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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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^I forgot about Valkyrie and Heimdall, surprisingly.  This shit is just as silly to me as back in the day when super-white Chris Lambert was cast as Japanese Thundergod Raiden....and his outfit didn't even look the same, folks...he looked more like a wizard from Middle Earth.  The shit was completely ridiculous to me, and I was constantly surprised that so many people gave that a pass.  It was like I was in a Twilight Zone episode, man...trying to tell people "....but that's not Raiden.  What the hell is that?"


Different Strokes is on----heh, I'd bet money that at some know that Todd and Gary probably imagined their co-star Dana Plato naked...probably occasionally rubbed one out when home alone or in the trailer between takes.  I doubt the fact that she played their sister would've been in the way of that.


I wanted to play a game before the Xbox/Bethesda show stuff starts but Dad called and of course he's been speaking for precisely 3 hours, 19 minutes as I type this.

Edited by MillionX
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2 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

My dad talks less and less to me as I get older.

30 minutes is the max lol.



This isnt a brag because its a bit of a problem on some level, but i havent talked to my old man in 3 months lol. 

Edited by RSG3
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8 hours ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

They seem to be doing quite alright based on the fact that their market cap has been on the upward trend for the last 20 years. 


It's only a bother when you shoehorn it because reasons (e.g. Calvin Ellis). If the race/culture of the character isn't a defining feature, I think it can be tastefully done. I was pretty surprised that Chiwetel Ejiofor was cast as Baron Mordo. He's honestly one of the villains I am looking forward to seeing because of the actor. If he's not great in that role, kill the MCU.


Lance may not have been my first choice for Wesker, but it's gotta be better than the other live action performance. 




Nah. I'm not talking about that movie, mainly because I never watched it.  I'm just tired of all the gender swap/cannon changes/insert whatever woke nonsense is going on this week.  


If they want to go that route, there are right ways to do it.  I point to Nick Fury and Ultimate Nick Fury.  

Black Spider-man?   Miles was doing well in the few comics I read.  

Black Iron Man?  Let's face it.  They could've made a few different Iron man characters, but yeah, James "Rhoddy" Rhodes was a well-written character that pulled me into the book back when I really didn't have the money for it.


These days they just wanna swap a paint job and slap together a script then get mad when people don't like it.   What I'm saying is if they want to do that, just make that person an original character.  If it must be done as *Insert the title of popular franchise here* Then make them into a character from the book.   When you've made a character and a show one type of way for decades and then suddenly everything's all changed up, people are going to wonder why.  Way too often, their answers aren't making people happy and the sales show it.

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4 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

I hope that it won't be true, but this isn't good.  Also:  Clownfish TV can take another Victory lap around the reeing mob.

It may be. It may not. Maybe it's part of an arc. It seems like the only way to make people happy about any franchise is to just make an HD remaster of the thing you already love . . . but even then people will be upset.

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7 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Okay, I'll bite. What's the question?

It's prob dumb as shit but I recently got with a black chick recently for the first time since I legit lost my virginity. And realized I felt no pressure to live up to whatever myth that white girls create in their head about black guys. And wondered if other guys felt the same when they are with a black girl vs when they are with a white girl. I know I can create alot of self doubt about myself and put alot of unneeded pressure in general, and this is one of 1000 areas where I do it. 

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3 minutes ago, Maxx said:

It's prob dumb as shit but I recently got with a black chick recently for the first time since I legit lost my virginity. And realized I felt no pressure to live up to whatever myth that white girls create in their head about black guys. And wondered if other guys felt the same when they are with a black girl vs when they are with a white girl. I know I can create alot of self doubt about myself and put alot of unneeded pressure in general, and this is one of 1000 areas where I do it. 

Interesting, my experience has been the opposite. I haven't really felt pressure whenever I'm with a white girl. They seem to just like me for who am I for the most part. As much as I hate to say it, I have to work harder with a sister. They either want me to be something I'm not or hold me to a higher standard than they hold themselves. Double standards are a huge pet peeve of mine, so that tends to be an issue for me.

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6 minutes ago, Maxx said:

I went to bed. I was also trying to decide if I wanted to dm it or leave it public. 

I was just messin' with ya.  


1 minute ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Interesting, my experience has been the opposite. I haven't really felt pressure whenever I'm with a white girl. They seem to just like me for who am I for the most part. As much as I hate to say it, I have to work harder with a sister. They either want me to be something I'm not or hold me to a higher standard than they hold themselves. Double standards are a huge pet peeve of mine, so that tends to be an issue for me.

Of the scant few relationships I've been in, this seems to be true for me as well.  One sista out of all of them did not try to make it hard for me to be around her and damn if I didn't screw up by not taking the shot.  Meh.  

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Yall some lucky bastards, I've never had a white girl. Most of the ones that were attracted to me fat or looked like meth heads


Most sisters that are attracted to me because of how I dress or the fact I don't have kids, meaning they try to rush into a relationship with me, which sets off alarms in my head


I also developed a rep for being a male whore, so even tho I don't really do shit but chill at home, they ASSUME I have all these women. Not knowing that I been gettin curved hella hard. I actually had a decent stable of women when I was broke, now that I actually have stuff going for myself I have to work HARDER to get women. Like wtf 😂

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Interesting, my experience has been the opposite. I haven't really felt pressure whenever I'm with a white girl. They seem to just like me for who am I for the most part. As much as I hate to say it, I have to work harder with a sister. They either want me to be something I'm not or hold me to a higher standard than they hold themselves. Double standards are a huge pet peeve of mine, so that tends to be an issue for me.

I mean I felt pressure when I'm trying to flirt with them. But purely only in mass... I've met wayyy more black female weebs and gamers outside my state  that I vibe with. so I feel way more comfortable with like black girls from Virginia or Maryland area. 


But I've constantly had white girls here make me feel like I wasnt really black more because I don't genetically live up to whatever standard of a black guys they create. Which always fucks with me when I actually end up sleeping with them. Even if the white girl didn't say it, I have it in my head that she's prob thinkin these things because I've constantly gotten shit for it.


But when I ended up sleeping with the black girl I didnt have that pressure because I know she doesn't believe in some bullshit myth like that. 

Edited by Maxx
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Just now, Darc_Requiem said:

Heh, it almost cost me my life back in the day. It's not a good idea to hook with a chick who's dad is so racist that non white people can only hang out at the crib when he isn't around. One night he might come home early 👀

This actually happened to a friend of mine, he should've known what was up when he saw the Confederate flag outside the home. He got away safe and sound when her dad pulled up tho. I definitely ain't goin to no white girl's house, we can meet at a neutral spot. 😂

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2 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

This actually happened to a friend of mine, he should've known what was up when he saw the Confederate flag outside the home. He got away safe and sound when her dad pulled up tho. I definitely ain't goin to no white girl's house, we can meet at a neutral spot. 😂

I was young and dumb. Then there was the time I was dating this sister. She was doing laundry and I saw a uniform and a badge. She left out the fact that her mom was law enforcement. 👀 My life is boring now but not so much when I was younger. How am I still alive 🤣

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20 minutes ago, Maxx said:

I've met wayyy more black female weebs and gamers outside my state so I feel way more comfortable with like black girls from Virginia or Maryland area. 

I was more Western Mass near Springfield and you're more Boston area so light be different, but my experience with Mass girls is that they are pretty ducking snobby and stuck up. They think really highly of themselves and it makes them difficult to approach...kind of my takeaway is Mass people on general tho...>.> 


Obviously talking in generalities, I met plenty of great people in Mass, just when I moved back to AZ we drove and the country just seemed to get friendlier the farther west we went lol. 


Not to say we don't have those people here in Tucson, we got plenty of rich snobs and the boarder Mexicans have some fuckin egos I tell you what man. 


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9 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I was young and dumb. Then there was the time I was dating this sister. She was doing laundry and I saw a uniform and a badge. She left out the fact that her mom was law enforcement. 👀 My life is boring now but not so much when I was younger. How am I still alive 🤣

The closest I came to a wild situation like that is when I went to this chick's crib knowing she had a BF. I was younger then, but we got it in, then I fell asleep. Heard her phone going off 2am in the morning. When I tell u I got dressed in 0.5 seconds and got tf outta there cuz I knew what was up, he never saw me tho😂


Not one of my proudest moments tho, I don't do shit that anymore. Morally wrong and will get u killed 

Edited by HD-Man
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1 minute ago, HD-Man said:

The closest I came to a wild situation like that is when I went to this chick knowing she had a BF. I was younger then, but we got it in, I fell asleep. Heard her phone going off 2am in the morning. When I tell u I got dressed in 0.5 seconds and go tf outta there. He never knew I was there😂


Not one of my proudest moments tho, I don't do shit that anymore. Morally wrong and will get u killed 

Never had anything quite like that happen. I was hanging out with this one chick. Found out she was married and I really couldn't do that.

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I'm the nice one out of my crew, the rest of em savages. If a married woman approaches them trynna fuck, my boys ain't turning it down, they're gonna give her what she's asking for


I honestly think that may be my problem dating modern women today, being a bit too nice (I'm not fuckin wit no married women however). I don't cuss women out or get loud like guys do and they see it as a sign of weakness. Cuz I notice guys who don't mind gettin tough seem to get and keep the girls. It's like, I got that agreessive, blunt streak in me, but I prefer NOT to be that way, I just wanna be cool and get along 

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23 minutes ago, Reticently said:



Lmfao I mean mass will in general not fake their feelings vs Midwest. Been told about how theirs a thing called Minnesota nice which is basically be overly nice on the surface but fake as fuck. More or less what snobby white mean girls do but as a whole ass state

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3 hours ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

It may be. It may not. Maybe it's part of an arc. It seems like the only way to make people happy about any franchise is to just make an HD remaster of the thing you already love . . . but even then people will be upset

Looking at the talent they got lined up for the show and who writing/directing

I am going to enjoy the ride.


As it can't be worse than the original 

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17 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

Looking at the talent they got lined up for the show and who writing/directing

I am going to enjoy the ride.


As it can't be worse than the original 

I think nostalgia clouds people judgement on these 80's toy commercials turned TV shows. I love Transformers, but out of 98 episodes, maybe 30 (at best) were consequential to the lore. Hell, even half of the 1986 movie was an exercise in "refresh the product line". 



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Even Tf and Joe were more dynamic than He-man, even from the intros.

I mean the He-man intro is just him calmly explaining the premise while the supporting characters make gestures.

Also, I dont like seeing any credits during the intro like He-man. 


For the same time, TF and GIJOE had a little more showmanship and pizzazz even if the lore took a backseat.

When I think of TF the show, I really think of S3, the movie and parts of S2 (war Dawn, Microbots,) 


I still contend the last 2 years of the Marvel Comic is my favorite G1 fiction. We had fun characters, Unicrons and Primus's origin and relationship to the matrix, multiple factions on both Earth Cybertron running around, Tension between Autobots and Optimus over certain decisions (surrendering to Scorponok, letting the Ratchet/Megatron hybrid live etc).   While I like the film, the actual Unicron battle in Marvel no. 75 is more more epic imo!





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1 hour ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

I think nostalgia clouds people judgement on these 80's toy commercials turned TV shows. I love Transformers, but out of 98 episodes, maybe 30 (at best) were consequential to the lore. Hell, even half of the 1986 movie was an exercise in "refresh the product line". 

I know the original show is shit, never seen a show with that much recycled footage before. 
The whole show (and Toy line) done on a shoe string budget back in the early 80s. 

Also off topic

How stupid you have to be to leave the post it note with your user name password, pin number in your picture of your monitor screen.
How do Screen shots work?

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