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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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I saw Chris Rock yesterday. It was good, but not "turn this into a special" good. I suspect stuff is still being worked out. But I guess if you're a Chris Rock fan and he's performing near you, I'd get a ticket to see it. Get whatever the cheapest seats are though. Maybe it's just the theater I was in, but he had screens and stuff. I lost absolutely nothing being in the nose bleeds.

Edited by axeman61
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16 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:



"People don't prioritize the same things I do and I'm mad about that" is what I'm hearing from you.

Just clarifying my emotional position since you wanted to ascribe an emotional state onto me. 


Anyway you hear what you want hear Mario. I can't tell you what your take away has to be you decide that on your own. I never said anything about prioritization, you made that up on your own because you hear what you want to. The basics of vaccines is common knowledge there's 0 excuse of merit for not knowing it. You can blame that on emotions or priorities or whatever you want I don't care but it's the same as knowing not to walk into oncoming traffic, or not trsponding to nigerian email scams. If you don't know it by now then your the issue imo. You're ignorant to the basics of health knowledge you need to know in the modern day. 



Edited by RSG3
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6 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Just clarifying my emotional position since you wanted to ascribe an emotional state onto me. 


Anyway you hear what you want hear Mario. I can't tell you what your take away has to be you decide that on your own. I never said anything about prioritization, you made that up on your own because you hear what you want to. The basics of vaccines is common knowledge there's 0 excuse of merit for not knowing it. You can blame that on emotions or priorities or whatever you want I don't care but it's the same as knowing not to walk into oncoming traffic, or not trsponding to nigerian email scams. If you don't know it by now then your the issue imo. You're ignorant to the basics of health knowledge you need to know in the modern day. 



You sound angry or at least annoyed that people don't know the same things you know on the topic and that's an unreasonable point of view. I don't know if it's that you arent aware you sound that way or what, but that's how it comes across with you a lot of the time.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

I saw Chris Rock yesterday. It was good, but not "turn this into a special" good. I suspect stuff is still being worked out. But I guess if you're a Chris Rock fan and he's performing near you, I'd get a ticket to see it. Get whatever the cheapest seats are though. Maybe it's just the theater I was in, but he had screens and stuff. I lost absolutely nothing being in the nose bleeds.

I like seeing comics at our local casino because it's just big enough to draw some big names but small enough that you get to see the pros handle hecklers.  I saw Tim Allen there right after his show got canceled and he basically went on a 30 minute tirade about how Hollywood could suck his dick and it was fucking awesome! 👌 

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5 hours ago, MillionX said:

The most interesting "what if" scenario to me is that if a live "Eben" was indeed recovered from the crash at Roswell...that one of the reasons to continue holding back everything from the general public is what they found out from whatever the alien said, if they were able to understand him (but even that's assuming that the being either would use telepathy or just already understood human language...I imagine that telepathy is theoretically something that overrides a language barrier.)  Imagine if the alien confirmed a few things that completely changes what anyone currently thinks about this world and the real origin of our species.....e.g.--"We've been visiting you for the past 10,000 years.  Yes, we've intervened at certain points in history, which is where some of your old myths come from, btw."  Or---"We've been visiting to check back on your progress.  It's only logical, considering we created your species.  Your appearance is mostly different as a result of this planet's environment; everything from the vegetation, the amount of sunlight it receives, and the amount of gravity, the atmosphere, and several other factors."  


Basically some huge mind-blowing shit that instantly changes your world-view on just about everything, and it's a dangerous unknown factor how the average person would react to this kind of information being 100% confirmed. (*on top of such a being's very existence already being a big deal; that in itself could be extremely "disturbing" to a lot of people.)


ha, as you can tell by now I wish this was the real origin story for the human species... it's more interesting than the current one that either a "God" magically created us or that we evolved over time from primates.  An origin story involving a species from another world is way more awesome, imo.




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6 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

The point is the leadership, aka Trump dropped the ball in the first place. He took out the one group who want their job and we had to rely on the next man down on the tolem pole Fauicci. By the time Biden took office it was way too late. 

Makes me wonder is it really a good idea to have a revolving door of presidents? Each with their own or even polar opposite agendas? Every 4 or 8 years. It's "Hey nice job you've done with your term. Be a shame if I came in and undid everything you've implemented before  there was even a chance to see real results. And took the country in a complete different direction"

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15 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Makes me wonder is it really a good idea to have a revolving door of presidents? Each with their own or even polar opposite agendas? Every 4 or 8 years. It's "Hey nice job you've done with your term. Be a shame if I came in and undid everything you've implemented before  there was even a chance to see real results. And took the country in a complete different direction"

No one wants a President longer than 8 Years because of FDR. 

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36 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Makes me wonder is it really a good idea to have a revolving door of presidents? Each with their own or even polar opposite agendas? Every 4 or 8 years. It's "Hey nice job you've done with your term. Be a shame if I came in and undid everything you've implemented before  there was even a chance to see real results. And took the country in a complete different direction"

IMO this is the result of "Executive Order" Presidents and the consequences of that style of rule.

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The situation at Martha's Vineyard isn't about "exposing liberals" for hypocrisy. It's so clear that this was a stunt created by DeSantis under the pretense that it was just "things going according to plan" via their sanctuary state programs. These people were used as a pawn for political advantage and I truthfully believe people like DeSantis are preying on the ignorance of others, as most of us have seen displayed online already.


What's crazy to me is that supposedly these agencies responsible for moving these migrants to MV were requiring migrants to check-in with USCIS offices according to falsified home addresses provided by Homeland Security. Clearly, whoever is responsible for this migrant crisis was doing this on purpose. They KNEW that these migrants were going to end up in Massachusetts. Why send them to Tacoma, Washington for their meetings unless those responsible wish to set them up for failure? This situation is evil and crooked.

Edited by elliephil
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The funny thing about that is that Halle Bailey WAS indeed the best person for the job. She was the first to audition, and no one else after her came close. The director said as much in a video clip. To me, it makes all this sad racist hand-wringing about "Disney is pushing a woke agenda" even funnier, because these people have NO idea what they're talking about.

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1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

Trevor Noah breaking it down so even kids can understand. He said everything that needed to be said, especially that line about the Black Panther. That's alot of ppl's go to race-swap example


He's said so many things in that video. The one place I want to focus on is how he reminds people that it's still there. That is a general problem with fandoms. Content gets created for the current generation around a thing from your childhood. It's not the way you want it, so you take to the internet and try to burn it down. The thing is, the original still exists. If you don't like it, don't watch it. The company making it will "hear you". If it doesn't match with your sensibilities, why expend calories and money on it. Pop in that VHS tape, fill a bowl of cereal and treat yourself to a nostalgia bomb instead of being a dick on the interwebz. 

Edited by OPTIMUS124
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Bingo. None of the old stuff is getting removed, your favorite versions of your favorite characters still exist. I hated that Ghostbusters reboot they did years back so I didn't bitch about it, I just went back to the old stuff. 


But bigots aren't exactly sound of mind when it comes to logical thinking.  They have this weird illogical fear that they're being oppressed or replaced when they see ppl that don't look or think like them get any type of major focus. 



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7 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Bingo. None of the old stuff is getting removed, your favorite versions of your favorite characters still exist. I hated that Ghostbusters reboot they did years back so I didn't bitch about it, I just went back to the old stuff. 


But bigots aren't exactly sound of mind when it comes to logical thinking.  They have this weird illogical fear that they're being oppressed or replaced when they see ppl that don't look or think like them get any type of major focus. 



Agreed. Regardless of the reason it's a sense of entitlement that shouldn't exist.


7 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Well it's also on Disney+ so I think dusting off an over 30 year old contraption is excessive. 😅

So is the outrage over the character. 


Give Up Whatever GIF by Bounce

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3 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

I bet if I dug in storage, I could still find my old VHS player. Finding the tapes would be another matter entirely, and half of them I had recorded over with episodes of Dragonball Z🤣

When we were cleaning the house after my Dad passed away, I found Star Wars crossed out by whatever show I was into at least six times 🤣

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1 minute ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

When we were cleaning the house after my Dad passed away, I found Star Wars crossed out by whatever show I was into at least six times 🤣

Dude, that was me. I usually picked the shitty movies I knew my mom would never watch to record over, wasn't trynna catch an ass whoopin. I did slip and record over something I wasn't supposed to once, made sure not to make that mistake again 🤣

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Just now, HD-Man said:

Dude, that was me. I usually picked the shitty movies I knew my mom would never watch to record over, wasn't trynna catch an ass whoopin. I did slip and record over something I wasn't supposed to once, made sure not to make that mistake again 🤣

We bought Star Wars eventually, so it was fine 🤣.


We found a copy of Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (best one, don't @ me) that was part of a promotion with a meal.



6 minutes ago, Lantis said:

I also have some VHS tapes in my possession but no VHS player to play them on (some include the first 3 Dragon Ball OVAs, the Fatal Fury anime trilogy, ID4, and Saving Private Ryan, among others)

There's nothing like hitting fast-forward to getting to that one scene at the end of a movie. Children today are spoiled 😂.

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2 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Trevor Noah breaking it down so even kids can understand. He said everything that needed to be said, especially that line about the Black Panther. That's alot of ppl's go to race-swap example


I'm not as affected by the whole change but Trevor's views is stupid. 

This is the same heat people gave when they made Goku white and casted Scarlet Johansson for Ghost in the Shell.  The issue is that there is certain fandom that can't be fucked with and that's the shit of the 90's kid. It's like taking someone's childhood and vandalizing it with all these leftist political bullshit and then forcing it to be accepted or they will be judged as racists. Fuck that. What's next, Ellen Page is going to be the male interest?  

 It's a lack of creativity just to get that easy snowflake/sjw money.

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21 hours ago, J-ride said:

I work for a major research hospital and the way the media/government were acting like the vaccine was magic and was just going to solve all of our problems was honestly silly and completely unrealistic.


There's a few factors going into that. The way news were covered after Trump's election went nutty. CNN and others decided to shift their coverage of thing to a more "Fox News Lite" than behave with any type of seriousness. So a lot of the what mainstream media is in the US became even more nonsensical than it'd be a times.


Mind you, this is before you throw in a lot factors that worsened the situation. You could legit write a  good 500 page book on all the reasons why 2020 played out the way it did.  Even the way people deal with impending danger that's not quite prescient yet factors into this. Utah is literally running out of water; while they do so their state government refuses to put the foot down on all sorts of things that would make the situation worse because some people want to have swimming pools. That may not seem related to CoVid, but a lot of the underlying issues are the same.


The other part of CoVid too was how the early coverage of it was fumbled. I had a lady in my FB who was getting her degree in nursing post the stupidest meme about it early on. Then I had to explain to her that yes, in fact, a whole lot of the US has the preexisting conditions that would get bodied by CoVid.


There are some fundamental problems with the way we communicate, present information, handle political discussion, hold people in high places accountable (from the government creating issues to how corporations are able to skate by when they do things to damage society) , on top of the personal issues individuals have with how they process information. Goddamn if it wasn't a perfect storm only possible through our modern society.

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11 hours ago, elliephil said:


The situation at Martha's Vineyard isn't about "exposing liberals" for hypocrisy. It's so clear that this was a stunt created by DeSantis under the pretense that it was just "things going according to plan" via their sanctuary state programs. These people were used as a pawn for political advantage and I truthfully believe people like DeSantis are preying on the ignorance of others, as most of us have seen displayed online already.

It's a means of calling the bluffs of non-border states that want to claim some kind of moral high ground on a problem most of them don't even have. And predictably, they're complaining about it.


Congress hasn't passed any meaningful immigration legislation in decades, so, as with so many other things, a lot of the blame lies at their feet.

Edited by DoctaMario
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20 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

It's a means of calling the bluffs of non-border states that want to claim some kind of moral high ground on a problem most of them don't even have. And predictably, they're complaining about it.


Congress hasn't passed any meaningful immigration legislation in decades, so, as with so many other things, a lot of the blame lies at their feet.

Well they should complain since what they did was illegal, and they were unprepared. Of course they complained. People complain when others break the law. That's Normal as fuck. 


What they actually thought would happen is that MV would be so unprepared they wouldn't know what to do and would panic. What actually happened was the whole community banded together to help these people and then they "complained" by pointing out what a piece of shit DeSantis is and that he broke the law. 


Your point doesn't even make sense as there are tons of illegals up north. Where did you ever get the idea the north doesn't have an immigration problem? Because they are north? Well your wrong just like DeSantis was wrong about his stupid, cruel, illegal plan to fuck with these innocent people just to "own the libs." Fucking disgusting. 


Just like J-Ride, you don't know what you are on about with this story. 

10 minutes ago, J-ride said:

They deported the shit out if them with the God damn quickness. 

No they didn't. No one was deported. They where moved to a military base that literally takes care of displaced people in Mass. They can't stay in MV, it's closed for the winter the majority of the homes there are only for summer. 




Do you fucking get it yet cuz this is the second time you peddled this absolutely wrong information about them being deported. They weren't. This is fucking false. 

10 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Those Elites looked like some MAGA voters when the problem showed up in their rich ass neighborhood.

Oh yea they definitely looked like Maga showing up with food and clothing, interpreters for the immigrants, money and then got them actual shelter.


What a stupid fucking thing to say. 

Edited by RSG3
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