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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Elden Ring---

so... I didn't know that NPC invasions are a thing apparently... the settings are for "offline" and not even really by choice; since day 1 I can't connect on this game, even though the system itself is online....but just now I got that message "You've been invaded by _____.", then the red phantom character showed up to fight, eventually killing me....set me WAYYYY the fuck back progress-wise, btw... at first I thought they fucked up somewhere and player invasions can happen somehow despite settings... but I guess there's npc invasions too, according to what I just saw on another forum talking about it.


I FINALLY got some other gear, btw...a simple chainmail coat.

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sheeeeitttt. there's incantation spells in this that look SO damn cool...

I MUST acquire these...especially the lightning one.  


I can't get enough of this game... and one of the other cool things about it I noticed after so much time spent the past couple of days playing... *unlike* let's say... Skyrim... there has not been a single time where it crashed so far.  I'm not worried about various technical problems fucking up the experience on a regular basis.  I can go into a cave or dungeon area without wondering "...will this crash again once I get in there?"


EDIT---ohhhh they fixed something; I just started up and it actually connected to their servers!


hmm...of course I'll likely get smoked if anyone invades the world though... well, that should be interesting whenever it happens... 😆


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what a day for Elden Ring adventures... of course I've been on it since this morning.... I discovered a lot of new areas, filled in more of the map on this gigantic world.  I love how it encourages exploration, and the scenery of the world is incredible.  I got to one area where I was gradually going up the side of a hilly, mountain side area, but enclosed with rocks on either side..... survived some surprise attacks from wolves there (it definitely helps to have ranged attack options), then there's one part where there's nothing blocking your view on the right anymore, just the cliff and an amazing view off into the distance---purple sky, 2 castles, bridges, one of those golden shiny giant trees in the background... I had to just admire the view for a while and took a few snapshots.  Earlier today... I also had my first few run-ins with "Margit the Fell Omen"....yeahhh there was no way; it's yet another battle I will have to come back to later, after some serious upgrades.  I have quite a bit of stuff now.


Later, I made my way through a swampy area, filled with strange creatures that crawl around, occasionally ringing a bell... near the end of this swamp, there was something else that appears out of nowhere....oh yeah, it's much, much worse.  I did not survive 2 or 3 encounters with it; eventually I got sidetracked again and kept exploring further... at one point I was on the run from giant lobsters!  There was also some camp of knights that I got a LOT of runes from for the kills; I just kept sneaking around and backstabbing until I cleaned that whole place out.  I have a new sword now that's upgraded to +3, new helm, armor, gloves, finally a new spell (that one where you send a slash wave of magic energy through the air)...the whole deal... level 19 at this point, still focusing on Int, Dex and Mind.


There's so much here... so many thrilling adventures, epic battles... it only keeps geting better the further you go.


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Been playing Elden Ring all day and am obsessed. I only had to take a break because my eyes and hands hurt.


Interesting that someone earlier (can’t remember who) had no issues on their PS5 version on performance mode. I tried it last night and could not maintain 60 fps in the open world for more than a few seconds, especially when spinning the camera or looking at a new piece of the world. Also, the grass pop-in 10 feet ahead of me as I ran was annoying. It wasn’t too big of a deal to me, until I spent a few hours trying to beat the Tree Sentinel on foot, and realized some of my roll inputs were being eaten during the frame drops (which seemed extra common when the Sentinel was doing his dive bomb attack once he gets below 50% health). I died too many times without that roll coming out, and went to sleep pissed lol.


I started a new game on the PS4 version  (on my PS5) and it seems like a stable 60 fps, the pop-in is somehow better, and I really don’t notice much of a difference in fidelity (though I do use a 1080p monitor, so that could be why). i’m definitely going to stick with the PS4 version for the time being.


But I’m glad I gave it  a shot because I was not happy last night, but am having a blast today. I am still not very far story-wise (been exploring a lot), but I love running around to every crevice… And I just got my Uchigatana to +2 baby… Now I just need one for my LH and I’ll be in business (and no hints please).

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1 hour ago, Mattatsu said:

Interesting that someone earlier (can’t remember who) had no issues on their PS5 version on performance mode. I tried it last night and could not maintain 60 fps in the open world for more than a few seconds, especially when spinning the camera or looking at a new piece of the world.

I think that person isn’t very sensitive too it because yea it’s plain as day the frame drop and the terrible terrible pop in. I don’t care what anyone says the pop in is bad. 

how you guys playing the PS4 version of you bought the 5 Version?


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43 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I think that person isn’t very sensitive too it because yea it’s plain as day the frame drop and the terrible terrible pop in. I don’t care what anyone says the pop in is bad. 

how you guys playing the PS4 version of you bought the 5 Version?


I'm getting a good bit of frame dropping in the PC version as well. Seemed at its worst in the very first area while fighting the tree sentinel. I'm just dealing with it and enjoying the game regardless. I'm kind of wishing the game had some kind of indicator as to when you're severely underpowered for a boss. Being a souls game, it's hard to tell if the enemy is ridiculous because you're too weak vs it just being an OP souls enemy. I went straight to Margit when I started playing and got the bastard down to 40% a few times, went back with a +2 weapon, wolf summon, and the shackles- still took several tries (with at least a few of those attempts getting him down to 1-3 hits) before I beat him. Don't know if he's supposed to be that much of a cock-knocker, or if I was still there too early. Didn't feel like using raw skill and evasion to compensate for being too weak was viable, at least not with a medium roll. 

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Man so many of these Elden Ring fights seem like they demand how you supposed to fight two bosses and 5 mins at the same time? 


Games dope I've explored like crazy but some of the enemy numbers at little assholish...


I'm probably just fucking up but man sometimes feel like I'm playing Dark Souls 2...just back rolling for days looking for a small opening to do one hit of damage then back to back rolling lol. Won't let me use my personal ghost summons for some reason so like what's the deal? Lol


Edit:Aaaand I get it on the next try. Hah.

Edited by RSG3
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8 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Man so many of these Elden Ring fights seem like they demand how you supposed to fight two bosses and 5 mins at the same time? 


Games dope I've explored like crazy but some of the enemy numbers at little assholish...


I'm probably just fucking up but man sometimes feel like I'm playing Dark Souls 2...just back rolling for days looking for a small opening to do one hit of damage then back to back rolling lol. Won't let me use my personal ghost summons for some reason so like what's the deal? Lol

I've been avoiding summons and just trying to play melee/roll. Agreed that some of the doubled up bosses are rough. Crucible knight my fav fight so far.Lord help me if I ever see 2 of them at once.

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2 hours ago, Genghis_Dong said:

I've been avoiding summons and just trying to play melee/roll. Agreed that some of the doubled up bosses are rough. Crucible knight my fav fight so far.Lord help me if I ever see 2 of them at once.

Dont think i found him yet. I found a giant Wolf Doggo just now that whooped my ass. I'm about to try this boss Leonine the Mosbegotten who was getting me earlier but I have leveled some since then so maybe? 


Everything hits REALLY HARD and points into health doesn't seem to be helping much lmao. Every boss kills in 2 hits like come on lol. 


Edit: Found the Crucible Knight lol. 

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yeah at this point I'm using the summons less and less.  When up against any major enemy... a miniboss or a "real" boss... they tend to just get killed too fast to even fulfill the role of being a distraction... the wolf summons also take a lot of FP to use.  It seems better to just focus on my magic and melee combos, really.  


I found a humanoid enemy called Adan the Fire Thief...and at first he doesn't look threatening...just a fat guy that has a ghostly "blue phantom" look.  The problem is that when he hits me with that silly ass flail weapon, it's like 85 to 90% damage + a bleed effect that stacks up...and even though he looks like a sloppy fat loser.. like most bosses he's oddly SUPER fast...he can close the distance on you like it's nothing.  It does look funny to see him run and wildly swing at the air though.


The latest bullshit--- I found some witch that shoots a huge magically conjured bow & arrow.  (*I remember the name now---Preceptor Miriam) This shit is a one-hit kill every time, from full health...and she can teleport.  There's several other enemies in there as well, of course.  I'm already wondering how many hundreds of times people have died to this one.

*edit---oh yeah, and the arrow explodes with huge splash damage, you can be killed in one shot from behind a wall too. For now I'm just staying behind a wall but at a distance so the splash damage doesn't get me.  Fortunately, the magic "pebble" spell can actually interrupt her from doing the arrow... so this is probably much more feasible with ranged magic as opposed to characters that are pure melee.


I'm taking it extra slow on this attempt, though I know there's no real chance of winning.  I'm on the last phase of the fight and it's been around 37 minutes so far, just this particular attempt.  In the last phase she's teleporting constantly while also doing the one-hit kill shot.  ...and yep, another death.  This is just cheapness here.  You have to hit her so many times...all she needs is that one shot.  Oh, and I just realized...that's 8000 runes I won't be getting back; no chance since in that phase of battle, we were on the top floor.

Melee attempt---well, she has a quick magic slash that does huge damage too.  This is in addition to the magic orb she constantly throws up that shoots out a million projectiles.  

Edited by MillionX
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11 hours ago, DarkSakul said:
  Reveal hidden contents


Gotta spoiler this Twitter post. NSFW. 

It's cool that (for the model) it was done in a sense. At the same time, it's not like Guerilla had Aloy with her girls out in a costume. This will get patched (if it hasn't already). 


5 minutes ago, Lantis said:

I know this is old news, but man....just started playing the Miles Morales game and still can't get over Peter's face remake (to be more Tom Holland-esque I suppose). Having played the original SM not that long ago, it's really bothering me for some reason....

Yeah, that actually annoyed the hell out of me. Sure he didn't look as "young" but I felt it looked like a Spidey that had a few hardknocks.


You have to wonder if devs will just start "patching" faces for reasons. 

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41 minutes ago, Lantis said:

I know this is old news, but man....just started playing the Miles Morales game and still can't get over Peter's face remake (to be more Tom Holland-esque I suppose). Having played the original SM not that long ago, it's really bothering me for some reason....

It bugged the shit out of me in the trailers honestly. It's like recasting someone but using their dub lines because you where too cheap to pay the new guy. I know that's not what it is but it's what it looks and feels like and it's fucking weird. 

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Yeah, the issue with the Peter Parker face definitely was they did it so long after release. If it was day one, aside from some out of date trailers most would be fine. But after so long with most people already playing the game and moving on, to update it like that feels off after your time with Peter already wrapped up for him to have a new face both in the sequel/gaiden title that was Miles Morales and updated to the original game/remaster.

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20 minutes ago, Wellman said:

Yeah, the issue with the Peter Parker face definitely was they did it so long after release. If it was day one, aside from some out of date trailers most would be fine. But after so long with most people already playing the game and moving on, to update it like that feels off after your time with Peter already wrapped up for him to have a new face both in the sequel/gaiden title that was Miles Morales and updated to the original game/remaster.

It feels like watching a Deep Fake. Like im lookin at Tom Holland but I don't hear Tom Holland I hear someone else like you would in a Deep Fake, and it's just as weird and unnerving. 

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21 minutes ago, MillionX said:

This Elden Ring addiction is somethin' else...  the last time I slept was Saturday night.  Pretty much all of Sunday was taken up by the game...eventually it was so late I figured I'll just stay up....and yeah, I'm very much tempted to play again right after work today, instead of getting some sleep.

Go to sleep. The body can only stay up for so long plus it will keep you sharp for what the game offers.

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15 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

To be honest, it wouldn't shock me if this became a reason to re-remaster the game.  

I laugh but given the film's success and the age of the original games, it wouldn't surprise me if we heard about a remake/movie inspired prequel with a Holland look a like face and potentially voice.

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40% every fucking goddamn time.  At 40% of his health Margit the Impossible just DECIDES I lose every time.



excited pumped up GIF by WWE

This last time, I saved the wolf spirits for later... just went all out attacking first for a while to wear down that first chunk of life...THEN brought out my wolfpack and unleashed spells constantly.

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42 minutes ago, MillionX said:

40% every fucking goddamn time.  At 40% of his health Margit the Impossible just DECIDES I lose every time.

Ill see if it's possible to still record it when I get home but I got Margit to 1% before work. He killed me a split second before I hit him. 



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I beat Margit last night when I was level 21 at the time I believe.  I tried using a +7 spear I found but then switched back to my default samurai sword at +2.  That along with the wolf summon and the shackles was all I needed to kill him.  I got him down to like < 25% every time I tried with the +2 sword so I knew I would get him eventually.  Took like 7 tries.


The castle looks badass and the atmosphere in this game is unreal.



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18 minutes ago, purbeast said:

That along with the wolf summon and the shackles was all I needed to kill him.

I found Patches and the Shackles but didn't have the 5k in Runes to purchase. Gonna farm it out tonight after work and give him the work. Him killing me at 1% got me salty. Not gonna give him the chance next time.


Anyone else find the Magic Academy? I found and explored a good deal of the it last two days. Stuck on Red Wolf of Radovan. Doing good damage tho so little more practice and I'll have him. 

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