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The Return of.. Terribly Unpopular Opinions.

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15 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Parents co-signing transitioning that would cause permanent physical or physiological changes for a kid under 17 is child abuse

I can respect that. I'm a bit of a rebel and kind of sympathize with nihilism having been there before, so it's a typical view from me. I guess on the subject of child abuse, I feel that a parent that forces their religious beliefs on the child, that child should be taken away, due to the psychological hold and outcome that it has on the majority. Though I don't think I'm suppose to be talking about religion, because the rules here are a bit stuck up for me.

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5 hours ago, Emptyeyes said:

I would say that children are overvalued, but I understand why they have no one to speak for them. However, I think on this subject of some of them being apart of the transgender community, the kids should have a say in their transition while being at that age, because the suicide rate in that community is high enough. The think the fixation of controlling their decisions on this subject until adulthood is outdated and obsolete, which the same can be said for marriage from the latter. Regardless, a little leniency wouldn't hurt them.

As someone who's around children a lot, they cannot comprehend the effects of the decisions they make and it's potential consequences. Kids feelings at any given moment is a guessing game at the best of times due to how indecisive they can be. Leaving life altering decisions in the hands of a child is all kinds of irresponsible. 

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7 minutes ago, Emptyeyes said:

I can respect that. I'm a bit of a rebel and kind of sympathize with nihilism having been there before, so it's a typical view from me. I guess on the subject of child abuse, I feel that a parent that forces their religious beliefs on the child, that child should be taken away, due to the psychological hold and outcome that it has on the majority. Though I don't think I'm suppose to be talking about religion, because the rules here are a bit stuck up for me.

I don't really have any religious beliefs although I find religion fascinating, but the way a lot of people use religion is toxic and is definitely abusive. Which is a shame because I imagine believing in a higher power with that degree of certainty and having the community around you that a church or religious organization provides is kind of nice.

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Religion is interesting from a philosophy standpoint...but unfortunately like many things in life, people cannot handle talks of it because many fall for the logical fallacy of appealing to emotion.


In fact (since this is the place for hot takes if you will) people are terrible at arguing most things because many stoop to low points of using things like strawmans/ad hominins/sophistry etc when someone is losing an argument. 


I like to argue things...but I have stopped a lot because people DON'T want to be wrong...oh well...

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Meat consumption is disgusting at times, which is why I don't eat much of it. Part of me wants to return to veganism, if it wasn't for culinary arts, because I do care a little more about the animals. Eating something dead was always disturbing and hard to contemplate. Yet, I have to acknowledge that plants, which vegans take in are also animals. So, it's hypocritical to say otherwise of the unjustified radical behavior of the community. 

I think it's cruel that us animals are appetite dependent on each other for survival, also in our case for seeing other animals, as a special interest of investment across the board. Therefore, I think that we can't be fully empathetic of every life that currently exists and passed. 

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On 3/11/2021 at 5:59 PM, DoctaMario said:

I don't really have any religious beliefs although I find religion fascinating, but the way a lot of people use religion is toxic and is definitely abusive. Which is a shame because I imagine believing in a higher power with that degree of certainty and having the community around you that a church or religious organization provides is kind of nice.

This post has been on my mind for a few days, but I just wanted to say that I've been there being formally religious. Though I've developed toxicity at the time directing it to people who's belief didn't align with my own, and plus the self-loathing of who I was that's against the bible's teaching. Recently gaining memory of the old SRK members from the likes of Cisco at the time and debating an outspoken atheist Darisk (?) was it, reflecting on it was cringe worthy. I'm not sure what happened to Cisco, as I don't have the recollection of him being so bitter. He seemed approachable at the time, since he and I were both Christian. 

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Recently converting back to anti-gun, I wish they were never created, because they are too convenient to kill someone with it in my eyes. I wish the prefrontal cortex wasn't so advanced on that sort of age old innovation and I agree with the Australian laws in relation to this subject.

The primitive era of self-defense, I'm in favor of on how they survived during that era, paving the way forward for our existence to happen. I think we should go back to that, because nothing is more provoking when I see someone have their way from such a lazy and cowardly form of power. 

Given the forging of early policing, was through slavery institution and to control minorities. So, I don't look at law enforcement in a good light, because it's kind of iffy to turn something into a positive, when it was originally for something negative.

I wish that there will come a day where policing is disband, so we can return to the days of old. 

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yeah, I don't bother arguing 99% of the time since most people are about 2 minutes away from resorting to personal matter what situation you're in, from internet to "IRL"... it's like trying to have a reasoned debate with an angry 4 year old.  There is no point, and you'll feel like you've wasted your damn time afterwards.


MvC2 music <-- I love that shit.  Back then when this game was new, I remember most fans seemed to hate it.  I still have most of my favorite tracks saved as mp3s or on CDs now.  It was an interesting to me; that change of pace experiencing a fighting game with those jazzy sounds as background music....instead of the usual techno "stuff" I would've expected at the time.


If I am presented with the choice between a novel, a tv series, a movie, or a video game or even a radio show like the old days of "The Shadow"... the novel is always going to be my last pick out of those forms of entertainment.  I suspect a lot of people actually have this opinion but are afraid to admit it.

Edited by MillionX
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My latest and probably last unpopular opinion (I can't think of anything else beyond this point) is going to involve sex talk. So, I don't think a heterosexual man is necessarily gay if using sex toys contrary to the vagina shaped ones, pleasuring the rectum. Everyone in the world has their kinks, which shouldn't be limited to the misguided perception of minority sexualities. Just because your sexuality either lean to one side or the other, doesn't mean there can't be complications within the development or discovering what pleasures you that may be erotic or questionable to the individual or society. As long as it's not against the law, you have nothing to fear. 

Edited by Emptyeyes
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On 3/11/2021 at 9:49 PM, TheInfernoman said:

Religion is interesting from a philosophy standpoint...but unfortunately like many things in life, people cannot handle talks of it because many fall for the logical fallacy of appealing to emotion.


In fact (since this is the place for hot takes if you will) people are terrible at arguing most things because many stoop to low points of using things like strawmans/ad hominins/sophistry etc when someone is losing an argument. 


I like to argue things...but I have stopped a lot because people DON'T want to be wrong...oh well...

Well, the thing is that for many people religion is tied to their own identity.

So they internalize any criticism as a personal attack.


It is why is so easy for them to try to dehumanize anyone that is against their dogma.


BTW, i think that the current day "religion"/cult is feminism and all the other crap from intersectionalism.

Their pov are purely dogmatic, and if you don't agree you are worthless.



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7 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

This is the interesting part to me as more people move away from traditional religions, people merely just adopt something else to worship. 

Agree, they just move from one dogma to another.

But keep the same shit and stupid mentality of if you are not part of the group and are a sheep that just accept the dogma, you need to be removed.

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You know what sucks that everyone seems to like?  Thick bitches or "thicc" bitches.  Thick?  My dick is thick those bitches are just fat.  Fat bitches everywhere and everyone praises their fatness.  Shit is nasty.  Then those bitches take the clothes off and saggy tits and droopy stomachs and ugly thighs.  Fat bitches need to get the fuck out. 

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17 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

You know what sucks that everyone seems to like?  Thick bitches or "thicc" bitches.  Thick?  My dick is thick those bitches are just fat.  Fat bitches everywhere and everyone praises their fatness.  Shit is nasty.  Then those bitches take the clothes off and saggy tits and droopy stomachs and ugly thighs.  Fat bitches need to get the fuck out. 

There's a line between thick and fat and I think it's different for everyone, especially females 😂

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7 hours ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

You know what sucks that everyone seems to like?  Thick bitches or "thicc" bitches.  Thick?  My dick is thick those bitches are just fat.  Fat bitches everywhere and everyone praises their fatness.  Shit is nasty.  Then those bitches take the clothes off and saggy tits and droopy stomachs and ugly thighs.  Fat bitches need to get the fuck out. 

scott storch GIF


I'm gonna need you to clarify this. What do you consider fat?

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8 hours ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

You know what sucks that everyone seems to like?  Thick bitches or "thicc" bitches.  Thick?  My dick is thick those bitches are just fat.  Fat bitches everywhere and everyone praises their fatness.  Shit is nasty.  Then those bitches take the clothes off and saggy tits and droopy stomachs and ugly thighs.  Fat bitches need to get the fuck out. 

For real thicc and plain old fat are two different things...there is a fine line. However there is a fuckton of women (and men boosting them) calling themselves the latter when they are the former lol. 

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37 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

scott storch GIF


I'm gonna need you to clarify this. What do you consider fat?

Mycah Leonhart chicks or Tetsuo Shima on a bad day?


9/10 of Adam Warlocks little black book?


Every straggling caribou Soviet ever mounted?


Where do you stand on these?


Then we can begin to work our way towards moderately extremely-drunk fuckable.

Edited by JHDK
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This is an unpopular opinion, but I'm working to reverse this down the line. 


"I'm officially numb at the desperation by feeling pressured to pursue relationships in order to be validated. Solitude and relationships are tricky subjects in my case, because I always viewed one as less miserable than the other from the unappealing compromise of the two. While solitude isn't the ideal life to live, feeling obligated, but at the absence of wanting to form and preserve bonds, from family for example, has become a chore to preserve again in recent times from depression.  This makes it extremely difficult to progress in therapy when trying to make friends or having a partner and the negativity throughout my life has always been a mostly accessible feeling and easily influential state to worsen dwelling in than approaching positivity. Sometimes, I feel like I don't have the adequate range of emotional connections to understand what a genuine form of change really is.

So, the question is, how do I shake this cycle? It's not that I don't want to change, but I've always struggled to relate to what is considered to be the norm. I fully understand now on why my mother was worried about me before she died."


I think this is among the worst unpopular opinions of stagnating a person's life. But, a shred of optimism can go a long way. I hope I'll conquer this one day. The first sentence of the quotation definitely relates to this song.




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I enjoyed Doom 2016 more than eternal. Eternal has you juggling gear so much and throws such relentless waves that it's a bit overwhelming. I usually enjoy really tough games, but Eternal is just a bit much. To be fair, I've never been a big fps fan, so I'm guessing I'd like it more if I was better at the genre. I definitely like the bfg ammo mechanic better in 2016 as well. 

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1 hour ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

I read that I didnt catch what the unpopular opinion was.  Just that you're kind of a mess and should probably seek a therapist and a psychiatrist.

It summarizes the perceptions and feeling boxed in of choices restricted to what life demands, which I have a negative opinion on it that differs to the majority. Anyway, I'm already in therapy and psychiatry, though it's something to bring up to them.

Edited by Emptyeyes
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5 hours ago, Camacho said:

I enjoyed Doom 2016 more than eternal. Eternal has you juggling gear so much and throws such relentless waves that it's a bit overwhelming. I usually enjoy really tough games, but Eternal is just a bit much. To be fair, I've never been a big fps fan, so I'm guessing I'd like it more if I was better at the genre. I definitely like the bfg ammo mechanic better in 2016 as well. 

I also liked DOOM 2016 better then Eternal. Eternal was really fun don't get me wrong but I went right back into 2016 while Eternal I was kinda one and done for the time being. The constant ammo shortage and weapon juggling gets old, some of the sound design is questionable (I hate the Cacodemon eyepull sound effect) and the Murauder is just ass, I hate that guy so much. He sucks and from what I've heard of the dlc (correct me if I am wrong) they throw more him at you. Naw I'm good thanks. 

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4 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I also liked DOOM 2016 better then Eternal. Eternal was really fun don't get me wrong but I went right back into 2016 while Eternal I was kinda one and done for the time being. The constant ammo shortage and weapon juggling gets old, some of the sound design is questionable (I hate the Cacodemon eyepull sound effect) and the Murauder is just ass, I hate that guy so much. He sucks and from what I've heard of the dlc (correct me if I am wrong) they throw more him at you. Naw I'm good thanks. 

Yeah, the first DLC throws huge amounts of the toughest enemies at you constantly. And they're an annoying new enemy that requires a specific weapon mods to kill . I had to accept the shame of going down to the lowest difficulty, which was a bit too easy, to get though it. Haven't played the new dlc yet.

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I'm not sure how popular or unpopular this opinion is, but people have been comparing chess to fighting games primitively. So, if my opinion is unpopular, then this is appropriate. It's strictly my opinion, by the way. I've typed this up years ago.

So, over years, I've disagreed with the fighting game as chess analogy. It's a failed legitimization to think it's similar or in the same league, because chess can actually help you in everyday life. To name a few health benefits from chess, it treats people with mental illnesses, rehabilitation, and therapy. Due to my condition as a chess player growing up, which the game was recommended by my former teachers and therapists helped me break some barriers in problem solving. 

To move on, video games were never designed to be unapproachable where the "average person" can't reach higher levels, and that's where a certain crowd of the FG community thinks, which is without substance. Depending on the player, it should be common knowledge that new or average level players can surpass veterans in a reasonable amount of time, either if they really wanted to, or had to be shown the way to. So, people are over complicating the genre's difficulty. Ever since supers and other shortcuts were introduced and spread to almost every FG, the genre isn't what it use to be, because it gives you enough chances to make a comeback on the more skillful player.

Fighting games are generally more convenient to understand for the human mind in comparison due to the simplicity of it being in motion. High level of play even becomes more apparent as players bring out the best in the engine overtime, so it doesn't demand an extreme level of gifted intuition/skill as chess, as it is turn based, if your ambition is to become grandmaster on that subject. Unlike FGs, you just can't really make a bad decision on the board versus versatile players, because it will cost you whole game. Where as with the genre, they will always give you chances due to it's overall design.

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yeah it's an odd thing with Doom Eternal.  I love it, but at the same time I'd agree it just seems a bit over the line in certain ways... like a bit too harsh on the player.  At this point, I am not sure I will ever even finish the first play-thru of it.  I forgot where I was in the story, but it's not even that far, and it seems like a longshot that I will ever beat that battle...and then I'm hearing some say the DLC is even more difficult the main game.  It would be ideal imo if they just dialed it back to what the 2016 game was....I realize a lot of gamers DON'T want to ever admit this, but whatever man.  That was intense but still reasonable from beginning to was a perfect balance and satisfying, imo.


...the amount of platforming and other non-combat shit is annoying to me as well.  When I think of Doom...I'm really just in the mood for non-stop action where I'm fighting and killing the various demons and whatever else of that world.... platforming challenges is not what comes to mind at all with this franchise....fuck all that, just let me kill and fighting things in cool ways.


I'd love to see Hexen get that same makeover as the 2016 Doom though... I'd buy it day 1 without question.  Someone needs to make that gold happen.

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

I'd bet money it's just you aren't fun. 

🙂 Too certain people, I'm not. Is that what you meant? People find different things to be fun, you know that, right? There are many people out there who love me. I like small gatherings with close people or just hanging out with one person. People can be different, you know? I find it humorous that you get so triggered by me. You've been mad at me for years now. Will you ever get over it? Stay mad forever, I guess. Put me on ignore for you mental health since I am really bothering your mind. It's like you don't want to ignore me so that you can keep on getting mad me. Am I correct?

Edited by Lord Vega
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1 hour ago, Lord Vega said:

Too certain people, I'm not. Is that what you meant?

Sure. You probably aren't fun at parties. 


1 hour ago, Lord Vega said:

I find it humorous that you get so triggered by me.

But you're the one writing large diatribe responses to me about my posts. Pretty sure you're the one who is triggered. 


1 hour ago, Lord Vega said:

You've been mad at me for years now.

I haven't even known you for years dude. 


1 hour ago, Lord Vega said:

Will you ever get over it? 

Get over what? Look the only thing you really do that annoyed me is your stupid religious posts that almost no one appreciates and has told you as much but you ignore, and you can barely post without humble bragging about yourself.


You're self obsorbed and I find that gross in people. Otherwise I don't give a fuck about you. 


1 hour ago, Lord Vega said:

Stay mad forever

I'm not mad. Stop projecting your insecurities onto others. 


1 hour ago, Lord Vega said:

Put me on ignore for you mental health since I am really bothering your mind. 

You're not bothering my mind and ignore is for weakasses. 


I will continue to not ignore you and I will continue to respond to you on this public forum. You're the one who needs to get over it. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

you can barely post without humble bragging about yourself.

Not to offend, but the old FGC that you missed were full self-absorbed people that were eager to show their insecurities and true colors toward you if you best them in their games, which made matters even worse from that perception of those outside of this community. They were full on messy, also, for their time. Cisco is light sauce in the try hard old guard, in contrast to them.


What I am try to say here? Lord Vega is one of the rare approachable persons that I've chatted with here that I see having as a decent heart inexchange, despite the behavior. His arrogance should be pretty damn harmless to you compared to the days of old.


Most of those morons back then, couldn't even back up their own superiority complexes. It's that aspect that made them even more gross than they were. 

Edited by Emptyeyes
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