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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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17 hours ago, iStu X said:

TMNT pen and paper RPG books from palladium back in the 80's. A lot of the campaign books were post-apocalyptic.

My friends in Highschool played a lot of After the Bomb, which was the post apocalyptic setting.  It was enough of it's own thing that Palladium managed to continue publishing for it even after they lost the TMNT license.

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im not the biggest fan of religons since religons turn into institutions which i hate. 

but i wonder how many of yall have tried or attempted to try astral projection? i learned how to do it during my school years.

did some journeying. including into deep space a couple times. point is, astralprojection was, eye opening to say the least.

and no. astral projection isnt a "hallucination"

the act of obe/astral projection actually puts your brain waves into a different state unique and different from brain waves measured during wakefulness conscious state, 

REM dream state, and sleep/unconscious state.

brain wave measurements of people committing astral projection who were tested revealed the brain goes into a unique distinct state that isnt REM or any other previously known state. the brain wave patterns measured are different from anything else previously measured n recorded.

that said.

doing astral projection is harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd af to pull off.

for 1 reason.

your mind has to stay awake while your body falls asleep.

mother nature made it so every animal falls asleep mind first then body.

its why you are never aware of the exact moment you fall asleep. 

but to do astral projection, you gotta do the reverse. you gotta go against nature.

its hard af to do your 1st time.

it took me months to finally do one. my 1st time took months cuz i kept falling asleep. its quite difficult. but i eventually managed to fall asleep body first with my mind fully conscious. its a strange sensation.

you feel a "wave" travel over your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes then travels back to the top of your head. after the wave of numbing sensation.

you cant move your body. youre essentially paralyzed. your body no longer responses to your commands of movement. thats how you know your body is asleep. 

the hardest part of astral projection/out of body experience is that part.

the 1st part of "mind awake while body asleep" is the only hard part of the process.

the rest is easy peasy.

only thing you have to be mindful of is:

you cant stay too long outside your body. and you can never go against "the pull" of your body. when you are astral projecting you eventually if you stay out your body for too long youll eventually feel your body "calling" you back by this intense sensation of being pulled. or drawn back. never go against that sensation. obey it always or you run the risk of severing the connection with the body.

so if u ever do it, remember never to go against your body calling your astral form back.

and youll be fine.

one astral practitioner went against the "call" of his body. he apparently severed the connection because when he tried to re-fuse back into his body he couldnt.

he had to concentrate very hard to re-fuse back. which he managed to do or we wouldnt know about it. but when he re-fused back he noticed he was paralyzed in that he couldnt move his body. but he regained control back in a few minutes. 

point is. its not a good idea to disobey your body calling you back. always obey it. disobeying it may result in death/permanent disconnection with the body.

i would say more about what ive learned. but nah. i already wrote a novel. figure out the rest yourselves.

but i will say this.

the astral metaphysical form is VERY different from your physical body. very different. like night vs day.

your body is just a shell. a vessel. its not really you. its not what u really are. if you manage to successfully commit an obe, youll understand what i mean.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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9 hours ago, Daemos said:

Not sure what you're getting at. The divinity of Christ and most of the stories in the Bible are counterfeited/plagiarized from much older religions, even his "birthday" is stolen. Everything is a copy of a copy.

Christ's birthday was never stated in the Bible nor taught by his apostles, it was chosen by the church to be celebrated on Dec 25. They chose to retire their own winter winter solstice and replace it as a day to remember Christ's birth. That isn't copying.  Get it right and be thankful that it is just I who saw this because if it was HE who saw this academically fallacious post of yours, you'd be laying in your own blood.  

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38 minutes ago, weneedhim said:

Christ's birthday was never stated in the Bible nor taught by his apostles, it was chosen by the church to be celebrated on Dec 25. They chose to retire their own winter winter solstice and replace it as a day to remember Christ's birth. That isn't copying.  Get it right and be thankful that it is just I who saw this because if it was HE who saw this academically fallacious post of yours, you'd be laying in your own blood.  


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9 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Man I can't wait for the dumbass people not being able sit down comfortably or be touched by anyone because...????? 

"OOOO...AHH...AAAUGH...I SURE AHH...SHOWED THEM!"  ~ The fucking idiot says as they struggle to change their clothes.

Has anyone ever known a black man or woman who used sunscreen? Doctors say black people need it too. But even out here in Summer time Qatar. I've been fine. 


I'm not gonna tell a medical professional they're wrong. But us black folks are built for the heat and sun. 

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1 hour ago, BB_Hoody said:

Has anyone ever known a black man or woman who used sunscreen? Doctors say black people need it too. But even out here in Summer time Qatar. I've been fine. 


I'm not gonna tell a medical professional they're wrong. But us black folks are built for the heat and sun. 

Yea uh skin cancer don't give 1 single fuck about what your "built for." Sunscreen does more then stop you from getting a sunburn. It blocks the UV rays the cause skin cancer. My grandfather was a geologist and had skin cancer from spending so much time in the field. I can promise you it's not fun. 

Edited by RSG3
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13 hours ago, misterBee said:



You choose NOW to come back?!  It was just starting to get peaceful around here...


Everyone please set your guns to 'snitch'.


Bullshit tolerance at an all-time low at the moment.

Me? Doramus opened his mouth and I took a shit on it. That is all. Atheists have to be checked once in awhile, other wise your forum can turn into a hubspot of girlymen who want to talk about cute bears, having warm hot white wine, and how cesar millan is violent.

Try to look at it from another perspective mod. Imagine yourself as the owner of the Pistons, who would you want to acquire on your team, wouldn't it be Lebron? You can get the Michael Jordan of Shoryuken posters to finally sign with megashock and boost its ratings. This site maybe good enough for you to put food on the table but if HE joins your site, you'll be able to have a thanksgiving feast.  Do you want peace or do you want to prosper?

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5 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

Has anyone ever known a black man or woman who used sunscreen? Doctors say black people need it too. But even out here in Summer time Qatar. I've been fine. 


I'm not gonna tell a medical professional they're wrong. But us black folks are built for the heat and sun. 

I think I told this story before, but I thought my white friends were making stuff up when they said they had sunburn. I've never had sunburn a day in my life. Then I poked one of them on the shoulder and he shrieked. So that's how I found out sunburn was real. I was like 8 years old at the time. We can get sunburn but it's really really difficult. My dad got sunburn once and we didn't know what was going on because we couldn't fathom the possibility. As for how he managed it, my dad had a have spotless car. So he was out side, in July on a 97°, cloudless day washing and waxing his car at noon. The Camaro was shining like new money though. Still don't know how he managed it. I'd be outside sun up to sun down playing with my friends as a kid, only thing that happened was I'd get darker.

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🤔 🤘 Slayer





"When the lovely @thestormydaniels pops backstage to say hello and she is the sweetest, warmest, kindest, badass lass in town. Also we both love @slayerbandofficial"


Holy shit, Shirley's so changed 😩



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5 hours ago, RSG3 said:

If he was washing the car then he was wet, the water amplifies the power of the sun making burning easier. Its why you see it so often at the pool.

Thirty two year old, as of next month,  family mystery solved. 👍🏿(I usually use the medium dark skin tone, but given the subject matter) 😉

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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^that's not a surprise with the UFO thing, of course... if you've seen too much, naturally someone (like perhaps mysterious "Men in Black") will probably "convince" you to shut up about the interest of national security.... or else you might have an "unfortunate accident" soon.


oh yeah---"astral projection"---I'll admit when I first heard of it (probably around junior high or early high school I think), I tried it just because it sounded like such a cool thing to have as a superpower.  Of course I was disappointed when it didn't work... like so many kids who probably tried doing things like "Kamehameha!" and "Galick Gun!" attacks for real after watching DBZ.

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I think I told this story before, but I thought my white friends were making stuff up when they said they had sunburn. I've never had sunburn a day in my life. Then I poked one of them on the shoulder and he shrieked. So that's how I found out sunburn was real. I was like 8 years old at the time. We can get sunburn but it's really really difficult. My dad got sunburn once and we didn't know what was going on because we couldn't fathom the possibility. As for how he managed it, my dad had a have spotless car. So he was out side, in July on a 97°, cloudless day washing and waxing his car at noon. The Camaro was shining like new money though. Still don't know how he managed it. I'd be outside sun up to sun down playing with my friends as a kid, only thing that happened was I'd get darker.

Same here. Never experienced sunburn. Never wore sunscreen. No matter how long I stayed out in the sun. But I guess black or just melanated people in general have a resistance to the suns rays. But there's a limit 

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6 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Same here. Never experienced sunburn. Never wore sunscreen. No matter how long I stayed out in the sun. But I guess black or just melanated people in general have a resistance to the suns rays. But there's a limit 

Well yea, your darker colored so the burn is less likely to happen. Our skin literally refracts light underneath the sub surface, and if your darker skinned your going to refract it less. Its part of why lighter skinned people kinda "glow" and still can be seen in really low light situations, it just bounces right the fuck off us lol. Light skinned people get sun far worse, and it becomes worse the lighter you get.


I think people misunderstand the purpose of Sun Screen tho, its not to prevent Sunburns. That's a happy side effect of wearing it. Its to prevent skin cancer. Its a UV blocking protective layer, and its the UV Radiation Waves that give you skin cancer. A good Sunblock protects you from UV, not from burning. That's just a lucky side effect.


Grew up in a desert, have an intimate relationship with the sun, it's cool, but like that friend from college hanging out with him too long can cause problems in your life.

Edited by RSG3
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11 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Well yea, your darker colored so the burn is less likely to happen. Our skin literally refracts light underneath the sub surface, and if your darker skinned your going to refract it less. Its part of why lighter skinned people kinda "glow" and still can be seen in really low light situations, it just bounces right the fuck off us lol. Light skinned people get sun far worse, and it becomes worse the lighter you get.


I think people misunderstand the purpose of Sun Screen tho, its not to prevent Sunburns. That's a happy side effect of wearing it. Its to prevent skin cancer. Its a UV blocking protective layer, and its the UV Radiation Waves that give you skin cancer. A good Sunblock protects you from UV, not from burning. That's just a lucky side effect.


Grew up in a desert, have an intimate relationship with the sun, it's cool, but like that friend from college hanging out with him too long can cause problems in your life.

Speaking of deserts. U.S deserts are awesome. So many cool rock formations and plant life. Living in Tucson and seeing those mountains on the horizon was always nice. Deserts out here in Qatar are depressing. There's nothing. Just flat rubble and dirt as far as the eye can see. I was told in Saudi Arabia. Is where you can see the golden sand dunes you see in movies. 

Edited by BB_Hoody
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5 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Grew up in a desert, have an intimate relationship with the sun, it's cool, but like that friend from college hanging out with him too long can cause problems in your life

Disappointed man, I started reading that in Bane's voice and was expecting some sort of Bane level rant about the desert 🙃

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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14 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Yea I love our Mountain Range. It's fantastic. If your ever in Tucson again let me know well get some drinks or something. 

I'll be making my way out west to L.A to visit a friend when I come back to the states. I can make a stop in Tucson. Be nice to visit again.

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