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The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2

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13 minutes ago, Volt said:

 A lotta people don't want meme man in charge.


Actually, the vast majority of people want him in charge because they feel he will unfuck twatter, the only ones complaining about him are the fringe and stupid small minority that has made twatter the cancer that is today because they can't think for themselves and parrot what they see on social media.

Edited by Hecatom
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11 hours ago, BornWinner said:

The lives and deaths of Charlie Nash



The Yamcha death reference crack me up 👌🤣

I offer this dead Yamcha to the usersub gods - Album on Imgur


To be fair to Nash his problem is more like being destined to work with shit peoples


be it corrupted army fellows that unleash machine guns on your back

Street Fighter V: A Look at Charlie Nash | Den of Geek

or slow ass arab youtubers that struggle to beat C tier villains

Characters | Street Fighter V: Champion Edition

Edited by CESTUS III
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9 hours ago, elliephil said:

I also think with the way movement and damage is simplified that reserving a slot for only an assist character seems like a serious gamble. Umvc3 developed around "3 character" teams compared to Marvel 2.


MvC3 is not a 3 character team. Matter of fact most of the 3 character teams are usually the ones that aren't great. Truly on the "three character teams" at high level are probably KBR's Haggar/Hulk/Sentinel and definitely ApologyMan's Firebrand/Doom/Skrull, Team Nemo is also close to probably being a 3 character team since it leans heavy into ToDs.


After that you basically had a lot of 2 character shells (or even honestly 1 character shells because of how good Virgil and Doctor Doom are in the 2nd and 3rd positions...also because their assist help you play neutral AND do ToDs). But Wolverine/Akuma you can basically toss in a random 3rd, Zero/Dante you can play 3rd whomever you want. If you go DMCish with Dante/Virgil, you can basically anybody else you want on point. Phoenix was almost a 1 character team because of what a stupid idea she is.


There's a lot of the cast that would benefit from having somebody help with the neutral defensively. You know how much CapCom and other AA assist did to help the MvC2 neutral be coherent by just how much nonsense you can do in MvC3 with the air space. Some characters in the air have more options than half the cast do on the ground. 



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3 minutes ago, Sonero said:



The funniest thing is that JWong basically plays 95% of his FGs the same way. Dude really is trying to stand there and hit one button for 99 seconds.


LMAO, if at least was a true valid reason instead something that seems to be parroted without any thought.

Like common man, most modern fgs have waaaaaaaay more variety than some of the older games that i bet he says he likes, like 3s.


Nigga is talking out of his ass.

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1 hour ago, Volt said:

If anything, this is probably going to blow Twitter up tbh. A lotta people don't want meme man in charge. Should be interesting to see how this develops.

I don't believe even for a second that anyone will leave Shitter because Elon is in charge. As long as the site remains functionally the same the terminally online people will continue to extract the endorphin they're desperately addicted to from that place.


1 hour ago, Hecatom said:


Actually, the vast majority of people want him in charge because they feel he will unfuck twatter, the only ones complaining about him are the fringe and stupid small minority that has made twatter the cancer that is today because they can't think for themselves and parrot what they see on social media.

Twitter can't be unfucked because it's not Twitter to be inherently fucked, it's the people on it that are retarded and the social media nature of the website does nothing but encourage them to constantly produce hotter and worse takes on everything.


I doubt Elon cares about doing anything to really change the site either. He's just a billionaire celebrity trying to look cool and make money off it.

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13 hours ago, Sonero said:


MvC3 is not a 3 character team. Matter of fact most of the 3 character teams are usually the ones that aren't great. Truly on the "three character teams" at high level are probably KBR's Haggar/Hulk/Sentinel and definitely ApologyMan's Firebrand/Doom/Skrull, Team Nemo is also close to probably being a 3 character team since it leans heavy into ToDs.


After that you basically had a lot of 2 character shells (or even honestly 1 character shells because of how good Virgil and Doctor Doom are in the 2nd and 3rd positions...also because their assist help you play neutral AND do ToDs). But Wolverine/Akuma you can basically toss in a random 3rd, Zero/Dante you can play 3rd whomever you want. If you go DMCish with Dante/Virgil, you can basically anybody else you want on point. Phoenix was almost a 1 character team because of what a stupid idea she is.


There's a lot of the cast that would benefit from having somebody help with the neutral defensively. You know how much CapCom and other AA assist did to help the MvC2 neutral be coherent by just how much nonsense you can do in MvC3 with the air space. Some characters in the air have more options than half the cast do on the ground. 



Sorry, let me reiterate. In Mvc2, there are 3 character teams and 2 character teams. A 2 character team is something like Thrax where capcom is your third and he's only there for an assist. He's not considered a "full" character. A 3 character team is usually considered to be a combination of the top 5 characters in that game. Magneto Storm Sent, Storm Sent Cable, ComboFiend, etc. 


Even when you pick a two character shell and a random character in mvc3, you're still playing that character, not just using them for one reason only. (Assist lol) That would be a 3 character team, imo. Mainly because  it's not worth picking a char only for their assist. The character needs to be serviceable enough with their own kit. Super-skrull 👍 hsien-ko 👎 


In a competitive  setting, I really think you are at a disadvantage if you aren't playing a full 3 character team in mvc3. Assists already take so much damage when caught, I can only imagine teams with gdlk movement and neutral options (air and ground) messing everything up. Zero may cry, MagDoomVergil, ZeroDoomVergil, Morridoom, etc.


This is all only speculation, but I don't think having more defensive "get off me" assists would help neutral in mvc3 simply because the movement is so easy in the air and on the ground. All flight characters get unfly for free, assists like hidden missiles make it safe to go in (similar to Mvc2 Sent drones), there are so many offensive and defensive plink OS to get around anything you do. I especially think about characters like Zero who's buster goes through everything and will always find a way to hit you. A fast defensive assist isn't going to do shit against the top tier bs that makes people hate the game already. Not against a good player anyways. It doesn't even work in mvc2 lol.

Edited by elliephil
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1 hour ago, Sonero said:



The funniest thing is that JWong basically plays 95% of his FGs the same way. Dude really is trying to stand there and hit one button for 99 seconds.

Now you got me thinking about the episode of Excellent Adventures that JWong was on. He literally was trolling people by using one button the entire match. 🤣

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55 minutes ago, elliephil said:


This is all only speculation, but I don't think having more defensive "get off me" assists would help neutral in mvc3 simply because the movement is so easy in the air and on the ground. All flight characters get unfly for free, assists like hidden missiles make it safe to go in (similar to Mvc2 Sent drones), there are so many offensive and defensive plink OS to get around anything you do. I especially think about characters like Zero who's buster goes through everything and will always find a way to hit you. A fast defensive assist isn't going to do shit against the top tier bs that makes people hate the game already. Not against a good player anyways. It doesn't even work in mvc2 lol.


They do work in MvC2, stop the 🧢.


CapCom assist in MvC3 would really help a lot of characters control that space better. The problem is that the few assists that can do something similarish are underwhelming at doing it. Dante's assist is pretty good, but its more lockdown than anti air.


If Doctor Strange actually had an assist to help stop people from just running up his ass, he'd put a big dent on a lot of characters; its the same with Hawkeye too. Zoning outside of Morrigan's super assist stuff is actually really good. Problem is that movement options are really strong while the way to defend those is underwhelming.


Iron Man's repulsor blast could've used a buff. That thing is amazing in MvC2 and absolutely wack in MvC3. Characters who have DP assists that should actually do something...don't. Not even Alpha Countering in with DPs does anything. Saddest day ever was when Yipes thought he could AC into DP assists to body people. He got big fat 0 out of it. But Iron Man also has problems because of his goofy dash. You could literally just make it so he dashes properly and the character would shoot up in tiers.


1 hour ago, elliephil said:

Sorry, let me reiterate. In Mvc2, there are 3 character teams and 2 character teams. A 2 character team is something like Thrax where capcom is your third and he's only there for an assist. He's not considered a "full" character. A 3 character team is usually considered to be a combination of the top 5 characters in that game. Magneto Storm Sent, Storm Sent Cable, ComboFiend, etc. 


Game would still be better of with "2 character teams" if the assists are good enough. Vanilla Sentinel with Haggar gave you reasons to move outside of just running super optimized stuff to a different strategy. Zero May Cry would still have been a team even if Tron Bonne's assist didn't lose invincibility. The only thing that happened from nerfing the assists of those two characters is that they faded into irrelevancy.


Even in those situations having certain characters have stronger assists opens up more strategies and diversifies the cast. Shuma Gorath was close to being an answer, but his anti air beam was took weak to actually help any against morridoom. So close yet so far away.



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4 hours ago, Hecatom said:


Actually, the vast majority of people want him in charge because they feel he will unfuck twatter, the only ones complaining about him are the fringe and stupid small minority that has made twatter the cancer that is today because they can't think for themselves and parrot what they see on social media.

Knowing Twitter is the scourge of the FGC, don't you think that's going to have an impact on that front? 🤣


3 hours ago, Phantom_Miria said:

I don't believe even for a second that anyone will leave Shitter because Elon is in charge. As long as the site remains functionally the same the terminally online people will continue to extract the endorphin they're desperately addicted to from that place.

That's a pretty good point...

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3 hours ago, Phantom_Miria said:

I don't believe even for a second that anyone will leave Shitter because Elon is in charge. As long as the site remains functionally the same the terminally online people will continue to extract the endorphin they're desperately addicted to from that place.

I don't disagree with you. Honestly, from my recollection, Twitter didn't really go to shit until the Tumblr exodus. They went to Twitter, took their bullshit with them, and for reasons beyond me, people took their opinions seriously.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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57 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Elon brought Twitter and is going to make it private. Based Elon savings the planet by killing Twitter. FCG better chose a better home.

Musk also had a lot of vaporware projects that didn't materialize yet heavy relied on hype, and the guy had some issues in company management along with claiming to be a founder of corporation that wasn't even started by him. Twitter gonna go shit coin and nft shill platform sooner or later.


His just there to use it likely as a more effective propaganda machine for everything wants to be hype and a publicity tool for his project rather than someone that is about what others think

Edited by Shakunetsu
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Just now, Darc_Requiem said:

Twitter started shilling NFTs before Musk entered the picture. The same people that bitched about Musk buying the company, bitched about the NFTs and kept using the platform.

Yeah they are already doing that but I don't think he cared on cancel community there what he really after with that is to control which would be cancelled


And also crypto is his new game now, the guy likes to jump on new trends and other ways to monetize it.


It's more than NFT and crypto but a tool for hype as a propaganda machine and also an effective damage control platform likely. Twitter is kinda where news spreads rapidly next to YT nobody cares much with what news aired on television nowadays.


It's like someone shady in the 80s purchasing a whole publication to control how the public perceive him and things that he takes profit with.


I know that Zucc and Bezos had issue but they had a slightly better credibility than Elon.


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3 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

What can possibly go wrong with him owning Twitter? The most that will happen is that he will take down that kid who created the bot that tracks his flights. If he can make things better then that's great. If it gets worse who cares? Twitter was always shit.

The thing that I think that could go wrong is, if someone influential would pay him to control how others would perceive them like in politics and governments(shady).  


Musk has something that he tries to create a persona that wasn't even him on the first place, and owning twitter can be something he could take profit by negotiating with political identities and government that he can monetize to prevent spreading negative information. Musk is someone that is concern on perception and that's what he monetize with even with the many tons of vaporware projects and false circulating perception of him being founder of something that wasn't even his.

Edited by Shakunetsu
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1 hour ago, Shakunetsu said:

The thing that I think that could go wrong is, if someone influential would pay him to control how others would perceive them like in politics and governments(shady) 

And how would that be different than now? 

Twatter and other social media are already trying to skew perception on many subjects be political, economic, etc. 

And silencing any perspective that goes afainst their narrative. 


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12 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

And how would that be different than now? 

Twatter and other social media are already trying to skew perception on many subjects be political, economic, etc. 

And silencing any perspective that goes afainst their narrative. 

Yes but having someone alone having full control and more relentless on some kind of public perception like Musk would change the thing into slightly more extreme direction than before.


I don't think the cancel culture would be affected on canceling non-political and non-gov't individuals. It would still go on like cancelling celebrities and influencers but not those that can reach out with Musk or under Musk priorities like NFT.  A demographic of artist planning to leave twitter because of NFT and credit issues, the guy has a conflict of interest regarding those matters also.


Edited by Shakunetsu
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16 minutes ago, Shakunetsu said:




Nah, no matter what, he will never be worse than what we currently have, if anything, by becoming a fully owned and private company there are more chances that there will be improvements simply because now there will be more reasons to make twatter profitable.

That garbage site has never made money, lol.


Also, lets not forget that Elon, for all his faults was also willing to make all tesla patents free for everyone to use


That alone shows me the kind of person he is, and makes me willing to have more faith on him than anyone currently on the shitshow that is twatter.,

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He has tons of vaporware projects that never been heard again and management issue along with misinformation lingering about claiming to be a founder of corporation that he never had founded to create a fake perception of who he was.


So I doubt his credibility, yes others do have shady background but Musk is someone who would take much an effort to claim something like founding something he wasn't or constantly tweaking his past public perception is something more that he obviously wasn't is a huge red flag of a personality and character.


His not a personality trying to hid a shameful or a regretful past but rather making it something to make his perception different and bigger then takes profit of behind the misconception of his background. That's kinda a revisionist thing which makes it dangerous.




Edited by Shakunetsu
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11 hours ago, Sonero said:

They do work in MvC2, stop the 🧢.

They don't work as a defensive tool like Haggar lariat. Cap assist is good for controlling neutral and high damage. In mvc2, you will get double snapped easy for mashing those assists against anyone who knows how to play.


11 hours ago, Sonero said:

Game would still be better of with "2 character teams" if the assists are good enough. Vanilla Sentinel with Haggar gave you reasons to move outside of just running super optimized stuff to a different strategy. Zero May Cry would still have been a team even if Tron Bonne's assist didn't lose invincibility. The only thing that happened from nerfing the assists of those two characters is that they faded into irrelevancy.

Yeah, I agree it would be more interesting. I just don't see how it makes the game better if the top tier that dictates the meta would still dominate.

11 hours ago, Sonero said:

Even in those situations having certain characters have stronger assists opens up more strategies and diversifies the cast. Shuma Gorath was close to being an answer, but his anti air beam was took weak to actually help any against morridoom. So close yet so far away.

If there are assists that can directly counter teams like Morridoom without any input your end, yeah for sure. Jam session assist would have been legit to dealing with morridoom if you could just call it raw and didn't get merked by fireballs non stop lol. Mvc3 rewarding offense the way it does for less effort than mvc2 did really is the culprit here. The offense also being way easier to implement, layer, and OS helps too.

Edited by elliephil
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10 hours ago, elliephil said:
21 hours ago, Sonero said:


They don't work as a defensive tool like Haggar lariat. Cap assist is good for controlling neutral and high damage. In mvc2, you will get double snapped easy for mashing those assists against anyone who knows how to play.


What? there's a set of them that do have invincibility. Commando gets double snapped a lot because he doesn't have any invincibility. Cable sends people to high heaven. That's why the Matrix is better against Strider/Doom than Thrax. Hell Haggar's assist is even easier to play around because it doesn't hit high. You can just duck under it and not get it. So if you thought that was a defensive tool then you've missed the games where people die because Haggar assist didn't hit anybody.


The great thing is that all those assists have actual nuance to them so there isn't a one size fits all situation in teams. They covered different angles in the screen in different ways and also offered other benefits. CapCom was top tier screen control and anti air, but bad when getting rushed down. Cyclops was great when getting pressed, could be used for pressure but didn't cover the area above you well.  All those things were legitimate gameplay concerns which impacted how match ups got played. As opposed to what you get in MvC3 which is nothing.


In that regard the MvC2 situation is leagues better than 3.

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1 hour ago, Sonero said:

What? there's a set of them that do have invincibility. Commando gets double snapped a lot because he doesn't have any invincibility. Cable sends people to high heaven. That's why the Matrix is better against Strider/Doom than Thrax. Hell Haggar's assist is even easier to play around because it doesn't hit high. You can just duck under it and not get it. So if you thought that was a defensive tool then you've missed the games where people die because Haggar assist didn't hit anybody.

They don't get snapped because they have no invincibility (even though Capcom AAA is invincible), they get snapped because the point character gets hit before the move comes out 99% of the time. It's why Magneto consistently gets double snap. He can hit you instant high or low or OS air throw extremely fast. Not to mention tri dash crossup which basically means you need to rely on good defense. Haggar can be crouched true, but I assumed you wanted more defensive assists like Haggar lariat that actually work against opponents coming down from the air.

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5 minutes ago, elliephil said:

They don't get snapped because they have no invincibility (even though Capcom AAA is invincible), they get snapped because the point character gets hit before the move comes out 99% of the time. It's why Magneto consistently gets double snap. He can hit you instant high or low or OS air throw extremely fast. Not to mention tri dash crossup which basically means you need to rely on good defense. Haggar can be crouched true, but I assumed you wanted more defensive assists like Haggar lariat that actually work against opponents coming down from the air.


You can get double snapped on both scenarios.  Commando gets stuffed a lot on start up.  there's a lot of times you'll see him get his ankles clipped while trying to do his special while the point character is blocking. That type of stuff wouldn't happen to Cable. Haggar would definitely get his ankle broken in that sceneario. But Haggar is acting more like Spiral's HP assist with upper body invincibility than a defensive assist.


All the stuff you mentioned is also stuff that Magneto's have to play around. He gets to have Magneto games like Millia, Zero and other high offense characters can meme you at times. But all those assist means the situation isn't free.


Even with all those scenarios, that still wasn't a good reason to leave those types of assist out of MvC3.  Because when you took it out, you really let a lot stuff run roughshod period.  The other issue with assists not having any type of invincibility lead to the MvC3 alpha counters being ass in general.



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On 4/16/2022 at 8:05 AM, Skort said:



I was playing some Poison sometime ago and i was using  her battle / premium outfit ( always loved this look for her ) , the one that gives out a mobster or private detective  look from the 30's - 50's, combined that with me watching some similar themed movies at that time, it pushed me to create this particular scene with her.


I basically wanted to go for a  old school style detective's office like you see in the movies, going through files, thinking what to do etc. 


Long story short : bunch of props, busted my ass with the light emitors some hdri filters and so on.  Damn, do i love UE 5 & Blender.


Poison is hard at work ( or not ) trying to solve this case


Out of all the stuff you've done, this is one of my top favourites. I have a love for Noir & retro aesthetics. This is cool and the lighting is so on point. Well done dude!

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