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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

Black Adam made more than all the DC movies that came after it. And thats without China. Dwayne probably at home cackling like a supervillain. Lmao

IIRC it was going to release in China but got banned because Pierce Brosnan made some favorable remarks about the Dalai Lama. If that hadn't happened, and it dropped in China, the movie would have probably made money.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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7 hours ago, Daemos said:

Absolute insanity.


Transgender women are a subcategory of men. How about spending your resources on protecting them in male spaces and re-educating men on how to treat minorities instead of forcing men onto women without their consent.

The requirements of being considered “trans” have also become so loose. Any guy can become “trans” overnight that it means nothing anymore. 

How do they intend to regulate and apply these type of hate speech laws? It’s a slippery slope. 

Censorship is the first step towards totalitarianism.

Men are fine with minorities, there's no reeducation necessary. I don't think trans women want to be in male spaces and I'm sure a lot of male spaces don't want them either.


It is interesting to me though that some of the same women who were complaining about not being allowed in traditionally male spaces are the same ones saying trans women shouldn't be in female spaces.  Life is funny.

Edited by DoctaMario
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52 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

It is interesting to me though that some of the same women who were complaining about not being allowed in traditionally male spaces are the same ones saying trans women shouldn't be in female spaces.  Life is funny.

The reason male spaces exist is not the same as the reason female spaces exist. Which is why you see trans women fighting to go to female prisons but not the other way around.

I've also never encountered a woman in my life that would object to a passing trans women like say Blair White from entering a female space. But these traditional transsexuals are the minority here and are not part of the wave of men - many of whom are incels- who become trans women for attention or to become 'lesbians".

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Maybe it's the wording, but I honestly did not understand a word of what you guys discussed about the bill above.


I admit that I don't know anything about it, but speech is already very restricted. Any sort of continued formalisation of that restriction is worrying.


With that said, the intention behind it is valid. People should be educated on being nice. Outrage against pronoun choices are baffling to me. Call people what they like. It's not hard. It doesn't hurt you, but it makes them feel better. It's not about politics, it's about love - not romantic love, but societal love. We don't need more division. It's up to people to say what they want to say, and yes, there will be those who choose hate over love because that is the easy way. People are everywhere, but humanity isn't. I get that. That doesn't mean we can't try to be nice. We should do our best to make those around us feel good. If we have the power to do so, I'd argue that we have an ethical responsibility to do so. But an obligation? That's a slippery slope.


I would say we do also have an ethical obligation to do so. I can see why people would disagree, and that's fine. I don't intend to argue or defend my perspective. I think if we can make people feel better, we should. It's a responsibility and my opinion is that it's an obligation too. Feel free to disagree.


But that's where I think it should probably stop. Something being an ethical obligation is very different to a legal one. Again, I admit I know nothing of the bill. Assuming it's going to mandate certain language, I am against that, no matter the side. Coming from two countries where speech is really limited, I wish Americans were more united in appreciating the luxury of free speech! It's a beautiful thing when people can have empathetic but adversarial discussions. I just hope we do better in the future when it comes to uniting the population as a society instead of existing as a series of cliques barely abating the coming of a needless civil war.

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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

People say that all the damn time but I'm white as fuck and I just see Prince. Otherwise I see a movie that fits every single parent family 

The movie was made for everybody but has a special appeal to the black community and culture, if this makes sense 🤷🏾‍♂️

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4 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

The movie was made for everybody but has a special appeal to the black community and culture, if this makes sense 🤷🏾‍♂️

Never heard this before...I think it appeals to a variety of peeps. I came from a single parent household. Powerline was a bit of MJ and Prince from what I recall from reading about the creation of him. 

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16 hours ago, J-ride said:

Hate Speech laws are bullshit and were always intended to protect the Champaign Socialists.  They just want to have the ability to jail you when you don't fall in line.


10 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:



8 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Men are fine with minorities, there's no reeducation necessary. I don't think trans women want to be in male spaces and I'm sure a lot of male spaces don't want them either.


It is interesting to me though that some of the same women who were complaining about not being allowed in traditionally male spaces are the same ones saying trans women shouldn't be in female spaces.  Life is funny.


7 hours ago, Daemos said:

The reason male spaces exist is not the same as the reason female spaces exist. Which is why you see trans women fighting to go to female prisons but not the other way around.

I've also never encountered a woman in my life that would object to a passing trans women like say Blair White from entering a female space. But these traditional transsexuals are the minority here and are not part of the wave of men - many of whom are incels- who become trans women for attention or to become 'lesbians".


Clown World ™ 🤡

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I'm not in the manosphere space unless there's drama, but I'm curious: just how did this girl get popular? I've seen her in clips before, and she's either the most obvious grifter or stupidest woman there is. Also, I'm sure if I cared to look for other women spewing Fresh-N-Fit type garbage, there are some out there who do it way better. But somehow, this woman climbed to the top of those charts. I just don't get it. She just doesn't have... anything worth watching her for.

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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

I'm not in the manosphere space unless there's drama, but I'm curious: just how did this girl get popular? I've seen her in clips before, and she's either the most obvious grifter or stupidest woman there is. Also, I'm sure if I cared to look for other women spewing Fresh-N-Fit type garbage, there are some out there who do it way better. But somehow, this woman climbed to the top of those charts. I just don't get it. She just doesn't have... anything worth watching her for.

I remember when she first popped up. Doing basic azz attention seeking reaction vids with titles such as "White girl reacts to Kevin Samuels, redpill, fresh&Fit" etc. Then from there she began building a following. And borrowed the fresh&Fit blueprint, and exploded from there and from branching out to the UK


But yeah her OG reaction vids screamed grifter. Never added anything new to these conversations. AT ALL! Just parroting Kevin Samuels and Fresh&Fit and manosphere talking points. Guess the shock value of a ginger woman talking these points among black people was also a factor.



Edited by BB_Hoody
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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

I'm not in the manosphere space unless there's drama, but I'm curious: just how did this girl get popular? I've seen her in clips before, and she's either the most obvious grifter or stupidest woman there is. Also, I'm sure if I cared to look for other women spewing Fresh-N-Fit type garbage, there are some out there who do it way better. But somehow, this woman climbed to the top of those charts. I just don't get it. She just doesn't have... anything worth watching her for.

The thing about Youtube is that you don't have to be good if your "first". A lot of channels build huge subscriber bases being the first or one of the first of their kind. That's why I think her channel exploded. Once you get that base, short of directly telling them to go to hell, they'll ride with you. Look at Full of Shit erm...Fresh & Fit. Dude's out here making monkey noises and putting on a Klan hood. Most of his subscribers didn't drop them.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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ha, I was already wondering what kind of foolishness would go on during Juneteenth of all days.


sheeeitttt, my holiday was spent playing Diablo; I was on the game just about all of the point where I was a bit annoyed that this unfortunate need for sleep was getting in my damn way.  I got characters to level up and tons of monsters out there that need killing by my cool necro vampire powers.

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One of the excuses I heard for those dumbass kids causing all the chaos in certain cities is that they're bored and have nothing to do... that is ridiculous, imo... there's plenty of kids from most, probably all previous generations that were bored at some point but that didn't inspire them to go tear up a McDonalds or run wild in a downtown area terrorizing people in full on "Break Da Law" mode (Triple 6 song; could be an anthem for shit-stain ass shithole Memphis, btw).


...and actually, recent generations like Gen-X, Millenial, Z and whatever they'll name those who are kids right now have even less of an "they're bored" excuse, because look at how much random stuff we have to occupy our time these days.  TV has tons of channels more than it did decades ago, and it's 24/7... the internet and youtube, youtube, rumble etc. are superior and have way more content than regular tv/cable.  Then there's videogames; a whole genre of entertainment that has existed in a major way since the 70s; it's better than ever at this point with more variety than we could have previously imagined (while also being a relatively cheap form of entertainment; smaller "indie" games being maybe a few bucks usually)... tablets and phones being the equivalent of a computer in your jacket pocket; and these devices all tell you the time and weather, your email and text messages, social media, notes, music,  ....and whatever else (like whatever porn floats your boat).  This is all in addition to the usual older things that have been around for ages that kids burn time with, like action figures and whatever....or random games outside that don't require much of anything (e.g.- "Tag you're it.")  Nah, there's not much of an excuse at all the more I think about it. 


They're just worthless, shitty kids raised by a shitty, half-ass parents....doomed from the start and destined to never amount to shit in life other than crime.  I think we've all known people like this; at least those of us that grew up in a typical major city and unfortunately went to public school.  I don't think some people want to admit that this is how bad things have become....that the kids in certain areas of the country are a lost cause and there is no hope.  

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3 hours ago, J-ride said:

It is hilarious to me we live in a time in which blacks complain of racist presumptions but will also proudly film themselves looting.  Blacks really are their own worst enemy.

Hear me out: Maybe, just MAYBE, black people can complain about racism while one clutch of dumbass kids is doing dumbass shit. Because we don't all know each other and most black people aren't out there filming themselves looting.


I mean seriously: what even is this take? Even if someone in your own family was stupid enough to loot on camera, what does that have to do with you if you don't do that shit, don't really know that family member, and weren't there when it was happening?

Edited by axeman61
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17 hours ago, J-ride said:

It is hilarious to me we live in a time in which blacks complain of racist presumptions but will also proudly film themselves looting.  Blacks really are their own worst enemy.

I disagree with this thought process cause even though these little shits deserve to get put in jail, but thats it...they're fucking dumbasses.  They are just as dumb as the people who invaded  Congress on Jan 6th only dif being these teenagers and not full grown adults.

Edited by Sonichuman
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3 hours ago, Daemos said:

13... No wonder Capcom were being hush-hush about Lily's age. They were waiting for this ruling.


It has been 16 yo for decades now.

The thing is that at prefecture level it was already established as that, but not at national level.

Think of it as every state having it 16, but not at federal level until this ruling.


In fact, you can still be prosecuted for involving yourself with a minor if the guardians decide to pursue it.

Edited by Hecatom
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