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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

I'm curious: why is he trying to tank twitter? Let's not pretend he's doing anything else.

Dude has a huge history of acting like a shitbird and getting away with it because the people affected didn't have his kind of money.  Probably never internalized the lesson that these other big corporations don't have to eat his bullshit like us poors  would.

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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

I'm curious: why is he trying to tank twitter? Let's not pretend he's doing anything else. Why pay way more than it's worth to run it into the ground? Couldn't he have done this shit at the actual worth price?

Conspiracy theory mode: He bought it to fulfill a singular purpose and take over the government by influencing public opinion. How much money is installing a permanent puppet government in the most powerful nation on Earth worth?

Edited by Daemos
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Twitter Alternative Mastodon Trumpets Huge Numbers Amid Musk ‘Chaos,’ But Confusing App Is Melting People’s Minds


According to CNN:

The service has a similar look to Twitter, with a timeline of short updates sorted chronologically rather than algorithmically. It lets users join a slew of different servers run by various groups and individuals, rather than one central platform controlled by a single company like Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.


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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

I'm curious: why is he trying to tank twitter? Let's not pretend he's doing anything else. Why pay way more than it's worth to run it into the ground? Couldn't he have done this shit at the actual worth price?

Musk fails to understand that twitter is an advertising vehicle. He has spent the week freaking out users, advertisers and staff, then expects to build profits with a subscription plan. A lot of businesses has put a pause on advertising, waiting to see what shape the platform will take. I'm not sure how twitter users will react in the long term since this shit is snowballing so quickly. Most people involved in social media already have multiple social media accounts anyway, so it would be easy to abandon a platform to focus on another.

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14 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

One of my fears of getting old. Weak guts and bladder. I don't want to live in fear of pissing or shitting myself if I'm out too long. And can't venture too far from a bathroom

Not a good feeling at all. The worst is finding out about things you usually eat and drink with no issues suddenly wrecking your guts, the HARD way.


On another note, is anyone here from Florida? Some family members are thinking about moving to Fort Lauderdale and I’d like some insight.

Edited by hanzohattori12
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9 minutes ago, Meier Link said:

I will not have completed my purpose in this lifetime and current incarnation until I have destroyed everyone’s egos/minds = thoughts and emotions on the Earth Plane. Once everyone’s egos have been destroyed, all the souls on the Earth Plane/Planet will be released into Heaven.



You should start with your own ego, you're way behind.

Edited by Daemos
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Chappelle's Hosting SNL this coming Saturday. The woke-scolds are out in full force, inducing many eye rolls from me. I didn't like The Closer either, but I'm at the point where I'm sick of people acting like Dave personally slapped a bunch of Trans people himself.


But secretly, I am hoping that his monologue is good and has no trans or cancel culture material. I've never been nervous about a Chappelle monologue doing well. That kinda bothers me.

Edited by axeman61
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On 11/5/2022 at 9:55 AM, Meier Link said:

Those are good questions.                 

If I am enlightened, I would not be here anymore.


An enlightened being would not exist anymore on the Earth Plane since their soul would have been released from their body.

The soul is who I really am. I am not my body and I am not my mind. 


Absolutely wild to me that you are using the Phaedo and backing it up with anime clips. Socrates-chan would be proud.

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5 hours ago, Daemos said:


You should start with your own ego, you're way behind.

As soon as I was born, I was destroying my ego. As soon as I was born, I was destroying everyone’s ego around me. I was born to destroy because I am Shiva the Destroyer. Once everyone’s ego including mine are dead, we will all be free.


Every time you are compelled to speak, think, feel, and move your body, you are acting on your ego.


The ego is not my enemy. It’s my best friend who is leading me to Complete and Total Enlightenment for all.


Nobody is free here in Samsara/Hell because we are all slaves here to our egos. Yes, we are in Hell therefore we are all demons.

There is no free will in Hell because of the ego’s compulsive nature. Only in Heaven you are free because the ego does not exist there. Only our souls and the Supreme Over Soul exist in Heaven.

Yes, I have a very big ego.  I have the biggest ego that I know about as far as I know. Big, powerful, strong, disciplined, fast, balanced, adaptable, agile, and healthy egos take a long time to die usually. Every time you react negatively to another person’s ego, that usually means your ego became threatened because your ego is smaller and or more fragile than the other person’s ego. A big ego is not always a strong ego. Everyone’s ego/personality construct/mind = thoughts and emotions are different from one another. The ego is what gives us a sense of individuality and uniqueness.


The strength of the ego is usually determined by the way it expresses itself via the person who owns the ego.


Thoughts occur among the physical matter of the brain. Emotions occur among the physical matter of the heart. The Soul is housed in the spaces in the heart.

Edited by Meier Link
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The most threatening ego is the one that went silent. The ego that just watches and listens to it’s surroundings or just ignores everything and everyone and acts that everything and everyone  do not exist because everything else is just a figment of their imagination.


What is the Soul? It is the Light of the Observer of the mental, emotional, and physical realities. It is the Witness. It is the Watcher. It is God who is everywhere and nowhere.


Any compulsive or involuntary reaction to someone else’s ego whether the reaction is positive or negative is an ego based reaction. 



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Harry Potter is a franchise that showed up a bit too late for me... or rather I was born too early.  If that became a big thing when I was about 9 or 10 then I would likely have been one of those super fans.


On another note--- I got caught up finally with last week's episode (5) of Interview with The Vampire, and oh yeah it was a good one... the shit hit the fan big time at the end; things reached a boiling point in the dysfunctional relationship between Lestat, Louis and Claudia.  They should have shown more of the actual fight though....most of the shots are Claudia's horrified reaction as the Lestat vs. Louis bout finally pops off....tearing up the house in the process.

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My sister just got here. We’re having home hospice move him to hospital hospice where we just — for lack of a better way to say it — be around him as we wait for him to die. The hospice nurses will be there just to give him medicine so he’s as comfortable as possible when he does. 


Edited by iStu X
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30 minutes ago, MillionX said:

Harry Potter is a franchise that showed up a bit too late for me... or rather I was born too early.  If that became a big thing when I was about 9 or 10 then I would likely have been one of those super fans.


On another note--- I got caught up finally with last week's episode (5) of Interview with The Vampire, and oh yeah it was a good one... the shit hit the fan big time at the end; things reached a boiling point in the dysfunctional relationship between Lestat, Louis and Claudia.  They should have shown more of the actual fight though....most of the shots are Claudia's horrified reaction as the Lestat vs. Louis bout finally pops off....tearing up the house in the process.

I find that you're most into franchises from little kid to teens and then from 20s on , you're more casual probably due to increased school/job/relationship time drain.


That's why I was only casually into HP and Lord of the Rings bc the films for those came out in the 2000s. 



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less than 2% of people upgraded to windows11. cuz it stinks.

good fail tho. wtf were they thinking giving peeps a pc os that mirrors a phone os? smdh. if i wanted a phone experience on my pc i would would run a phone os myself on it.

thats just lols tho. 


also, sorry bout all u going thru stu.

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yeah I'm a casual fan at best for Lord of the Rings... cool world and lore and all that; I enjoyed the movies... but goddamn it takes forever to watch those.  I'll never watch them again for that reason.


Odd how that works out though---I prefer a series, which is effectively a longer format for a story... I suppose it's just better when things are broken up into "episodes", as opposed to 1 movie stretching on forever....also, shows typically have a resolution to 1 plot/situation by the end of individual episodes while continuing to develop a major story arc in the background....that is a preferable format to me.

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1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

good fail tho. wtf were they thinking giving peeps a pc os that mirrors a phone os? smdh. if i wanted a phone experience on my pc i would would run a phone os myself on it.


They did that with windows 8. My PC came with that. I already knew how it worked so NGL I liked it a lot. My PC ran better with it too.


Although there's no good reason to have that type of stuff on PC. Unless touch screen monitors become standard, its all a big shrug.

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4 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:


less than 2% of people upgraded to windows11. cuz it stinks.

good fail tho. wtf were they thinking giving peeps a pc os that mirrors a phone os? smdh. if i wanted a phone experience on my pc i would would run a phone os myself on it.

thats just lols tho. 


also, sorry bout all u going thru stu.

I have Windows 11. You can just turn that shit off in like 3 minutes. If this is why people didn't upgrade then yall are dumb. 

Edited by RSG3
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4 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:


less than 2% of people upgraded to windows11. cuz it stinks.

good fail tho. wtf were they thinking giving peeps a pc os that mirrors a phone os? smdh. if i wanted a phone experience on my pc i would would run a phone os myself on it.

thats just lols tho. 


also, sorry bout all u going thru stu.

Windows 8 sucked and I had zero interest in bothering with 11 after it ended up sounding just as bad.  Win 7 was awesome almost from day one and I have no idea why they keep trying to make a product no one wants.

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8 hours ago, iStu X said:

My dad likely isn’t going to see tomorrow. Most people know he had throat cancer but went into remission. However, It’s been back for a while and spread to his lungs and liver. His health has been getting worse and worse since it came back. 

Well, this morning some shit went down. Not sure if it was a stroke or what but I was in my room when my mom started yelling for me. When I found her she was holding my dad on our laundry room floor. 

He’s been conscious but unresponsive. He’s still resting now but when he’s awake he’s still unresponsive. We called the ambulance and medics came down and stabilized his breathing  (it’s still not good but better than it was. He’s analog breathing right now. Which isn’t great) 


My mom is freaking out. My aunt is here trying to keep her together. Sister is on her way. Family is going to start visiting. 

I'm genuinely sadden by this news, and sorry you and your family is going through this. If there's a bright side? It's your dad going out surrounded by loving family. 


People talk about being independent. They don't need no body. They got a high paying career, business etc. But when one is facing their last years,months, weeks. days in this world? I doubt that person cares about such things anymore


They're either glad they have a family and close friends that give a damn. Or are in regret there's few if any around that do. Your dad is among the former

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

I have Windows 11. You can just turn that shit off in like 3 minutes. If this is why people didn't upgrade then yall are dumb. 


In my case is because Windows 11 is a major security risk, not to mention, you as a system administrator don't have a real ownership of it, this was already a problem on windows 10, where some times windows ignored your settings, even if you had an active directory setting to block windows doing whatever it wanted, and windows 11 doubles down on all the bad features of Windows 10, making it impossible for system administrators to block those stuff from, happening.


At least on the tech savy side of users, no one moved because of those reasons.

There is plenty of documentation online and videos on youtube explaining the problems with windows 11 and why was a terrible idea to upgrade to it, at lkeast for a couple of years.


Most companies around the world that use windows stayed on windows 10 because those reasons.


In fact, I even use a personal firewall software just to block all the processes from M$ so they don't force the upgrade on me plus block all the telemetry software so they don't get data from me, you will be surprised at the amount of bandwidth that windows uses on hidden services and programs that are constantly uploading your info.


Windows 11 makes windows 8 look like windows 7


Edited by Hecatom
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9 hours ago, iStu X said:

My dad likely isn’t going to see tomorrow. Most people know he had throat cancer but went into remission. However, It’s been back for a while and spread to his lungs and liver. His health has been getting worse and worse since it came back. 

Well, this morning some shit went down. Not sure if it was a stroke or what but I was in my room when my mom started yelling for me. When I found her she was holding my dad on our laundry room floor. 

He’s been conscious but unresponsive. He’s still resting now but when he’s awake he’s still unresponsive. We called the ambulance and medics came down and stabilized his breathing  (it’s still not good but better than it was. He’s analog breathing right now. Which isn’t great) 


My mom is freaking out. My aunt is here trying to keep her together. Sister is on her way. Family is going to start visiting. 

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your father will find peace, and for you and your family to find strength and patience during this time.

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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:


In my case is because Windows 11 is a major security risk, not to mention, you as a system administrator don't have a real ownership of it, this was already a problem on windows 10, where some times windows ignored your settings, even if you had an active directory setting to block windows doing whatever it wanted, and windows 11 doubles down on all the bad features of Windows 10, making it impossible for system administrators to block those stuff from, happening.


At least on the tech savy side of users, no one moved because of those reasons.

There is plenty of documentation online and videos on youtube explaining the problems with windows 11 and why was a terrible idea to upgrade to it, at lkeast for a couple of years.


Most companies around the world that use windows stayed on windows 10 because those reasons.


In fact, I even use a personal firewall software just to block all the processes from M$ so they don't force the upgrade on me plus block all the telemetry software so they don't get data from me, you will be surprised at the amount of bandwidth that windows uses on hidden services and programs that are constantly uploading your info.


Windows 11 makes windows 8 look like windows 7


Facts. I cannot play Valorant at all since I switched to Windows 11. It now locks me out because I dual boot to Fedora.

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