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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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lmfao rhode island is fucking wild. sooo they are planning on pretty much being fully open april 1st. like clubs and stuff are opening back up. Now the general public doesnt get access to vaccines til i wanna say 1-2 weeks after. Shoullllldnt you prioritize having your general populace vaccinated to say 40% or higher before opening the clubs?

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11 minutes ago, Maxx said:

lmfao rhode island is fucking wild. sooo they are planning on pretty much being fully open april 1st. like clubs and stuff are opening back up. Now the general public doesnt get access to vaccines til i wanna say 1-2 weeks after. Shoullllldnt you prioritize having your general populace vaccinated to say 40% or higher before opening the clubs?

Clubs, bars, etc are already open here. Arkansas is also lifting the mask mandate next week. 

it’s super fucking stupid 

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2 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Clubs, bars, etc are already open here. Arkansas is also lifting the mask mandate next week. 

it’s super fucking stupid 

I don't think RI will lift the mask mandate just because of how close to mass and CT they are. 

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1 hour ago, scorp said:

You guys should try voting in some 40 year olds again.

Could the Republican party bring up a 40-something presidential candidate? Is it possible?

Republican nominations seem to have devolved into who can be the most batshit insane, so sure, maybe they could.


Usually candidates have to have done a fair bit of rising up through the ranks to have enough national name recognition and fundraising muscle for a presidential bid, and that tends to select for someone older.

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1 hour ago, weneedhim said:

Will Emptyreyes come back? 

*Sigh* Unfortunately, that's permanent now. Thank my mentor for that. 

It's a mystery to me that I'm an open target for future memes, corny jokes, and the like, either here or on discord. I can see a little wit and friendly humor about someone, but for malicious intent is uncalled for. Though I will be doxed in the future on the later decisions I make and I'm going to have to accept that. However it is still an unhealthy obsession to direct your own issues toward someone. People are too old for this. 

Anyway, reflecting on what my therapist have said, as the discussion was about being dissatisfied with human interaction, be it virtual or not.  The lack of adequate emotional connections to the norm has stagnated my personal growth and should start with the minor things in life on hopes to bury the negativity. Her discussion is what influenced me to came back here. 

Also, I've forgiven myself on wishing murder on you and I've also forgiven you. So there. 

It's just been a few days and you have already missed me, but I also realized that you can't build a bigoted reputation WITHOUT me. Unbelievable. 

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1 hour ago, scorp said:

You guys should try voting in some 40 year olds again.

Could the Republican party bring up a 40-something presidential candidate? Is it possible?

The problem is that there's a supposed "pecking order" to the major parties and all the 40 year olds are in the back. Obama was a bit of an outlier in that he was a campaigner's wet dream, so they pushed him to the front of the line, but it was supposed to be Hillary's "turn" in 2008. There are plenty of younger Republicans and they're all pretty new, but if one of them primaried really well, the party would have no choice but to get behind them and go with it. The way the Reps primary is better than the way the Dems do it because of someone the reps don't like does well with the people, they don't have time to do any real fuckery to keep them from winning, wheras if someone who isn't party approved starts running away with the Dem primary, the DNC overlords can put the kabosh on it.

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38 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

My lil sister sent a text asking if I'm working. History shows when ppl ask if you're off, it's NOT to invite you for a fun time. They've already planned your day to revolve around doing shit for them instead of you enjoying your off time


So in summary: NOT answering that shit and going blissfully about my day 😂

I always say I got called in for overtime...when it's someone I don't want to help. 

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1 hour ago, scorp said:

Is Emptyeyes "The Darkness"?

I'm curious. Are there any similarities between me and The Darkness? I have no recollection of the user.


However, I will admit over the years in other forums that I've had usernames that associated with darkness, depression, or stoicism, such as the current name I have now. 

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1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

My lil sister sent a text asking if I'm working. History shows when ppl ask if you're off, it's NOT to invite you for a fun time. They've already planned your day to revolve around doing shit for them instead of you enjoying your off time


So in summary: NOT answering that shit and going blissfully about my day 😂

ohhhh this is a regular thing for me...and it often applies to 2 people, actually.  Sometimes I find amusement in the fact that from their perspective, I "never take time off" or I'm also "working a lot of overtime"....meanwhile I'm actually chillin' playing more insane amounts of Diablo, ESO, Gears of War games, ordering another pizza, etc....the true fun things in life.  I don't like it when people try to monopolize so much of your time. (*another of the many reasons it's difficult to imagine being married to anyone and it being an overall good experience, imo; I place an extremely high value on freedom.)  Both of these people I'm thinking of will seriously take up your entire day if you foolishly allowed it.


...sheeeittt, it goes back to one basic thing I finally realized recently in life---lies make life easier.  Lies are often a good thing for this reason.  Got a friend or family member that always needs a damn favor? (which always ends up being some incredibly annoying shit) --> "ohhh yeahhhh, actually I had to work overtime... yeah, bruh.. sometimes it's mandatory..." or "yeahhhh actually I was out getting the car serviced....took longer than I anticipated..."

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, Emptyeyes said:

*Sigh* Unfortunately, that's permanent now. Thank my mentor for that. 

It's a mystery to me that I'm an open target for future memes, corny jokes, and the like, either here or on discord. I can see a little wit and friendly humor about someone, but for malicious intent is uncalled for. Though I will be doxed in the future on the later decisions I make and I'm going to have to accept that. However it is still an unhealthy obsession to direct your own issues toward someone. People are too old for this. 

Anyway, reflecting on what my therapist have said, as the discussion was about being dissatisfied with human interaction, be it virtual or not.  The lack of adequate emotional connections to the norm has stagnated my personal growth and should start with the minor things in life on hopes to bury the negativity. Her discussion is what influenced me to came back here. 

Also, I've forgiven myself on wishing murder on you and I've also forgiven you. So there. 

It's just been a few days and you have already missed me, but I also realized that you can't build a bigoted reputation WITHOUT me. Unbelievable. 

My reputation relies on the Greatest Poster. I just sometimes have a hunger for girlyman blood and JHDH and Dayana are very boring.


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28 minutes ago, DrLariat said:

He was scared to have me train him to actually learn to fight

No, I was scared of you just kicking my ass to death. I didn't want to be trained by you. I didn't know you wanted to train me. I guess I can learn some grappling from you, but I don't want a trainer, but thanks for offer. 


You just wanted to train me, not actually just destroy my ass? I really didn't know that was your plan. I guess I misunderstood. 

Edited by Lord Vega
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37 minutes ago, IcyBlackDeep said:

On the internet, no one knows you're a dog.  Conversely, the person you're talking to on the internet could be a dog.

I know it's not that simple, but don't get too invested in talking to dogs.

He is going to reply to me regardless, even if my posts aren't directed to him. That's the annoyance I have.


And his hunger associates with being possibly infatuated by me, which I take no flattery of it. I definitely believe that's the case, because otherwise, he wouldn't be targeting me so much for his own special interests. It's not like he's going to admit it either, because he needs a platform to stand on. He is repressed and takes on a new level of miserable. 


Edited by Emptyeyes
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On 3/18/2021 at 4:32 PM, Chadouken said:



That's probably why they've been down for a few weeks now.  I bet it's not coming back. At least not in any recognizable way.

....So what you're saying is SRK is D E A D.  Good on the Canons though for cashing out. They'll probably be consultants or on the Sony Payroll which is pretty cool.

Goodbye grimey FGC.

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45 minutes ago, DarkGeneral said:

....So what you're saying is SRK is D E A D.  Good on the Canons though for cashing out. They'll probably be consultants or on the Sony Payroll which is pretty cool.

Goodbye grimey FGC.

Something being "more respectable" doesn't mean it's going to be better or less grimy. 


Maybe I'm naive but I don't think the FGC is as grimy as everyone says. It's a case of a few people doing stuff so the typical internet response is to paint the entire group that way because of a few idiots.

Edited by DoctaMario
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3 hours ago, HD-Man said:

My lil sister sent a text asking if I'm working. History shows when ppl ask if you're off, it's NOT to invite you for a fun time. They've already planned your day to revolve around doing shit for them instead of you enjoying your off time


So in summary: NOT answering that shit and going blissfully about my day 😂

This was often the truth for me until I cut a LOT of people out of my life.  It became a guessing game for me.  When I see certain numbers, I would guess,"What do they want this time?"
1:  Money

2:  Free labor (Needing to move things, dig up, cut grass, etc)

3:  "Foodie call"


Near the end I was 100% with it.  Nostradamus may as well have sent me a text message before they called as I was nearly turning down their,"offer" before they finished making it.

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There's also a VTM board game out there; I've been occasionally checking back on how that's coming along; I'd probably be more interested in this than a typical TTRPG session, since there's some cool figurines in there....I'd have a bit more fun when there's a physical representation of my character in play.  


I've never dealt with anything on kickstarter though; I'm old fashioned and just prefer to buy stuff in person at a store somewhere.


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I want a cool statue or figure that is affordable of Dracula. I have a pic where I kind of look like a vampire with my eyes glowing due to the flash reflecting from my eyes. 


I would so get this one. I wonder how much it cost. Aww shit, it's $525. That's too much. Ha ha ha! I think they might have an action figure of this version of Dracula. 



Edited by Lord Vega
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3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Something being "more respectable" doesn't mean it's going to be better or less grimy. 


Maybe I'm naive but I don't think the FGC is as grimy as everyone says. It's a case of a few people doing stuff so the typical internet response is to paint the entire group that way because of a few idiots.

Depends on the things you've heard/were around for. On both the coasts there were a lot of grimey shit that went on behind the scenes and interpersonally. I'm talking about stuff that wasn't necessarily coming out in twitter threads/reddit/discord etc. The FGC have been transitioning away from that type of culture for a while now and with EVO going corporate this will be the big pivot into competitive gaming as a business for the broader FGC.  Simply put, too much potential money is going to be on the line and the structures will be in place for players to make money off it. Twitch ad revenue/subscribers, youtube ad revenue and sponsorships can help Fighting game players take home 6 figures a year depending on how they preform at big tournies etc. 

Simply put, there is no place for grime when big money is on the line compared to  say 10 years ago.

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47 minutes ago, DarkGeneral said:

Depends on the things you've heard/were around for. On both the coasts there were a lot of grimey shit that went on behind the scenes and interpersonally. I'm talking about stuff that wasn't necessarily coming out in twitter threads/reddit/discord etc. The FGC have been transitioning away from that type of culture for a while now and with EVO going corporate this will be the big pivot into competitive gaming as a business for the broader FGC.  Simply put, too much potential money is going to be on the line and the structures will be in place for players to make money off it. Twitch ad revenue/subscribers, youtube ad revenue and sponsorships can help Fighting game players take home 6 figures a year depending on how they preform at big tournies etc. 

Simply put, there is no place for grime when big money is on the line compared to  say 10 years ago.

But what ever shall Evo be without Kineda's wife?

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12 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

What is it with dads in anime being deadbeats or shitty parents all around? 😂

There is one Dad that stood out to me for it's time and that's Bardock. The great lengths that he went to for revenge and affection for his deceased comrades, without help from the Saiyan race, and how insignificant he was compared to Freeza and his forces resonates with me. The only anti-hero anime Dad I've ever liked.

Edited by Emptyeyes
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5 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Something being "more respectable" doesn't mean it's going to be better or less grimy. 


Maybe I'm naive but I don't think the FGC is as grimy as everyone says. It's a case of a few people doing stuff so the typical internet response is to paint the entire group that way because of a few idiots.

This is going to be hard to talk about without using loaded terms, but I'll try.


If there's a couple dozen chill dudes and one guy trying to show and/or see dicks, that's all it takes.  Some people will blow it off and try to avoid him, more will figure "FGC really is a bunch of wackjobs" and walk away forever, and if he keeps at it maybe he finds that special, vulnerable someone he can mentally scar for life.

People like to think "we know bad behavior when we see it" and get up in arms about pages of carefully-worded and inflexible rules.  But without structured rules people say "oh, ol' Joey's trying to look at dicks again, that scamp" and don't do anything about it, and people don't want to bring it up because they know nothing will be done about it.

If the whole group gets painted with a broad brush, they may not be guilty, but they might have some soul-searching to do about how it happened.

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6 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Something being "more respectable" doesn't mean it's going to be better or less grimy. 


Maybe I'm naive but I don't think the FGC is as grimy as everyone says. It's a case of a few people doing stuff so the typical internet response is to paint the entire group that way because of a few idiots.

Pre-09 fgc was Def grimy. Srk front page directory was for combo vids and shit talking via. Dudes used to fight alot at tournaments. Dudes tellin you to go kill yourself in the forums was regular. You had to have a tough skin to not take shit personally and try to run the fade on someone. 

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