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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Stimulus Checks: the cause and solution to life's problems. 


They allowed folks to stay out of poverty during the hardest covid times,but I'm assuming regular folks having more money made the value decrease.  


Ukraine War - I'm assuming oil/gas/various goods becoming more scarce is also playing a part. 


Economics isn't my strong suit; I'm just speculating.

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11 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

It's really hard for me to reconcile this with the fact that Bezos apparently makes 205 million dollars a day, but that doesn't create any inflation at all apparently? 


That's not even counting all the other billionairs and stock assholes who make millions a day. It only creates inflation when we give poor people money. 



They're part of the problem too. This goes back to 08. And the banks. Airliners and other "Too big to fail" companies getting bailed out. I didn't mean to make it seem like stimulus checks alone is the problem. It's money being printed and inflating the economy across the board that's the problem.


Money printed to prop up the stock market during the initial pandemic. Money printed to bail out banks and corporations in 08. Money continued to be printed in excess since 08. Government is out of control.. "PRINT MORE MONEY!"  


Like they don't know how to actually take meaningful and decisive action. They've just been printing money and kicking the can down the road to the next president. Until now we've run out of road. Things are gonna get really bad man.

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The government spends money into existence and taxes it out of existence.  Saying that they print too much is the same as saying that taxes aren't high enough.


If it's just a monetary supply problem then all you have to do is point the tax apparatus at the top wealth accumulators that are hoovering all this printed money up (like Amazon, hi Bezos).


But the pandemic stimulus was also the single largest reduction in child poverty in American history, so maybe we can agree to skip the misplaced schadenfreude of complaining that not enough kids were going hungry.


Idk who's noticed it, inflation isn't touching the truly rich.  We're all skimping and buying as little gas as possible, but somehow the oil companies are pulling in record profits off it.

Edited by Reticently
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12 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

Bruh, Ocean made it difficult to go the sub route for a few titles. Specifically, this one:





I surprised my baby brother with the Collector’s Edition of this from RightStufAnime for his birthday. Every time I see Domon, I imagine his VA and Yami Yugi’s VA at a fast food restaurant ordering food dramatically lmfao! As a matter of fact, didn’t both VA’s have high paying gigs other than voice acting?

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8 hours ago, iStu X said:

think of how much better the world could be if he hadn’t missed

Honestly, probably not that different.  Regan was sun-downing into dementia his whole presidency, so it was mostly his Cabinet piloting all the policy decisions.


Bush the Elder would have finished out Regan's term and still probably have beat whatever Dem in 84.  So papa Bush probably gets 6 or 10 years as President, then you get some other Republican seat warmer (Gingrich?) filling the gap to the Clinton years.

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1 hour ago, elliephil said:

Had my first encounter with a hardcore cyclist. Wow, what a loser. Most insufferable person I've met. To rub some irony in, this happened on public transit too.


"I'm saving the planet."


"I follow the rules but I can afford to break the rules on the road more than a driver."


"I don't cause noise pollution unlike everyone else."


Truly incredible. Went on for 20 minutes talking about how great she is for riding a bike while sitting on a bus.

I bet they’re vegan. 

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45 minutes ago, iStu X said:

I bet they’re vegan. 

The cyclist/vegan combo would be the most insufferable person on earth.  Has anyone else noticed that there are a ton of fat vegans?  How the fuck do you get that fat eating vegetables? I work with several landwhales who talk about their healthy lifestyle.  No Sandra your metabolic syndrome ass is about 2 years away from a metformin script, stop fronting.

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2 hours ago, elliephil said:

Had my first encounter with a hardcore cyclist. Wow, what a loser. Most insufferable person I've met. To rub some irony in, this happened on public transit too.


"I'm saving the planet."


"I follow the rules but I can afford to break the rules on the road more than a driver."


"I don't cause noise pollution unlike everyone else."


Truly incredible. Went on for 20 minutes talking about how great she is for riding a bike while sitting on a bus.

 leftists, go fig.

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33 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Has anyone else noticed that there are a ton of fat vegans? 

Yup. Whole foods has a lot of them. Also Traders Joe's has had an increase of fat ugly feminist vegans, especially in urban areas like near Hoboken or Union Square. These fat girls got the pink hair, bull ring, some tats, and a lot of fat stretch marks showing. 

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55 minutes ago, J-ride said:

The cyclist/vegan combo would be the most insufferable person on earth.  Has anyone else noticed that there are a ton of fat vegans?  How the fuck do you get that fat eating vegetables? I work with several landwhales who talk about their healthy lifestyle.  No Sandra your metabolic syndrome ass is about 2 years away from a metformin script, stop fronting.

Because the reason most Americans are fat has a lot less to do with what they eat and more to due with how sedentary and lacking in cardio activity they are involved in. 


Don't get me wrong the food most of us eat is bad for us, but if you're eating healthy and still fat it isn't the food. It's your sedentary life style. 

Edited by RSG3
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58 minutes ago, J-ride said:

The cyclist/vegan combo would be the most insufferable person on earth.  Has anyone else noticed that there are a ton of fat vegans?  How the fuck do you get that fat eating vegetables? I work with several landwhales who talk about their healthy lifestyle.  No Sandra your metabolic syndrome ass is about 2 years away from a metformin script, stop fronting.

I remember reading about this vegan woman who wanted to prove a point by climbing Mt Everest.  She died in the attempt, unfortunately.

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2 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Because the reason most Americans are fat has a lot less to do with what they eat and more to due with how sedentary and lacking in cardio activity they are involved in. 


Don't get me wrong the food most of us eat is bad for us, but if you're eating healthy and still fat it isn't the food. It's your sedentary life style. 

That's true in part. Most people don't really move around and keep the same caloric load. At the end of the day, it's calories in vs. calories out. While exercise plays a part, it's a 70/30 relationship with the diet as the majority. A common statement that embodies this is "you can't outrun a bad diet". 


Also note that vegan =/= healthy. The food industry already got hip to marketing it as a healthy option when it's far from it. 

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A lot of vegetarians  mistakenly use carbohydrates as a substitute for proteins. If you're veg, you should be trying to  fill the meat gap with legumes/beans/tofu. 

I have more understanding for vegetarians/vegans doing for religious reasons than people doing it for alleged health reasons.


Also when we have candy bars available for sale in Lowes hardware stores, you know we have a problem here.

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3 hours ago, J-ride said:

How the fuck do you get that fat eating vegetables?

So I WAS a vegan for a few years (not the preachy kind, my girlfriend at the time and I moved in together and it's just easier to eat the same things).


Couple of things:  you can totally live life mega-healthy as a vegan... if you've got a personal chef.  But the fact is that it takes a shit ton of work to keep a 100% vegan diet without accidentally fucking up your nutrition.  And you burn out doing that much work just keeping yourself fed, so eventually you wake up one day and realize that basically the only thing you've eaten for the past 2 weeks was potato chips.


Add to that the fact that most vegan substitutes for "real" food are themselves mega unhealthy.  Compare the calorie count on coconut milk based ice cream to normal ice cream sometime.  Vegan "butter" is just hydrogenated palm oil for crying out loud!


Finally, and here's the big one vegans don't talk about-  like 60% of (white) vegans are just doing it to cover for an eating disorder.  Whether they realize it or not.  Being vegan gives them cover for turning down every offer of food when they're in one phase of it, then when they DO binge out it's on, guess what, potato chips and coconut ice cream.


If you're Bill Clinton and have a heart attack, you're going to be better than ever going vegan.  Why?  Because your personal chef gets paid too much to get tired of picking stones out of lentils or finding new ways to cook tempeh.  But that just isn't the kind of vegan real people get to be.

Edited by Reticently
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14 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Yea, it was a general comment about why people can still be fat even if they do eat healthy. Wasn't saying vegans was healthy. 

Agree with you whole heartedly. I didn't get that from the post. It's amazing how branding made the word vegan translate into healthy. 


Now I'm thinking about Scott Pilgrim again . . .






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1 hour ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

Agree with you whole heartedly. I didn't get that from the post. It's amazing how branding made the word vegan translate into healthy. 


Now I'm thinking about Scott Pilgrim again . . .






Good shout, best scene in that movie was when the Punisher and the 'never could quite make it' Hispanic bust in and fuck his powers up. 



Vegan Police bitch!

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14 minutes ago, Crucades said:

Good shout, best scene in that movie was when the Punisher and the 'never could quite make it' Hispanic bust in and fuck his powers up. 



Vegan Police bitch!

Chicken isn't vegan . . . 🤣


That movie is one of those "I wish more people saw this in theaters" types. I do think it's reached cult-classic status. I honestly hope Edge of Tomorrow gets the same love at some point. 

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It surprises me that Bryce Dallas Howard gets work... then again it could be because of who she is related to (Ron Howard)... there's a possibility that it's a "token ginger" thing going on as well, where Hollywood casting directors keep her and the lovely Jessica Chastain working so it's not too obvious that they dislike this category of people and actively discriminate against them at almost every possible chance. (e.g.-Disney casting-->>"ok we got the new X-men coming up soooo hey let's get Zendaya to be Jean Grey!  That will wash away the stink of that character being a filthy redheaded freak...and we get bonus points for swapping another one to a black girl! Win-win!")


This topic came up recently and one of my old college friends was pretending like it wasn't a thing... shit was hilarious to me; I thought he was joking at first but he seemed genuinely unaware of the situation that has been in place for quite a few years now.  I wouldn't be surprised if a new biopic about Lucille Ball was made and they had Kat Graham playing the young version of Lucille....and then maybe Viola Davis to play her in the later years of her life... then maybe you get Star Jones or Monique to be Joy Behar in a movie about her life.  Anyway, whenever the cast for the new Disney era X-men movie is revealed, I can't wait to hit that aforementioned friend with the biggest "TOLD YA SO." moment ever... that shit will be delicious.


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