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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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I finally watched the first movie in that Phantasm collection I got recently... yeahhh it has not aged well at all imo.  I'm not sure what most other people's reactions to this movie was at the time but I didn't like it that much.  I only remember it showed 1 dude get killed by the metallic sphere; though at least that was funny.  The villain concept here seems like something that had potential at least (the mysterious "Tall Man" and his minions)....I'd like to see what a much better writer and director/production team could do with that now.  


It's been so long since I saw whatever *one* of these movies I did back then, it's like watching this completely fresh at this point.


haha I'm surprised Siskel and Ebert reviewed this but of course they didn't like it:


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Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) vowed to back legislation prohibiting Chinese, Russian, Iranian, and North Korean citizens and entities from purchasing land in Texas.


The bill, submitted two months ago by Republican state Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, states that citizens, corporations, and government agencies of the four nations “may not purchase or otherwise acquire title to real property” in the state. Abbott confirmed on Sunday that he would endorse the legislation, which has not yet been voted upon by lawmakers.


“The past several years have seen more Texans alarmed by the increased acquisition of land by primarily Chinese interests,” Kolkhorst remarked in a statement provided to the Center Square. “The growing ownership of Texas land by some foreign entities is highly disturbing and raises red flags for many Texans. By comparison, as an American, go try to buy land near a Chinese military base and see how it works out for you. It would never happen there and it shouldn’t happen here. Passing this law delivers some basic safeguards to ensure Texans remain in control of Texas land.”


The potential ban on certain overseas entities from owning land in Texas follows legislation passed two years ago which barred contracts with foreign companies related to critical infrastructure such as cybersecurity systems and electric grids.


Texas currently has the largest amount of foreign-held agricultural land of any other state, according to a report from the Department of Agriculture. The more than 4.7 million acres of agricultural land held by foreigners constituted 3.1% of the total land area in the Lone Star State. Between 2019 and 2020, the amount of land controlled by foreigners increased by 6%.


Chinese entities own slightly less than 1% of foreign-held acres in the United States. Canadian investors own roughly 32% of agricultural and non-agricultural land, while citizens of other allies, such as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, represent 31% of land holdings by foreigners.


Officials have frequently cited national security risks arising from the Chinese purchase of agricultural land. Lawmakers in South Dakota, who also recently moved to prevent Chinese entities from purchasing land in the state, are particularly concerned about the acquisition of farmland near Ellsworth Air Force Base. The purchase of 300 acres near Grand Forks Air Force Base in North Dakota, where some of the nation’s secure drone technology is located, last year by Chinese food company Fufeng Group raised concerns of espionage among authorities.


Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has also promised to prevent Chinese entities from purchasing land in the Sunshine State.

The Biden administration opened an investigation into Chinese telecommunications conglomerate Huawei last year over concerns that cell towers utilizing the company’s devices are transmitting data on military bases and missile silos to the communist nation. A final rule issued two months ago by the Federal Communications Commission will block Huawei, ZTE, Hikvision, and Dahua from importing certain technology considered a threat to national security.


Beyond commercial and agricultural property, Chinese entities composed 6% of foreign residential real estate purchases between April 2021 and March 2022, according to an analysis from the National Association of Realtors. As much as 8% of residential properties acquired by foreigners were in Texas.

Edited by AriesWarlock
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I recently watched Glass Onion: Knives Out 2 and RRR.


Glass Onion - 7.5/10


GO was a step down from the first. The cast is good and energetic with Janelle Monae being the highlight. I like the new setting.

I feel that Benoit is too prominent in the movie; he works a little better less in the spotlight.

Ed Norton's character comes off as Musk which after the last few months of his Twitter shenaningans feels like  "too little, too late"

Due to how the mystery unfolds, the first hour didnt grab me since they play back certain scenes to ex plain some plot points .




RRR - 8.5/10


I 've only seen a few Indian movies like Lagaan.

I have to say the energy in this movie is great and the relationship between Bheem and Raj is great and  feels like something out of a 80s/ Stallone/Schwarzenegger film.

Despite being 3 hours, my butt didnt get numb. The action scenes were great and even the songs/dance scenes were great but not too annoying like most Indian films.

The CGI is mediocre, but thats not why you se this film. The action is over the top but in a good way. 

Most fight scenes are bad in Indian movies, but these are actually good and insane. 

This is shot and filmed in an eye pleasing way that makes it more dynamic than most Indian movies.

Surprisingly the Telegu language is not available , so I watched it in Hindi.


Misc: The girl who played Elsa in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is in this , but looks rough. She clearly could use that grail cup now lol.




Edited by DangerousJ
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And now 40 years later...  D&D cartoon figures!  They look pretty damn good and accurate to me

I saw the Venger & DM pack in Target a few days ago... it was 49.99 though; a bit pricey but I still may go back to get it.  For decades now I've wanted a more cartoon-accurate Venger figure, and now this finally looks like it's up to my expectations.  I'd buy that one solo (maybe not for 50 bucks though) but Dungeon Master being bundled with him is a nice bonus.


*ooh, I doubt they will make a figure out of it since this is a minor villain character...but I'd definitely get "Shadow Demon" too; Shadow was a major henchman/spy that Venger used.  Also it would be silly if they don't make a Tiamat figure at some point.

Edited by MillionX
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I'm reading through the comments of that clip and I'm definitely watching a different scene than what the others are watching.  I don't find that powerful at all and I think it's actually complete bullshit to be frank.  I understand what he's saying regarding black women seeing black guys in sports always having white women and stuff cause I get into that argument conversation with my wife all the time anytime it comes up.  End of the day though BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE WITH AND FUCK EVERYONE ELSE.  I don't agree with "limiting yourself to just your own race" bullshit because there's always the possibility that someone who matches up with you may not even be within your race.  You're just going to pass on potential happiness because "they're not of from the same racial background as you and people might talk" if that's what you're concerned about then you deserve to not have the right person walk right pass you.  You enjoy keeping that hook in that vast lake tossing away the fish that actually decide to take a nibble. 

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LeBron James had his mind blown on Monday night when Houston Rockets forward Jabari Smith Jr. informed the Los Angeles Lakers superstar he faced Jabari Smith Sr.’s team in his first NBA game.

Smith Jr., 19, has had a solid first year out of Auburn, averaging 12 points and seven rebounds per game.

At one point, the rookie called out to James, 38, to inform him this wasn’t the first time he was facing a team with a Jabari Smith on it:



SMITH: Hey. You played against my dad. Your first NBA game ever.

JAMES: Really?

SMITH: Sacramento.

JAMES: Why’d you do that to me?

SMITH: You feel old, don’t you?



9 hours ago, elliephil said:

When I was going over immigration paperwork, I found out you can get a greencard if you have a "$500,000 investment" in the United States. That can basically mean anything.


That's usually for when you are setting up a business or buying a house.


Edited by AriesWarlock
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27 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I'm reading through the comments of that clip and I'm definitely watching a different scene than what the others are watching.  I don't find that powerful at all and I think it's actually complete bullshit to be frank.  I understand what he's saying regarding black women seeing black guys in sports always having white women and stuff cause I get into that argument conversation with my wife all the time anytime it comes up.  End of the day though BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE WITH AND FUCK EVERYONE ELSE.  I don't agree with "limiting yourself to just your own race" bullshit because there's always the possibility that someone who matches up with you may not even be within your race.  You're just going to pass on potential happiness because "they're not of from the same racial background as you and people might talk" if that's what you're concerned about then you deserve to not have the right person walk right pass you.  You enjoy keeping that hook in that vast lake tossing away the fish that actually decide to take a nibble. 

It's so crazy to me. Imagine meeting someone who makes your every single day better in basically every regard and deciding "Naw....our skin color isn't the same." 



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heh, oh that's always a juicy topic... and for so many reasons; there's not enough "popcorn" animated gifs to express how much I love it, and how silly it makes certain people (usually black women; we all know they cannot stand that shit; it's like a thing that forever will irk their souls) look, imo.  Oh yes, I take a bit of sick, sadistic pleasure in how much they despise that situation of black men (usually successful ones) "stepping out" to get with non-black women, for short-term and long-term relationships, maybe even marriage.  There's some that *claim* it doesn't bother them----I'd love to see what % of that group is just lying.


Anyway, it's a loaded topic to say the least...a lot of variables at play...... which is precisely what makes it so fascinating and funny to me.

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58 minutes ago, MillionX said:

heh, oh that's always a juicy topic... and for so many reasons; there's not enough "popcorn" animated gifs to express how much I love it, and how silly it makes certain people (usually black women; we all know they cannot stand that shit; it's like a thing that forever will irk their souls) look, imo.  Oh yes, I take a bit of sick, sadistic pleasure in how much they despise that situation of black men (usually successful ones) "stepping out" to get with non-black women, for short-term and long-term relationships, maybe even marriage.  There's some that *claim* it doesn't bother them----I'd love to see what % of that group is just lying.


Anyway, it's a loaded topic to say the least...a lot of variables at play...... which is precisely what makes it so fascinating and funny to me.

The variables is what pisses me off the most whenever the subject comes up because it really does feel like if a black guy dates outside of his race then the black women don't give a single fuck as to the circumstances that brought those 2 individuals together, they just assume that either the woman is in the relationship for "status points or to have a come up" or "it's a fetish" or the Black guy just hates Black women.  It's always these immediately right off the bat.  And look I'm not going to say there there are some relationships out there that have gotten together for some of those reasons, it'd be foolish for me to not even think that it's a possibility...but every damn relationship though?  We're not even going to entertain the idea that 2 people may actually just be into each other not because of the race they are but because they have similar interests and they just find each other attractive just because?  We're not even going to consider that maybe the people in the relationship just couldn't find people in their area who have similar interests to them and if they continued to just "wait for someone of their own race" that they'd risk dying alone?  We can't even consider that?

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1 hour ago, J-ride said:

This reminds me of a time I had a co-worker explain to me that as a black woman has to learn to live with side chicks because black men can't be faithful.

Or...maybe she needs to look outside the box she put herself in?  I'm betting she just has a type and just keeps going for that type expecting a different result which is of course the textbook definition of insanity.

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The most annoying thing I see today is ppl who are not attracted to you in any way caring so much about your dating preferences. It bothers them when you state your preferences and they don't fit the description 


If someone you dont even like decides to date a white chick or dude or whatever, why the hell does it matter who they're with? Pure madness

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6 hours ago, MillionX said:

haha that new MLK statue will forever be funny to me... from certain angles it's looks like someone holding up a large TURD:

Imagine being there in the crowd as it was know there must've been several people in the crowd laughing at that shit.

I've spent enough time in Boston to understand that this statue could only exist in a place like Boston bahahaha

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4 hours ago, J-ride said:

This reminds me of a time I had a co-worker explain to me that as a black woman has to learn to live with side chicks because black men can't be faithful.

Black women can miss me wit dat bullshit. There's a certain type some black women like. And those black women are mad that the type they like, won't be faithful. 


But they can't walk away. No other type gives them that tingly feeling down there, and gets her emotions riled up. Keeping things spicy and fun.


TLDR: Some black women are frustrated because their type while unfaithful. Is an emotional Rollercoaster with good dic. So they can't leave him alone

Edited by BB_Hoody
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35 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Not much of a reunion if you're only gonna bring 2 OG Rangers in

I'm not going to say I disagree but I will say I'm not going to presume to know why Austin and Amy aren't coming to this.  Especially if you look at Austin's twitter feed which is just filled with constant stuff dealing with his time being part of the MMPR and going to conventions and stuff.  Out of the 2 I'm more curious as to why he's not part of it.



Aaaand the moment I say that there's tweets saying that he tried to commit federal wire fraud?  I don't know the full story regarding this.  I saw something in my twitter feed like 4 days ago about people fighting over who was the original Gold Ranger and I was ??????  I didn't go deep into that.


This is the first I'm hearing about this lol.


Edit 2: 



Edited by Sonichuman
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