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Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.

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31 minutes ago, Pair of Rooks said:

Rumor has it that's how DSP got his start, and he just couldn't quit it  😮

Phil's monetized his friends death before so thats on par.


I am listening to this and I won't make a judgement either way, but art is using weasel language in a lot of places and only half/side addressing certain accusations.




yeahhhh he's full of shit. 

Edited by EvilCanadian
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God damn, Arturo, all you had to do do is play Dhalsim and hold community first tournaments, offline and online. Instead what the fuck is this? 


American fgc really can't go for a single year without some kind of a major blowup. MrBiscuits was right to distance himself 


Obama literally just lives and Japan and sometimes talk shit in an entertaining way 


Aris prints money off stones subbing for the emotes 


Spooky moved to fucking Philippines lol, it's like he knew something was gonna go down 

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Well,i wanted to make a joke but i won't.


Is this actually for real ? If so, quite a shame. 


He is well known in the community ,if he actually needed some money for whatever trouble he may have in real life,i feel a lot of people would be whiling to help him out. However, if this was done out of greed, then way to ruin your reputation after so many years i suppose.

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41 minutes ago, Phantom_Miria said:

This is why the US can never win EVO. While other regions focus on dumb stuff like getting good and winning, the US is too busy with collecting dick pics, stealing from the pot and Twitter drama. 😔

You're probably joking but this is more true than you know. Stupid Twitter Drama >>> Getting gud for a not insignificant portion of the American "fgc"

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8 hours ago, Illwill88 said:

Caught the end of the stream last night I was still holding out hope. But when Rob asked to just see the PayPal and that man went to oh I gotta go see family yeah it’s a wrap.  Arturo got cooked he shouldn’t have done that stream.

I’m actually watching the Vod and it’s pretty damming. Art does allot of political like obfuscation when he has to answer for why the pay outs were delayed. I could buy the angle that he was overworked and stressed if he didn’t have a network of people in NLBC that he was deeply connected to. The easiest solution was to just give the admin rights over to Yipes or Le Chung. His excuses for how complex Matcherino is was terrible on top of blaming players for not having their Matcherino accounts at the ready to receive funds. I could understand this if this was the first year Matcherino was implemented but no way on gods green earth is someone of the caliber of Space Boy or Idom gonna travel out to NLBC and be like duuuuur muh account not ready. These niggas wanna eat so you better believe they got everything synched up and at the ready. He also does allot of stuttering and while that isn’t indicative of him being guilty (could be a speech issue) it definitely makes his lies feel even worse. Honest to god I think Art is done. I think more than in any esports sector the FGC takes their money very seriously because we don’t get insane pay outs like the LoL or Overwatch players do. You gotta cover for so much personal shit that for allot of these dude getting paid is enough to let them travel back home and have some change to buy a Big Mac. On top of this because so much of the FGC is still grass roots at least aesthetically everyone basically knows each other so Art can’t really hide in plain sight. Everyone is gonna know he’s a fraud. And plenty of people can set up PC’s for tournaments. It really sucks because I’ve been in that spot where I’m feed a little bit of info and infer the rest and assume someone is the good guy/bad guy because I don’t take my time to hear both sides. So I really wanted to give Art the benefit of the doubt. I didn’t wanna “cancel culture” him. But it looks like times up for this man. Fucking sad. 

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Money pay outs should always be taken seriously. I took my money pay outs for the locals I ran insanely seriously up to doing the math in front of people for %s breakdown.


Fucking up money is the easiest way to ruin things. What Art did is, for whichever the reasons, something I can't really defend. Not because of some type of moral ground but because you just can't be harming your community. Its terrible but he really did damage his scene.


Awful situation.

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@TWINBLADESArt is cooked. If he was half his age and this popped off there could be a possibility of him coming back down the line. It would still be terrible mind you but he'd have the "young and dumb" defense along with the chance for time to heal the wounds. Art is Megashock aged. He's not young. This situation is one of the worst betrayals in the FGC. Someone with Art's status pulling this shit. It's damaging to the scene and permanently destroys his reputation. This is going to put him on an island. He's so interconnected with the FGC. People aren't going to deal with him professionally but more hurtful for him IMO is personally. He's going have a lot of friends that are going to want nothing to do with him. He's put himself in a terrible spot fam. Usually when you fuck up, you have family and friends to fall back on. When your fuck up encompasses your closest friends, who are you going to have to turn to?

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Jeez this is crazy, does anyone have a link to the Vod? I guess it's no longer availible. 


I'm no Art apologist I just need to see his defense for myself, he could just be mad jittery on camera (like the No Man's Sky guy). Maybe he shouldn't have done it live.


I don't want to make excuses I just literally can't believe he would just scam people from his community (and his own friends group) for so long. Just seems too wild. 

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8 minutes ago, Jocelot said:

Jeez this is crazy, does anyone have a link to the Vod? I guess it's no longer availible. 


I'm no Art apologist I just need to see his defense for myself, he could just be mad jittery on camera (like the No Man's Sky guy). Maybe he shouldn't have done it live.


I don't want to make excuses I just literally can't believe he would just scam people from his community (and his own friends group) for so long. Just seems too wild.

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32 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Guys we got our own E-Sports league now. Megashock, we made it!




Best thing about FG's is there's no official washed up age yet


the day Sako can't hang anymore will be the limit of that age but he's still going strong



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9 hours ago, EvilCanadian said:

I compared Arts bad defense to DSP on twitter and now DSP is raging about the whole thing today and trying to make it about himself lol

Yeesh, speak of the devil and he may appear.  


Congrats on 50 million views!  That's crazy!


(I got 22 and feel very proud. It's more than I thought I ever would.)


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On 1/4/2023 at 8:36 PM, -PVL93- said:

Spooky moved to fucking Philippines lol, it's like he knew something was gonna go down 

The good things here is that big events happens here in NCR/Metro Manila, like everything is accessibly regarding whatever hobbies here.


Retro Games, FGC, Cosplay, Toy Collecting, Antique Collecting, Anime Convention is in a small part of an island compare to other countries that kind scattered,


Cheap merch and food. It even had western culture like everyone even kids in kindergarten can speaks english and understand english, watch english shows.


The bad side here other than the traffic is that most that I had been joined community either backstabbing, exploiting others gullibility or one-upping each other, even a supposed to be non-competitive community becomes competitive or spawn rivalry groups lol, it's more toxic than office politics. tribalistic mentality is also strong here. 


Financial scams are everywhere worst than the west. predatory restaurants and resorts that overprice on they assumed to be new in the place like foreigners and filipinos from a different location. but not as terrible like china lol 

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By the way, Chris Matrix did a Livestream yesterday where he briefly talked about the Art drama 


Surprisingly, Arturo's business with Battle of the Strongest was 100% clean and involved no stealing or other money/payout manipulation, as Chris and the Co. checked back with the receipts and it's all been correct and accurate 


I guess he knew better than not to mess with the Marvel community lmao 


Everyone else though? 

Yeah fuck em, who cares about DNF, SC6, Tekken, Granblue, Xrd

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1 hour ago, -PVL93- said:

By the way, Chris Matrix did a Livestream yesterday where he briefly talked about the Art drama 


Surprisingly, Arturo's business with Battle of the Strongest was 100% clean and involved no stealing or other money/payout manipulation, as Chris and the Co. checked back with the receipts and it's all been correct and accurate 


I guess he knew better than not to mess with the Marvel community lmao 


Everyone else though? 

Yeah fuck em, who cares about DNF, SC6, Tekken, Granblue, Xrd

Actually, its not surprising when you think about it. It's how he likely got away with it for so long. Larger/more popular events have more eyes on them. Hell, if Matcherino didn't notice something was funny, it would still be going on. If you look at big names that worked with Art, like JWong, he didn't screw with their money. Which is why so many big names were shocked. they worked with the dude and he didn't rip them off.

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