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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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In honor of the influx of new souls and the 15th anniversary.....


MegaBee Productions and TBS present.....


American Dad 




Starhammer as Stan Anita Smith

Matriarch as Francine Smith

Chadouken's wife as Hailey Smith

Chadouken as Jeff Fischer

Dangerous J as Steve Smith

Preppy as Klaus

Stuart Hayden as Roger


Sonero as CIA Director Avery Bullock

Khozite as Jackson

KingTubb as Reginald the Koala Bear

Reticently as Snot

Mr Wizard as Barry

Dayaan as Toshi

DrLariat as Stelio Kontos

Odin as Buckle

Angelpalm as Sinbad

Master Bee as Vince Cho





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1 minute ago, Lantis said:

Who said people were posting pRon in the SRK Pron thread? Cuz that was a huge lie....

I didnt say they were, I said you basically can now.


Preppy "allegedly" quit and d3v probably high tailed it put of there. I was literally the only active mod. 



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1 minute ago, Sonero said:

I didnt say they were, I said you basically can now.


Preppy "allegedly" quit and d3v probably high tailed it put of there. I was literally the only active mod. 



Who the fuck is paying for that place to exist then!?

Aside from GD... Nobody uses that site lol


I guess "Lazybones" is still make articles on the front page? I'm so confused lol

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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

At least in GD, no one has seen hide nor hair of d3v since he posted in the Lounge and banned you. Dude ghoted after that when everyone in GD started alling him a peice of shit for banning you. Then Preppy came in to justify his horse shit and everyone clowned on him for his hore shit to. Havent seen him since. 

To the surprise of absolutely nobody.


I'm pretty sure that I've never even seen Preppy in the SFV Lounge and iirc d3v only showed up when Frost and Pertho were having some mod on mod violence.

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3 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

At least in GD, no one has seen hide nor hair of d3v since he posted in the Lounge and banned you. Dude ghosted after that when everyone in GD started calling him a piece of shit for banning you. Then Preppy came in to justify his horse shit and everyone clowned on him for his pathetic crap to. Haven't seen him since. 

Honestly I think they expected those kind of replies and did not intend to stay any longer than neccessary....

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1 minute ago, Lantis said:

Matriarch reporting those posts anyway

When you report a post on SRK, all that happens is that mods get an alert. They dont get any emails about it.


You guys could flag every post Wiz ever made and nobody would get an email about it.


Now if they PM a mod, thats a different story. 


Discourse also keeps logs on all sorts of weird stuff like edits and posts deleted.

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3 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

At least in GD, no one has seen hide nor hair of d3v since he posted in the Lounge and banned you. Dude ghosted after that when everyone in GD started calling him a piece of shit for banning you. Then Preppy came in to justify his horse shit and everyone clowned on him for his horse shit to. Haven't seen him since. 

The whole sequence of events may have been a final Burning Hammer on SRK









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3 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

Well, in Preppy’s defence, he can’t be assed to remember his own password, so maybe he’s locked out

That shit was sooooooo fucking weak. Dudes an Admin he can change it whenever the fuck he wants, or contact one of the owners. "I dont remember my password" Bullllshiiiiiiiit you lying sack of shit. 

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7 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Honestly I think they expected those kind of replies and did not intend to stay any longer than neccessary....

Probably biding their time. Preppy immediately tried to spin it. At least until that one random dude pointed out that I couldnt have been harassing while also not mentioning his name in public. Then he basically cracked because he was caught on his usual bullshit. Dude loves using mod tools and then pretending it was just "jokes". He did that to that one Angelpalm thread about SRK still being ass. Closed it behind my back even though he wasnt supposed to be modding anything.


Figure d3v is gonna be on the same trip hoping what happened in SRK doesnt make either r/kappa or twitter since its vile enough that troll FGC and SJW FGC would jump on it. Gotta keeo appearances on the twitters.


Preppy isnt admin anymore. Admin level is Wiz, d3v, Mushin_Z and somebody else I dont remember. Then after that its mods, then after that its leaders (can close threads, edit posts etc, but not ban anybody).

Edited by Sonero
Prevent double post
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1 minute ago, Sonero said:

Probably biding their time. Preppy immediately tried to spin it. At least until that one random dude pointed out that I couldnt have been harassing while also not mentioning his name in public. Then he basically cracked because he was caught on his usual bullshit. Dude loves using mod tools and then pretending it was just "jokes". He did that to that one Angelpalm thread about SRK still being ass. Closed it behind my back even though he wasnt supposed to be modding anything.


Figure d3v is gonna be on the same trip hoping what happened in SRK doesnt make either r/kappa or twitter since its vile enough that troll FGC and SJW FGC would jump on it. Gotta keeo appearances on the twitters.

Yeah, i kinda feel like if the news gets out of SRK, they’ll just shut it down. I wouldn't mind but i don't want the Wikis to be nuked along with the forum.

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13 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

Yeah, i kinda feel like if the news gets out of SRK, they’ll just shut it down.


Its terrible that I'm at the epicenter of it. Looking at it from the outside though, its kinda fascinating do you fix it?


I talked about it with one of the guys on discord. The evidence is there that Preppy is a liar, d3v knew and ignored it (later he was complicit in banning) all the while the the affected party was just harmed and kicked out for his troubles.


Thats a big element of trust that's basically broken to all hell and back. How do you convince members that its cool and thst issue will never happen again? 


Its weird unexplored territory for the website. I have a few books that deal with similarish issues in other cultures. Not sire how applicable the resolutions are to this though.

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4 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

I'll start that shit off. I been having a lot of joint pain since I started using a bike to go to work. My knees and inner thighs are fucking killing me right now.

Bjj  and lifting heavy fucked me


So Like glucosamine and fish oil joined by daily diabetes med intake


Aching joints and back


My medicine cabinet is actually for my medicine 


I find cupping and accupuncture and trips to the chiropractor help

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1 minute ago, DrLariat said:

Bjj  and lifting heavy fucked me


So Like glucosamine and fish oil joined by daily diabetes med intake


Aching joints and back


My medicine cabinet is actually for my medicine 


I find cupping and accupuncture and trips to the chiropractor help


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33 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

Yeah, i kinda feel like if the news gets out of SRK, they’ll just shut it down. I wouldn't mind but i don't want the Wikis to be nuked along with the forum.

Any way we can back up the Wiki's for posterity? No clue on how any of that works personally speaking. 

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There’s a lot of Wiki pages right? Like multiple pages from nearly every somewhat-mainstream 2D fighting game up until at least CVS2, maybe later? Are 3D games covered as well?


I’d imagine you could copy and paste the stuff into Google Docs but that’s gotta be a week of two of very solid work.


Edited by Mattatsu
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9 minutes ago, GetTheTables said:

@Illwill88Thanks man, hope things have been good by you. Knee issues aside apparently. 😬 Take care of yourself man I know that shit can get rough.

Yeah man been doing good, hopefully you been doing alright I noticed you weren't posting as much before. 

Yeah I'll get the knee checked at some point it's not anything extreme just annoying.

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16 hours ago, odin said:

I wonder who are the oldest people here?


I'm 37 in Dec.

Here's a clue:  My Highschool I.D. picture is below.




That was freshman year.  people were picking on me for being too skinny so I got some roids, started hitting up Old's Gym, next thing you know......................




...........And THEN the girls wouldn't talk to me because I didn't have a car.  Sometimes you just can't win.


Jokes aside, I'll be 48 at the end of the year.  Sometimes I don't know how I made it this far, but here I am.


Edited by Deadly_Raver
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15 minutes ago, Deadly_Raver said:

Here's a clue:  My Highschool I.D. picture is below.




That was freshman year.  people were picking on me for being too skinny so I got some roids, started hitting up Old's Gym, next thing you know......................




...........And THEN the girls wouldn't talk to me because I didn't have a car.  Sometimes you just can't win.


Jokes aside, I'll be 48 at the end of the year.  Sometimes I don't know how I made it this far, but here I am.


Throwback images... I still like the original shows better than the remakes.

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