vermont, headquarters—which sits on a vast swathe of U.S. territory that was under the auspices of the Abenaki people before colonization.

"The U.S. was founded on stolen Indigenous land," the company said in a statement ahead of Independence Day. "This year, let's commit to returning it."


It added that the "land back" movement was about "ensuring that Indigenous people can again govern the land their communities called home for thousands of years," but focussed much of its statement on the taking of land from the Lakota in South Dakota.


The acknowledgment of historic tribal lands is a contentious subject, pitting the claims of Native Americans, whose ancestors were subject to violent persecution and displacement, against the status quo of a modern nation with entrenched borders.


While some say colonized ancestral lands should be at least partially returned, others say that it is impossible to decide which of the various groups to have claimed land throughout history it should be returned to.

Maps show that the Abenaki—a confederacy of several tribes who united against encroachment from a rival tribal confederacy—controlled an area that stretched from the northern border of Massachusetts in the south to New Brunswick, Canada, in the north, and from the St. Lawrence River in the west to the East Coast.

This would put Ben & Jerry's headquarters, located in a business park in southern Burlington, within the western portion of this historic territory—though it does not sit in any modern-day tribal lands.


"We are always interested in reclaiming the stewardship of our lands throughout our traditional territories and providing opportunities to uplift our communities," Stevens said when asked about whether the Nulhegan Abenaki Tribe would want to see the property handed over to Indigenous people.


While the chief said that the tribe "has not been approached in regards to any land back opportunities from Ben & Jerry's," he added: "If and when we are approached, many conversations and discussions will need to take place to determine the best path forward for all involved."


Ben & Jerry's has not yet publicly responded to calls to return the land its headquarters is situated on.

Newsweek contacted the company via email for comment on Friday.


A spokesperson for the Odanak Council of Abenakis, who now reside near Montreal, Canada, told Newsweek that the council would comment on the matter following their weekly meeting on Monday.


Newsweek also approached the Abenaki Nation of Missiquoi and the Elnu Abenaki Tribe—both recognized in Vermont—via email for comment on Thursday. Contact details for the other state-recognized tribe, the Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation, could not immediately be found.


According to historical records, the Abenaki initially traded with European settlers in the 16th century, but their population was afflicted by the spread of Old World diseases. The confederacy allied with French colonizers against English settlers in growing territorial disputes, before many fled to what is now Canada following a series of defeats at the hands of the English.


During the early part of the 20th century, a state-sponsored eugenics program in Vermont saw some Abenaki sterilized. The Nulhegan Abenaki Tribe has described these acts as "ethnocide."



Edited by Hecatom
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On 7/7/2023 at 10:00 AM, axeman61 said:

That's a weird case to me. I totally get that dude being mad. But he should have kept it between them. Also should have NOT thrown a bit of shade at her as a mother. And not been like "I'm a traditional man of the family and I have morals" when he himself recorded and uploaded a video of Keke trying to twerk, and she's likely supporting him. I get him being mad, but he brought this shit on himself.


And also, it wasn't like a lapdance. Her dancing with Usher, no lie, would fire up some jealousy in me if I had a baddie like Keke. But it literally lasted less than a minute and it wasn't like she was grinding on him.

Gonna have to disagree here.  IMO if you are a mother and have a man supporting you to blatantly flirt with another dude to his face is a mad fucking disrespectful.  The more public it is the more it stings the man.  Once you have a family it comes time to retire from scandalous hoe behavior.  Not that I think these women are capable of changing. But they could at least not be in his face with that bullshit. 


IMO women who think their man is capable of beating them never pull this bullshit.

Edited by J-ride
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Another good food pickup I tried from Target yesterday...  "Home Bake 425/30" (; the chicken parmesan.  It was awesome, and of course it's simple to make, since you just put the whole thing into a pre-heated [425] oven for 30 minutes (interesting that this is part of the trademarked name "425/30").  They didn't have the full selection from what I see on that company's website, but that was damn good stuff; it was about 12 or 13 bucks., I'm already wondering how long it will be before they stop selling this.  That's always my luck... when I find a particular food item that's great and start buying it regularly, soon it disappears forever from the stores and restaurants....but yeah, check this out if you like chicken parm and happen to see it.

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And once again twitter annoys me; I just wanted to see the replies to that juicy (and dumb) hot take Robert Downey Jr. said there but of course that was a problem I guess since I don't care about actually having a twitter account (one might assume that clicking on READ x REPLIES might do it but no, I guess that makes too much goddamn sense; I'd erase that shit-ass site without a 2nd thought, tbh)....whatever then....but that's amusing that he appears to think things would magically be better.....I guess he's another one of those people that thinks women are these magical, superior versions of the human race.  Yeah ok whatever, bruh.  One has to ignore a LOT of shit that we've all seen countless examples of to reach such silly conclusions.

Edited by MillionX
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Oh shit! Megan Rapinoe announced she's retiring from women's soccer after this season! More importantly, I'm grilling some tuna steaks and shrimp tonight for dinner. Think I'm going with a blackened season for the fish and Creole for the shrimp. Gonna steam some asparagus and make a salad, too. I'm really trying to focus on reducing my cholesterol and figured more greens veggies is a good thing. Fish is great, too. Has that good cholesterol in it, and it's lean. What a great day 👍

Edited by Chadouken
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51 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

So everyone, the last two months have been a hell of a ride. Life threw my family a curve ball. While my soon-to-be son is good, my wife was diagnosed with cancer. I checked out of almost everything in the latter half of May. I haven't said anything in this space because while it's hard to say it, it's much tougher to read it.


One of those facts that you never thought you'd learn is that you can have chemo while pregnant with very little risk to the child in the 2nd/3rd trimester (around 2%). Everything is on the up and up. The baby is healthy and tracking normally. My wife (all things considered) is doing remarkably well with the treatment.  The medical team has been nothing but stellar, and the support we've gotten has been awesome.


We're having our baby shower this coming weekend, and we've switched it to virtual (since my wife is immuno-compromised). Again, we've got nothing but love from family and friends. Coming to this space has been good as it's a refuge from the grind since we found out. I've also been super reflective. The old adage goes, "Be kind because you don't know what others are going through." I was already pretty empathetic, but this has kicked it up a notch.


Still have a few things to prep for (e.g., reviewing what's left on the registry and the daddy-do list) since he'll be here in a month. It's all coming together beautifully. 


Thank you all for being great play cousins!

Hoping your wife beats it man. 

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