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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Oh, speaking of pizza. I made one! Sorta! A716C490-F788-4AF1-9765-591682B75E76.thumb.jpeg.43a8ae004f1eab495f96cffbb8454dc6.jpeg


It’s not the most flattering picture of food I’ve taken but it’s Keto flat bread spicy bbq chicken pizza  and it’s absolutely amazing. It’s quick and easy too. only takes about 10 minutes to make. 💪🏼

I had to use what I had on hand since I haven’t been able to go grocery shopping in a few weeks but I definitely want to be get creative with them going forward.

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‘Do not invade Kyiv, we have already lost this war’: the pleas of Russia’s captured pilots
Shot down during a bombing raid last Sunday, Lieutenant Colonel Maxim Krishtop, a captured Russian pilot, confessed to dropping tons of bombs on civilian areas, and begged Ukrainians forgive him for his “terrible crimes”. He then issued an appeal to his Russian comrades now encircling Kyiv - where he himself is currently a prisoner of war.



BREAKING: Rocket Attacks Reportedly Strike Kurdish TV Station, U.S. Consulate in Iraq, Videos Show Huge Explosions


Iraqi State TV, Sky News Arabia, and the Jerusalem Post are reporting explosions in Erbil, Iraq following apparent rocket fire into the city. The attack is reportedly near an under-construction U.S. consulate.

The news is breaking on Twitter, and some of the details are still in flux, but most outlets report that Kurdish satellite channel k24 suffered a hit.

Sky News Arabia reported that “the headquarters of the US embassy, which is being built in the city of Erbil, northern Iraq, was targeted with five long-range missiles.



Here’s more from the Jerusalem Post:

The governor of Erbil, Omed Khoshnaw, stated that multiple missiles fell in the area, saying it was unclear whether the target was the US consulate or the airport in the city. According to INA, five explosions were heard in the attack.

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I need people to live in reality.  The moment someone brandishes a sharp object and they're in close proximity of a person then someone's life is in danger.  If someone's coming at me with a knife then PLEASE stop that person.  If you can stop them without the loss of life potentially then great but if that's not a possibility then do what's necessary to stop the aggressor.  I get people are pissed at cops in general but we need to look at incidents on a case by case basis...this does not desire people's ire at all.

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8 minutes ago, J-ride said:

People really underestimate how hard it is to get a knife from someone without being cut/stabbed. 

They are one of the most dangerous weapons you can go up against in CQC, it's honestly impressive how such a small weapon can outclass so many other close range weaponry. 


Anyway yea, people are dumb and don't realize how in danger they are when being assaulted with a Knife. 

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44 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:



If Camila Banus said you could fuck her but the only condition was that you would have to take a dump on her titties and NOT wash off the dookie for the duration of the session...


would you still hit?

ha, that was a bit too easy.  Oh yeah she still gets pounced, skidmarked titties and all.  This would at least be different if it was someone else's shit we're talking about.  I'm a bit more comfortable knowing that shit was mine.

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20 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Well, what do we have here? 


I'm a prophet!




For all the attention Amoranth has gotten (both positive and negative), she's made mad bank and I'm sure G4 backed up the money truck for her. Still won't stop me from blocking her stream from ever appearing on Twitch, recommended or not lmfaooooooo.

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Just now, YourFavGrandpa said:

For all the attention Amoranth has gotten (both positive and negative), she's made mad bank and I'm sure G4 backed up the money truck for her. Still won't stop me from blocking her stream from ever appearing on Twitch, recommended or not lmfaooooooo.

I don't care about Amouranth BUUUUUTT it's pretty fun to watch these sanctimonious fucks put someone like her front and center after lecturing us about objectifying women.  

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16 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

I don't give enough of a fuck about G4, but people are making it out like that Frosk girl's rant sank the channel. Is that true, or was she just a nail in the coffin? G4 as a whole seems unnecessary these days, and I never got why they came back.

She felt more like the iceberg that crashed into the titanic that was G4 it could have been avoided but G4 got arrogant and now is trying to prevent the inevitable from happening by trying to save the already sinking ship. The twist is all of us jumped ship long ago avoiding the disaster 

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Another interesting little detail... they switched some things branding-wise... the channel that was previously G4 is now X-Play, with that same # of 490k subs... and "G4" became a separate channel recently.  It's a sinking ship at this point...I doubt there's much they can do but hope people eventually forget....which oddly enough, they will.  In the delicious world of internet drama and dumpster fires... there's always something new on the horizon for all of us to laugh about.

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17 hours ago, iStu X said:

Oh, speaking of pizza. I made one! Sorta! A716C490-F788-4AF1-9765-591682B75E76.thumb.jpeg.43a8ae004f1eab495f96cffbb8454dc6.jpeg


It’s not the most flattering picture of food I’ve taken but it’s Keto flat bread spicy bbq chicken pizza  and it’s absolutely amazing. It’s quick and easy too. only takes about 10 minutes to make. 💪🏼

I had to use what I had on hand since I haven’t been able to go grocery shopping in a few weeks but I definitely want to be get creative with them going forward.

The brown stuff looks like shit.

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Went to the theater today with the wife to watch "The Batman." I won't say too much about the movie for those who haven't watched it, but I have a funny situation that popped while there.


My wife and I ordered tickets for specific seats at the back corner of the theater. We arrive and pick up our tickets and head into the place and see that two people are sitting there. 


"I think you're sitting in our spot."


"No we aren't."


"Yeah, you are. Look at our tickets."


"Oh, sorry, I guess."


The kid must have been like 20 or something, bringing his girl on a date. He looked all red in the face. No big deal tho, they went to look for their seat.


They go to their seats and find out someone else was sitting in their spot. This eventually turns into a domino effect of people kicking other people out of their spot. My wife and I were laughing in the back at how this could even happen.


The movie begins and the chaos continues. A bouncer has to come in and say "get up, I'm not kicking you out, just get up." This is a packed theater for Batman and I'm not even kidding you, the bouncer made these kids stand up and watch Batman off to the side for the whole 3 hours (or however long the movie was.)


I was howling.

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