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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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5 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

The thing with that is though that after you get through a boss and learn whatever it is they're trying to teach you with that boss fight, it makes you so much better at the game after that. But it can get really frustrating getting to that point.



Yeah, I remember struggling very hard on Juzou, and then just blasting through the next twenty hours, then getting stuck again. I do that a lot. The game will give you a real Zenkai boost unlike any other, and then check your power level. I feel like every time I overcome a boss, no matter how hard, I could always go back and wallop them with no regard to how much I was getting beaten before. 

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I was considered for a Juvenile Correction Officer. A 1 year contract. If I do get accepted for it, part of me do feel like that I should speak out for the predominant disposition of misfortunate child incarceration these days? I still feel like part of me believes that they are "enough" and they should become aware that they should be the change of the world where previous generations have failed in doing so, if there is still something worth salvaging from this existence. I rather see the day where "good news" is much more viable over the media negative profit statistic cycles. 

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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6 hours ago, Dayaan said:

Yeah, I remember struggling very hard on Juzou, and then just blasting through the next twenty hours, then getting stuck again. I do that a lot. The game will give you a real Zenkai boost unlike any other, and then check your power level. I feel like every time I overcome a boss, no matter how hard, I could always go back and wallop them with no regard to how much I was getting beaten before. 

Yeah agreed. That feeling you get when you finally figure out a boss and beat them feels really good. I e been playing two runs concurrently on my PS4 and PS5 so I've had some practice.


I gotta say, it's like night and day playing this on PS4 and 5. The game looks and plays smooth as butter on the PS5 but is pretty rough on the 4. Makes me wish they'd have given Bloodborne the same treatment for the PS5.

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As I figured, the writing seems to be on the wall at this point... 1 of the Walmart locations here that still had a decent tv/movie section... today there was only 2 show collections (Night Court! ...and Venture Bros.!!) out of a whole aisle, along with maybe 3 or 4 anime dvd/blu-rays; Akira and Boruto and something else.  The movie section of that area was mostly fine though...but I would not be surprised if very soon, that area of the store will just be more cell phones/tablet stuff.


And oh yeah... to remind you of the greatness; here is that legendary theme... Night Court had some of the best intro and outro music ever produced (the great Bill Conti):


Edited by MillionX
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It's dumb advice, but social media and video games are way less likely to get you intervention-level addicted than Heroin/Cocaine/etc.


Though, I'm talking percentage of people who try. Maybe there are a lot more VG and and Social Media addicts out there by raw numbers, since those are legal.

Edited by axeman61
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2 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Media World Rocked By Disney CEO Suggesting on CNBC He May Dump ABC and Other Networks: Put Up a ‘Giant FOR SALE Sign’



Many people are not aware, but Disney is in huge financial trouble, since they are being forced to buy Hulu, and that could go for up to like 9 billion dollars as soon as January 2024.

And this is without taking into account the huge loses in the box office, the loses on Disney+ and the parks getting lower attendances.


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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

It's dumb advice, but social media and video games are way less likely to get you intervention-level addicted than Heroin/Cocaine/etc.


Though, I'm talking percentage of people who try. Maybe there are a lot more VG and and Social Media addicts out there by raw numbers, since those are legal.

Smoking weed and playing video games is pretty harmless. Doing cocaine and heroin- yeah, that's probably not good no matter what.

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2 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:


my netflix account got hacked.

ive got multiple users across india and usa on my account.



My bad.


3 hours ago, Daemos said:

This is actually really dangerous advice. Shame on them. Anything that hacks your receptors and gets you hooked is bad for you. A lot of people lost themselves and blocks of time to social media or gaming.


Yeah. I'm not exactly sure why federal agencies don't push healthy lifestyles as alternatives instead. It's not just the DEA either. The CDC is pretty good about recommending exercise and controlled dieting as a primary preventative measure against illness, but what about the NIH? Why aren't pediatric doctors prescribing certain levels of exercise among children? Even though that may have legislative complications thanks to family structures, where are the adult doctors who promote this stuff? I've got a genetic condition that I won't get into that would normally prevent me from doing certain things that other people my age can (no it's not ED 🙏), and my doctor's advice was to take medication and move less to make sure the medication wasn't used up fast enough. It turns out I can alleviate all the symptoms of my condition by staying in basic shape. I'm not ripped or shredded or even that muscular. It's been years and I have not felt a single symptom of that condition despite the fact that regular bloodwork shows that I still have it. Why didn't she tell me to just exercise an keep my nutrition in order?


Move around more. It's good for you. Don't listen to escapist solutions to health issues.


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33 minutes ago, Dayaan said:


Move around more. It's good for you. Don't listen to escapist solutions to health issues.


My doctor told me last week that I have high cholesterol. So I cut outa lot of sugar and fats and have been eating salads for dinner and going on fast walks and short runs. He also prescribed me a statin. So far I've lost 10 lbs in a week, but I'm not sure I'm sold on taking the medication. I've heard conflicting anecdotes about statins. Anybody have any insight? @Reticently

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1 minute ago, Chadouken said:

My doctor told me last week that I have high cholesterol. So I cut outa lot of sugar and fats and have been eating salads for dinner and going on fast walks and short runs. He also prescribed me a statin. So far I've lost 10 lbs in a week, but I'm not sure I'm sold on taking the medication. I've heard conflicting anecdotes about statins. Anybody have any insight? @Reticently

That's great to hear! Just as an FYI that I'm sure you could already tell, escapist medication isn't the type that the body needs. When there are alternative solutions that simply require discipline, those are the treatments I would recommend over anything else. Whether or not statins are necessary for you or anyone else will vary from what I understand so I can't comment on those, but when a lifestyle change is all that's needed, that's the way to go. Not medication. Take what you have to and work on the rest basically.

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4 hours ago, Chadouken said:

My doctor told me last week that I have high cholesterol. So I cut outa lot of sugar and fats and have been eating salads for dinner and going on fast walks and short runs. He also prescribed me a statin. So far I've lost 10 lbs in a week, but I'm not sure I'm sold on taking the medication. I've heard conflicting anecdotes about statins. Anybody have any insight? @Reticently

Statins *might* be over prescribed, broadly speaking.  That said, the literature seems to say more good than bad, and people tend to live longer being on them.


I wouldn't disagree with your doctor, but I don't think you'd be crazy if you decided to try just diet and lifestyle changes and get your levels checked again in a month.  Probably should discuss that with your doc first, so they can make sure a follow up blood draw is ordered.

Edited by Reticently
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Oh!  Also, funny story! @Chadouken


My father in law needed to lower his cholesterol, but didn't trust stations.  So he did it by taking "red yeast rice" from a Chinese herbal supplement company.


Except the Chinese company knew that didn't work, so they were illegally secretly adding statins to the rice!  His cholesterol got a lot better until the company got busted.

Edited by Reticently
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9 minutes ago, Reticently said:

Oh!  Also, funny story! @Chadouken


My father in law needed to lower his cholesterol, but didn't trust stations.  So he did it by taking "red yeast rice" from a Chinese herbal supplement company.


Except the Chinese company knew that didn't work, so they were illegally secretly adding stations to the rice!  His cholesterol got a lot better until the company got busted.

Did he change his mind about the meds after that? 




Something woke, something broke? 


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Wasn't expecting Barbie to become part of a political dispute lol



Vietnam banned the Barbie film because of the map, which depicts almost all of the South China Sea as Chinese territory, even though countries such as Vietnam and the Philippines have competing territorial claims. The Philippines pressed its claim over China with an international tribunal in 2016 and won, but China has stubbornly ignored the ruling.

The childlike map, with chalk-scribbled dolphins and even a hashtag bobbing around Earth’s vast bodies of water, drew the ire of cinema gatekeepers in Vietnam this week. The drawing depicts what has been called a representation of the “nine dash line,” which reinforces China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea (there are only eight lines in the “Barbie” map, and not in the shape dictated by actual global maps). Vietnam disputes those claims and believes it violates the country’s sovereignty. Officials subsequently pulled the release of “Barbie” in the territory.




1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

I don't know how regular people can even live in FL right now with the way the Hurricanes hitting them.


I still wonder how long until a scientific solution to weaken a hurricane is created. Some have suggested silver iodide or shooting nitrogen at the water bodies. Whatever it is, we need it NOW.

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Farmers is the 4th insurance company to pull ouy of FL due to high risk, FL official says "no thats not it, its cause they're woke"


I don't know how regular people can even live in FL right now with the way the Hurricanes hitting them.

There is an investment opportunity in here somewhere I can feel it. 

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9 hours ago, Dayaan said:

People who are in shape respond better to cancer treatment, don't they? Regardless of the cause of the cancer, resistance training has no downside when done well.

Depends on the cancer, depends on the treatment.  There aren't too many cancer scenarios where being fit is going to be worse for you, but for example if your percentage bodyfat is TOO low it CAN make you more susceptible to some of the negative effects of cancer and certain treatments.


And there are definitely cancers/treatments that will completely interrupt your ability to stay in shape.

Edited by Reticently
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I heard about this on a podcast some days ago... didn't realize it was quite so "old" (the video here is 2 months ago)

So yeah... this guy found out the hard way that it's rarely any benefit to being Mr. Good Samaritan in real life.... the result can simply be that you get shot/killed for trying to be a super hero.  This is another one of those "Debbie Downer" things about the real world.  It's better to look out for #1... the most they get from me is that I may call the cops or security on the guy and let them handle that.  

...another sick depressing thing is that you know the girl most likely went right back to the abusive boyfriend later anyway.  So anyone intervening is pointless; it would be putting yourself in harm's way for nothing.


Well one good thing though is that the shithead who killed him obviously now has that extra charge of murder piled on while he was assaulting his girlfriend (in front of so many witnesses; heh, smart) there.

Edited by MillionX
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Ok. So yesterday. I got into two risky trades. HDCI and FNGR. I started with a $1000 in each. FNGR at 5.88 HDCI at 2.90. Bought had a sharp dip. Bought the dips to where I averaged down to 5.66 and 2.76 at 3k for each.


I was patient and they ended up rallying all the way to a 12% gain on both. However I see I have a problem I have to fix. I abandon my risk management. And continue to hold. Thinking it'll go higher. Instead of just cashing out when the chart says to.


I held through yesterday. Only to experience a sell off today. Where I sold at break even on HDCI and a 5% gain on FNGR. Lesson learned and that I need to take to heart?


Not every run has to be massive. A massive run is very rare. 10% 5 or even 2% gain. Made consistently adds up over time. It'd a marathon not a sprint.

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11 hours ago, Dayaan said:

People who are in shape respond better to cancer treatment, don't they? Regardless of the cause of the cancer, resistance training has no downside when done well.



If you are at better shape you have to deal with less health issues associated to cancer treatment, outside anything that is genetic, that is, like thyroid problems.


The thing is that those stupid takes are coming from the "body positive" community that are now trying to paint doing exercise as something racist, or with racist roots


The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise, and 6 Other Surprising Facts About the History of U.S. Physical Fitness


The Surprising Link Between Fitness and Racism

Hear Our Voices: The Impact Of Systemic Racism On The Fitness Industry

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