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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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So much shit happening with Russia. Is it all just a spank on the wrist? Can they recover from it? Everything I hear sounds more and more serious. I don't know much about foreign currency or policy, but it's feeling like even if this shit ends tomorrow, they're going to be feeling it for a while.

Edited by axeman61
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4 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

but it's feeling like even if this shit ends tomorrow, they're going to be feeling it for a while.

That's pretty accurate.


Tbh, the allied countries are going to feel it for a while too. These sanctions went way past the kitchen sink at this point, these are brutal and it will take a long time for them to recover.


Their currency is a literal penny compared to the dollar rn. Even when it breathes again when the sanctions are lifted, it's still not going back to what it was. Period. There's a reason people were calling these "Nuclear Sanctions".

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9 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

the Last ASK A BROTHA for a while..


Black dudes,


Do you find any black fighting game character to be intentionally racist? 

If so, which ones?

Intentionally racist?  No.  Incredibly stereotypical at times and often times promoting negative stereotypes at times?  Yeah.  I can't say I've had a character that really made me lift and eyebrow and at times it depends on the game.  Balrog/boxer comes to mind but Street Fighter has sterotypes out the ass and at this point its part of the dna of the series so I just give it a pass.    I didn't even know who Lucky Glauber was until Darc mentioned him and I had to look him up.  I had to smh.  This dude is based on Hakim from Game of Death supposedly and I can't help but laugh.  I also forgot about Jax's alt in DA with the Flava Flav MK logo lol.

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1 hour ago, DarkSakul said:

How this shit head not dead yet?



Fucking cult if yoy ask me

Nah, he's just batshit insane lmao. 🤣


Stuff like that is why religious people get a weird rep.


Speaking of Ukraine tho, Zelensky was smart to strike while the iron is hot and ask to join the EU.

NATO is definitely off the table for now because they don't wanna be pulled into a war, but getting into the EU would help them a lot long term for both getting into NATO later and helping rebuilding their economy asap.


Probably the best "outsider" president I've seen. For someone with no political experience, he's playing very well.

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3 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

How this shit head not dead yet?



Fucking cult if yoy ask me

What happens if he is right and we are at the end times, and through out the duration of the final moments of earth you are still doing imaginary sex with your hand?


Don't worry about the news, prophecies, or preachers. The common message you need to understand is that life is finite and we do not know when it all ends. Covid, nukes, putin, Robertson, god, we don't know! 


Its time you make your life have some realness and meaning, retire the hand and get an ugly girl. 


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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:

BTW, my parents got covid.

Luckily, since they are vaccinated they have very mild symptoms.


I don't know yet if i have it, since the test i had said negative, but that test tends to said that when there are no symptoms or something like that since it depends of the antibodies, and the only ones i have at the moment are from the vaccines.



Hoping for a speedy recovery. Last month has been a nightmare for me because of it.

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On 2/28/2022 at 11:06 AM, DangerousJ said:

the Last ASK A BROTHA for a while..


Black dudes,


Do you find any black fighting game character to be intentionally racist? 

If so, which ones?

Like others have said, Jax is pretty unfortunate even if it was not intentional. Funny thing is, this happened twice by two different studios.


In the Midway games, Jax was portrayed as the level-headed leader to the then hot-headed Sonya. Not much but still there is some character. Starting with the spin-off, Special Forces, which then bled off into other games, Jax was something similar to a blaxploitation character. Along with the alt costume he got in the 3D games, Jax would also get a machine gun and scream “AWWW YEAH” every time he used it.


In the Netherrealm games, Jax was Sonya’s superior but after having his arms ripped off, being killed and resurrected, he was honorably discharged and had a daughter. After everything he went through, he was concerned about his daughter also being in the military and joined the bad guys in a moment of weakness. There’s a lot you can pull from for an ending, but his ending in MK11 has him suddenly remark about the Atlantic Slave trade and uses his newly gained time powers to make sure it doesn’t happen. It’s fine in theory, but Jax never had that as a character trait in previous games or even 11. It’s not even mentioned in the hours long story that the game has, it just pops out of nowhere. I wouldn’t be surprised they wrote that ending only because Jax was black.


TLDR: Jax became a stereotype in Midway games, Jax suddenly refers to real life race issues because he’s black in Netherrealm games.

Edited by BornWinner
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The US ambassador to the United Nations said Putin 'wants the world to travel back' to a 'time when empires ruled the world'

  • Putin on Monday recognized two separatist regions of eastern Ukraine as independent states.
  • The US ambassador to the UN said Putin is attempting to claim Russia has a rightful claim to all territories from the historic Russian Empire.
  • She said that includes Ukraine, Finland, Belarus, and parts of Poland and Turkey, among others.




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33 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Yeah Jax's "woke" ending from MK 11 just came out of nowhere. I never knew Jax stood for racial equality and stuff?

Yeah, I didn't like that either. Even as a black man, injecting race into stuff randomly just rubs me wrong. There was indeed absolutely nothing to suggest he cared about that stuff. My only guess there is that they remembered what they did to him in MKDA too and wanted to "make up" for it.

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They questioned one of the people that was organizing and supporting the convoy.

And he went full American retard.

He also questioned whether the Emergencies Act — which was debated Saturday in the House of Commons — was implemented legally, at times confusing the numbered amendments found in the U.S. Constitution with Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

"Honestly? I thought it was a peaceful protest and based on my first amendment, I thought that was part of our rights," he told the court.

"What do you mean, first amendment? What's that?" Judge Julie Bourgeois asked him.

"I don't know. I don't know politics. I don't know," he said. "I wasn't supportive of the blockade or the whatever, but I didn't realize that it was criminal to do what they were doing. I thought it was part of our freedoms to be able to do stuff like that."

Edited by scorp
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3 minutes ago, scorp said:

They questioned one of the people that was organizing and supporting the convoy.

And he went full American retard.

He also questioned whether the Emergencies Act — which was debated Saturday in the House of Commons — was implemented legally, at times confusing the numbered amendments found in the U.S. Constitution with Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

"Honestly? I thought it was a peaceful protest and based on my first amendment, I thought that was part of our rights," he told the court.

"What do you mean, first amendment? What's that?" Judge Julie Bourgeois asked him.

"I don't know. I don't know politics. I don't know," he said. "I wasn't supportive of the blockade or the whatever, but I didn't realize that it was criminal to do what they were doing. I thought it was part of our freedoms to be able to do stuff like that."


Murcia.. Fuck yea.. Wait.. This is a different country?? 

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3 hours ago, Volt said:

Hoping for a speedy recovery. Last month has been a nightmare for me because of it.


Sorry to hear that bro, and thanks for your wishes. 


If you dont mind me asking, it was you who got covid or was a family member? 


As for me, In the meantime, everyone is more or less confined to a different room in the house. 


Right now, i am the only without any type of symptom, so for now we are assuming i am couf free, but seeing  2 are sick and potentially the housemaid and her daughter are also sick, i am basically screwed on my odds of not getting sick at some point😂


Anything can happen in 2 weeks, and i dont really have any other place to go without risking others 😅

Edited by Hecatom
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55 minutes ago, elliephil said:

They claim it's about "country heritage" as in those who don't live in the city but work on farms and live in rural areas. I have cousins who fly the Confederate flag on their trucks. Some people are beyond reasoning with.

Are you in Alberta like me?

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1 minute ago, elliephil said:

I'm from South-Western Ontario, but my cousins moved to Alberta for work. Rural Ontario and Alberta are similar it seems from a glance.

Yea, shit sucks.

Do they still talk shit about my province after coming here for work? lol

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7 minutes ago, scorp said:

Yea, shit sucks.

Do they still talk shit about my province after coming here for work? lol

To be completely honest with you, the people that talk the most shit about Alberta are the people who live in urban settings, usually obtained post-secondary education, and live comfortably middle class either with a good paying job or with their folks. The people who come back after working are more like "well, there is no more work, guess I'm back home for now."


From what I gather, they enjoyed being there but came back for family once work dried up.

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13 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Yeah, I liked it, but did you feel her delivery was a bit stilted and "professional" compared to previous ones? That was like a little side thing nagging me.

I dunno how professional you can be when your talking about gettin cum blasted by michael b jordan 😂 but maybe she played around with how she delivers jokes now?

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JUST IN: European Parliament Accepts Ukraine’s Application to Join EU, Marking Step Toward Membership




On Tuesday, the European Council accepted Ukraine’s to join the European Union, marking a step toward membership in Brussels.

According to Fox News producer Nana Sajaia, 637 voted in favor, 13 voted in opposition and 26 abstained.



With the Council’s recommendation, the European Commission, which is the EU’s executive branch, “must unanimously agree on a formal framework for negotiations, which then take place between ministers and ambassadors of EU governments and the candidate country,” reported NPR.

Although Ukraine has called for its application to be expedited, the EU has reportedly signaled that it won’t be a quick process.


Tuesday’s development comes just hours after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky gave an emotional speech before the European Parliament amid Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine. He called on Brussels to immediately admit Ukraine into the European Union.


“This is the price of freedom,” he said. “We’re fighting just for our land and for our freedom.”

“The European Union is going to be much stronger with us,” he added. “We have proven our strength…Do prove that you are with us. Do prove that you will not let us go. Do prove that you are indeed Europeans, and then life will win over death, and light will win over darkness. Glory be to Ukraine!”



UN Diplomats Walk Out on Russian Foreign Minister’s Speech Before Human Rights Council


“Envoys from Syria, China and Venezuela were among delegations that stayed,” reported Reuters, which added, “In his speech, Lavrov accused the EU of engaging in a ‘Russophobic frenzy’ by supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine during Moscow’s military campaign that began last Thursday.”




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