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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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oh that reminds me---that one fatass dude in SFV... I remember now... Rufus was memorable in just how generally ugly and unappealing that character goddamn I had never seen anything that repulsive at the time in terms of character design.  Yeah there's the occasional goofy joke characters, especially in fighting games....and then there's straight up rancid dogshit designs like that piggy-piggy "My 600 lbs. Life" lookin' dude Rufus.  It's one of the worst I've ever seen, seriously.  


*oh it just hit me----imagine when modders put Lady Dimetrescu's big fine ass into Stellar Blade

Approve South Park GIF

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4 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I hate Rufus, he's one of my least favorite SF characters of all time. I shit on him at every opportunity. I can't stand that fat bastard but at least he's a dude so I'm allowed hate him.


One of my main issues is that his gameplay felt dull on SFIV.

And to a minor extent, that his song was annoying as fuck, lol.

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8 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


One of my main issues is that his gameplay felt dull on SFIV.

And to a minor extent, that his song was annoying as fuck, lol.

I didn't like his gameplay, his look, his voice, concept, etc. I liked nothing about him. The only positive thing I can say about Rufus is that he isn't Ingrid, Evil Ryu, or Oni.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

It will never end because it isn't an honest discussion. I talked about how much I hated Birdie being fat in SFV. I never got "why does it matter" comment for it. In fact, none of the vitiriol and puerile nonsense came up then. When it comes to male characters you can have real discussion on appearance. The "why does matter crowd " only holds that belief when it comes female characters being made less attractive. If it's an attractive female character they lose their minds. See the absurd Stellar Blade discourse along with the 2B and Bayonetta revisionist history. If it's a male character's appearance the reaction is either crickets or the type of articles that would make them "REEEE" if the subject was female. Hot Ryu wasn't an issue at all and to be clear, it shouldn't be one. So what if people want post thirsty articles or comments about him. There is no consistency at all. While it wasn't perfect, the discussion around BG3 was at least more reasonable. People frothing at the mouth for Astarion weren't bitching about people drooling over Shadowheart. 

You never got "why does it matter" for Birdie because it's a drastic change. It's understandable if people are split on his look.


The shit these face-gaters are on is not drastic at all. They're acting like it's Birdie in SFV when it's not even close. That's why you get "why does it matter" there.

Edited by axeman61
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17 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

You never got "why does it matter" for Birdie because it's a drastic change. It's understandable if people are split on his look.


The shit these face-gaters are on is not drastic at all. They're acting like it's Birdie in SFV when it's not even close. That's why you get "why does it matter" there.

It didn't get a why does it matter because Birdie is dude. Let's be honest here. If an existing fit female character showed up overweight anyone said something about it the discourse would completely different. "Why does matter" "You are fat shaming" etc. would be tossed around ad anaseum. Stop being disengenous. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

@ChadoukenWait a minute, you got me thinking about something. Where was all the unrealistic body type complaining for her? The thirst for her was unreal and no one seemed to have a problem with it.

Well because as has been pointeed out multiple times people only take issue when you aren't making them sexier. It's why no one e takes issue with Eves hips being wider then her shoulders because they want to stare at a fat ass no matter how goofy it looks 


And at least as far as Mega is concerned no one said anything becauese no one has a problem. Outside you guys everyone else seems perfectly fine with a large array of hero types, from  Super Models to normal looking people. This only gets brought up because you guys take issue with someone's art direction. The rest of us have been fine with it. I don't talk shit about Bob or Rufus or Bedman because I don't care lol. Hell for the time the tech put into guys like Bob and Rufus was really impressive, all that jiggle and shit. 


Like no one brings it up because as Axeman has said the people who actually give this much of a fuck are a very vocal minority. Everyone else doesn't really care that much. Just you guys and loser ass game journo publications like IGN France. 


I also don't think anyone actually takes issue with you shitting on any character you want, I take issue with the claim that there's malice involved on the Developers parts and they are out to uglify people out of spite or whatever. It's the way people attribute motive to developers they don't know to push an narrative that barely makes sense so they can get hits and clicks on their Twitter and YouTube channels. My issue this time has always lead directly back to that tweet posted 2 days ago or whatever. 

Edited by RSG3
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4 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I'll take an Ingrid over Rufus.

I'd take all 3 of those over Rufus lol.  His snake strike into suoer horse shit got old. I don't care if Rufus is fat as fuck, I care that he's annoying as shit to fight lol. 

Edited by RSG3
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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

It didn't get a why does it matter because Birdie is dude. Let's be honest here. If an existing fit female character showed up overweight anyone said something about it the discourse would completely different. "Why does matter" "You are fat shaming" etc. would be tossed around ad anaseum. Stop being disengenous. 

There would be a big negative reaction to, say, Chun-Li or Cammy showing up fat the next game. You would get "fat shaming", I'll admit, but a whole lot of "why does it matter" would be replaced with "I'm going to wait until the game drops" or similar stuff. There is a certain beauty or coolness standard for certain established characters, and drastic changes like adding 1-200 pounds just cause is crazy. And it's also not at all what's happening.


What's happening now would be the equivalent of a bitch fit over the scar on Cammy's face being a slight bit bigger the next game. Hell, that might be a bigger concern, because then at least it's obvious what the change was. That's why I'm asking "why does it matter"? You going into all these other examples (like Birdie) and making it bigger than what it is still doesn't get at that. I disagree that there's this wide concerted campaign to make women less beautiful in western games. But even if there were, how do the "changes" people are claiming (either between games or between model to game) make any differences? You're acting like this is some real "slippery slope" shit or a big problem when it's not.

Edited by axeman61
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I wish my friend wasn't so slow with progressing certain games---I can already tell that it might be years before he gets around to the same point I'm at now with BG3 so we can discuss some things...especially since he probably isn't going full on evil mode (or at least "morally questionable/grey") like I tend to do with my characters 99% of the time when I have the choice.  I'd like to hear which route he'd take his character when at the same crossroads point of the story...


spoiler-rambling of course, as I've reached some pretty major points in the main story now...

Spoiler's looking like the big clash of allegiance here for me will be agreeing to help Raphael....OR I could stay on the side of the "Emperor"; I recently sided with him and got into that next tier of illithid powers, now with partial ceremorphosis.... I'd probably pick that in real life if I was presented with the option; I get extra illithid powers but I still get to remain looking human...but also with the cool "black veins" and dark eyes look?  Also---I naturally have the ability to just fly now whenever I want....awesome for exploration, or re-positioning during a battle, obviously.  Sheeeit, that's a cool deal to me....hell yeah I was down for that. I have the option to help Raphael but this would involve a betrayal of the Emperor.  Both of these routes make sense for my character and how he is such a self-serving, power-hungry snake, so there's my dilemma, basically....

quite a tough call for me; so that's why I've also gone back to playing another character for a while as I consider my options and the implications of them.  Of course, whichever route I go here, I'll just have my other evil warlock pick the other option.


Minthara took the upgrade as well; the others in my crew did not....surprises me that Astarion didn't go along with it; he's more focused on getting revenge on Cazador though and becoming the "Ascendant" vampire.


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39 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Well because as has been pointeed out multiple times people only take issue when you aren't making them sexier. It's why no one e takes issue with Eves hips being wider then her shoulders because they want to stare at a fat ass no matter how goofy it looks 

It is comments like this that make it hard for me to take you serious. People have been taking issue with Eve because she's "too sexy". What you said in bold is just a lie. So I'm going not talk to you about this becuase your continue intelluctual dishonesty makes it point less. 


36 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I'll take an Ingrid over Rufus.

Rufus is one of the few characters I'd take over Ingrid. I'd take Oni and Evil Ryu over Ingrid. I would take any SF character over Ingrid.

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3 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

It is comments like this that make it hard for me to take you serious. People have been taking issue with Eve because she's "too sexy". What you said in bold is just a lie. So I'm going not talk to you about this becuase your continue intelluctual dishonesty makes it point less. 


Rufus is one of the few characters I'd take over Ingrid. I'd take Oni and Evil Ryu over Ingrid. I would take any SF character over Ingrid.


What is that you don't like about Ingrid? 😅

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9 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

It is comments like this that make it hard for me to take you serious. People have been taking issue with Eve because she's "too sexy". What you said in bold is just a lie. So I'm going not talk to you about this becuase your continue intelluctual dishonesty makes it point less. 

Bro no one's mad they made Eve sexier they are mad she's sexy at all. Thays a completely different conversation. The conversation we are actually having is about taking real people and changing them, and no ones complaining Eves model was changed here and there to make her sexier, they are pissed she's sexy at all. I'm discussing using models for scans and then changing the models. No one has a fucking problem when the model scanned is changed to make her sexier even tho it doesn't accurately represent the scanned model which seems to be the Crux of the entire argument, using model scans when you're gonna change them anyway. Thats what you said. Why pay to scan a model if youre just gonna change it? Why scan a real person for Lady Demu if youre just gonna change it by making her 9 feet tall and have huge fucking tits and massive hands? Why does it matter they scanned a real person for that Star Wars game and then gave her a harder look then her model head shot with all the makeup and perfect lighting has? That seems to be the argument. It's ok to change the model scan when making them sexier but don't ever do anything to make them "less attractive" apparantly?


Don't take me seriously, I don't give a fuck. I wasn't really aware we took eachother all that seriously to begin with. Literally arguing about digital people nothing about this is remotely serious imo. 

Edited by RSG3
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7 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Sooo when Birdie turned from white to black = everything is fine


But when Birdie turns from ripped to fat = OMG WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT HIS BODY???



This is a dumb take since
A) We don't know what was the reaction back then.

B) For many people, the first time they saw Birdie was on Alpha, finding out he was white years later when the internet became more prevalent.

Heck, I am sure there are many people who still don't know he was white, since not many people have played SF1.



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The SF 30th Anniversary Collection was released around the same time SF V was still a thing, so newer generations already have a more recent alternative to witness White Birdie


Now mind you, I didn't really care about Birdie's race swap either, and even less so when Capcom made him "fat" for SF V. Hell, they even incorporated his unhealthy eating habits into his movelist, so it's not like they decided to make Birdie fat for shits and giggles. It was in tone with his character arc in that game

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42 minutes ago, Lantis said:

The SF 30th Anniversary Collection was released around the same time SF V was still a thing, so newer generations already have a more recent alternative to witness White Birdie


Sure, but my point still stands.
Not every SF fan has played SF1, even with the 30th being available.


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Of all the "origin" characters in Baldur's Gate 3... so far Astarion has been my favorite; whenever I get around to that playing as an origin character that isn't "Dark Urge", Astarion is the choice... then perhaps Gale would be after that.  


Yeah, I can see that my total playtime for this game is going to be almost on par with my Diablo addiction.  I'm already close to 200 or so hours, I think... the ps5 and pc versions combined....usually on my Steam Deck adventures at work lunch hours, or wherever else away from home... and on the ps5 at home.


There was a thread on the subreddit about least used characters... and so far for me it's Halsin.  On each of my main characters, that guy just gets murdered every time, since I'm always  picking "raiding the grove" in act 1.  He never gets to even say or do anything---he's just another victim in my adventures.... there's also Wyll until a recent character; I had him in the party *until* that point where we raided the grove....and of course he wasn't cool with that and immediately became an enemy we had to kill.  ha, good times, this game.

Edited by MillionX
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@AriesWarlockOh man, I forgot that Chun Li tomfoolery. That was so damned silly. 🤣


@MillionXHalsin wasn't originally supposed to be a party member. He was so popular during early access that they turned him party member. It's why his class is redundant. You realtively early into the game with two druids. I wish they would have had a Bard origin character. Or a Bard party member in general. I always found that strange.

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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Rufus is one of the few characters I'd take over Ingrid. I'd take Oni and Evil Ryu over Ingrid. I would take any SF character over Ingrid.

The only I have with Ingrid is the character being a goddess. Street Fighter shouldn't have literal gods as characters

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Ingrid story seemed kinda dumb but I don't know a whole lot about it. Her move set and stuff in game has never really bothered me tho, and I do like her character design visually. Just seemed like she was during an era when Capcom was transitioning away from fighting games really and no one knew what to do with her so she got shoved in CFJ, or Alpha 3 Max. 


She always felt to me like a cameo character that never got her main title to cameo from lol. "Hey remember Ingrid!?!" .....Nope lol. 

Edited by RSG3
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3 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

I would accept that with open arms as long as she was a normal person by SF standards

I actually made an Ingrid concept a few years back that did that. I only did it because I have so much respect for @Miðgarðsormand he's a fan of Ingrid. If this man can translate lore from multiple languages for the story thread. I could put the time and effort into an Ingrid concept. Also he helped me with the Icelandic. He's to languages what @CESTUS IIIis to character creators. The best.




Name: Ingrid Sólbjörnsdóttir


Nickname: The Embodiment of Sól

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Icelandic


Height: 5ft 10in(1.79m)

Weight: 141 lbs. (64kg)

B/W/H: 36-24-36(92cm-61cm-92cm)


Hometown: Húsavík, Iceland


Appearance: Ingrid has long white hair and red eyes. She wears a variation of the traditional Icelandic Kyrtill. A Kyrtill is a single piece gown with an ankle length skirt and elbow length sleeves that is patterned in design after traditional Viking clothing. She does not wear the Phyrgian cap and veil. Ingrid's dress is the traditional “smurf” blue. With golden embroidery on neckline and sleeves. She has metallic golden belt with a buckle that resembles the Sun.


Likes: Skyr (Icelandic cheese that's similar to yogurt), Hot Springs, Isold (Her Grandmother's) Stories

Dislikes: Pylsur (Icelandic hotdog made with lamb), Sarcasm, Ignorance


Fighting Style: Hnefi Sólarinna(Fist of the Sun)


Tone: Ingrid exudes an air of arrogance. She is the first member of the Sunna clan to inherit Sol's power since her grandmother Isold. She's always been the most powerful fighter in Clan Sunna.


Origins: According to legend, Ingrid's family is descended from Sol the Norse Goddess of the Sun. The clan name, Sunna, is another name for Sol. The Sunna Clan fled to Iceland after nearly being wiped out by the Clan of Fenrir. The Máni Clan was obliterated covering their escape. (Máni is the Norse God of the Moon.) She's been trained since she was a small child in Hnefi Sólarinna by her grandmother.


Her Rival: Necalli


Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4

950 Health/950 Stun




Sólbruna (Sunburn) - LP+LK: Ingrid grabs her opponent by the shoulders, puts her right leg behind her opponents legs, and shoves her opponent to the ground with her right arm


Sólvindur (Solar Wind) - B+LP+LK: Ingrid grabs her opponent by the wrist and tosses them over her head and behind her

Unique Attacks:


Tvískiptur Sól (Dual Sun) – F+ MP (overhead): A single hit double axe handle punch




Sól Nova-F+PPP: Ingrid summons circular orb of solar ki that detonates and send her opponet flying a full screen away.




Sól Charge-MP+MK: Ingrid strikes her opponent with a fiery shoulder charge. Tapping MP+MK Quarter Screen travel distance, safe on block. Holding MP+MK Half Screen travel distance, causes juggle, unsafe if blocked


V-Trigger 1:


Ljós Sólarinnar(Light of the Sun) -HP+HK: Ingrid is surrounded by a “Solar Aura”. The properties of her projectiles are enhanced.

  • Sól Set landing recovery reduced by 2F. 15 Damage/15 Stun Buff. Relaxed juggle points.
  • Sól Shot recovery reduced by 2F. 20 Damage/20 Stun Buff. Causes a juggle state at close range

V-Trigger Gauge drains over time. Enhanced projectiles do not reduce her V-Trigger Gauge.

3 bar V-Trigger


V-Trigger 2:


Sólarupprás og Sólsetur (Sunrise and Sunset) -HP+HK Ingrid genrates a massive Sun shaped aura around her body that she hurls at her opponent leaving them in a juggle state. Ingrid gets two per V-Trigger, the first of which is released upon V-Trigger activation. This V-Trigger can be used from the ground or in the air. Sólarupprás is the grounded version. Sólsetur is the air version. 150 damage/100 Stun.

  • Sólarupprás (Sunrise)-HP+HK from a grounded state. The massive Sun shaped projectile surrounding Ingrid rises straight up into the air. Leaving her foes in a juggle state. Initial juggle from Sólarupprás does not count against juggle point limit.
  • Sólsetur (Sunset)- HP+HK from any (forward, neutral, or back) jump. The massive Sun shaped projectile surrounding Ingrid sinks straight down into the ground. Leaving her foes in a juggle state. Initial juggle from Sólsetur does not count against juggle point limit.

2 bar V-Trigger




Sól Set-QCF + P: (In Air)A fiery projectile that resembles the Sun itself. Very slow recovery time. The angle is determined by the strength punch. LP (60° Angle, MP (45° Angle), HP (30° Angle),EX (LP+MP 60° Angle, LP+HP 45° Angle, MP+HP 30° Angle)


Sól Shot-QCF + P: A fiery projectile that resembles the Sun itself. Slow recovery time. The angle is determined by the strength punch. LP (Horizontal), MP (30° Angle), HP (45° Angle), EX (LP+MP Horizontal, LP+HP 30° Angle, MP+HP 45° Angle)


Sól Embrace-HCB+ P (Command Grab): Ingrid grabs her opponent by the neck with both hands and channels ki through her hands engulfing them in flames. Startup and Damage determined by the button pressed. LP(5F Startup, Least Damage), MP(6F Startup, More Damage), HP(7F Startup, Most Damage), EX(5F Startup, Most Damage)


Sól Flare- QCF + K: (Strikes Low) Ingrid hits her a opponent with a sliding low kick that knocks down her opponent. Slide goes under projectiles. Kick button determines distance. LK( ¼ Screen), MK( ½ Screen), HK( ¾ Screen), EX ( 2/3 Screen, Causes Juggle State, Side Switch at Point Blank Range)


Full Sól (Full Moon)-HCB+ K (Hit Grab): Ingrid dashes toward her opponent, grabs them by the neck with one hand, summons a moon like white orb of ki with her other, and slams it into their face causes the to burst into white flames. Kick button determines the distance she travels. LK( ¼ of screen) MK(½ screen) HK (¾ screen) EX(Auto tracks, Causes Juggle)


Critical Art:


Sól Explosion- HCFx2+P: Ingrid generates massive Sun shaped aura around herself that explodes on contact with her foe. 340 damage


Reasons to be in SFV:*


Ingrid's grandmother disappeared after being contacted by an apparent survivor of the Máni Clan. Witness say that her grandmother and the Máni Clansman were overwhelmed by a “God of Fire and Ice.” Ingrid seeks the return of her grandmother and the potential restoration of her sister clan The Máni.


Side Note:


*Ingrid with an Icelandic/Norse origin. Not a generic loli/school girl design.


Edited by Darc_Requiem
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39 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I actually made an Ingrid concept a few years back that did that. I only did it because I have so much respect for @Miðgarðsormand he's a fan of Ingrid. If this man can translate lore from multiple languages for the story thread. I could put the time and effort into an Ingrid concept. Also he helped me with the Icelandic. He's to languages what @CESTUS IIIis to character creators. The best.



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Name: Ingrid Sólbjörnsdóttir


Nickname: The Embodiment of Sól

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Icelandic


Height: 5ft 10in(1.79m)

Weight: 141 lbs. (64kg)

B/W/H: 36-24-36(92cm-61cm-92cm)


Hometown: Húsavík, Iceland


Appearance: Ingrid has long white hair and red eyes. She wears a variation of the traditional Icelandic Kyrtill. A Kyrtill is a single piece gown with an ankle length skirt and elbow length sleeves that is patterned in design after traditional Viking clothing. She does not wear the Phyrgian cap and veil. Ingrid's dress is the traditional “smurf” blue. With golden embroidery on neckline and sleeves. She has metallic golden belt with a buckle that resembles the Sun.


Likes: Skyr (Icelandic cheese that's similar to yogurt), Hot Springs, Isold (Her Grandmother's) Stories

Dislikes: Pylsur (Icelandic hotdog made with lamb), Sarcasm, Ignorance


Fighting Style: Hnefi Sólarinna(Fist of the Sun)


Tone: Ingrid exudes an air of arrogance. She is the first member of the Sunna clan to inherit Sol's power since her grandmother Isold. She's always been the most powerful fighter in Clan Sunna.


Origins: According to legend, Ingrid's family is descended from Sol the Norse Goddess of the Sun. The clan name, Sunna, is another name for Sol. The Sunna Clan fled to Iceland after nearly being wiped out by the Clan of Fenrir. The Máni Clan was obliterated covering their escape. (Máni is the Norse God of the Moon.) She's been trained since she was a small child in Hnefi Sólarinna by her grandmother.


Her Rival: Necalli


Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4

950 Health/950 Stun




Sólbruna (Sunburn) - LP+LK: Ingrid grabs her opponent by the shoulders, puts her right leg behind her opponents legs, and shoves her opponent to the ground with her right arm


Sólvindur (Solar Wind) - B+LP+LK: Ingrid grabs her opponent by the wrist and tosses them over her head and behind her

Unique Attacks:


Tvískiptur Sól (Dual Sun) – F+ MP (overhead): A single hit double axe handle punch




Sól Nova-F+PPP: Ingrid summons circular orb of solar ki that detonates and send her opponet flying a full screen away.




Sól Charge-MP+MK: Ingrid strikes her opponent with a fiery shoulder charge. Tapping MP+MK Quarter Screen travel distance, safe on block. Holding MP+MK Half Screen travel distance, causes juggle, unsafe if blocked


V-Trigger 1:


Ljós Sólarinnar(Light of the Sun) -HP+HK: Ingrid is surrounded by a “Solar Aura”. The properties of her projectiles are enhanced.

  • Sól Set landing recovery reduced by 2F. 15 Damage/15 Stun Buff. Relaxed juggle points.
  • Sól Shot recovery reduced by 2F. 20 Damage/20 Stun Buff. Causes a juggle state at close range

V-Trigger Gauge drains over time. Enhanced projectiles do not reduce her V-Trigger Gauge.

3 bar V-Trigger


V-Trigger 2:


Sólarupprás og Sólsetur (Sunrise and Sunset) -HP+HK Ingrid genrates a massive Sun shaped aura around her body that she hurls at her opponent leaving them in a juggle state. Ingrid gets two per V-Trigger, the first of which is released upon V-Trigger activation. This V-Trigger can be used from the ground or in the air. Sólarupprás is the grounded version. Sólsetur is the air version. 150 damage/100 Stun.

  • Sólarupprás (Sunrise)-HP+HK from a grounded state. The massive Sun shaped projectile surrounding Ingrid rises straight up into the air. Leaving her foes in a juggle state. Initial juggle from Sólarupprás does not count against juggle point limit.
  • Sólsetur (Sunset)- HP+HK from any (forward, neutral, or back) jump. The massive Sun shaped projectile surrounding Ingrid sinks straight down into the ground. Leaving her foes in a juggle state. Initial juggle from Sólsetur does not count against juggle point limit.

2 bar V-Trigger




Sól Set-QCF + P: (In Air)A fiery projectile that resembles the Sun itself. Very slow recovery time. The angle is determined by the strength punch. LP (60° Angle, MP (45° Angle), HP (30° Angle),EX (LP+MP 60° Angle, LP+HP 45° Angle, MP+HP 30° Angle)


Sól Shot-QCF + P: A fiery projectile that resembles the Sun itself. Slow recovery time. The angle is determined by the strength punch. LP (Horizontal), MP (30° Angle), HP (45° Angle), EX (LP+MP Horizontal, LP+HP 30° Angle, MP+HP 45° Angle)


Sól Embrace-HCB+ P (Command Grab): Ingrid grabs her opponent by the neck with both hands and channels ki through her hands engulfing them in flames. Startup and Damage determined by the button pressed. LP(5F Startup, Least Damage), MP(6F Startup, More Damage), HP(7F Startup, Most Damage), EX(5F Startup, Most Damage)


Sól Flare- QCF + K: (Strikes Low) Ingrid hits her a opponent with a sliding low kick that knocks down her opponent. Slide goes under projectiles. Kick button determines distance. LK( ¼ Screen), MK( ½ Screen), HK( ¾ Screen), EX ( 2/3 Screen, Causes Juggle State, Side Switch at Point Blank Range)


Full Sól (Full Moon)-HCB+ K (Hit Grab): Ingrid dashes toward her opponent, grabs them by the neck with one hand, summons a moon like white orb of ki with her other, and slams it into their face causes the to burst into white flames. Kick button determines the distance she travels. LK( ¼ of screen) MK(½ screen) HK (¾ screen) EX(Auto tracks, Causes Juggle)


Critical Art:


Sól Explosion- HCFx2+P: Ingrid generates massive Sun shaped aura around herself that explodes on contact with her foe. 340 damage

Reasons to be in SFV:*


Ingrid's grandmother disappeared after being contacted by an apparent survivor of the Máni Clan. Witness say that her grandmother and the Máni Clansman were overwhelmed by a “God of Fire and Ice.” Ingrid seeks the return of her grandmother and the potential restoration of her sister clan The Máni.


Side Note:


*Ingrid with an Icelandic/Norse origin. Not a generic loli/school girl design.



We need to have some SC6 matches one of those days.
It has been ages.

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20 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Do you have it on PC? Because I didn't renew my PS Plus subscription last year.


Yes, we can try to play there, I just need to install it today.


It seems I have it installed


I am just missing the season pass 2 😅

Edited by Hecatom
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Baldur's Gate---so I fought this robot called "Grym"... it's such a ridiculous character and fight... but easily beatable via a gimmick of pushing a lever so a giant hammer device smashes down, crushing him for 150 damage a hit....he has "only" 300 so once he gets smacked 2 times with that it's done.  However... the crazy thing is that he's borderline invincible to everything unless you make sure the lava is still in the area so he's "superheated" and as a result... vulnerable....otherwise he's super-resistant or flat out immune to about every form of damage.  Even with the gimmick I still just barely made it through that nonsense.  This is worth it though, because you get 875 exp for killing it.  He summons those little demons called "mephit" as well so that's even more exp.... my warlock already had "haste" cast on him by Gale so all of those little guys were easily destroyed by my 2 actions = 4 Eldritch Blast beams...they didn't even get a chance to fly over and do anything.

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