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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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20 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

So it doesnt actually stop you from getting it and you guys get mad at folk that dont get the vaccine...because they'll have worse symptoms than you?  If that's not the reason then I dont understand why folk get mad at the folk that dont want the vaccine.


Timeline of the situation:


Early on the vaccine showed a lot of potential to stop spread. In cases where it didn't, it greatly reduced symptoms for a lot of people. On a rather large amount of people, it kept them out of the hospital.


Did it work exactly how they were hoping in the best possible outcome? No. Does this mean the vaccine is without merit? Absolutely not. Because the vaccine was made for one strain, since then there have been numerous other ones of varying degrees. So its offering protecting against random things at all times. You may end up getting unlucky wiht the vaccine, but chances of getting unlucky without it are higher.


Are there vaccines that are entirely preventative? Yes. Are there vaccines that work on making symptoms way milder than they would be otherwise? Yes. Did the majority of the US population know this was a distinction they needed to know about before CoVid happened? Nope. Did the dumbshit political battle get in the way of having this conversation like adults? Also yes.


That should cover just about everything. Because of the way information is presented to people in various media, 2020 and up have been an absolute clusterfuck of communication.

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It is unfortunate I didn't think about this until recently---- I bought one of those machines that spread certain fragrances around your home or apartment...I was going to order online after doing some research but found one for way cheaper at a Walmart... only 30 bucks, and it came with 2 vials of oil/fragrance stuff; lavender and peppermint.  I've started out with the lavender.  It's a bit subtle but still noticeable.  Basically, you just pour a certain amount of water in, add a few drops of the oil and turn the device on so it can do its thing.  It automatically shuts off when the water gets low or 3 hours, whichever happens first.


The thing that brought this about is that I love the way certain places like hotels and department stores smell, so I started looking into that.  I'll get more oils asap to see which is exactly the one(s) I'm looking for...I already have a short list of what the aforementioned businesses tend to use; lavender, vanilla, orange, "rose maroc", now I just need to get more of the lavender and the rest.

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1 hour ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

So it doesnt actually stop you from getting it and you guys get mad at folk that dont get the vaccine...because they'll have worse symptoms than you?  If that's not the reason then I dont understand why folk get mad at the folk that dont want the vaccine.

I think a large part of people getting mad at others was that we wanted to carry on after the pandemic but people were getting so sick that it forced closures and overburdening the healthcare system. That affects all of us, regardless of your stance on vaccines.

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1 hour ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

So it doesnt actually stop you from getting it and you guys get mad at folk that dont get the vaccine...because they'll have worse symptoms than you?  If that's not the reason then I dont understand why folk get mad at the folk that dont want the vaccine.


P.S.  sorry to bring it up but I notice a number of people in here getting sick with that shit...its odd to me.



Seriously, nobody gives a shit if you took the vaccine or not. Why do you keep bringing it up?

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do u know what i fear the most? war. do u know why? not from what u might think which is getting killed by the enemy.

but because im terrified of getting killed by friendly fire. do u know why i fear friendly fire? because when i watch playthroughs of peeps playing shooters like cod, mass effect, and halo. ive come to notice the assholes with stormtrooper aim constantly shooting their allies in the back tryin to get the shot.


me: "omfg! you shot me in the back!!!"

cod player: "but i thought friendly fire was turned off! im soree. my bad"

me: "..."


u got a 10% chance of getting shot by a russian, and a 90% chance of getting shot by a douche thats way too use to having friendly fire turned off and think its ok to just shoot allies both a.i. controlled and online player controlled, in the back.

its gross. to buck off shots carelessly like they do.


friendly fire should always be turned on. its important. to teach u to stop being a trigger happy careless douche.

funny thing was in certain games if u have friendly fire turned on and shoot your teammates the a.i. will turn on  you n shoot u dead for shooting them in the back, which is freakin great to watch tbh. besides, u deserve it for not being careful.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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ha, friendly fire in gaming... reminded me of the "Realism" mode in Left 4 Dead.  That's already one of the hardest shooters I've ever played, actually... but on "Realism" and Expert... it didn't even seem possible, imo.  There's no way it's possible with a team of random people for sure; you'd have to be perfectly coordinated.  As the name implies--- yes there is friendly fire, along with other "realistic" shit making it tough... you no longer see the glowing outline of certain helpful items or your allies.  There is no such thing as allies being able to "respawn" in a closet.  Outlines around your friends when they are caught by special infected---that's gone too.  I never beat a campaign on "Realism"/Expert and eventually gave up trying., the memories there... Left 4 Dead games were some of the best co-op fun I've ever had in gaming.

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Each time I see something happening in New York in general; specifically NYC, the worse it seems... only confirming that I'd never want to live there under any circumstances....not even sure I'd want to visit.


...and still, I'm skeptical that it's anywhere near as bad and depressing as Memphis.  No, I will never have anything positive to say about Memphis other than the local news women were/are usually sexy.  


Oh yeah, that piece of shit "Cleotha"... the latest is that there is DNA evidence now connecting him to ANOTHER kidnap/rape/murder situation from last year.  Also, my suspicions that it was some kind of setup by someone else....that's dropped to near zero now.  I'm back to thinking it's simply a case of yet another dumb thug piece of shit which is a common thing in that "city".  He really was just out there driving around looking for a victim and she happened to be there so he took the opportunity, and it's that simple.  He's just another piece of trash that should've been locked up in prison forever a long time ago.

Edited by MillionX
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44 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Funny how much they hate their bullshit policies once it comes to their back yard!  Really activates the almonds.

What are you talking about? Martha's Vineyard took them in, fed them, clothed them, and got them off to the base in Mass that's for just this. Literally set up to take care of displaced people. 


They can't stay in Martha's Vineyard, it's a tiny island that's closed because it's entering  winter season now and the majority of the Island is fitted for summer living, not winter. If those people stay there they will freeze to death. 


The people of MV did exactly what they should have done. That's memes fucking stupid. 


44 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Yes.  Otherwise I don't see the point in declaring something to a specific month.

We shouldn't be doing that either lol. 

Edited by RSG3
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6 hours ago, Sonero said:


I mean..stay strapped or get hatcheted?



i saw the guy's instagram. hes actually a bike messenger, which prob explains the hatchet being in his backpack. he prob uses it at his job idk, but still foolish to whip that out instead of just walking away which tbh wouldve been cooler to do considering he shrugged off those weak as hell punches.

cuz them punches were granny strength. smh. if u dont know how to fight, please dont people. its just ugly n sad to watch.

sorta reminds me of...



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17 hours ago, Sonero said:


Timeline of the situation:



That should cover just about everything. Because of the way information is presented to people in various media, 2020 and up have been an absolute clusterfuck of communication.

To be fair, Biden and Fauci ran around for weeks talking about "Get vaccinated and help stop the spread. Protect your coworkers." If you tuned the news out after that, it's easy to see how you could still think it kept you from getting it. Also because the polio vaccine virtually eradicated polio and that's probably most people's frame of reference for the word "vaccine." But yes, media did not help this situation at all and I'd say the pandemic was botched at just about every conceivable level.




Anyway... Hanging the last remaing sound panels up in my new studio this afternoon and it will finally be done! I also got a really super quiet climate conditioner installed so I can keep it running while recording. It'll be especially nice in the summer when we get up into the 90s on the regular and I won't have to shut it off to do some tracks.

Edited by DoctaMario
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2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

If you tuned the news out after that, it's easy to see how you could still think it kept you from getting it.

I honestly don't buy this since we as children got a whole host of these. I remember getting tetanus and a bunch of others just to go to school. I knew what vaccines where and what they where for long before Covid.


This sounds like a cop out for stupid people *shrug*

Edited by RSG3
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2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

To be fair, Biden and Fauci ran around for weeks talking about "Get vaccinated and help stop the spread. Protect your coworkers." If you tuned the news out after that, it's easy to see how you could still think it kept you from getting it. Also because the polio vaccine virtually eradicated polio and that's probably most people's frame of reference for the word "vaccine." But yes, media did not help this situation at all and I'd say the pandemic was botched at just about every conceivable level.

Did not help that the President at the time fired the Pandemic response team and was slow himself to address what is going on.
He also threw out the "Play Book" Bush started and Obama finished on how to deal with 100 year Pandemics. 

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6 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I honestly don't buy this since we as children got a whole host of these. I remember getting tetanus and a bunch of others just to go to school. I knew what vaccines where and what they where for long before Covid.


This sounds like a cop out for stupid people *shrug*

You're missing the point of what I said. I'd venture that most people, when they hear the word "vaccine," think of the polio vaccine, which largely wiped out the transmission of the polio virus. Not everyone kept up with every minute detail that came out in regards to covid.and the vaccines, and with information moving so quickly and everything being such a shit show in regards to getting information , it's very easy to believe older info is still relevant info if you haven't kept up.

3 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

Did not help that the President at the time fired the Pandemic response team and was slow himself to address what is going on.
He also threw out the "Play Book" Bush started and Obama finished on how to deal with 100 year Pandemics. 

We didn't have a vaccine under Trump. It didn't get rolled out until after Biden took office and both he & Fauci told everybody that in order to stop the spread, that they should get vaccinated. So blaming people for believing that the vaccine was supposed to stop the virus from spreading is disingenuous when the doctor guy everyone said we should be listening to, as well as the damn president, said the exact same thing

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Rock samples gathered by NASA’s Perseverance rover might show evidence of past life on Mars. The rover is part of the space agency’s 2020 mission to Mars, landing on an ancient river delta inside the red planet’s Jezero Crater in February 2021.

The rover has collected four samples of organic matter from the Jezero Crater since July 7, making the overall total 12. NASA scientists said the crater spans 28 miles and believe it held a lake 3.5 billion years ago.

'Jezero was selected for this mission because it meets several key mission goals,' Perseverance project scientist Ken Farley said on the rover’s mission. 'It allows us to explore an ancient, habitable environment. It allows us to seek evidence of possible Martian life in rocks deposited at that time about 3.5 billion years ago.'

Two of the samples are from areas called Wildcat Ridge and Skinner Ridge. Wildcat Ridge is a 3-foot wide rock formed billions of years ago. According to NASA scientists, Skinner Ridge is a sandstone likely transferred into the Jezero Crater from miles away. The rover will bring the samples back to Earth around 2030 for scientific analysis.

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Shit had me crackin' up.  Dude was gettin' beat and them 3 other dudes was feelin' all tough...till that hatchet came out.  Then no one wanted any and everyone was scurry. 


I like how he took the blows, shook it off with a smirk, gave it a bit of thought and was like, "nah, im not finna let this go im pissed".



P.S.  This is y'all - spacer.png



Edited by Faltimar the Dark
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15 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

This shit CRAZY.  This man broke everyone's scouter.


  Reveal hidden contents

The fuckin hatchet threw me.  I was expecting a gat or worse.  Who TF has a hatchet?

Edit:  Friend sent this to me and I didn't know this was from last year so apologize if people have seen it before.

Man basically said "Take ya best shot, and ya betta knock me out or ya fucked. Oh I'm still standing with not even so much as a nosebleed? Looks like ya fucked"

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2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

You're missing the point of what I said.

No I got it. I think its stupid to just automatically assume it's going to be like the Polio Vaccine. There are thousands of vaccines it's silly to just assume it's going to be like Polio.  


Like I'm sorry but that's being willfully ignorant. I don't accept it as even remotely logical behavior. 

Edited by RSG3
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At this point the government is probably ok to (perhaps begrudgingly) allow the confirmation of microbial life on Mars if that rover finds it.  I still doubt they would dare allow confirmation of the real deal though---any evidence of human-like aliens would be swept under the rug like "nah, nothing to see here.  The rover didn't find anything but some fossilized bacteria remains."  Imagine if that thing finds the actual structures... like the ruins of an an ancient place of worship or burial area, pyramids and monuments, statues of humanoid beings that were of some cultural/historical significance,'s safe to say they'll likely cover that up SO fast.


More on the aroma diffuser thing---I found another bottle of a good one this morning at a different walmart--- "Fall Farmhouse" (Mainstays brand)... ohhhh this one smells so good; it's a larger 5 FL oz bottle.  I ran out of the first "dosage" of lavender yesterday so now it's time to put in the "Fall farmhouse" scent, which is apparently a combo of "spice, cyprus, amber".

Edited by MillionX
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31 minutes ago, MillionX said:

Imagine if that thing finds the actual structures... like the ruins of an an ancient place of worship or burial area, pyramids and monuments, statues of humanoid beings that were of some cultural/historical significance,'s safe to say they'll likely cover that up SO fast.

Well yeah, it'll basically prove Christianity wrong 😂

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The most interesting "what if" scenario to me is that if a live "Eben" was indeed recovered from the crash at Roswell...that one of the reasons to continue holding back everything from the general public is what they found out from whatever the alien said, if they were able to understand him (but even that's assuming that the being either would use telepathy or just already understood human language...I imagine that telepathy is theoretically something that overrides a language barrier.)  Imagine if the alien confirmed a few things that completely changes what anyone currently thinks about this world and the real origin of our species.....e.g.--"We've been visiting you for the past 10,000 years.  Yes, we've intervened at certain points in history, which is where some of your old myths come from, btw."  Or---"We've been visiting to check back on your progress.  It's only logical, considering we created your species.  Your appearance is mostly different as a result of this planet's environment; everything from the vegetation, the amount of sunlight it receives, and the amount of gravity, the atmosphere, and several other factors."  


Basically some huge mind-blowing shit that instantly changes your world-view on just about everything, and it's a dangerous unknown factor how the average person would react to this kind of information being 100% confirmed. (*on top of such a being's very existence already being a big deal; that in itself could be extremely "disturbing" to a lot of people.)


ha, as you can tell by now I wish this was the real origin story for the human species... it's more interesting than the current one that either a "God" magically created us or that we evolved over time from primates.  An origin story involving a species from another world is way more awesome, imo.

Edited by MillionX
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4 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

You're missing the point of what I said. I'd venture that most people, when they hear the word "vaccine," think of the polio vaccine, which largely wiped out the transmission of the polio virus. Not everyone kept up with every minute detail that came out in regards to covid.and the vaccines, and with information moving so quickly and everything being such a shit show in regards to getting information , it's very easy to believe older info is still relevant info if you haven't kept up.

We didn't have a vaccine under Trump. It didn't get rolled out until after Biden took office and both he & Fauci told everybody that in order to stop the spread, that they should get vaccinated. So blaming people for believing that the vaccine was supposed to stop the virus from spreading is disingenuous when the doctor guy everyone said we should be listening to, as well as the damn president, said the exact same thing

The point is the leadership, aka Trump dropped the ball in the first place. He took out the one group who want their job and we had to rely on the next man down on the tolem pole Fauicci. By the time Biden took office it was way too late. 

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Oh yeah that "Fall Farmhouse" oil I mentioned earlier... this is THE SHIT, folks.  It's perfect; the room I have the "diffuser" machine in already has that "nice, slightly fancy hotel" smell.  Sheeeittttt, next trip to the store I'm stocking up on this one for sure.  


ah, as usual, there's reviews on youtube for anything so I found one right away.  

A shame I didn't get into this earlier... get a special fragrance thing and get your home or apartment smellin' INCREDIBLE, folks.  It's another little detail to make the place you call "home" that much more cool.

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4 hours ago, RSG3 said:

No I got it. I think its stupid to just automatically assume it's going to be like the Polio Vaccine. There are thousands of vaccines it's silly to just assume it's going to be like Polio.  


Like I'm sorry but that's being willfully ignorant. I don't accept it as even remotely logical behavior. 

Most people aren't research scientists. If something is called a vaccine like this other vaccine they have somewhat of an understanding of, it's not unreasonable to think they'd have a lot of things in common. It sounds like you're upset that people don't behave the way you think they should or that they haven't spent as much time reading up on it as you have.


2 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

The point is the leadership, aka Trump dropped the ball in the first place. He took out the one group who want their job and we had to rely on the next man down on the tolem pole Fauicci. By the time Biden took office it was way too late. 


Edited by DoctaMario
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42 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Most people aren't research scientists.

I'm not a research scientist. I'm a high school drop out, stop making excuses for basic medical understanding. 


I'm upset people didn't pay attention in Health class. This is basic shit. I'm upset that people keep making excuses for this when there isn't one. This is the absolute basics of vaccine knowledge, there is very little reason For this many people to be this ignorant on the subject. 


I'm not really upset, that's just the wording you chose to use, I'm mildly annoyed at best. 

Edited by RSG3
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10 minutes ago, RSG3 said:


I'm upset people didn't pay attention in Health class....



I'm not really upset, that's just the wording you chose...



"People don't prioritize reading up on and learning about the same things I do and I'm mad about that" is what I'm hearing from you. Maybe that's not what you mean to say, but that's an awful lot what it sounds like.

Edited by DoctaMario
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