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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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6 hours ago, Dayaan said:

Yeah. Respectfully, I don't think you could ever be a nihilist. Pessimism is a spectrum, the healthiest of which I think is caution. 


If you're indecisive, you should try to find meaning and purpose in the responsibilities you currently have instead of trying to find a meaning and purpose in responsibilities you don't have and/or want to create. That's not to say that you shouldn't explore life, but unless you're making the present worthwhile, you're going to close your eyes every night with a single regret from a time gone by and that's going to kill you.



I'm mildly outraged that you've included a YouTube video that attributes that song to an artist who [tragically] died before it ever came out.



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Y'know, one of the many things I'd have fun with if I had a time machine would be seeing people's reactions to various things I think are completely insane from recent years... like imagine, you go back to say... the 1970s and tell them there's people from around 2016 to 2021 that actually still think the Earth is flat....and, no...they aren't joking about this. They really believe this. 😆  And then... I'd tell them about the people that think men who identify as women should be able to compete with women in women's sports...and they don't see why there's a problem with that. 🤣


On a completely unrelated note---

LEGACIES on CW. - I haven't watched the past few episodes since it has been back... but I might finally be done with this damn show.  It's so difficult to care at all about anything that is going on.  I kept holding on mainly because it's a continuation of that Vampire Diaries/The Originals world....and of course the usual CW standard of cute girls being on there. (*the top rank on the show is the main character "Hope", imo...absolutely gorgeous, that one)  I kept hoping they would eventually get a bit more serious with the tone on there, but I doubt it will ever change enough to fit what I would like to see.  It's clear they want to stay with a more "light-hearted fun" kinda show....and that's never  what I really want to see in a show about supernatural people like vamps, werewolves, witches/warlocks, etc.  I may still tune in on occasion just because the girl playing Hope is so damn hot but that's about it at this point.  They still haven't let Hope unlock her vampire side, and the other vamps and wolves on there probably won't ever be allowed to do anything cool/interesting....and the necromancer will continue to be a big goofball bad guy that is played more for laughs.....fuck that.  He's more like the kind of recurring villain you see in a Power Rangers season. 


Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, JHDK said:

ParryAll is the horse's ass who talked all sorts of "I'm a pimp" shit, and then had the bad sense to post his horse's face.


There was no parrying the ensuing fallout over THAT. 


It was a really, REALLY bad read, on his part.



Hellah funny read on SRK, though.



The most "ouch" post I've ever read in a long time.  

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1 hour ago, weneedhim said:

This thread became disgusting. The last couple of pages are a bunch of dudes crying and gossiping like a bunch of girls. This attitude is unhealthy for a man.  

This is not right. We are enabling  and celebrating girlymanism. It has to stop!


All you've done since getting here is whine and cry about the forum like a big giant girly man. The biggest Girly man here. 



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9 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

All you've done since getting here is whine and cry about the forum like a big giant girly man. The biggest Girly man here. 



There is a difference between crying man tears in disgust and crying about man posts.


I don't want no clouds, i don't want butterflies! All i want is meat!

.. and religion threads too.


Edited by weneedhim
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41 minutes ago, iStu X said:

I do the same every now and again. Whenever I see it I feel a mix of “omg I spend way too much time here”, “omg I hope mods don’t feel like spamming” and “omg everyone must feel like I’m so annoying”

Oh god, I feel that pain too.

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It appears that someone on discord edited my name to "Combodian Tier Cryson" and can't edited back to my original username. I think the moderator whom I've belittled there did that out of being triggered. So, I left the server. The gaming community is as childish as ever.

Anyway, I'm not sure when I'm going to be back here, but if I do comeback, it will probably be in the distant future. I appreciated the engaging with users here. You have my heart.


Gaming in general has been on the decline for years with me, because I don't have much of a attention span for it anymore. So, that's one of reasons of my over-activity here. Hopefully, that can change in the future.

I think this forum has served it's purpose from my thoughts and feelings on subjects, at least temporarily. I've just exhausted and can't come up with anything else to say, returning to being silent, like I am outside of here. So, I'll see you all, when I see you.

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19 minutes ago, Emptyeyes said:

It appears that someone on discord edited my name to "Combodian Tier Cryson" and can't edited back to my original username. I think the moderator whom I've belittled there did that out of being triggered. So, I left the server. The gaming community is as childish as ever.

Anyway, I'm not sure when I'm going to be back here, but if I do comeback, it will probably be in the distant future. I appreciated the engaging with users here. You have my heart.


Gaming in general has been on the decline for years with me, because I don't have much of a attention span for it anymore. So, that's one of reasons of my over-activity here. Hopefully, that can change in the future.

I think this forum has served it's purpose from my thoughts and feelings on subjects, at least temporarily. I've just exhausted and can't come up with anything else to say, returning to being silent, like I am outside of here. So, I'll see you all, when I see you.

Stay strong, take care of yourself, be well.

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19 minutes ago, misterBee said:

The few people who have been on this site since the beginning will know that this is Darc's standard operating procedure.  I look forward to the regular shotgun blasts of Darc posts.  If too many days go by without it I start to fear for his safety.

I do the same goddamned thing.


No regrets.

Edited by JHDK
goddamned, not goddammit... goddammit.
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44 minutes ago, Emptyeyes said:

It appears that someone on discord edited my name to "Combodian Tier Cryson" and can't edited back to my original username. I think the moderator whom I've belittled there did that out of being triggered. So, I left the server. The gaming community is as childish as ever.

Anyway, I'm not sure when I'm going to be back here, but if I do comeback, it will probably be in the distant future. I appreciated the engaging with users here. You have my heart.


Gaming in general has been on the decline for years with me, because I don't have much of a attention span for it anymore. So, that's one of reasons of my over-activity here. Hopefully, that can change in the future.

I think this forum has served it's purpose from my thoughts and feelings on subjects, at least temporarily. I've just exhausted and can't come up with anything else to say, returning to being silent, like I am outside of here. So, I'll see you all, when I see you.

sad metal gear solid GIF

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19 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

according to the state, theme parks can reopen at low 15% capacities by april 1st...but obviously no one is opening in merely 2 weeks when you consider, the need to call back everyone on furlogh/laid off, time to plan schedules, time to figure out who quit and found other work, time to clean things up, re-training workers on what may have been forgotten in a year as well as add in new policies due to Coof. 


CEO did confirm we're shooting for a late april return...a month is tight but doable depending on how many are called back. I'm full time, with 10 years of seniority, I am a working lead, a senior trainer so I am expecting a phone call anytime now...on the other hand, rides will more restrictions than food/merch due to the fact that many seating arrangements keep people tight together.

Cool.  Gonna be a little bit of a stretch, but it ain't that far away.  Here's hoping everything goes well in April.  

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19 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

according to the state, theme parks can reopen at low 15% capacities by april 1st

It's my fucking dream to go to an amusement park with only 15 percent full of guests. I would ride so many rollercoasters over and over and over again. I remember the last time I went to King's Dominion a few years ago and it must have been off season because the lines weren't bad at all. But you still had to wait. Imagine getting on a rollercoaster and not having to get off until you want to. That would be fucking heaven.


I'm gonna plan a trip to Disney Land in April.

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8 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

Considering most folks on here are generally between mid 30s to 40s, that's not unreasonable assumption.


IiRc, those WITHOUT kids:





I don't know the rest.




Jokes aside, I'm just not that guy.  I'm not hating on the family life, but it isn't for me.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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One of the saddest things when I watch an animated show is loving it then years later an adaption comes asking and you learn the creator has no involvement. The min they sign to a network, they basically sold their Soul to the devil.  I'm glad people have so many avenues to circumvent that stuff now. But damn like the creator of ppg has no involvement with them anymore

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ha, it tends to re-affirm your position on not having kids when you notice all the shit parents have to deal with...especially those with multiple rugrats... I still recall tht day I was leaving a grocery store, and noticed some woman going back to her car with her pack of screaming little ones...and it hit me how much of a contrast this was in that moment---she has to deal with that in the car and continuing at home..... meanwhile, I go back to my car in perfect, peaceful silence...a silence that will only be broken by music or talk radio of my choosing.


if I did have a kid, 1 would be the ideal limit, and it would be nice if I could just fast-forward thru the annoying parts, of course....really, I'd probably skip the "angsty pre-teen" phase altogether, and just enjoy the pre-school to grade school era, then skip to the part where he or she is done with high school and on their way to a university or trade which point I ideally have the place to myself again....


...imagine the crushing disappointment though---when people have kids that fail to leave the house.  That must be an especially deep level of depression there.  Yeah, I happen to know someone like that.  The dude never left his mom's house (*not even for college, which he didn't finish, btw)...and more than likely he never will, since he appears to have no major ambition in life.  There's no nice way of even saying it---you know that must be disappointing from the parent's perspective... you look over and see that your 40-something year old offspring is STILL in the house, just like he was when he was an actual child.  Nah, my kid would have to leave the nest at some point...if not for college/university, then there should definitely be a time limit after graduation.  No way in the world he should be middle-aged and not have been out on his own at some point.  That's....unacceptable, imo.  That's even more for his benefit than it is my interests, actually. imagine he's trying to get a "situation" going on with a person he's attracted to...then at some point he'd have to explain that he still lives at home with his parents....that would forever be a bad look for him 😆

Edited by MillionX
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I feel bad about a lot of things, but mostly the fact that I didn't look for a better job out of college and get out my mom's house at 22. I just got out 2 years and some change ago at close to 31. For years I was either unemployed or working at jobs that paid way below market for a programmer. I still shake my head when I think about it.


Anyway, I'm sure my mom was looking at me like that a couple times. I wanted to get out of her house for reasons I won't share, but just never had the money and always had a big setback happen. But now? Seeing that I could have potentially had a job making 60+ K out the gate? It's infuriating.

Edited by axeman61
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3 minutes ago, Reticently said:

Nothing like getting my family-of-five $7k Biden Bucks from the IRS so that I can immediately pay my $7k Trump Tax back to the IRS.


Somebody there really should have done the math on that

I was saying the same damn thing the other day.  The second you get the stimmy, the IRS is gonna knock on your door like,"C'mon. I know you got it.  Pay up."  Basically, the people who voted on the promise of a stimulus check should've read the fine print at the bottom.  


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38 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

Cause I file my taxes jointly with the wife and the return goes to her account, she got all of our Biden bucks.

I helped my wife out with her taxes when we were dating. Now I do everything when filing jointly. I played the long game LOL. 


For my troubles, I got a Masterpiece Smokescreen coming through later this week 



I am debating if I want to grab Spinout to round out the collection. 




It's a recolor, but I am a sucker for red. 


Edited by OPTIMUS124
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