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Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.

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My internet had some really good timing dying on me the day the Multiversus beta starts.


As for its success, those numbers certainly look good. But as an old-school person I see more danger in f2p than benefits, because it completely eradicates the retro scene. Those side tournaments with 3rd Strike, Melee, Garou and obscure stuff? In a f2p future you're only ever going to play the games the publisher keeps live.

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Multiverse will probably stay healthy and keep people longer hooked than other FGs.

It is simple to see why and thats the way the online is handeld, as well as part of the game structure.


Unless something was changed, the online is standard 2v2, meaning there is always someone else to blame for when you lose.
There are also perks, so you can blame loses on having the wrong or "underpowerd" perks.


That alone will keep people playing longer, add to that that the game is F2P, which means you lose nothing for trying it.

4 hours ago, delete_me said:

My internet had some really good timing dying on me the day the Multiversus beta starts.


As for its success, those numbers certainly look good. But as an old-school person I see more danger in f2p than benefits, because it completely eradicates the retro scene. Those side tournaments with 3rd Strike, Melee, Garou and obscure stuff? In a f2p future you're only ever going to play the games the publisher keeps live.


Yes of course, it isn't like we already have this trend since 2016.

No not at all, look how alive and well SFIV is!

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12 hours ago, TWINBLADES said:

Like I’m sorry that my honest character who rewards fundamentals and footsies has you shook but it’s not my fault you play Vanguard. 


I really had somebody tell me I was wrong for saying Vanguard was ass after he was left unchanged from the betas. Gonna find that shit and screenshot it because that guy can suck my nuts.



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2 hours ago, Volt said:

SF4 was dogshit, that's why people don't wanna come back. Don't get it twisted.


Then how do you explain people still playing 3S to this day?

Ain't much better of a game, would argure that it's even worse than IV.

Or what came after it, what might also be somehow worse.


Then again for the later, I guess money can move a lot.

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11 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:


Then how do you explain people still playing 3S to this day? 

Ain't much better of a game, would argure that it's even worse than IV.

Or what came after it, what might also be somehow worse.


Then again for the later, I guess money can move a lot.

People play 3S because they like the game. Not really that simple of a concept to grasp. There is no pro tour or huge pot bonuses. They play it because they love the game. People love to argue about SFIV. They'll do that all day long. But playing it? That's another matter entirely.

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There's a dedicated group of people playing SF4 still. Europe still streams weeklies of it. But the game definitely fell hard.


I'm expecting SF5 to take an equally as big of a nose dive as SF4. 



In general though, the current FGC isnt exactly teaching young new people that they don't have to drop the games they like when a new one comes out.

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1 hour ago, Sonero said:


I really had somebody tell me I was wrong for saying Vanguard was ass after he was left unchanged from the betas. Gonna find that shit and screenshot it because that guy can suck my nuts.



DNF D is fucking weird when it comes to characters and the the way you evaluate their worth. Vanguard in any other fighting game would be a menace but because he exists in a game where 90% of the cast can just fly all over the screen like crackheads he losses on all  metrics. When I move up in rank, I do a sigh of relief when Vanguard is on the VS screen because that's the one MU Launcher has in her favor. But another issue with Launcher is that she's such a basic bitch who has a basic bitch game plan. And that annoys the fuck out of people. I got dudes who run top tiers like fucking Trouble Shooter not wanting to run it back because I turn DNF into a platformer. 


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1 minute ago, Mr.Cipher said:

I thought the point was that people don't want to return to games that are dogshit.

So why play any of the SF3 games?

SF games have longevity. SF4 last from 2008 to 2015. That's a long fucking time. Enough time for people tp be ready to hope over into the new SF. People don't drop SF because a game is dogshit. 


Cross Tekken doesn't count because I said so.... MVCI doesn't count because I said so.

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The fact that I get youtube recommendations of new matches and tournaments of SF4 makes the discussion moot and pointless.


There are people who still play SF4, and swear to it as the best fg out there.

I bet that even with its dog shit netcode gets more players than SFxT and MVIC, probably combined.


After all, it was also ported to previous gen (PS4 and Xbone)



Just a month ago there were people playing it on CEO





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10 minutes ago, TWINBLADES said:

DNF D is fucking weird when it comes to characters and the the way you evaluate their worth. Vanguard in any other fighting game would be a menace but because he exists in a game where 90% of the cast can just fly all over the screen like crackheads he losses on all  metrics. When I move up in rank, I do a sigh of relief when Vanguard is on the VS screen because that's the one MU Launcher has in her favor. But another issue with Launcher is that she's such a basic bitch who has a basic bitch game plan. And that annoys the fuck out of people. I got dudes who run top tiers like fucking Trouble Shooter not wanting to run it back because I turn DNF into a platformer. 


Launcher is a bitch when she has someone corner. It's like her kit was designed to trap someone in the corner and keeping them there. It's where she does her big girl damage and where most of my struggle against her is.

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5 minutes ago, TWINBLADES said:

SF games have longevity. SF4 last from 2008 to 2015. That's a long fucking time.


What has that to do with a game being shit or not?


I heard nothing but how SFIV was the best game ever and no other FG could ever compete, than SFV came out and SFIV was almost universally called garbage.

This has nothing to do with longevity.

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3 hours ago, Sonero said:


I really had somebody tell me I was wrong for saying Vanguard was ass after he was left unchanged from the betas. Gonna find that shit and screenshot it because that guy can suck my nuts.



Vanguard was cooking on the Can Opener last night, could it be that Vanguard isn't the problem? 🙃

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Vanguard falls in the same "problem" that the cast of Hokuto no Ken had.


You could take any character from HnK and put him/her on any other game and would be broken and top tier.

But since everyone was broken, you had a situation where some whre more broken than other, lol.


I still like using Vanguard, but is clear that he has some issues due how the game and cast works.


Leaving aside any balance change unique to him, a change I would add the game if I had the chance would be to reduce the cost of the guard cancel, and maybe add a variation where you roll either back or forward depending on what direction you input/button combination.


And maybe a burst like mechanic that cost what the guard cancel costs right now.


The game supposedly takes from Samsho, and if that game saw fit to have a burst like mechanic, it makes sense for this game to also have one, lol.


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8 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Vanguard falls in the same "problem" that the cast of Hokuto no Ken had.


You could take any character from HnK and put him/her on any other game and would be broken and top tier.

But since everyone was broken, you had a situation where some whre more broken than other, lol.


I still like using Vanguard, but is clear that he has some issues due how the game and cast works.


Leaving aside any balance change unique to him, a change I would add the game if I had the chance would be to reduce the cost of the guard cancel, and maybe add a variation where you roll either back or forward depending on what direction you input/button combination.


And maybe a burst like mechanic that cost what the guard cancel costs right now.


The game supposedly takes from Samsho, and if that game saw fit to have a burst like mechanic, it makes sense for this game to also have one, lol.


Maybe I'm seeing shit but I swear some characters like Berserk can instantly forward roll after a KD. Maybe I'm just insane and see something that isn't there. I agree on the GC MP cost. It would be the most reasonable nerf to characters like Striker without ruining her core game plan. I'm 50/50 on burst. I feel like since I've really sunk my teeth into the game I've gotten used to the feeling of knowing that this game at the highest tiers will turn into a 2 mistakes and you're done meta. I hated it at first because dying to Grappler after two bad reads felt bad. But maybe the Stockholm's has kicked in since I feel like I've accepted it and wanting a burst was me just coping with my dog shit defense. 


I'm hoping  I can get to Terranite before the week is over. I'm so close.

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26 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


To be perfectly honest with you, I'm just trolling Sonero. 🤣


As for what to do or not to do balance-wise with the game... The game was released a month ago.


I'd rather wait and see how it plays out for a minute before talking about any kind of changes outside of obviously "not working as intended" things like the infinites. (Which I'm pretty sure got patched out ASAP.)


People are too knee-jerkish when it comes to balance changes nowadays, this ain't a beta, let the game marinate a bit.

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24 minutes ago, TWINBLADES said:

Maybe I'm seeing shit but I swear some characters like Berserk can instantly forward roll after a KD. Maybe I'm just insane and see something that isn't there. I agree on the GC MP cost. It would be the most reasonable nerf to characters like Striker without ruining her core game plan. I'm 50/50 on burst. I feel like since I've really sunk my teeth into the game I've gotten used to the feeling of knowing that this game at the highest tiers will turn into a 2 mistakes and you're done meta. I hated it at first because dying to Grappler after two bad reads felt bad. But maybe the Stockholm's has kicked in since I feel like I've accepted it and wanting a burst was me just coping with my dog shit defense. 


I'm hoping  I can get to Terranite before the week is over. I'm so close.

The way I see it, the burst could end as a high risk defensive maneuver.

Since it's primary use will be to try to defend your gray health on a combo.


It can be implemented in 2 ways, like in Samsho that once you pop it, you lost access to your super for example, but it is more or less invulnerable and you can't bait it.

Or be more like GG/P4A and BB, where you can bait it and end losing both health and the MP meter you used for it, but without the penalty of losing your super for example.


Of course, this is just me.

Like you said, the game is a "2 mistakes" and you are done game, this will only make it a "3 mistakes" game instead, lol




Another thing that could be added is a faultless defense mechanic that drains your mp meter, perhaps having both will be an overkill?

I don't know, but the game will benefit from having some extra defensive mechanics.

They take ques from snk and asw previous games.


And since they said that this game is like a samsho game with asw flair, it is kind of amusing that they left the defensive options that snk and asw have behind.


It almost feels like in some ways the 8ting "philosophy" of everyone is bonkers and you can't do shit about it creep out into the game 🤣

Edited by Hecatom
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4 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

DNF needs some unsafe shit. Finding holes in blockstrings and things to punish is a pain in the ass. 

I don't even both with Ranger.  Having the slowest buttons in the game it's not even worth it.  I just sit there staring at my mana meter waiting until it gets back to 100.  

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A bit random but you know that lil intro before the match starts in SF 6 where both characters walk towards the ring ? 


I am really curious how they are gonna pull that one out when it comes to evil characters like Juri, Bison, Seth etc. 


I don't see Juri waving to the public that's for sure.But imagine some of these evil characters getting a animation where they punch someone from the crowd while moving towards the ring lol.  


EDIT : this seems fitting...



Edited by Skort
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4 minutes ago, HeavensCloud said:

I don't even both with Ranger.  Having the slowest buttons in the game it's not even worth it.  I just sit there staring at my mana meter waiting until it gets back to 100.  

Ranger as an invincible reversal. You got a get off me move that will work without fail. My counter doesn't work on frame 1 and gets beat by lows. I have to try to roll out of pressure when my gauge is too low but it's not a good enough option when I do get it to work. 

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15 minutes ago, Volt said:

To be perfectly honest with you, I'm just trolling Sonero. 🤣


As for what to do or not to do balance-wise with the game... The game was released a month ago.


I'd rather wait and see how it plays out for a minute before talking about any kind of changes outside of obviously "not working as intended" things like the infinites. (Which I'm pretty sure got patched out ASAP.)


People are too knee-jerkish when it comes to balance changes nowadays, this ain't a beta, let the game marinate a bit.



Nah son, there are things that can be apparent day 1.

You don't need a game to breath, specially nowdays to know that there are things that can be improved or worked on.

Plus, theorizing about what can be or not added to a game is not the same as being knee jerkish.


Due the nature of the game, is clear that is lacking on defensive options.

Some extra mechanics could help a lot some characters without the need of balancing them, at least not much, and they wouldnt necessarily change what the game intends to be.




Plus, I love theory designing fighting games.

I was designing a fg back then, and have been even working on and off on some mugen like component for UE4 😅

Edited by Hecatom
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Just now, Skort said:

But imagine some of these evil characters getting a animation where they punch someone from the crowd while moving towards the ring lol.  

Rog is 100% doing that or this game is a bust. 🤣


Btw, how many people here actually got DNF? If so, PC or PS4/5?

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4 minutes ago, Skort said:

A bit random but you know that lil intro before the match starts in SF 6 where both characters walk towards the ring ? 


I am really curious how they are gonna pull that one out when it comes to evil characters like Juri, Bison, Seth etc. 


I don't see Juri waving to the public that's for sure.But imagine some of these evil characters getting a animation where they punch someone from the crowd while moving towards the ring lol.  


I can see her smugly walking in a sexy way towards the opponent, perhaps mocking him/her while doing so.

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With 22 base roster ( hopefully ) and an expected release date of Q1 2023 one would think they should start showing some character trailers rather soon.


What was it ? About 1 or 2 characters per month to meet the "release date" ? Ofc this does not mean much,they can just go silent mode and drop trailers that include multiple reveals such as the Cammy / Birdie trailer in SF 5 in a short time frame.


I do wonder however if most reveals will be saved for actual events and if so, how many events that Capcom would likely show up in with news are there for this year and early 2023 ? 


Regardless ,Evo reveal will probably have one of the following Ken , Cammy , Kimberly  in my opinion  ( but then again, all expected Kimberly and they showed Guile instead so you never know ) 



Edited by Skort
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I think it's also possible that SF6 doesn't launch early 2023 tbh, or at least not February. I know vanilla SFIV / SFV set the precedent but who knows, maybe 6 will break the mold in that regard. 


That or maybe the game actually won't launch with all 22 of the leaked characters? Ehhh I dunno I could be totally wrong but jeah guess we'll see

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26 minutes ago, Skort said:

With 22 base roster ( hopefully ) and an expected release date of Q1 2023 one would think they should start showing some character trailers rather soon.


I always managed my expectation with Capcom to be lower in terms of characters and content so , I go with 18 or 20 then the rest is DLC day one haha

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4 hours ago, Hecatom said:

The fact that I get youtube recommendations of new matches and tournaments of SF4 makes the discussion moot and pointless.


There are people who still play SF4, and swear to it as the best fg out there.

I bet that even with its dog shit netcode gets more players than SFxT and MVIC, probably combined.


After all, it was also ported to previous gen (PS4 and Xbone)



Just a month ago there were people playing it on CEO





The algorithm is tailored to your personal viewing habits or video subjects you've viewed recently. Any time I click on one of @MillionX's video links it the Hot Girls thread, my recommendations gets filled with Swimsuit Try On videos for the next week. Conversely, there are almost always Eminem related recommendations in my list because I listen to his music on a regular basis. I get a lot of Space/Astronomy videos because I watch those as well. When the Depp case as going on, I got a lot those in my suggestions because I'd been following Legalbytes channel at the time.

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2 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

The algorithm is tailored to your personal viewing habits or video subjects you've viewed recently. Any time I click on one of @MillionX's video links it the Hot Girls thread, my recommendations gets filled with Swimsuit Try On videos for the next week. Conversely, there are almost always Eminem related recommendations in my list because I listen to his music on a regular basis. I get a lot of Space/Astronomy videos because I watch those as well. When the Depp case as going on, I got a lot those in my suggestions because I'd been following Legalbytes channel at the time.



What is funny is that I barely watch SF videos those days, but I do watch tournaments and I am subscribed to some of those channels (for their vids for other fgs)

So in this case it makes sense.


Outside some stuff, I think the algorithm doesn't know what to recommend to me, since there are some random shit at times, shit I already watched and thousands of vtuber clips XD


I assume that is because since my account is extremely old, and is subscribed to over a thousand channels, it just throws whatever.

Crime videos, documentaries, metal, anime, movie reviews, science stuff, economics, engineering, occult/supernatural shit, cryptozoology, etc

Both in english and spanish.

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2 hours ago, Hecatom said:

It can be implemented in 2 ways, like in Samsho that once you pop it, you lost access to your super for example, but it is more or less invulnerable and you can't bait it.

Honestly this sounds like the most based compromise. Honestly super isn't that important in the grand scale IMO. That's a sacrifice I'm willing to make as long as they give my girl extra fucking combos so I can actually get some mid screen damage 

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1 hour ago, Jocelot said:

I think it's also possible that SF6 doesn't launch early 2023 tbh, or at least not February. I know vanilla SFIV / SFV set the precedent but who knows, maybe 6 will break the mold in that regard. 


That or maybe the game actually won't launch with all 22 of the leaked characters? Ehhh I dunno I could be totally wrong but jeah guess we'll see

February is a safe bet as March is usually the end of Capcom's fiscal year. A major release before then will look good in the books.

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