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4 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

Schitts Creek Girl GIF by CBC

I fucking HATE the actual act of traveling. 


I hate driving

I hate being on a plane

on a train

on a boat


But I like being on vacation or visiting somewhere new. I usually have to sit down and deal with the pit of dread I find myself in before a trip and convince myself the transit will be worth it. 

I thought I was bad, u got me beat. 😂 I despise driving but don't mind being a passenger at all (besides the motion sickness I get for unexplained reasons). Possibly impatience, maybe this has something to do with our conditions

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2 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Possibly impatience, maybe this has something to do with our conditions

That plays big into it, for sure, but I'm also tall with a fucked up spine. So sitting for more than an hour is painful. 


More than anything, I just can't really settle, so traveling just means I'm uncomfortable until I get to wherever I'm staying and I can unpack my bag. 



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I like traveling, but more about  the seeing a new place and exploring it.


I dont mind going on long plane trips since the travel is mostly handled by the pilot and you just have to get to the airport.

However, I really dont driving for long periods of time. 

The longest road trip I've taken was to ATL (8 hrs approx). 

Ive been to more places outside of the us than in the US lol.

Also, it doesnt come up much because most of my US relatives are in FL and ATL in Georgia so I dont really have a need to travel much in the US


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I use to be a delivery driver for some saw company here.  Delivered blades (mostly to factories cutting paper) all over cali.  Spend 8 to 16 hours ever day in the truck driving around.  It was my favorite job.


I like being in a car if im driving nor not.  Prefer to be the driver cause I dont trust other people.  But lots to see and usually good tunes.  So its cool.

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99.9% of people would think it's silly but I am not fond of the idea of being on a plane either.  It's just another thing I will forever disagree with the rest of this entire species on.  ...and a helicopter is an even WORSE idea, imo... a helicopter is a PURE death trap.  You go in one of those, you ARE going to die for sure. (especially someone like me that has a "0.0% LUCK" stat, generally speaking)  When something goes wrong on that janky ass contraption...that's it, it's all over for ya. (*compare this to a car, where an "accident" happens and're going to be ok.)  While I could *tolerate* being on a plane, there's not enough money in the world to get me on a helicopter under any circumstances....unless I somehow gained one of my dream powers of being physically invincible, able to survive literally anything.  


*as a kid though, traveling by bus or train was pretty great, imo... the gentle motion of the train or bus, combined with the cool air blasting from that vent by the window (which is why I always wanted the window seat) would lull me to sleep so nicely each time.

Edited by MillionX
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7 hours ago, DangerousJ said:



If air travel was cheap and less cramped, I would go by plane a lot more. 

(Before covid)

They make a big to-do about saying that according to the FAA, the chances of contracting covid on a flight are close to nil. Now whether you believe that or not.... 

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9 hours ago, KingTubb said:

I do 8 hours on the reg. In-laws are 8 hours away, so we do that every holiday. 


Last month had to do 13 hours for my mom's birthday. that was a doozy of a day

I used to drive 14-16 hours back to my folks place for Christmas every year. Usually I'd stop in the middle of the trip and stay overnight but many times I did the whole trip in one sitting. When I was on the road touring sometimes we'd have trips that were literally 24 hour drives between dates. 😑🔫

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mega Man 9 > Mega Man 2. 9 is peak old school MM. Only knock I have on it is the damn store system and not being able to leave the wily castle between stages. It compels me to grind bolts before taking on the final levels, which usually means I stop playing after clearing the 8 normal stages.


Also, people who love  DS/Bloodborne but thought Sekiro was too hard probably power leveled their way though the prior games. 

Edited by Camacho
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I thought Sekiro was kinda easy and boring.  Game is real pretty.  I don't...I don't understand all the Japanese stuff, never something I followed really or looked into.  The history and mythology and such.  So, yeah, I didn't like Sekiro that much and I didn't think it was that hard. 


Any of you play Mortal Shell?  I liked the game.  It was tough at first, I had trouble with the parry.  Its kinda short doe.  I though it was aight.

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7 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Sekiro is hard as shit but I low level Souls these days  

It is hard, but once you really learn the combat your character is quite powerful. DS is hard too, but you've really learned it. If you can learn DS like that, you can learn Sekiro. In some ways, Sekiro is less cruel than DS- for instance, there's only one section (first Drunkard fight)  where the game pulled that DS requiring a relatively long time investment to make it back to a boss (or more specifically to clear out his area of minions before taking him on) that will spank you in no time flat. I'd argue that getting good at the game more singularly rests on getting good at the combat than in DS, where you really need to learn the stages themselves. My post was aimed at the sort of reviews I've read about Sekiro where someone says they love DS but found Sekiro to be insurmountable- I'm guessing that most of those people power leveled through DS, or they just didn't want to sink the time into Sekiro that they sunk into learning DS. 

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Speaking of Fromsoft games...


The DS series and BB are some of best examples of "how to tell a video game story"


They have tons of lore, story, characters, etc. but you need to experience it, read, and pay attention to find it. I like that vehicle of story delivery more so than cutscenes. 


Cutscenes that are just dialogue and long stretches of reading text bubble is lame. Sure, there are games that do this that I love, but I'll be the first to say that it's boring and trite 

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2 hours ago, KingTubb said:

Speaking of Fromsoft games...


The DS series and BB are some of best examples of "how to tell a video game story"


They have tons of lore, story, characters, etc. but you need to experience it, read, and pay attention to find it. I like that vehicle of story delivery more so than cutscenes. 


Cutscenes that are just dialogue and long stretches of reading text bubble is lame. Sure, there are games that do this that I love, but I'll be the first to say that it's boring and trite 

Don't confuse cutscenes with BAD cutscenes.


BB had a cool story concept but I wouldn't call it an example of the best way to tell a story.  It's a specific story-telling method that would only work for that sort of game.

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39 minutes ago, misterBee said:

Don't confuse cutscenes with BAD cutscenes

Then show me a good one that couldn't have been played out by the player in the game🙃

39 minutes ago, misterBee said:

BB had a cool story concept but I wouldn't call it an example of the best way to tell a story.  It's a specific story-telling method that would only work for that sort of game.

I just like it because it lets me find out as much as I want to find out. And I agree, it's way of telling a story really only works in a game with a similar set up (hollow knight comes to mind) I appreciate it because it doesn't sacrifice player interactions to get a story across. 


I think Lucas Pope is the current King of video game storytelling 

Edited by KingTubb
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2 hours ago, KingTubb said:

Then show me a good one that couldn't have been played out by the player in the game🙃

Outriders has some of the best cutscenes. I just love the 90s SciFi over-the-top dialog you get. It creates such a feeling of drama and scope, defining the incredibly high stakes of events happening in the world. It's amazing. Yay.

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3 hours ago, KingTubb said:

Then show me a good one that couldn't have been played out by the player in the game 🙃

Cutscenes are good any time you want to show complex/emotional interactions between characters.  This is especially true in 3rd person games, and in scenes where the player's character is not the most important person.


Think of all the emotional moments in a game like Last of Us, and now imagine the player standing around in third person instead of a cutscene.  Bonus points if the player is spamming the jump button and spinning in all directions at the same time.


Bad cutscenes drag a game down, but they are crucial to telling certain types of stories, or showing things in a certain way.

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that reminds me that I hate it when there's a mixture of voice-acted lines and just text on the screen... that shit seems like the people producing the game just got lazy and cheap there... you hear a character speaking at first....and then nothing, but the lines continue to show up.  So you got the voice actor to only read the first 2 sentences of this scene?  C'mon, bruh...

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Tbh I don’t really like cutscenes either, especially if they’re unskippable. 

But really straight forward story telling in video games is just not my thing any more. It’s been years since I’ve given a damn about the story a game is trying to tell...the only thing I care about is the story I build for my character or just the gameplay in general. 

I much prefer the story in games to be 100% optional. You can run through the game with no idea what’s going on lore wise, but if you are interested the the story is spread out through level design, discoverable lore bits, listening to NPCs talk as you sneak by, etc. 

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

I like single players modes in fighting games

I like them because they attract more players to try PvP, but I can’t stand single player in FGs outside of training mode or trials. The AI is always easily exploitable or cheating to blatantly with things like input reading that it takes me out of the game. 

Related to that last point (tho not an unpopular take), I absolutely hate playing single player games and it’s beyond obvious the AI is cheating. Don’t get me wrong, I’m aware the AI cheats in every single game, but I can’t stand when it’s super obvious because it just takes me out of the game. Like in FGs when AIs react to wake up jab with raw super or you’re playing an RTS and the AI has an impossible amount of resources even after you’ve (supposedly) killed all their income sources. 

Edited by Vhozite
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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

I like single players modes in fighting games, especially as someone who still enjoys playing them but doesn't care about being competitive anymore. Any fighting game that doesn't have decent single player modes is fucking up big. 

I agree with this. I went from hardcore competitive to hardcore casual, which I can't help. Unfortunately, I do miss those days, but certain tastes change as you get older and I'm not getting any younger and carefree as the rest. 

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4 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

I like them because they attract more players to try PvP, but I can’t stand single player in FGs outside of training mode or trials. The AI is always easily exploitable or cheating to blatantly with things like input reading that it takes me out of the game. 

Related to that last point (tho not an unpopular take), I absolutely hate playing single player games and it’s beyond obvious the AI is cheating. Don’t get me wrong, I’m aware the AI cheats in every single game, but I can’t stand when it’s super obvious because it just takes me out of the game. Like in FGs when AIs react to wake up jab with raw super or you’re playing an RTS and the AI has an impossible amount of resources even after you’ve (supposedly) killed all their income sources. 

I agree with you RE single player cheating bastard AI. Warcraft 3 was like that. 


Man the best single player mode in a fighting game was Chronicles Of The Sword mode in Soul Calibur 3. It had a map mode where you'd send your warriors to various structures to take them from the enemy, and then when you go there, a Soul Calibur fight would happen. It was SC meets Warcraft and I loved it. 

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2 minutes ago, Emptyeyes said:

I agree with this. I went from hardcore competitive to hardcore casual, which I can't help. Unfortunately, I do miss those days, but certain tastes change as you get older and I'm not getting any younger and carefree as the rest. 

I just don't have time to keep up with it all, especially newer games where stuff is getting patched. I agree with you though, I'd almost rather play a Souls game or Tetris than jump on and play ranked matches these days. 

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oh yeah, the cheating AI is what killed racing games for me...whether it's kart style or regular.  The original Ridge Racer was probably the last straw (after plenty of "questionable" shit I noticed in the first Super Mario Kart) for you get a good lead against the AI've left them in the dust...but all of a sudden the game just "decides" the AI cars are right behind you, less than 1 car length away...the moment you scrape a rail or something they zoom past ya...even though you left them in the dust a LONG time ago....nah get out of here with that nonsense.  The most blatant AI cheating in games always came from racers and fighting games. 

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5 minutes ago, MillionX said:

oh yeah, the cheating AI is what killed racing games for me...whether it's kart style or regular.  The original Ridge Racer was probably the last straw (after plenty of "questionable" shit I noticed in the first Super Mario Kart) for you get a good lead against the AI've left them in the dust...but all of a sudden the game just "decides" the AI cars are right behind you, less than 1 car length away...the moment you scrape a rail or something they zoom past ya...even though you left them in the dust a LONG time ago....nah get out of here with that nonsense.  The most blatant AI cheating in games always came from racers and fighting games. 

Yeah you’re talking about rubberbanding and it’s insanely strong in some I think Mario Kart is one of those games where building a huge lead is impossible due to rubberbanding (and items). Funny enough Cyberpunk 2077 has a side quest with a few racing missions and the rubberbanding is hilariously strong and noticeable. If you have anymore than ~ 2 second lead on the AI racers they literally just teleport to like 50ft behind you. On the other hand it’s basically impossible to lose even if you crash...the AI starts throttling hard if you fall behind. 

Honestly I haven’t found car based racing games enjoyable since I actually started driving. It just feels like a shitty version of something I can do in real life. Last real racing game I played was Forza 5, and I stopped playing that when I noticed they downgraded the tag game mode to like one map.

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Coffee.  I like coffee.  I drink it every morning but that fuckin' starbucks and whatevers on every fuckin' corner...fuck that shit.  Its fuckin' coffee, shit taste like sweet dirt.  Them places want 5 dollars and more for a cup of the shit just cause it got all kinda whack shit in it so you dont even taste the coffee.  fuck outta here.  Shit is stupid and people are whack for buying that shit up to 3 times a day.

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3 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

Coffee.  I like coffee.  I drink it every morning but that fuckin' starbucks and whatevers on every fuckin' corner...fuck that shit.  Its fuckin' coffee, shit taste like sweet dirt.  Them places want 5 dollars and more for a cup of the shit just cause it got all kinda whack shit in it so you dont even taste the coffee.  fuck outta here.  Shit is stupid and people are whack for buying that shit up to 3 times a day.

You made me think of this 😂 


Edited by DoctaMario
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1 hour ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

Coffee.  I like coffee.  I drink it every morning but that fuckin' starbucks and whatevers on every fuckin' corner...fuck that shit.  Its fuckin' coffee, shit taste like sweet dirt.  Them places want 5 dollars and more for a cup of the shit just cause it got all kinda whack shit in it so you dont even taste the coffee.  fuck outta here.  Shit is stupid and people are whack for buying that shit up to 3 times a day.

It boggles my mind how busy Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts is, as if no one is willing to spend LESS money so they can make it at home. There is one Dunkin Donuts in my neighborhood that is so popular that the drive thru loops around two parking lots

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there's an odd thing that reminded me of--- I like jelly...and I like doughnuts.... but I'm not a fan of jelly-doughnuts.  For some reason that combination of things is immediately off-putting to me.


I may have mentioned it before---shoes--- most shoes that people like are dog-shit ugly to me... like the "Jordans"---I don't recall even 1 pair of Jordans that I wanted.


Action Figures/Figurines-- I was always a fan of Todd McFarlane... but I never liked his line of toy/figures.  The typical McFarlane action figure usually had some strange pose that just wasn't cool.  The detail was always far superior to anything else in the stores at the time...but the character was always in a pose that looked lame or awkward to me, which killed the appeal.

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Yeah, sneakers (and most other shoes) are freakin' whack.  I've always...well I've been wearing Vans for 25 years or so cause they're the only shoes that I can get that aren't all funky lookin'.  But Vans shoes suck now so I had to get DC shoes.  I liked Vans cause they look nice, good for riding (bmx) and they lasted a long time.  I hope these DC shoes last a long time.  They look kinda cheap made doe. 

Edited by Faltimar the Dark
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3 hours ago, MillionX said:


Action Figures/Figurines-- I was always a fan of Todd McFarlane... but I never liked his line of toy/figures.  The typical McFarlane action figure usually had some strange pose that just wasn't cool.  The detail was always far superior to anything else in the stores at the time...but the character was always in a pose that looked lame or awkward to me, which killed the appeal.

Back in the 90’s McFarlane toys were on another level. I remember going to my local comic book shop as a kid and there would be a line out the door waiting for the next “wave” of figures/statues to be delivered.

There was no one really out there like them in terms of quality and detail. Now all their lines of toys/statues/dioramas suck and reflect none of the things that made them world renowned. 

Edited by iStu X
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6 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I just don't have time to keep up with it all, especially newer games where stuff is getting patched. I agree with you though, I'd almost rather play a Souls game or Tetris than jump on and play ranked matches these days. 

I do wonder. Do you tend to neglect more complicated fighters and confirm to more simple or old school 1990s ones? I'm like that, if so. I can't seem to perform well in long or complex combo variations anymore with each character. I simply don't have the memory capacity to process it all anymore. Weaponlord from the mid 1990s is the only exception from it's reinterpretation of 2d fighters in hindsight for me. 

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14 hours ago, Emptyeyes said:

I do wonder. Do you tend to neglect more complicated fighters and confirm to more simple or old school 1990s ones? I'm like that, if so. I can't seem to perform well in long or complex combo variations anymore with each character. I simply don't have the memory capacity to process it all anymore. Weaponlord from the mid 1990s is the only exception from it's reinterpretation of 2d fighters in hindsight for me. 

I was never great at long combos but I could do some in Guilty Gear or KoFXIII and I always wound find some variation that worked for me if I couldn't do the optimal one. For me it's more that in am older game, if I take the time to learn it, I know it's not going to change when patch time comes. 

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