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The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2

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40 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

It’s that day of the month where I convince myself I want to play Zato and then I use him for 30s in training mode and remember I hate negative edge lol

Didn't they add a motion option for Eddie's specials so people don't need to NE everything?


Chase your dreams bro! 🤣

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4 minutes ago, Volt said:

Didn't they add a motion option for Eddie's specials so people don't need to NE everything?


Chase your dreams bro! 🤣

It’s not doing the specials that’s the issue it’s NOT doing them when I want to do things like hit Zatos buttons while Eddie is out. 

I already hate negative edge when using totally normal characters in Street Fighter so I definitely don’t want to use a character where I have to play around it even harder. Negative edge was the first thing I turned off in MK11.

Edited by Vhozite
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1 hour ago, Vhozite said:

Unrelated but the more I play FGs the more I realize I really hate vortex or otherwise oppressive and repeatable okizeme. It’s irritating to fight for obvious reasons, but I’ve also noticed that I get bored quickly when I’m doing the same thing every time I knock someone down, especially if it’s so oppressive I can win off the (one) interaction.

Yeah, this is why I stopped playing Millia and got bored of Strive. All I ever did was rush in, try to land a sweep, and do H Disk oki. It was real fun for three weeks but the fun died off hard.

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10 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

Yeah, this is why I stopped playing Millia and got bored of Strive. All I ever did was rush in, try to land a sweep, and do H Disk oki. It was real fun for three weeks but the fun died off hard.

And that's "simplified and nerfed" Millia.


But apparently people want Xrd with rollback so they can wake up into El's grenades tho. :coffee:

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18 minutes ago, Volt said:

And that's "simplified and nerfed" Millia.


But apparently people want Xrd with rollback so they can wake up into El's grenades tho. :coffee:

Yeah, her gameplan was basically the same, but she had more options that led into oki setups, better grounded combos so it wasn’t such a bad trade-off to land one of those instead, and her 2HS being jump-cancellable lead into good AA  (and non-oki) air combos without meter. She can still get some of these combos in strive without meter if the right move gets a counter at the right time, but that’s a counter, and for how I’d like to play her (rushdown) that wasn’t enough to change her main gameplan of just trying to land a sweep.


She has gotten some buffs since launch, but nothing that jumped out to me as a big enough change to even boot up the game to test it.


edit: I could always be wrong though. Wouldn’t hurt to try her again, but I just don’t really care right now lol. I’ll try again when Baiken’s out as I want to give her a shot

Edited by Mattatsu
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22 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

Yeah, this is why I stopped playing Millia and got bored of Strive. All I ever did was rush in, try to land a sweep, and do H Disk oki. It was real fun for three weeks but the fun died off hard.

I played Millia for about the same amount of time as you and hit the same wall.

I honestly would like to see disc oki toned down so that the character can be made slightly better in other areas. Top oki is boring but at the same time the only thing the character can do that’s worth writing home about besides her extra air action.

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1 hour ago, Vhozite said:

Unrelated but the more I play FGs the more I realize I really hate vortex or otherwise oppressive and repeatable okizeme. It’s irritating to fight for obvious reasons, but I’ve also noticed that I get bored quickly when I’m doing the same thing every time I knock someone down, especially if it’s so oppressive I can win off the (one) interaction.


You'd probably like DNF then. Mix didn't feel that strong but the neutral is super cool.


Funny enough Lord Knight was talking about that. I'm playing Gio in Strive. She is a great character. She is hella good. But me landing a hit isn't on the same level as I-No, Leo, Happy Chaos or Ram landing hits. I can explode people's mistakes on CH but mounting a comeback sometimes isn't as good as those character who just get to discombobulate just because they made you block once.


Super crazy set play is "one of those things" that actually feels shitty to hold but people swear is how it should be 24/7. Sort of like long combos and some other shenanigans. Only problem is that unlike long combos, is a little bit harder to find a balance of for it. People are going to find the best knockdown and work out some type of pressure from it. Even the most basic pressure can be a pain in the ass if the knockdown is easy to get i.e. look at Cammy in SF5.


Some characters have cool oki even if it can get ridiculous at time.

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Happy Holidays... 


The Gods of Street Fighter. Warriors.



My EX got me a PS gift card which will give me at one more chance to do some final KOFXIV series before it comes time for KOFXV. My boy Geese Howard is already confirmed (on a technicality, based on the leaks). Most of favorites on in that game now.


I don't know what SF6 is going to reveal. Hopefully, Capcom doesn't get too many funny ideas in listening to certain fringe groups from the West. 

I really want to see what will happen post-3S. Like Gill actually getting his just desserts. Phantom Bison concept. A new villain. Etc... 


This year was... interesting to say the least. Marginally better than the last. I wish the best for the folks here. Including their families. 


Meanwhile, I am going to explore Rose's VTI, because I have this strangest feeling that I am missing out on some potentially better options for match longevity. I've watched a handful of Rose tutorials just a week before. 


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6 hours ago, Sonero said:

Of all the ways something stupid of yours could be memed, this was pretty harmless.

For our standards. Twitter on the other hand... 👀


35 minutes ago, GreatDarkHero said:

Happy Holidays... 


The Gods of Street Fighter. Warriors.


  Hide contents

My EX got me a PS gift card which will give me at one more chance to do some final KOFXIV series before it comes time for KOFXV. My boy Geese Howard is already confirmed (on a technicality, based on the leaks). Most of favorites on in that game now.


I don't know what SF6 is going to reveal. Hopefully, Capcom doesn't get too many funny ideas in listening to certain fringe groups from the West. 

I really want to see what will happen post-3S. Like Gill actually getting his just desserts. Phantom Bison concept. A new villain. Etc... 


This year was... interesting to say the least. Marginally better than the last. I wish the best for the folks here. Including their families. 


Meanwhile, I am going to explore Rose's VTI, because I have this strangest feeling that I am missing out on some potentially better options for match longevity. I've watched a handful of Rose tutorials just a week before. 


I was 100% sure that the spoiler would have anime tiddies, but that's pretty cool.


Good luck labbing! 👍

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Fought a decent Chunner and another Bison online. I think I'll update a previous Rose presentation video and just make that video an hour long, but only the ranked matches. 

Couldn't keep all the records of the Player matches because of my last channel getting hit by the Psycho Drive. 


The follow video will be pure KOF98UM:FE and most of the crucial match KOFXV (Krohnen, Mary, and Terry). 


... Did I mention that Terry is god damn truck in the latter game...?

Ryo still apparently ends people's FGC careers when on anchor, which is exactly what people should want when they play one of the original protagonists.


All these fighting games. 

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6 hours ago, Shakunetsu said:

characters like Fang shouldn't be buff or improved because they will be so broken or unbalanced?

The problem isn’t really that FANG shouldn’t be good, it’s that he has mechanics that make it difficult to keep competitive without being extremely feels bad for one player. You have to balance every aspect of the character on the idea he can get extra damage off certain attacks with no theoretical cap. If he is made too strong the other player is getting oppressed by FANG doing effectively “free” extra damage, and if FANG is too weak he is just a weaker version of normal characters that don’t have to wait for their full damage potential. 

It’s a difficult balancing act, and Capcom seems to favor a cautious approach with him because it wouldnt be difficult to make FANG extremely unfun to fight. It’s always a slippery slope when you have characters directly interacting with life bars outside of punch = set damage. 

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15 minutes ago, Pair of Rooks said:

I don't know what usf2 brings to the table other than two unbalanced edgelords.


If Switch is literally your only device then sure?

I just like owning Street Fighter games. I have a problem. I remember snagging the TG16 version of SF2:CE off the Wii Shop. Like there was literally NO reason for me to do it. 🙃 But if its something I'm not gonna play, I don't want to pay much for it. I typically have $20 l limit for those type situations.

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2 hours ago, AndrogynousBandy said:

Yes. Normally the tournament scene from what I've gathered back then were in Japan. 


The online play were very active back then too. I'm not exactly sure of the activity now.


Very strong players from what my recollection tells me.

Hm maybe ill have to check it out. There are a surprising amount of people playing SamSho and MK11 on Switch so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bit of an audience of USF2 and it would more interesting than just playing 30th Anniversary.

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I just like owning Street Fighter games. I have a problem. I remember snagging the TG16 version of SF2:CE off the Wii Shop. Like there was literally NO reason for me to do it. 🙃 But if its something I'm not gonna play, I don't want to pay much for it. I typically have $20 l limit for those type situations.

I've gotten that way a bit with Tetris games, so I understand this lol! But really, the TG-16 version?? I can't believe they were still selling that version.


I also still remember how mad SNES SF2 players were when they found out that even the TG-16 was getting Champion Edition and they were stuck with World Warrior. I wasn't mad but I remember buying a Game Genie specifically for that shitty ass "boss code" and having the added bonus of being able to make the "sweat" that came off the fighters in SNES MK1 kind of red lol

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2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Hm maybe ill have to check it out. There are a surprising amount of people playing SamSho and MK11 on Switch so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bit of an audience of USF2 and it would more interesting than just playing 30th Anniversary.

Go for it, if it's still available from the eshop. It was my second day back. The online activity seem to be more directed toward player match than rank match for now. Keep in mind of evil ryu, evil ken, and especially banned character Akuma from a tournament perspective in rank battle. 


Enough players will resort to E Honda if they don't have the match lead at first. Same player pattern as usual of course. They will assist me on my journey again. ^_^

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7 minutes ago, AndrogynousBandy said:

Go for it, if it's still available from the eshop. It was my second day back. The online activity seem to be more directed toward player match than rank match for now. Keep in mind of evil ryu, evil ken, and especially banned character Akuma from a tournament perspective in rank battle. 


Enough players will resort to E Honda if they don't have the match lead at first. Same player pattern as usual of course. They will assist me on my journey again. ^_^

Does it have rollback? It's kinda pricey but if it has rollback I'll probably pull the trigger.


24 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I was always curious about the TG-16 conversion because, at least in screen shots, it looked solid better than the Genesis version due to the higher color palette.

The Genesis version of that game always looked 🤮 It wasn't hard to look better than that version.

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4 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Does it have rollback? It's kinda pricey but if it has rollback I'll probably pull the trigger.


The Genesis version of that game always looked 🤮 It wasn't hard to look better than that version

I'm not so sure. Even though the game's netcode ran well itself, there were some mixed views on it. I've had no problems  playing people around the world with little delay with no slowdowns on my part of the experience.

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29 minutes ago, AndrogynousBandy said:

I'm not so sure. Even though the game's netcode ran well itself, there were some mixed views on it. I've had no problems  playing people around the world with little delay with no slowdowns on my part of the experience.

I'll do a little research on it and see. It might be fun to have an SF game on my switch.


16 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I called Special Championship Edition, Laryngitis Edition 

🤣 Oh man, so true. Genesis had some fantastic games but in most cases when there were ports to both it and SNES it REALLY showed how underpowered it was compared to the SNES.

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2 hours ago, AndrogynousBandy said:

FC: SW-3169-9883-5006


You're free to add me. I've purchased a lot of fighting games from this system, but I'll will be buying other systems next year for the FG expansion.

Added you. I have SamSho, MK11, and now USF2 but that's the extent of fighting games I have with netcode. I don't really play any of them seriously but it might be fun to get in some matches sometime.

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10 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Added you. I have SamSho, MK11, and now USF2 but that's the extent of fighting games I have with netcode. I don't really play any of them seriously but it might be fun to get in some matches sometime.

Anytime, actually. Whether it's here or Twitter, message me for some matches. The rest do. I'm going to use my twitch account for streaming next year as well.

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