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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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31 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

You want KoF to go ham on guest characters like they did in XI with the mid bosses? I want that to. XI is goat

KOFXI is indeed the goat. KGO aside — and really it was just Oswald that was the problem it’s pretty much the perfect KOF to me. Like yeah, I love 98, 2k1 and 2k2 but XI just plays how I feel KOF’s should have always played.



Edited by iStu X
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23 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Heh rumor going around is GTA6 will have a black female lead and people are losing it with the go woke go broke memes. 


I hope it's true just so all those liars can buy it anyway. 



The problem is not that one of the protagonist is a woman, is how is being reported, at least by the media



That it will be "Culturally sensitive".

That is what is making people get annoyed by the prospect.

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35 minutes ago, Hecatom said:



The problem is not that one of the protagonist is a woman, is how is being reported, at least by the media



That it will be "Culturally sensitive".

That is what is making people get annoyed by the prospect.

I don't care. I'm tired of people being reactionary as fuck and I will point and laugh them for doing it, whoever it is that is doing it, media or just people. This Anti-Woke bullshit had grown to be far far more fucking annoying then the woke shit EVER was. 

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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

I don't care. I'm tired of people being reactionary as fuck and I will point and laugh them for doing it, whoever it is that is doing it, media or just people. This Anti-Woke bullshit had grown to be far far more fucking annoying then the woke shit EVER was. 


I agree that people can be at times very reactionary, but I disagree that the "anti woke" is more annoying than the woke.

I for one welcome people calling out the bullshit.

Letting it run rampant is what caused to shit hit the fan in the first place.


Also, is a great source of entertainment to see both sides argue.

Edited by Hecatom
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8 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

I agree that people can be at time very reactionary, but I disagree that the "anti woke" is more annoying tha the woke.

I for one welcome people calling out the bullshit.

Letting it run rampant is what caused to shit hit the fan in the first place

The problem is when it comes to the woke shit I can just ignore it. The Anti-Woke shit is shoved in my face constantly. I spend so much time clearing that crap out of my YouTube feed. Like I already have videos from Anti-Woke losers filling my YouTube feed over GTAVI a game not even fucking announced yet, we know nothing and yet I've got like 10 videos in my feed on this nonsense. The Woke shit doesn't do this to me, they sell a product I see if I like it I move on. I'm not bombarded with frankly hollow fucking politics thats primarily exists for clicks and to feed the ad revenue stream. Kotaku doesn't give 1 single fuck about this, and I have my doubts about most of these Youtubers to,, they are just generating clicks over it and revenue off of it. They don't actually care. It's really annoying and stupid. Like if I see one more person bitching that Star Trek went woke I'm gonna lose my fucking shit. Or hell the videos crying that Bayonetta has the OPTION to keep her fucking clothes on in 3 has ruined the game and panders to prudes and wokeness or whatever. 


The haters are always so much louder and so much more annoying, every fucking time. 

Edited by RSG3
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It seems that more conservatives use and complain about that term than liberals.


In any case, it will be nice to have a protagonist who isn't a 30 something white male with brown/black hair.


I wonder if the game will  have male hookers?

I have only played GTA3 and Vice like 19 years ago.

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1 minute ago, Hecatom said:


Well, blame that on the algorithm, since it recommends you what to see based on your viewing habits.

It recommends based on my entire internet activity. I just typed GTAVI on the forum here, that's gonna spread to all my other shit and I'm gonna get more recommendations on it. 

and thats bullshit anyway that Algorithm doesn't recommend based just on what you watch or else my YouTube Feed would be nothing but Gamesack reruns and cooking videos. 


I don't even watch YongYea, I'm not even subbed to him and I get recommendations for his content all the time. I haven't watched him since the lead up to DMCV. 


YouTube sends you based on more then just what you watch on YouTube. 

Edited by RSG3
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Just now, RSG3 said:

It recommends based on my entire internet activity. I just typed GTAVI on the forum here, that's gonna spread to all my other shit and I'm gonna get more recommendations on it. 

.and thats bullshit anyway that Algorithm doesn't recommend based just on what you watch or else my YouTube Feed would be nothing but Gamesack reruns and cooking videos. 


And that is the problem with the algorithm, is inconsistent.

Also, I forgot to put the " " around viewing habits


The algorithm asumes that because you follow and watch gaming channels, that gaming news, regarding the topic can be a good recommendation.

At least you can make the biases towards what you want to watch more into your liking by removing the recommendation and when prompted with a survey, say that you are not interested.

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Yea so in the end you get bombarded with that garbage because it's tangentially related to your actual interests, and there's is incentive to make tons of that content because people are drawn to drama, whether it's true or not. They drum up shit to whine about and then my feed gets flooded with that trash and I have to spend a day or two clicking through all the trash "Do not recommend channel" because it's drama bullshit. "Slow news day, gotta make up some shit to be pissed off about to get clicks so I can make rent. Be sure to rant for 10 minutes so I can make midrolls." 


The woke shit can be annoying but it's blown way out proportion by the anti-crowed and it makes them way more annoying by far. The Horizon Forbidden West face shit being a perfect example. She's a little fatter in the face so fucking what, game was still pretty dope like it didn't matter at all, she barely looks different. Dante looks like an ENTIRELY different person every DMC and no one fucking cares. I know Gorilla gave a reason and it was slightly stupid but that's a a 30 second story and then you move on. Why do I still get YouTube videos of people complaining about this months and months later? It's so stupid. 

Edited by RSG3
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10 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

It seems that more conservatives use and complain about that term than liberals.


In any case, it will be nice to have a protagonist who isn't a 30 something white male with brown/black hair.


I wonder if the game will  have male hookers?

I have only played GTA3 and Vice like 19 years ago.


CJ and Franklin say hi.

Also, if we take the pre gta 3 games,  the spinoffs on handhelds and dlc we had a lot of main protagonists that weren't white or male.


Like Luis on the Ballad of Gay Tony; Katie, Mikki, Troy, Ulrika, Divine, Noodles on GTA1; Huang Lee on GTA China Town, Candy on GTA2.


I only hope that this female latina protagonist is not annoying, because I almost get the feeling that her personality will be the typical Jaina that I hate in real life because they are loud and obnoxious, specially because they are usually tied to a sub culture that centers around either reguetton and other garbage "urban music" or Narco Corridos and similar music and have certain mannerisms that can get annoying really fast


Also, It could end being in a bad timing on latin america, since there has been a surge of media regarding drug cartels, both fictional and in the vein of series based on rl events for over a decade that most people here are getting tired of.



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5 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

will be the typical Jaina that I hate in real life because they are loud and obnoxious

Now here's some worry I can co-sign, Jaina's are annoying lol. But that might be their angle, despite you playing hoods all the time GTA is pretty critical of hood lifestyles. This easily could be them shifting their attention to that kind of hood life style to start commenting on. 

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6 minutes ago, RSG3 said:



I only know that the "anti woke" is not nearly as prevalent as the media complaining about "problematic" shit.

Both sides can be loud, and depending of what you agree with, one or the other is annoying, or either both.


And by now, you can also say that people complaining are also annoying, because there is a third faction making content, complaining about the anti wokes as well lol.


Also, the woke shiut is not way blown out of proportion.

There is a reason why cancel culture is a thing.

Why there is problems with translations and localizations being inacurate to the point of being rewrites since they decided to be editors as well and inject shit that didn't belong on the work, be games, anime or manga.

Why some companies like sony started censoring japanese video games, forcing a lot of mid and small developers to jump ship and stop supporting the console.



Take for example, Seven Seas debacles where they were caught censoring light novels and mangas.

Or how just recently, MangaUp a new app from SE had some absurd censorship




That you decide to ignore it, doesnt mean that is not a problem and that is overblown.

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It is over blown, Manga and Anime have been getting censored since day 1 of being imported over here. It's a problem, and yea make an issue of it, but it doesn't need to dominate the news feed for months. You report, you stop buying their shit (or dont) and move on. I didn't watch 4Kids "localizations" for a reason. 


And yes it is blown out proportion, we know Jack and shit about GTAVI but this is somehow a major news story apparently. 


It's fucking not. 

Edited by RSG3
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2 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

What annoys me about the anti woke stuff is people are clearly calling anything they don't like woke. I've seen the Netflix Resident Evil described as woke just for having a black Wesker, black and Asian female leads. As someone who watches that horrible show it doesn't push the political agendas necessary to warrant the label.


Well, It can be argued that is indeed "woke" or woke like since from the main cast, only Wesker is a man, the rest of the cast is female, many of the female cast falls under a lot of trappings of bad female protagonists that people hate, the race swap of a white character (as much as I love Lance, he was heavily miscasted as Wesker), the heavy focus on said female leads, etc.


Is not necessarily a "woke" show, but a lot of shit on it can be seen as born from "woke" intentions.



Is only natural that after a lot of shit, people get wary when they see changes that can be easily interpreted as more woke garbage.

Hence why pushing for this kind of shit is counter productive, you end hurting actual good ideas because they can be misconstructed or mischaracterized.

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13 hours ago, Lantis said:

It is pretty weird since SNK characters have been popping up everywhere (Tekken 7, Fighting Layer EX, DOA, Smash)  yet they can't return them the favor?

SNK got paid to lend their characters out. They also paid to borrow characters... outside of maybe the SS DLC guests. All of those guests could have been advertisements for their respective properties, even Baiken due to her release being so close to when they dropped her in Strive as DLC could be SNK getting a bit to push her for Arc Systems.

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3 hours ago, iStu X said:

That’s cool but not enough. SNK has so many cool properties. Why not Team Monsters (King of the Monsters), or Team Metal Slug. If we’re going guest teams I already mentioned several. Also why not EX Layer? 

SNK characters can't be guest characters in KOF. KOF has been SNK vs SNK from the out set. Ralf & Clark are the Ikari Warriors. As for the latter because KOF is the SNK crossover franchise that literally any SNK character can show up in, why waste slots on non SNK characters.

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36 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


Well, It can be argued that is indeed "woke" or woke like since from the main cast, only Wesker is a man, the rest of the cast is female, many of the female cast falls under a lot of trappings of bad female protagonists that people hate, the race swap of a white character (as much as I love Lance, he was heavily miscasted as Wesker), the heavy focus on said female leads, etc.


Is not necessarily a "woke" show, but a lot of shit on it can be seen as born from "woke" intentions.



Is only natural that after a lot of shit, people get wary when they see changes that can be easily interpreted as more woke garbage.

Hence why pushing for this kind of shit is counter productive, you end hurting actual good ideas because they can be misconstructed or mischaracterized.

I have an issue with that. Everything that has a minority lead or a minority character would be in of itself woke and that is silly. There needs to be more than trappings to have a real argument.


I honestly don't think Jade and Billie fall under female characters people hate. They are flawed, fuck up all the time and generally get better as the series goes. Their real problem is how utterly unlikable they are. Claire in Welcome to Raccoon City fits the mold better than they do. 

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Just now, Hawkingbird said:

I have an issue with that. Everything that has a minority lead or a minority character would be in of itself woke and that is silly. There needs to be more than trappings to have a real argument.




Hence why pushing for this kind of shit is counter productive, you end hurting actual good ideas because they can be misconstructed or mischaracterized.


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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:

Take for example, Seven Seas debacles where they were caught censoring light novels and mangas.

Or how just recently, MangaUp a new app from SE had some absurd censorship

What in the actual fuck? These dipshits really censored a bare knee. They couldn't even keep their censorship consistent on the same page. This has to be a joke

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2 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

It seems that more conservatives use and complain about that term than liberals.


In any case, it will be nice to have a protagonist who isn't a 30 something white male with brown/black hair.


I wonder if the game will  have male hookers?

I have only played GTA3 and Vice like 19 years ago.

Funny you say that because just after you stopped playing, San Andreas featured a Black Protag...I assumed you knew that.

Edited by TheInfernoman
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I'd agree it's a little early on the GTA6 front, since all we know at this point is the main characters are a "Bonnie & Clyde" kinda couple, but I understand the various youtubers out there trying to be the first one to report the latest "woke alert" 😆  Either way it's all entertaining for me, for various reasons; I love that shit.


With the way entertainment is going in the past few years though, it's a safe bet that the predictions will turn out to be true when it comes to any major series, movie or videogame at this point.  It's even fun to predict.  Typical game dev at this point in 2022: "Ok, we're rebooting Kid Chameleon here... let's see how we can use this as a platform to say something about toxic males and patriarchy?  We also have to make sure the main character is a queer black girl this time, and then..."


Splatterhouse Reboot = Rick is now the one kidnapped, so his girlfriend gets the power... and reluctantly goes on a quest to save him.... reluctant because he's actually not that great as a boyfriend, obviously....and she'll dump him, actually when they meet again.  He's a stupid, pathetic man who probably deserved to get kidnapped and killed, but she had nothing else to do tonight so she went on this adventure for some fun.

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41 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

What in the actual fuck? These dipshits really censored a bare knee. They couldn't even keep their censorship consistent on the same page. This has to be a joke

Sadly, it isn't, and they even defended it saying it was inevitable due policies on the appstores, while other manga apps are doing fine without.


At least, they say they have them uncensored on other platforms, but this censorship combined with the adds and mtx makes the app dead on arrival.

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59 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

What in the actual fuck? These dipshits really censored a bare knee. They couldn't even keep their censorship consistent on the same page. This has to be a joke

The knee was absurd but the whole censoring of cleavage on the above page and then not censoring that same cleavage on the bottom of the page had me staring at it for a minute.  Like...wanting to pull out a ruler or something to try to find out if the reasoning was because it was just over the threshold to be banned or something cause I KNOW whoever censored it the first time saw it at the bottom of the page.  There's no way.

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I suspect the censoring oddities there are because they used some program to "automate" the process, as opposed to an actual person sitting there placing censor "blocks" on things.  When they're lazy and leave it up to an AI to automate things like that, you end up with some stupidly random shit.


Toejam & Earl Reboot = our favorite alien heroes are now in a romantic relationship; they recently got married and went on honeymoon here on Earth.  They're on the run from crazy anti-gay politicians who are trying to kill them.  They also run into a 12-year old black girl that teaches them how to fight and stand up for themselves.  She has actual magical powers too.  After killing those politicians, now they have to murder all straight men on the planet, purging the world from any trace of masculinity, and that's how you beat the game.

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I like that art style and some of the character designs... too bad it is wasted on a game like that 😆


It's a shame that Diablo Immortal ended up being such a train-wreck of the most greedy shit imaginable... since I naturally love Diablo games, and it looked like another D3 with better graphics.  If they just designed it like a normal thing that isn't trying to fleece the customer as much as possible, I definitely would've moved on from D3 to that as my new Diablo thing., the # of characters I've made in Diablo is insane at this point.  Oddly enough, none of them have been based on toilet humor, like I usually do in other games...they've all been *mostly* serious characters.

Edited by MillionX
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