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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I don't disagree with you on the NYC mayor needing to STFU. That said, comparing AOC to MTG is like comparing a paper cut to a gunshot wound. MTG is openly calling for succession. She isn't even feigning upholding the Constitution. Even in the current climate Republicans are avoiding Santos like the plague but not MTG. She's a shame to all Gief mains everywhere 👀

They're both loudmouths who spew misinformed opinions to their social media audiences while pretending to be lawmakers. I don't see much of a difference. There have always been people like them in government, they aren't the first, they won't be the last, but they're two sides of the same coin. MTG says things they get her attention just like AOC does. They may say different things, but they're playing the same game.

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

They're both loudmouths who spew misinformed opinions to their social media audiences while pretending to be lawmakers. I don't see much of a difference. There have always been people like them in government, they aren't the first, they won't be the last, but they're two sides of the same coin. MTG says things they get her attention just like AOC does. They may say different things, but they're playing the same game.

I haven't really seen much stuff that AoC does that is anywhere near the realm of what MTG does.  I really don't buy the "2 sides of the same coin" thing here because in order for it to be 2 sides of the same coing AoC would have be spewing out nonsense 24/7 out of her mouth.  There's things that she says that people don't like for sure but she's hasn't said anything that is QAnon conspiracy nut job level bullshit only with a Democrat flavor to it.  You are going to have to give me some examples of this.  What has AoC said or done that anywhere close to shitting on and harassing school shooter survivors and telling them that what happened to them wasn't real or anything close to the amount of crazy that comes from talking about jewish space lasers with a straight face?

Edited by Sonichuman
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Trump Now Selling T-Shirts With His Own Mugshot For $47




Former President Donald Trump’s campaign remains determined to fundraise as much as possible off his indictment. Now, despite reports that Trump is not expected to get a mugshot when he’s arraigned in New York court on Tuesday, his campaign mocked up an image of his mugshot anyway to sell on t-shirts.

Hours after the campaign sent Trump supporters an email asking for donations ahead of his arraignment, the campaign sent out a new one to promote some new merchandise.

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33 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I haven't really seen much stuff that AoC does that is anywhere near the realm of what MTG does.  I really don't buy the "2 sides of the same coin" thing here because in order for it to be 2 sides of the same coing AoC would have be spewing out nonsense 24/7 out of her mouth.  There's things that she says that people don't like for sure but she's hasn't said anything that is QAnon conspiracy nut job level bullshit only with a Democrat flavor to it.  You are going to have to give me some examples of this.  What has AoC said or done that anywhere close to shitting on and harassing school shooter survivors and telling them that what happened to them wasn't real or anything close to the amount of crazy that comes talking about jewish space lasers with a straight face?

You mean things like how the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't do what she says, or comparing the southern US border to the Berlin Wall, or lying about how she was in so much danger on January 6th while she was nowhere near any of the action? Or how she spent a bunch of time tweeting about how she supported the railroad strike in December and then went and voted to forcibly break it. I'll take someone shitting on survivors before I'll take someone actively robbing people of the rights she supposedly stands for if I'm forced to choose.

You can make whatever distinctions you want, but they're playing the same game just in different ways.

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How many of ya'll think that this Trump storyline is best western political storyline the USA or the Illuminati every wrote?


What happens to Mike Pence after this, is he back to mid card now, are they going to bring in a new chara..politician.. to be vice? You think Candice Owens will be relevant again or should they find some new random black girl in repping the right and push her to the moon? 



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1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

Went to check out this other job today, seems on the up and up.  The captain says its alot more laid back with their company and the schedule is ALOT better for me.


I also wouldn't have to travel out of town to board the boat, the dock is like 15 minutes from my home. And would legit be able to leave the boat after my shift and go home as long as im back before my next shift. 


Only con so far is I'll take a nice hit paywise until I get my next set of certifications, but maybe I can negotiate slightly more so it won't be as bad

The bag might be a little light but it sounds like it’s more secure and better for you in the long run. I say go for it. 

Edited by iStu X
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Think people are really celebrating too much right now regarding Trump over nothing at the moment.  I mean he's indicted but he still hasn't been found guilty on anything and it could easily end up being the same unfortunate tango that been going on with him.  Really I don't even care of he goes to jail at this point, it'd be nice but that's just icing.  I just want him to be held accountable for any one of the things he's done and for him not to be unable to be President ever again. 


2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

You mean things like how the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't do what she says, or comparing the southern US border to the Berlin Wall, or lying about how she was in so much danger on January 6th while she was nowhere near any of the action? Or how she spent a bunch of time tweeting about how she supported the railroad strike in December and then went and voted to forcibly break it. I'll take someone shitting on survivors before I'll take someone actively robbing people of the rights she supposedly stands for if I'm forced to choose.

You can make whatever distinctions you want, but they're playing the same game just in different ways.


I had to look up the article in question regarding the 12 years to get some context despite figuring it was regarding climate change/global warming.  Considering that her information came from a United Nation backed climate report and not something that was completely pulled out of her ass, I'm going to go out on a limb and say not MTG level.


Reading on the 2nd comment, it's a wrong comparison and probably slightly hyperbolic but it's still not on the level of claiming Jewish Space Lasers are responsible for the fires in California.  I can at least follow AoC reasoning for why she would say something like that even though she's wrong.  I can't say the same for MTG.


I don't know how to respond to the 3rd comment because based on all the information that's out there,  just about everybody who was in that building during the insurrection was worried about what they were going to do if they reached them, this goes for both Democrats and Republicans.  And despite certain law makers trying to either pretend afterward that it didn't happen or downplay it, it definitely was enough that it it rattled some people (When Mitch McConnell actually comes out and tells people that the spin that Tucker Carlson tried to put on that day was horribly inaccurate then you already know) got rattled.  Also upon looking up information on what she said about that day,  (Which if you want to watch yourself is here, or you can get cliff notes here), it appears people took what she said out of context.  She actually describes where she was during Jan 6 and she wasn't near the insurrection people since she was in an office to side of the main building but someone came banging on her door who didn't identify themselves and she didn't know if they were there to hurt or help her.  Come to find out it was a Capital Police person.



Ocasio-Cortez never said rioters who entered her office in the video testimony, but rather described fearing for her life in the moment due to the presence of the unidentified police officer in her office that day.

Starting around the 41:20 timestamp, she recalls ordering lunch for herself and her staffer around 1 p.m. when she heard loud banging on her office door and a man’s voice shouting: “Where is she?” She says she hid in her office bathroom, where she continued to hear the same shouts, describing the scene as the moment she “thought everything was over.”

At 49:00 minutes in, Ocasio-Cortez says that once the unidentified man was inside her office, her staffer told her it was safe to come out of the bathroom, revealing that the person who had been banging on the door and looking for her was a Capitol police officer.


She says that because the officer did not identify himself, she “didn’t know if he was there to help us or hurt us”.

I don't know where the spin came from that she lied but I can take a wild guess.


Your 4th point upon reading up on it sounds like a "needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few" problem.  It absolutely sucks that the strike got forceably shut down and I don't even know how you can go about doing that since it kind of defeats the purpose of what a strike is.  Sounds like they couldn't fully get the agreement that the rail workers wanted but they ended up getting something out because the alternative was a shutdown that was going to end up hurting more people.  Politics suck ass and that will never not be the case.  This still is not anywhere near the nut job stuff that MTG is doing or saying on a daily/monthly basis. 



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6 hours ago, zatalcon3 said:

How many of ya'll think that this Trump storyline is best western political storyline the USA or the Illuminati every wrote?


What happens to Mike Pence after this, is he back to mid card now, are they going to bring in a new chara..politician.. to be vice? You think Candice Owens will be relevant again or should they find some new random black girl in repping the right and push her to the moon? 




This Trump thing is more like kayfabe. WWE script. Sounds like the federal government/shadow government staged this (yeah, I know, tinfoil hat lol)



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2 hours ago, Daemos said:

I think Trump probably committed crimes. That he’s unfit to be President. That he’s a con artist.


But also that this indictment is a politicalally motivated overreach. This is not how you take down political opponents regardless of how much of a dump they are. Dangerous precedents are happening every year, the US is in trouble.

Lindsey Graham, is that you?

Edited by DangerousJ
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40 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

What dangerous precedent is being set by holding someone accountable for their crimes, even if they used to be Pres?

Nobody should be above the law, even the Pres so if anything I'd rather he actually be held accountable and that sends a message to any future Pres regardless if they're Dem or Repub that they can't just do whatever they want with no consequences.  Thats the precedent that I WANT to be set.

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39 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

What dangerous precedent is being set by holding someone accountable for their crimes, even if they used to be Pres?

That wasn’t the precedent I was referring to. If he is guilty then he should face the music, but I find it ironic that we went from “Lock her up” to “Lock him up”. Trump started a new way of politics and it was slow to take hold in the beginning but now both sides are knees deep in the shit show.


This entire recent performance from the announcement to the indictment reeks of theatricalities. Trump won’t get any jail time for it or anything else for that matter, but that was never the intention. Just muddy the waters long enough for him to be discredited for 2024.


The precedent therefore is this type of political assassination has now entered the arena. The democrats are taking pages from Trump’s playbook to beat him, but they won’t come out of this unchanged. Both parties are fucked going forward.

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I think the problem your logic has is "Lock her up" was barely more then a slogan and went no where for exactly the opposite reasons Trumps actually under arrest. He did shit, there seems to be mountains of proof of it, they've been working on this for a while while Trump just makes shit up on the spot. Hillary was never going to jail because Trunp was never going to persue the claim. It was a slogan and nothing more. 

Edited by RSG3
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46 minutes ago, Daemos said:

The precedent therefore is this type of political assassination has now entered the arena. The democrats are taking pages from Trump’s playbook to beat him, but they won’t come out of this unchanged. Both parties are fucked going forward.

And that's the best possible outcome. I hope they fucking crucify Trump between this indictment and whatever comes from the classified docs, election fraud in GA, and the Jan 6 investigations. He is a disgrace.


And then I hope they go after Biden next.

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18 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

And that's the best possible outcome. I hope they fucking crucify Trump between this indictment and whatever comes from the classified docs, election fraud in GA, and the Jan 6 investigations. He is a disgrace.


And then I hope they go after Biden next.

I mean... I'm down for that. From a good safe distance, I'm totally down for that. :bison:

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13 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I had to look up the article in question regarding the 12 years to get some context despite figuring it was regarding climate change/global warming.  Considering that her information came from a United Nation backed climate report and not something that was completely pulled out of her ass, I'm going to go out on a limb and say not MTG level.





What the study said: "If we don't take measures, the effects of carbon emissions could be irreversible in 12 years."

What AOC said: "The world is ending in 12 years" 

At best, she's spreading misinformation.


The other are, I guess, a Rorschach test of whether you like AOC/are willing to give liberal politicians a pass for things. I think comparing a US border to the Berlin Wall is hilariously tone deaf (much less comparing detention centers for illegals that get caught to "concentration camps" which she also did.) I don't give MTG a pass on the stupid things she says and I won't do it for AOC even if she seems to have an inexplicable veneer of credibility. 


My point is, and has been, that these two are better suited for being cable news entertainment hosts. They aren't notable for anything related to the job of being a lawmaker, just for saying crazy/misinformed things and getting into public fights on Twitter and with other lawmakers. If we have to have the system of governance we do, I don't really think either of them are fit for the job, and I don't want my lawmakers wasting time fighting with people on Twitter that they could be using to better inform themselves or create better legislation.


Then there's also the point that they're both the extreme end of their respective parties and I have little doubt that the more center members of the party use them as political cover to get away with things because it's easy to sneak things through when everyone's paying attention to the clown. But that's another discussion I guess.


TL:DR I don't have a dog in this fight, I think they're both dangerous in their own way because they command far too much attention

Edited by DoctaMario
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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

I need to put more Prince in my library at some point now that I'm thinking about it.  Did his estate ever get over not having his stuff available digitally?

Yes, actually they have his entire catalog from the Warner years and also his post-Warner NPG independent recordings too. They even have a lot of previously bootleg-only albums on there, so it's actually a pretty awesome time to be a Prince fan.


They also started releasing things from his infamous Vault too and I even think they put out a piano/vocal demo of Purple Rain awhile back. I've been a fan of his for probably going on 20 years and there's a bunch of stuff in here even I haven't heard, like they put out a compilation of songs that got cut by other people like Manic Monday (The Bangles), Jungle Love (Morris Day & The Time), and Nothing Compares 2U (Sinead)  Let me know if you need any recommendations, I can help lol

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6 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

You know it's a really weird saying whenever someone says the phrase "If they do this to *insert person* then it can also be done to you" when it comes to being held accountable for anything.  It's kind of like "....Yeah?  That's what's supposed to happen."

I think the difference is that most people are ok with accountability when it happens to the "other" people. If it gets turned around on them, they consider it an attack and act like they didn't cheer it on when it was happening to someone else they don't like.  But you're right, that IS what's supposed to happen, but it doesn't always. It's why for me, someone who values consistency a lot, this era drives me absolutely up a wall.

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16 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Yes, actually they have his entire catalog from the Warner years and also his post-Warner NPG independent recordings too. They even have a lot of previously bootleg-only albums on there, so it's actually a pretty awesome time to be a Prince fan.


They also started releasing things from his infamous Vault too and I even think they put out a piano/vocal demo of Purple Rain awhile back. I've been a fan of his for probably going on 20 years and there's a bunch of stuff in here even I haven't heard, like they put out a compilation of songs that got cut by other people like Manic Monday (The Bangles), Jungle Love (Morris Day & The Time), and Nothing Compares 2U (Sinead)  Let me know if you need any recommendations, I can help lol

I might take you up on that offer.  My dad LOVES Prince.  So much so that I knew when he died suddenly that he was not ok.  I know a few of the hits here and there from the catalogue but I feel like getting some suggestions would def help out.

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