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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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huh....never knew

Figured the potential for this would be fake but then someone in the comments pointed out a tick tock of a lady with long nails just casually doing it with 2 red bulls.  Don't know when the opportunity to use this knowledge would ever come up but it's definitely going in the misc mind palace folder.

Edited by Sonichuman
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16 hours ago, iStu X said:

My gf and I were just at lunch on got on the subject of tattoos after seeing someone with a really cool Pokémon tattoo and I tried to tell a joke. she wasn’t impressed. 

“If a conservative woman gets a lower back tattoo do they call it a Trump Stamp?” 


She just sat there glaring at me and judging me

That's how you know it was a banger.

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12 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Too much?


IMO the whole trend about shaming kids on social media seems pretty out of pocket in general.  This kid was definitely being a little turd, but his parents extreme reaction probably wouldn't have been necessary had they stepped in earlier and handled their shit.

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42 minutes ago, J-ride said:

IMO the whole trend about shaming kids on social media seems pretty out of pocket in general.  This kid was definitely being a little turd, but his parents extreme reaction probably wouldn't have been necessary had they stepped in earlier and handled their shit.

Shaming your child to an entire world of strangers is always pretty out of pocket. Only time I can think off the top of my head it made any kind of sense was that Dad who filmed himself shooting his daughters laptop cuz she spent a year or some shit talking shit about her family on Facebook. Kinda sorta justified, but even then waste of a laptop and a good bullet. Give the laptop to a kid who will appreciate it, putting a bullet in it was a pretty big waste. 

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haha, cultural appropriation being on the same level as actual racism.... that's another good one.  The wacky things that are said by the typical "Hotep" types out there are always amusing to say the least.


...a recent one I was just laughing about was that recent interview with Dr. Umar Johnson, where he mentioned that things really haven't changed since the days of slavery.  It was a softball interview so OF COURSE no one on the set challenged him on that unbelievable nonsense.  Last I checked I haven't ever been out in a literal plantation field under the hot ass sun working for free while fearing "massah"'s whip, while also being forbidden to just learn things, read or go anywhere ever in life.  

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So, I know many of you are not Twatter fans, but in that case you will be happy to know that Elon Musk recently announced that from now on, unless you pay the guy for using one of the shittiest social media there is, you will only be allowed to see 600 posts, or 300 if you're a new user, before the site shutting down and not displaying anything again for 24 hours. Paid users will be allowed to see up to 6000 posts before the same thing happens to them anyway.


Sounds like satire, but it's true.

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1 hour ago, Phantom_Miria said:

So, I know many of you are not Twatter fans, but in that case you will be happy to know that Elon Musk recently announced that from now on, unless you pay the guy for using one of the shittiest social media there is, you will only be allowed to see 600 posts, or 300 if you're a new user, before the site shutting down and not displaying anything again for 24 hours. Paid users will be allowed to see up to 6000 posts before the same thing happens to them anyway.


Sounds like satire, but it's true.


In the name of fairness, it is supposedly a temporary measure.




Also, tbh, I kind of get the reasons, since I am one of those mofos who runs bots downloading all the art from artist, so you could said, I am to blame, lmao

Edited by Hecatom
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I've stopped going to the doctors at my former primary care. Serious distrust issues more than ever. They were against me detoxing my body of parasites, which much improved my health lately and tried to recommend me unnecessary medications, trying to go behind the surgeons backs who operated on me last year to not take anymore medications after surgery with lies. It's rare for even an ER to support my research in natural remedies here in Nola, but they did.


It looks really bad when doctors don't like great lab results, but happy when you get sick as always. It's profitable, but they love you so. Lol.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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1 hour ago, Phantom_Miria said:

So, I know many of you are not Twatter fans, but in that case you will be happy to know that Elon Musk recently announced that from now on, unless you pay the guy for using one of the shittiest social media there is, you will only be allowed to see 600 posts, or 300 if you're a new user, before the site shutting down and not displaying anything again for 24 hours. Paid users will be allowed to see up to 6000 posts before the same thing happens to them anyway.


Sounds like satire, but it's true.

The fact that there is a cap even for paid users is insane. 

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7 minutes ago, Daemos said:

that’s not how they identify parasites. Who told you you have parasites? What medical tests did you undergo?


something sounds fishy here.

My health providers told me, when I disclosed this from the stool results. And I don't have the best memory either.


I don't consider local doctors here to be good. They are just very lazy and dishonest.

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18 minutes ago, Emptyeyes_ said:

My health providers told me, when I disclosed this from the stool results. And I don't have the best memory either.


I don't consider local doctors here to be good. They are just very lazy and dishonest.

Your test results would list parasites by name. Not “has many legs”.


You don’t have a copy of said results? Treatment for parasites is often dependent on the type of parasite and their location. 

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4 minutes ago, Daemos said:

Your test results would list parasites by name. Not “has many legs”.


You don’t have a copy of said results? Treatment for parasites is often dependent on the type of parasite and their location. 

You are kind of being stuck up about this, but  I shouldn't have said anything about it. The nurse said it from my colon and I don't have a copy. I would have to request it. 

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lotsof people get parasites from food.

especially some places more than others.

i hear the way to get rid of digestive system parasites is time true trusted since olden days is 



turpentine made from 100% pine oil.

but u gotta be super careful taking it orally. like never more than a medical grade teaspoon per 24 hours. 

but i wouldnt even recommend that much. id say take 5 drops in water. and slowly work up the number of drops. 

everyone that gets parasites from the midwest swear this is the best most sure way of ridding parasites, worms etc.

but u gotta be careful not to poison yourself.

btw, like hardware store turpentine isnt pine gum resin turpentine. its not the same. hardware store type turpentine is made from petroleum not pine oil. its different. poisonous. never use that. for anything. but especially for medical treatment. its not medicinal like 100% pine based turpentine 

Edited by VirginDefiler
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14 minutes ago, Emptyeyes_ said:

You are kind of being stuck up about this, but  I shouldn't have said anything about it. The nurse said it from my colon and I don't have a copy. I would have to request it. 


You said initially you had done your research and had great lab results, but claimed the doctors were not helping you. I asked you about the specifics of your results because the descriptions you gave out sound unscientific (read: bogus) to me and make me question your negative characterization of your doctors.


You’re saying I’m stuck up now for asking plain english questions about your condition. 

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1 hour ago, Daemos said:


You said initially you had done your research and had great lab results, but claimed the doctors were not helping you. I asked you about the specifics of your results because the descriptions you gave out sound unscientific (read: bogus) to me and make me question your negative characterization of your doctors.


You’re saying I’m stuck up now for asking plain english questions about your condition. 

Labs results came from cleaning my system out for once, instead of listening to those good for nothing people at my local health department that didn't want me to do that to begin with, which were actually the same ones who did labs. They preferred me to exclusively rely on "food" or try to put me on meds over supplements and herbal remedies, which the majority of the damn food we eat isnt worth so much when it's slowly killing us anyway. There's a difference to that. Just by them being that way, I rather cut them off. Overall from health providers, I've never really found any good health providers, so it's no loss to me.


I'm saying you are stuck up for caring too much about my situation and my perception of doctors. They can't be trusted. I hate them and there's nothing you can do to change my mind about them. This is what I get for posting.


I no longer care what you think. You come off as aligning with these kinds of people as well. Fuck them.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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32 minutes ago, Emptyeyes_ said:

You come off as aligning with these kinds of people as well. Fuck them.

Well played! You caught me! I am but an extension of the will of my masters. An agent for their dark agenda! They go by many names, but you may know them as Big Pharma.

Your Healthcare Providers and myself appreciate the donation of your flesh by the way. Your body has been excellent fodder for our ravenous extraterrestrial guests. Soon these "parasites" as you call them will evacuate your colon and fulfill the final step in our grand plan!




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8 hours ago, Emptyeyes_ said:

My health providers told me, when I disclosed this from the stool results. And I don't have the best memory either.


I don't consider local doctors here to be good. They are just very lazy and dishonest.

How did you get parasites?  Do you eat bear or wild hog meat?

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An associate of mine clearly has not learned his lesson. He's on social media bragging about some other man's wife hoping in his inbox


Keep in mind a few years ago, his ex wife was gettin clapped by some 5'5 dude and had him deadass consider suicide. And she tried to lie and say she was bringing the other man some "medicine" like 2am in the morning


Like, bruh, this isn't the flex you think it is 🤦🏾‍♂️

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9 hours ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

The fact that there is a cap even for paid users is insane. 

When you're dealing with people cucked enough to pay for social media you might as well take full advantage of it.


15 hours ago, Hecatom said:


In the name of fairness, it is supposedly a temporary measure.




Also, tbh, I kind of get the reasons, since I am one of those mofos who runs bots downloading all the art from artist, so you could said, I am to blame, lmao

Honestly, my only concern is actually for the artists. They're the only reason I use the damn thing and Twitter is a good place to find a lot of them and potentially get in contact for commissions. There are alternatives out there but they're not quite the same, and I think a lot of artists need Twitter as their main place for exposure, even if it's otherwise a shithole.

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On 6/30/2023 at 6:06 PM, MillionX said:

current interesting competitor to youtube is "rumble" now; I haven't watched any live-streams on their lately; I was for a while with Nick Rekieta and Tommy Sotomayor.  Steven Crowder also streams on rumble if I recall.  People can get away with saying a LOT more "spicy" things over there compared to pansy-ass youtube, btw.

Conservative, Christian, and red pill content get constant strikes for dissenting opinions and truth speak so many of them have Rumble accounts. They advertise their Rumble accounts in their videos in case their Youtube channel is banned or demonetized.  


6 hours ago, Emptyeyes_ said:

I'm saying you are stuck up for caring too much about my situation and my perception of doctors. They can't be trusted. I hate them and there's nothing you can do to change my mind about them. This is what I get for posting.

I agree, I don't trust the entirety of the medical field right now. I highly recommend RFK's book The Real Antony Fauci to you. All Americans should be united in his desire to take down Big Pharma. 


I believe Big Pharma to be the first horseman of the  apocalypse. Holding a poisoned dart to conquer and control while wearing a crown, or "corona", on his head.




Anyway. NGL Energy partners LP  (NGL)  just had some insider buying from the top of the company. Gas stocks are something I've been looking at long term because we'll be burning it again like never before very soon.

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57 minutes ago, J-ride said:

How did you get parasites?  Do you eat bear or wild hog meat?

It pointed more toward alcohol and poor nutrition, but they did tell me to stay away from them.  Hog meat i didn't have in while, but never ate bear before. I've ate all kinds of pretty bad stuff at the time, but I was advised not to after surgery or I'll have bigger problems. I was fumbling on it since then.  I just had to take personal responsibility for it.


The problem with Daemos above is when people support symptom treatment over taking care more of the root of the problem, I take it as preserving the potential investment of the patient. That's how you make money, sadly.


I took gabapintine and abilify before. The first one from the doctors recommended from the ER said if I keep taking that for neuropathy, I'll get cancer down the line, which the prescription says on the information when ive ordered it. However, all of the sudden, they were ok with me being on it despite the consequences, but also supported me taking ability, which I decided to get off of that a few years ago, because they reminded me from the labs that it was contributing to pre diabetes and I was close to post diabetes and had me gaining alot of weight prior to that point.  I just took it as the more problems I develop, the more that benefits their reputation.


Too much of the alternative medicines just leads to more problems. Forbid someone caring enough to recommend you something more natural for you.


My neuropathy was significantly reduced by not listening to them anymore.


People are entitled to being sheep for not questioning much of anything by going with the flow, but question or consider you unintelligent, when to me, it's really them. I'm not about to go to a nursing home over these  motherfuckers.


Edited by Emptyeyes_
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Dude you have fucking worms and centipedes by your account crawling inside you, you need to stop playing Russian roulette with your health because of stupid tin foil hat ideas and identify them exactly to get the appropriate treatment - which will likely be a course of anti-parastic or anti-biotic drugs. If your parasites are serious, they will kill you in time or cause irreparable damage to your organs but not before draining you slowly of your vitality.

Honestly, some people are mad ("Big Pharma is  a horseman of the  apocalypse" - OMG GET OF YOUR BUBBLE!). The healthcare system in the US may be fucked, but the individual doctors and nurses are not. If you're not comfortable with your healthcare provider seek another PROFESSIONAL.

Or you know what, just keep at whatever it is you're doing. Darwin will take care of the rest.

Edited by Daemos
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Daemos, you only live once. I've lost faith in doctors altogether. I know how I feel everyday after surgery and do my best to keep myself going. I feel way better than last year.


If I ever come across actual legitimate people in your field, then fine. Until then, Louisiana isn't a good place for that. Your people don't care. That's a tough reality, from your own story book.

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5 minutes ago, Emptyeyes_ said:

Daemos, you only live once. I've lost faith in doctors altogether. I know how I feel everyday after surgery and do my best to keep myself going. I feel way better than last year.


If I ever come across actual legitimate people in your field, then fine. Until then, Louisiana isn't a good place for that. Your people don't care. That's a tough reality, from your own story book.

You only die once. I am speaking to you as a fellow member of the community and someone with prior experience with parasites, if you really have parasites like you said you do, it's not a laughing matter. These fuckers will make you miserable in ways no other bacteria or virus can if you ignore them. The medications to treat them are not only readily available, they are known and cheap because parasites are an old enemy of humanity. You need to identify them first and start.

There is no faith involved. So stop being a drama queen honey and go get yourself checked properly.

Edited by Daemos
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