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The Return of.. Terribly Unpopular Opinions.

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1 hour ago, DarkSakul said:

"Because if we create this narration that Egypt had slaves, we can justify the ones we have now". 



Not really, no.


There was real, actually slavery waaay before Ancient Egypt.


They didn't require such.


And neither did pretty much any any other version - even the Ancient Roman one... which was actually better than being a citizen in many instances.


All they required was "might".


Even the asshole European chattel slavers.

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10 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:


sums up how I feel about many local/national/world issues...I can't care about every cause and I won't pretend to. 

A lot of this winds up looking like you are just fanning the flames of what's hot right now. Social issues come up that need attention, but all of our lives have different priorities. Not everything (in my purview) is a hot button issue. I got folks on my feed talking about extraterrestials right now because radar-whatever. That is not even a blip on my mental radar. 

Edited by OPTIMUS124
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1 hour ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

A lot of this winds up looking like you are just fanning the flames of what's hot right now. Social issues come up that need attention, but all of our lives have different priorities. Not everything (in my purview) is a hot button issue. I got folks on my feed talking about extraterrestials right now because radar-whatever. That is not even a blip on my mental radar. 

A lot of folks just like to start arguments. I guess it's a byproduct of living in a relatively cushy day and age and not having much meaning in their lives. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, JHDK said:

I dunno.


"Me and my baby, in 69", is rather baller.


 No homo.

I wonder if they all had a laugh when he sang that line lol! 


18 hours ago, Lantis said:

Depeche Mode did it better with Somebody

Uh wow. Never heard this song but man, that ending I did not expect 😮


I like the twist in the Pina Colada song. Guy decided to cheat on his wife by answering a personal ad, guess to meet the woman, and it turns out it's his wife. I never really listened to the lyrics if the song but when I finally did, I was like 

GIF by Lifetime Telly


Cus that's some good writing.

Edited by DoctaMario
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31 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I wonder if they all had a laugh when he sang that line lol! 


Uh wow. Never heard this song but man, that ending I did not expect 😮


I like the twist in the Pina Colada song. Guy decided to cheat on his wife by answering a personal ad, guess to meet the woman, and it turns out it's his wife. I never really listened to the lyrics if the song but when I finally did, I was like 

GIF by Lifetime Telly


Cus that's some good writing.

The whole Depeche Mode "Somebody" thing doesn't really work for me.


Fourth Wall Breaking never did.


Might as well fart hellaciously at the end

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11 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

Xbox Game Pass is the same as Google Stadia 
Both are shit and only wants to erode consumer rights under the pretense of being for the consumer.

prove me wrong

Except Xbox software sales whether digital or physical have never been higher thanks to game pass letting their base have access to essentially a try before you buy service. 

Xbox does a lot of incredibly stupid fucking things but game pass isn’t one of them. In fact it’s so successful it’s being integrated in so many ways like on the go with certain smart devices, pc, and they’re even going to start intergrading it with TV’s. 

But sure, pretend to spill that tea with your fisher price tea party play set. 

Edited by iStu X
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7 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

Everyone who replied, fucking sheep

How am I a sheep when I constantly shit on Xbox for doing Xbox things and barely acknowledge their existence in the console market? I don’t even have gamepass you troglodyte. I can also count on one hand how many times I’ve used my Xbone since I bought it a year ago. 

stats and sales of it and Xbox software show that it’s hugely beneficial for the Xbox brand, dev’s that let their games be on game pass (especially indie games), it’s market and it’s player base. 

you being an insufferable douche doesn’t change those facts 


Edited by iStu X
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I like game streaming services. 


I have PSNow and it's great. I will admit, I rarely stream games, so most of the time I just download when that's an option, but I've never had any issues when I do stream them. 


I'm all for preserving video game history with physical copies, and protecting consumers by letting them actually own a game that they can play forever and ever whenever they want...




I rarely revisit games, so most of the time games end up just sitting on a hard drive or a shelf after I'm done, so I like the frivolousness of  streaming 

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10 minutes ago, iStu X said:

tats and sales of it and Xbox software show that it’s hugely beneficial for the Xbox brand

Fuck the brand, I owe no brand any loyalty. What's good for the brand isn't whats always good for the consumer. 
What no one want to notice that MS brought that DRM scheme they had in 2013 back to Xbox One/Xbox Series S/X. 

I don't fucking care about the Xbox, PS or Nintendo brand, I am about Consumer Rights and being anti DRM. 


12 minutes ago, iStu X said:

you being an insufferable douche doesn’t change those facts 

Look in the mirror lately 

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6 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

I have PSNow and it's great. I will admit, I rarely stream games, so most of the time I just download when that's an option, but I've never had any issues when I do stream them. 

That is why I think GOG sets the bar for what should be the standard for digital distributions. 
I am not against digital, I am against DRM and Cloud Computing. I want that shit to run locally, and I want to be able to run it without verification and be able to uninstall it on my own terms. And how Gamepass works on Windows PC is disgusting, its on encrypted files you can't delete if an install goes wrong. As it will try to install as it downloads instead of letting the whole thing download first. 

Also every console after the PS2/Dreamcast/OG Xbox is a paper weight without the server support. 
Even digital games break, PS3 has the Cmos battery issue and XBLA requires regular verification. I don't even know the crack Nintendo is on. 

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4 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

What's good for the brand isn't whats always good for the consumer.

Seems like the consumers are happy with Gamepass. The only one here who seems to have a problem with it is you, and you're obviously not a sub lol.


Did Xbox touch your peepee in a naughty way when you were growing up? Wait, is Xbox your UNCLE?! 

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Just now, Chadouken said:

Seems like the consumers are happy with Gamepass.

Like Lambs to the slaughter. They like it as it's convenience, they got no idea they are getting fleece by MS hard. 


1 minute ago, Chadouken said:

Did Xbox touch your peepee in a naughty way when you were growing up?

If you see a shit pile a mile out, do you still walk around it or step right into it ?

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1 hour ago, iStu X said:

How am I a sheep when I constantly shit on Xbox for doing Xbox things and barely acknowledge their existence in the console market? I don’t even have gamepass you troglodyte. I can also count on one hand how many times I’ve used my Xbone since I bought it a year ago. 

stats and sales of it and Xbox software show that it’s hugely beneficial for the Xbox brand, dev’s that let their games be on game pass (especially indie games), it’s market and it’s player base. 

you being an insufferable douche doesn’t change those facts 


Because you disagree with him.


And he is clearly not a sheep, but the goat of alt <sic> time.

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2 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

I owe no brand any loyalty

No one said you did? 

2 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

What's good for the brand isn't whats always good for the consumer

But it’s shown that it is good for the consumer. Sooo?


2 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

I don't fucking care about the Xbox, PS or Nintendo brand, I am about Consumer Rights and being anti DRM. 

I feel that’s most people? But go on, keep pretending to be different than others. 


2 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

Look in the mirror lately 

Yup. Just this morning. My 5’oclock shadow is looking nice and my hair is fabulous 


2 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

Aren't you the one who collects DLC in the form of plastic figures?

This has nothing to do with conversation at hand. We’re talking specifically about the pros and cons of game pass. Nice try though. 

2 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

Yahoo Japan. 

Amazon Japan. I’d say try to keep up but since you clearly have a learning disability I can’t be too upset. So I’ll just say I’m not mad just disappointed 


2 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

What no one want to notice that MS brought that DRM scheme they had in 2013 back to Xbox One/Xbox Series S/X. 

How though? That’s not how gamepass works. It’s basically Xbox branded game fly. They can download and uninstall any amount of the games that are available on game pass. People know there’s no ownership involved.

Plus, not to mention what I said earlier and what you’re purposely ignoring; gamepass has helped push PHYSICAL software on the Xbox and indie digital purchases. Software sales have never been higher since gamepass has became a thing. 


Edited by iStu X
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A little one---I've never liked the numerical notation for inputs in fighting games that became the new standard.  This may be a generational divide sort of thing; I'm just used to the good ol' days of magazines or most people actually saying something like "D,D,F,F +LP" to do this fatality... or "d,df,f+Fierce", etc.  The numerical system "these crazy kids today" are used to like 2,2,6,6 LP is just awkward in my mind; I'm always having to take that split-second to "translate" what that crap means.


TnA content/nitpicks---

The fishnet stockings look---it's just not my jam....there's something "raggedy" looking about it that kills the visual for me. 

The "oiled up" look....nah that doesn't really float my boat either...mostly; there may be some exceptions.  I recently unsubscribed to a broad's youtube channel since that's all she does is the "covered in oil" look.  I'd rather not have the woman looking like some greasy chicken 🤣  It's just not my thing.

Special lighting---nah get outta here with that.  This is a main criticism I had with Playboy and other men's magazines back when I still bought those regularly.

The format---I prefer to not see dudes in the picture at all, or even hear them.  There's certain vids in my collection of "material" where I must mute the damn sound because there's some dude that can be heard saying something.

Edited by MillionX
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4 hours ago, MillionX said:

A little one---I've never liked the numerical notation for inputs in fighting games that became the new standard.  This may be a generational divide sort of thing; I'm just used to the good ol' days of magazines or most people actually saying something like "D,D,F,F +LP" to do this fatality... or "d,df,f+Fierce", etc.  The numerical system "these crazy kids today" are used to like 2,2,6,6 LP is just awkward in my mind; I'm always having to take that split-second to "translate" what that crap means.


TnA content/nitpicks---

The fishnet stockings look---it's just not my jam....there's something "raggedy" looking about it that kills the visual for me. 

The "oiled up" look....nah that doesn't really float my boat either...mostly; there may be some exceptions.  I recently unsubscribed to a broad's youtube channel since that's all she does is the "covered in oil" look.  I'd rather not have the woman looking like some greasy chicken 🤣  It's just not my thing.

Special lighting---nah get outta here with that.  This is a main criticism I had with Playboy and other men's magazines back when I still bought those regularly.

The format---I prefer to not see dudes in the picture at all, or even hear them.  There's certain vids in my collection of "material" where I must mute the damn sound because there's some dude that can be heard saying something.

I was pretty sold on the numerical nomenclature as soon as I used it to write the more pretzel-like inputs from SNK and Arc games. 

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5 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

BRUV...I'm probably one of the ONLY peeps on this site with any Xbox products. Stay mad at having the dumbest takes here. Gamepass is great but you just going to quadruple down because you hate knowing you're opinion here is the MOST unpopular. 

The point of this thread I feel is to have discourse on why you feel your “unpopular opinion” is an unpopular opinion with others and discuss your POV to them which ultimately leads to a middle ground. 

Yet all he’s done is whine like an uninformed curmudgeon shouting from the roof tops about shit that simply isn’t true and could be proven false by looking at Xbox’s most recent year to year profits reporting and the consoles player based feed back about game pass. 

However all he’s done and put on his ear muffs and go “LA LA LA LA IM NOT LISTENING!” While acting like a passive aggressive toddler by downvoting posts and thinking to himself “see, I won! I’m the best!”  

It’s why I’m mentioned Po Pimpus. Talking to him about damn near anything would turn him into a barely competent and obnoxious piece of shit who instead of actually trying to have an argument would just rage quit.

The few times he was right it went about in such ways that no one cared and would just dunk on him based on his existence and how he was acting.

But you got this @DarkSakul  go get ‘em, tiger. I believe in you little buddy.  All you have to do is start admitting you have a problem. And if you show us on the doll where Phil Spencer touched you with his Xbox SEX we can help you get over that problem. Together 

Edited by iStu X
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@DarkSakulIf you use any video streaming services, your stance on Gamepass is hypocritical. Gamepass is literally the video game version of Netflix. It's what people thought Stadia was going to be and no I don't have Gamepass. For a monthly fee, you can access a huge library of games you don't own. Just like video streaming services that give you access to a huge library of movies that you don't own.

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