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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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On 10/8/2021 at 12:05 AM, HD-Man said:

And to clarify, not trying to convince anyone to buy, if it looks like trash to you

Its more the comparison to Melee that stops me, plus I don't feel nostalgic for any Nick Toons characters the way most do. Other than TMNT I didn't grow up with any of them. 

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18 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I only buy physical for games I really love. Most games are like books to me, I'll beat them once and probably never play them again so having a physical copy lying around just takes up space. 

You could at least sell the physical one to get some money out of it. 


I'm the exact opposite.  I'll go out of my way to buy physical.  I remember paying like $10 more for the physical version of Dead Cells on Switch.

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This is what cracks me up.  "but you can at least sell it later if you want."  but y'all never sell them shits.  And if you do I'd just imagine you broke as fuck if you gotta sell off your games to either get new games or just get money.  Physical is really just pointless now.  Its a archaic collectors thing.  Cause the reality is is that I could load up a storage drive with digital games and sell that to whoever for money if I wanted to.  Would it be legal.  No, not really but who gives a shit?  Motherfuckers are shooting up schools and walking or beating up fools and having the beat up person go to jail.  Fuck I give a shit about selling some digital games that are cracked. 


Finished up Tails of Iron.  Really fun game. 

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I just trust the situation with physical gaming/media a bit more.  For movies and tv shows it may even be worse since some companies are fans of making changes later for the sake of "modern sensibilities" (aka present-day society being a big pussy about most things)...and that never sits right with me....this might start happening with gaming soon, I imagine... where certain things that were "ok" or not a big deal to 99% of the gaming audience would be "sanitized" at some point in the near future, because 1 or 2 chumps got "triggered" by a mission involving pimps and hos in a Saint's Row game, or something like that.

edit---haha and speaking of that... how much you want to bet that there will be NO such thing and pimps and hos in the new Saint's Row next year?  You could bet money on this shit. 😆  There probably won't even be a fetish/sex club anywhere in the city.  It will be a very "PG-13" game...possibly even just "PG".... just watch.


...but the thing I despise the most is online-only gaming though.  That's far worse than digital where the whole thing is at least saved on your device.  Online-only anything is the worst shit that ever happened to this industry.  It should only have been limited to that mmorpg genre.  

Edited by MillionX
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Online only I dont care for, just like you million.  Shit will always end up dying and you wont be able to play it anymore.  And even if you can crack such a game or bypass it playing an mmo or multiplayer game by yourself, in an empty world just aint fun. 


But digital isnt like that.  I can back up every game I have and not ever update it and play it as it was originally intended.  Its all on the user to back up their games if they want to keep them in their original condition.  Those backed up games can be cracked and put on any computer I want.  They are my games and I would be the only one using them so I dont see a problem with me cracking them.  Just makes it easier to move them to different computers and play them.


Just like my PS3 now.  I have access to the full library of games on the PS3 because I chose to hack that sucker and I don't care about pirating games that I can no longer get any other way.  I aint buying a ps4/5 to play PS3 games.  That shit is for suckers.  PS3 and Vita are actively trying to make it hard for folk to buy games now so I imagine soon you wont be able to buy digital games on your PS3 anymore.  Have fun scouring the earth for physical games...I'll just download the digital version.


Edit - If catastrophe strikes and I'm no longer able to access the internet...I think I'll be worrying about other things, not playing games.  But I'd still have all my games...and they'd all still work.  So...yeah...

Edited by Faltimar the Dark
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2 hours ago, purbeast said:

You could at least sell the physical one to get some money out of it. 


I'm the exact opposite.  I'll go out of my way to buy physical.  I remember paying like $10 more for the physical version of Dead Cells on Switch.

Unless you sell it close to the release date you'll take a bath on what they'd give you unless you wait 20 years and hope people want to pay a bunch for it. 

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On 10/5/2021 at 10:02 PM, nickmanx5 said:

just keep porting ultimate forward while upscaling it assuming they stay on positive terms with all the involved parties. now that they've given people all this good shit any casual fan is gonna riot once they start taking shit out for the next game.

thankfully most of the IPs represented in Smash are from other Japanese studios so I don't think much will disappear over time.

I could see Snake and Simon being gone because Konami is Konami, and Steve being gone due to Nintendo and Microsoft not renegotiating their deal for the character's inclusion. Also Joker because Atlus can be fucking dumb like that sometimes.


everyone else is stuff like Sonic, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, or Nintendo's own properties and franchises, which means overwhelming majority of Ultimate's cast are safe and sound and they can just backport the assets to future entries while upresing the models.

also as long as Bandai Namco remain involved with the game's production their properties will also retain a slot, so all the Tekken stuff is safe for now

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7 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Unless you sell it close to the release date you'll take a bath on what they'd give you unless you wait 20 years and hope people want to pay a bunch for it. 

I mean you can pay $60 digital and get nothing back, or pay $60 physical and sell it for $20-$30 and at least end up with net $30-$40 spent.


Spending $30 or $40 is always better than spending $60 in my eyes.


I personally very rarely sell games, even if I never go back to em.  I will really only sell a game if I think it sucks regardless of finishing it or not.  The last games I sold was Mario Tennis on Switch cause I beat it in like 2 days, online sucked, and gameplay overall sucked.  I also sold Kirby on Switch cause I beat it in like 2-3 days and it was way too easy and I didn't really like it.


I also sold Skyrim PSVR still sealed from my bundle cause I have 0 interest in that game.

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Diablo 2...

Well, I should've known this, due to the era Diablo 2 is from... I just died for the first time, and of course lost all equipped items.  That threw me for a loop since I've been so spoiled by newer games, where death isn't that much of a big deal (with the exception of specific modes like "Hardcore" where a character only has 1 life.).  I didn't even remember where that area was so I eventually gave up trying to find my own corpse to get my stuff a horribly gimped version of my character now... I still don't even have a helmet, gloves or belt yet, and I went from around 1500 gold to just getting "back" to 187 gold now.  


...sheeeittt, the benefit of werewolf form is carrying me though.  It naturally boosts the hell out of your attack rating, and boosts your HP....and it lasts for quite a long time too.  Even after the form ends you can just go right back into it if you have enough mana to change again.  I'm up to level 11 at this point.

Edited by MillionX
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8 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Are you enjoying the EMMIs?



At first I hated em and they were frustrating, but where I'm at now they don't bother me.  It adds an extra level of stress on those parts of the game which I welcome.  


I like how hard the game is and how it does not hand hold you at all.  I just got the first new suit and got to the second boss and he's not easy.  I called it a night after dying twice to him since I had put in like 3+ hours today.


It's funny how the "metroidvania" aspect of this game is like on a whole different level than every other metroidvania game I've played, for obvious reasons.  The level design is just unreal in this game and I've hardly scratched the surface.

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oh ok---so friendly fire is a thing on "veteran" difficulty apparently on Back 4 Blood.  That is literally an impossible mode then.  There's just no way with all the chaos that goes on, especially not with random people.  I'm struggling on even the easiest difficulty setting in this game.  There is zero hope for the high difficulties then.  At this point so far, for me this is a game of "let's see how far I can make it before I get killed this time."  It also doesn't help that I'm one of those people with horrible luck anyway in this... I'm already accustomed to games like this where the AI ignores everyone else and just focuses on me.

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2 hours ago, MillionX said:

Diablo 2...

Well, I should've known this, due to the era Diablo 2 is from... I just died for the first time, and of course lost all equipped items.  That threw me for a loop since I've been so spoiled by newer games, where death isn't that much of a big deal (with the exception of specific modes like "Hardcore" where a character only has 1 life.).  I didn't even remember where that area was so I eventually gave up trying to find my own corpse to get my stuff a horribly gimped version of my character now... I still don't even have a helmet, gloves or belt yet, and I went from around 1500 gold to just getting "back" to 187 gold now.  


...sheeeittt, the benefit of werewolf form is carrying me though.  It naturally boosts the hell out of your attack rating, and boosts your HP....and it lasts for quite a long time too.  Even after the form ends you can just go right back into it if you have enough mana to change again.  I'm up to level 11 at this point.

Diablo 3 holds your hand compared to D2...but with careful planning, D2 is pretty fun still.


use this site to get some guides and figure out hot to optimize your werewolf/bear

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yeah, death is nothing more than a mild inconvenience in D3... your items lose more amounts of durability with each death, and I think that's about it....oh and the timer before you can respawn gets longer in D3 so there's that....that issue of time is more of a penalty for Greater Rifts (and Challenge Rifts) since you have to beat the timer to truly "beat" a GR.


I did watch a couple of vids earlier for beginner tips in D2, so I'm generally sticking to the werewolf plan for now.  I like the concept of the werebear more but I can't give up that huge attack-rating boost that comes with the wolf form....I have it and the lycanthropy skill up to 4 or 5 points in rank now. many things to keep up with---I'm back and forth between Diablo 2 and 3 (and D3 on Switch), Borderlands 3 leveling up Moze now or playing Zane in "Mayhem", Back 4 Blood....and now I have Metroid Dread to get to as well.....annnnd Actraiser, and Death's Gambit. 🤣  It's ridiculous, man.

Edited by MillionX
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I dont understand that...all it says is the game runs good on some emulator.  Why is that an issue?


Anyhow, started playing that game F.I.S.T..  It not bad so far.  Its definitely a furry style game but I don't give a shit about that.  Its fun.  Its a metroidvania type game and you mostly beat up bad guys with melee attacks. 




Like if I was telling someone what the game is like I'd probably say it plays kinda like Guacamelee but not bright and cheerful like.  Even though they are cutesy animals.  Its more depressing or something.  I dunno.  My lady says its real cute.  🤷‍♂️

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21 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

I dont understand that...all it says is the game runs good on some emulator.  Why is that an issue?

I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not but since you openly brag about pirating games (which isn’t the flex you think it is) I’m not surprised that you don’t see the fact of how much shit Kotaku could get into because this. 

it’s actively promoting piracy of nintendos newest flagship title  and could land Kotaku and several others if Nintendo decides to send out their ninjas in a shit ton of legal hot water. The article even mentions that they hope nintendos lawyers don’t come after them 

Edited by iStu X
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I wouldn't be sad to see Kotaku get rekt considering all the dishonest stuff they publish and that they hired iantothemax as a writer. 


14 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

I dont understand that...all it says is the game runs good on some emulator.  Why is that an issue?


Anyhow, started playing that game F.I.S.T..  It not bad so far.  Its definitely a furry style game but I don't give a shit about that.  Its fun.  Its a metroidvania type game and you mostly beat up bad guys with melee attacks. 




Like if I was telling someone what the game is like I'd probably say it plays kinda like Guacamelee but not bright and cheerful like.  Even though they are cutesy animals.  Its more depressing or something.  I dunno.  My lady says its real cute.  🤷‍♂️

That game looks cool but yeah, the animal thing throws me. I hate it you have a game that would be cool if not for a questionable art direction; Thems Fightin Herds is like that for me. Seems cool, but I can't get into the art and design. 

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Well, then yeah, that aint cool.  Shouldnt be posting links to pirated software or anything.  I didnt read the article so I just figured it was a little news story just to say it ran on the emulator and ran good.


And, Stu, its not flexing.  Its just me talking about something you dont like so you see it that way.  Dont get shit twisted just cause you a hater.  Motherfucker aint even got the self control to not look at my posts even though he has me blocked.  shit is pathetic really

Edited by Faltimar the Dark
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eh kotaku will prob go out the same way neogaf did they have to slowly implode. it wont matter tho because just like neogaf  all the people that actually matter will regroup somewhere else and repeat the process. i believe all the more well known people all ready left.


also why would you publicly challenge the nintendo ninjas? unless this is some type of xanatos gambit shit.

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I haven't messed with emulating anything newer than the PSP (and even that was only for a single game that dumbass don't wouldn't let me buy on my pstv), but the thought of buying Dread (for ethical reasons) and playing it on an emulator does sound appealing. I'm guessing N's legal department wouldn't be satisfied with someone actually owning the game they're emulating though.

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11 minutes ago, Camacho said:

I haven't messed with emulating anything newer than the PSP (and even that was only for a single game that dumbass don't wouldn't let me buy on my pstv), but the thought of buying Dread (for ethical reasons) and playing it on an emulator does sound appealing. I'm guessing N's legal department wouldn't be satisfied with someone actually owning the game they're emulating though.

actually your supposed to own the game your emulating and buying something and playing it on an emulator is a perfectly valid thing to do if you so choose.


however if your a game journalism site you probably shouldn't broadcast look guys free games!

Edited by nickmanx5
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