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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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14 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Without knowing the kinds of deals they made, it's hard to know. But if they have a hit like Shovel Knight on their hands, it seems more likely they'd be able to fund their upcoming game because they have a track record, and if they can do that and not have to go back to eating ramen, I think that's ok.

This is true, we also don't know if they tried to go traditional publishing routes and didnt like the deals, you know, wanna retain IP rights and shit. Its just been 8 years since Shovel Knight launched, has had a bunch of fucking updates, had a number of spin offs like that arena brawler, that Puzzle Fighter type game Pocket Dungeon, and then Shovel Knight itself had an assload of DLC. Like tons of it. It just seems really hard to believe after 8 years of solid development work they cant fund their own project, or find a more traditional route to fund their project, gotta keep asking us to give them the money. It just makes me side eye them is all. It could easily be perfectly noble with perfectly understandable reasons behind it, but currently Im seeing an 8 year indi vet with assloads of accolades and quite a bit of sales under their belt going "Please give us money!!!" It doesnt look good imo.


But it really doesnt matter in the long for me as I dont contribute to Kickstarters. I buy the game when its done. Im not investor for starts, and you dont get an investment pay off for partaking in the risk to begin with so im just not about it. When it done I'll check it out and if its good I'll buy it. When comes down to brass tax for me in the end all that will really matter is if the game is good and if it is I'll probably buy it like i did Shovel Knight 3 fucking times lol.

Edited by RSG3
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i am black but i never bought madden not only because im not interested in it but on the off chance i did want to play like every single cousin has it. 


although if that ea vs marvel game had turned out to be an actual fighting game and not marvel nemesis i would definitely have played a football character.

Edited by nickmanx5
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Honestly only sports series I really got into was SSX, which peaked at 3 imo. Recently i purchased Riders Republic and that games a pretty dope, chill time. I really like it and should get back to it. I would really like a new SSX, I liked the one that came out in like for PS360, but it did a number of things I didn't like and a new one should just be Snowboarding on a big open world Mountain. Otherwise just racing games (Racings considered a sport lol) but only silly dumb arcade racers I dont like Sims much at all.

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nah, I never bought a Madden game.  The few sports titles I've been into...


  • NFL Blitz - this is the real deal.  I don't care about "realistic" sports games.  The more crazy it is, the better.
  • NBA Jam - same reasons as above....not much realism at all....we got players jumping 40 feet into the air and literally catching on fire.... and thus it was awesome.
  • College Slam - same deal, but it was even more wild than Jam was.
  • Joe Montana Football on the Genesis---but I enjoyed it for cruel reasons... I only wanted to injure the players on the other team.  I saw it as a "win" when the ambulance showed up and a dude on the other team got carried off in a stretcher....hahah I was always thinking like "YEAH....I got that son of a bitch." 😆


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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

Its February, which means its the return of ...




For the black dudes,....


Have you ever bought  a MADDEN video game?

The last time I bought madden games was on the N64 aaaaand it was only 1.  I played Madden on the Genesis a ton with my cousin whenever I went over there but Madden 64 was the only madden game I bought.

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YCG answered a question about why were they going with kickstarter during the stream last night and I believe their answer was something along the lines of wanting to keep that community that they had built with kickstarter and also giving other people more of a hand in helping the game get made if they're inclined to do so.  Considering that one some of the highests goals for the game is being a director and providing feedback and input, that seems to be inline what what they're saying.  I feel comparing this to Mighty no.9 probably a bit of a disservice since they aren't spending a shit ton of money on Voice Actors that aren't necessary for the game they have before the gameplay is completed.  They also said the majority of the game is still going to be funded by them and considering that the only amount they asked for is 311,503 that seems fairly legit as well (despite it having reached past 422,000 as of me typing this).


Reggie has a book coming out called "Disrupting the Game", Preorders are up for that if you're interested

I still gotta read through Iwata's book.




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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

Its February, which means its the return of ...




For the black dudes,....


Have you ever bought  a MADDEN video game?


Does a latino with some black heritage count?


If so, never bought a Madden game since American Football is not a sport around here.

The only sport games i have bought are the PES series, since i was a tournament player back in college.

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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

Its February, which means its the return of ...




For the black dudes,....


Have you ever bought  a MADDEN video game?

Honestly, no. I used to rent them and borrow from friends and family before the whole NFL exclusive lock down. Since then haven't done even that. Would still play at other friends home and all love to the late great John Madden but fuck that game franchise that has his name.

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I came across this channel that showed up in my feed and its actually pretty cool if you dig 3d models and animation.

Goes in depth with the model and the mesh and materials used for the character and some smaller details that you might gloss over in the game or not notice that Squareenix really didn't need to do but did anyway.



They did one for Cloud too


Edited by Sonichuman
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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Honestly only sports series I really got into was SSX, which peaked at 3 imo. Recently i purchased Riders Republic and that games a pretty dope, chill time. I really like it and should get back to it. I would really like a new SSX, I liked the one that came out in like for PS360, but it did a number of things I didn't like and a new one should just be Snowboarding on a big open world Mountain. Otherwise just racing games (Racings considered a sport lol) but only silly dumb arcade racers I dont like Sims much at all.

1080 on N64 is my all time favorite snowboarding game, and then probably Cool Boarders series is my second favorite.  I thought SSX was a but TOO arcady when it first came out but I also enjoyed it and agree that part 3 was the best one.  


I'd love for any of these franchises to come out with a modernized version.

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ohhh yeah then there was the boxing games... but I only enjoyed a few--- in the arcade there was Ring King; that was definitely my jam back then.... and of course after that I got into the legendary Mike Tyson's Punch-Out.  Ready 2 Rumble looked fun but I never got around to it since I was so addicted to Phantasy Star Online and Quake 3 and the fighting games during the entire Dreamcast era.  There was also Virtua Tennis on Dreamcast, and 1 or 2 of those Mario Tennis games....annnd that's about it for me and sports games.


..hmm...I should've played Ready to Rumble back then for sure... since Michael Jackson was a character in there, I'm sure that game has absolutely no chance of coming back unless they cut him out; surely it's quite the legal/copyright mess trying to release a game that happens to feature him as a character.


Dying Light 2---well the launch day for this finally got here... I may get that as my next "major" game.

Edited by MillionX
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6 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

Its February, which means its the return of ...




For the black dudes,....


Have you ever bought  a MADDEN video game?

By the time I was able to buy my own games, I never thought about buying Madden. Blitz on PSX spoiled me. Never had as much fun as I did with football games after Blitz.

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Looks like Demon Slayer is coming to least in Japan for now



Oh yeah...Squeenix made a response about FFVII's 25th anniversary and Nomura said there are some other FFVII projects coming up after Remake


only thing I can think of is "FUCK...CAN ANYBODY TELL THIS MAN NO!?" .  It's a good thing he's not directing FF7R2 cause I feel like he just can't not put his hand in multiple pots.


In all seriousness I'd like to make sure FF7R gets finished before I pass on from this existence or god forbid one of you guys  (the creators)  passes on.

Edited by Sonichuman
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8 hours ago, iStu X said:
with this the switch is now the 5th best selling console of all time. The only consoles it’s trailing are PS4, GB/GBC, NDS and PS2

Switch is probably going to have a really solid year in terms of sales if games suspected of coming out this year actually happen.  If we assume that switch has roughly 2-3 years left then I think it has really good shot at getting close to PS2.  Don't know about surpassing but I think it could easily take 2nd of all time and if BotW2 is as great as the first one or better than that will probably be the game to get it there.

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6 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Switch is probably going to have a really solid year in terms of sales if games suspected of coming out this year actually happen.  If we assume that switch has roughly 2-3 years left then I think it has really good shot at getting close to PS2.  Don't know about surpassing but I think it could easily take 2nd of all time and if BotW2 is as great as the first one or better than that will probably be the game to get it there.

According to the earnings report, Big Boss of Nintendo Shuntaro Furuwaka said that they still consider the Switch in the middle of its life cycle due to the unprecedented amount of sales and support it’s had since launch and the company still have long term plans for the hardware. 

which I honestly believe. I think they’re wanting to show how dominant of a force they are in the gaming market and make up for past blunders, and I’m not talking about just the Wii U

Edited by iStu X
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1 hour ago, iStu X said:

@RegH81 @RSG3 @YourFavGrandpa


Platinums SHMUP will have physical preorders starting tomorrow. 


Fuck yes! Dope as hell. Now I need M2 to tell us when we get to play Senjin Aleste and Aleste Branch.


Heres Senjin Aleste. Shmup Jinkie had a great video on it but it seems to be gone now. Maybe M2 got pissed he mentioned the service menu...Anyway in Senjin Aleste you control 4 ships and change between them by picking up appropriate colored icons on the play field. This is also how Bombs work. There is a white meter on the left side of the screen that fills up when you pick up P Icons. When it fills all the way you get a Bomb or Change Icon. Also you fully invul for like 30 or maybe even 60 Frames when you pick up these powerup icons.



And then M2 is supposed to be having another Aleste game coming out sometime later this year called Aleste Branch.




Im stoked for both of these and really happy to see M2 making new games and not just porting old games (Tho still please please please port Armed Police Batrider, Battle Bakraid, Ibara, Pink Sweets and some others)

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, iStu X said:

According to the earnings report, Big Boss of Nintendo Shuntaro Furuwaka said that they still consider the Switch in the middle of its life cycle due to the unprecedented amount of sales and support it’s had since launch and the company still have long term plans for the hardware. 

which I honestly believe. I think they’re wanting to show how dominant of a force they are in the gaming market and make up for past blunders, and I’m not talking about just the Wii U

He's been saying its the middle of its life cyle since about last year IIRC.  I don't have anything report wise to back up 2-3 years, I'm guessing based off where we are in the console's life, when the Pres first started saying "middle of life cycle" and trends in the gaming industry since by the time 2-3 years hits both Xbox SeX and PS5 will be fully hitting their stride in games and we'll be fully out of the cross gen space.

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