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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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heh, I did a search and finally found a piece of that "and...that's you!" clip that Coach likes to use so often 

she's a cute one, actually.


Ooh, it's another character that just occurred to me---a PAWG Hunter 🤔 ...might be a new Mii creation there...


EDIT---sidenote here---some of these euphemisms youtubers use to avoid demonetization has been Coach mentioning a person who got killed "...and she turned his tv off." 🤣  

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You ever hear rich/upper class people say something like "your hometown is so charming" and you know they really want to say "I would never live here but it's perfect for your type."



Housing market has gone absolutely insane where I've grown up and it has seen a huge Intake of upper-middle class people come through and buying property. I work with a public health agency and get to hear so much from these people who have just moved to the area and their attempts to adjust to a different way of life. It's mostly funny but sometimes a bit back handed. I believe the term is "gentrification"? 😱 

Edited by elliephil
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i was looking thru the best most iconic movie posters ever made when i came across this website mentioning banned movie posters.

its really interesting.

that cum made title was pretty daring. larry flynt crucified and seth rogan one was dope too.


also i need to watch Teeth now.

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37 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

However the other employee is still there. The question is whether or not she allowed the restaurant to strongarm that 20% remainder. Now, I used to work in the restaurant business, yes tip sharing is a thing, but the house isn't a mob boss. You gotta give the house 80%. . .  


Animated GIF



Sadly the bad press and legal concerns may kill the restaurant. Ultimately this will leave many other people out of work because the management wanted an extra $3.5K (if they asked the same for both servers). 


This kind of action could have been performed 20-30 years ago with nothing being heard about it . . . but the internet is undefeated.  




Edited by OPTIMUS124
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1 hour ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

However the other employee is still there. The question is whether or not she allowed the restaurant to strongarm that 20% remainder. Now, I used to work in the restaurant business, yes tip sharing is a thing, but the house isn't a mob boss. You gotta give the house 80%. . .  


Animated GIF



Sadly the bad press and legal concerns may kill the restaurant. Ultimately this will leave many other people out of work because the management wanted an extra $3.5K (if they asked the same for both servers). 


This kind of action could have been performed 20-30 years ago with nothing being heard about it . . . but the internet is undefeated.  




Allegedly tip sharing was never a thing at this particular restaurant, the manager just decided that day they were gonna strong-arm the employee for a majority of the 2k she earned. The server may have a case against them if it's true there was no such rule. I'm pulling for her tho, it's awful how little restaurants pay servers in general then STILL want a cut 

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That tip thing sounds like grade A bullshit.  Especially if the dude called in ahead of them and specifically asked them about their tip policy and then dude wants to turn around and be like 'nah you gonna have to share that'  What?    The only thing that is really sus on this is the fact that like Optimus pointed out, the other waitress is there so that's interesting. 

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ah, no surprise... Hasan Piker constantly gives off the impression of being a moron, really.... got to be internet-famous because of his relation to Cenk from TYT (+ it helps that he has a certain "look", of course; I'd guess he probably has a lot of female fans for sure).  I wonder how many times Cenk behind the scenes has shook his head like "c'mon, man...why would you say that?"  Probably quite often.


It's a shame they stopped having him on TYT though... I occasionally check that channel out for laughs, basically....and to see Ana Kasperian...and Francesca.  

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25 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

With this whole thing with restaurants fuckin over servers taking their tips, I may stop supporting restaurants that do that or better yet, I'll just CashApp/PayPal servers instead so that money goes directly to their account where the managers can't touch it

I am sure a fair bit do as some sort of a pool percentage. In my experience it was around 10%. It went to the staff that bussed tables. By law though, it can't go to management, only to other staff members. 


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whoah, this was just casually mentioned on Coach Greg Adams' show... I had no idea Candace Parker started playing for another team lately, so to speak....?!  She got married to a woman recently...

I kept tabs for a while; she's one of the only basketball girls that was fairly attractive (*inconsistent though)... 98% of the time, basketball-playing girls look terrible, but she stood out as an exception to the rule, imo.


damn, so right after Coach goes off, *boom* ANOTHER ONE I'm subscribed to goes live (and another one after that).  I need to take a vacation from youtube... it's just too much.


ohhhh here we go with some more gold though:


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New Zealand Leader: Vaccinated Can Engage in Tinder ‘Liaisons … Up to 25’ People



27 minutes ago, YourFavGrandpa said:

That first Vallejo pic reminds me of the album cover for Eternal Champion's Ravening Iron so much ...


This one? I can't remember ever seeing this before




The artist is called Ken kelly


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