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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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14 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Off topic:  Am I the only one who finds the name,"Ryan" weird on a female? Like, she better be banging hot and wearing a bikini when she introduces herself, because when I hear that name I'm checking her neck and looking for,"Surprise packages".  Just sayin.


On topic:  Ms. Ryan:  Keep the cash and bounce.  You can't drive two blocks without seeing help wanted signs, so another job isn't going to be a problem.  On top of that, she should publicly shame their asses worse than the news article has.  They might end up closing the doors over trying to be greedy.  

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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Oh what a surprise... how very surprising, their take on this 😆  ...but it would be silly to assume there's some kind of bias going on here...nah that would be crazy.

So yeah, folks... some slurs should be ok to use, I guess.


*on another note---I'd be ok with 100% fully unrestricted language, tbh.  To me they're all just words.  Yeah, I realize that I'm probably in the extreme minority on that opinion.  This is also why certain things like forums (in the olden days of the internet, at least) and youtube comments are infinitely more interesting and entertaining for me....because people can say whatever the hell they want, usually.  I can't stand the idea of certain terms being "bad words" that you aren't supposed to use in any context at all.


Edit---that Clarence Avant story---- really, doesn't anyone in the major newsmedia suspect something being fishy with that?  The stories I've seen all keep tying it to the latest spike in crimes in certain areas.  Maybe they just aren't actually saying it on air...but c'mon... a powerful record exec with a 50 million net worth.... and some low-level thug just RANDOMLY shows up at a house like that?  ...and nothing was stolen... security was there but she was still murdered.  Like McEnroe said you cannot be serious with this.  Oh, and he was quickly bailed out too, from what I hear.  C'mon folks, it's not like this would take Batman-level detective skills to figure some things out here.

There's no way every one of these on-air folks just went along thinking there's nothing else going on there, like "yep nothing else to see here, nothing suspicious at all...moving on.." 


Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

-I'd be ok with 100% fully unrestricted language, tbh.  To me they're all just words.  Yeah, I realize that I'm probably in the extreme minority on that opinion.  This is also why certain things like forums (in the olden days of the internet, at least) and youtube comments are infinitely more interesting and entertaining for me....because people can say whatever the hell they want, usually.

Mike Tyson speaks the ultimate truth on 'disrespectful' internet trolls


Just saying.

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Watched that Garfield video in a discord call with friends. What a wild ride. I would feel bad if someone living with paranoid schizophrenia clicked on that video and had no idea what they were getting themselves into.


I had to laugh at the Garfield Eats bit because I actually had one of those in my city before it got closed down due to pandemic. He's everywhere bros.

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More friendzone talk, among other things from "8 at the Table"

This is one of those rare times when a heavy NY dialect/accent actually started to annoy me after a while.  Usually, that shit is kinda hot to me...but after a while I started just wanting these girls to tone it down at least a little bit.


Hot Accents Rankings, for me:

  • Irish
  • Brit (*all the subtle variations of it)
  • Aussie and New Zealanders

That top 3 is the super-elite shit, imo; always major bonus points when I hear that....then NY/NJ is a solid 2nd tier pick for me...and everything else is below that.


Bottom of the Barrel TRASH tier forever--> "Memphis Mane", TN.  



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Meanwhile at strength and conditioning


Lady: oh my friends kid tested positive for covid. But said since she's vaccinated she doesn't have to quarantine. 


Me and coach: uhhhh that's not how this works bitch


Lady: oh it says it on the cdc website 


Me: yeah if she tested negative... Has she gotten tested? 


Lady: uhh no i don't think so. 


And this is why the pandemic will never endddd

Edited by Maxx
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oh yeah... I forgot about the french accents, actually...yeah that's a good one.  I'm also alright with the various "Islander" (Jamaican/Caribbean) accents too.


The only southern U.S. accent that is even slightly appealing to me is either the older "southern belle" type, like Dolly Parton or Rogue from X-men... or sometimes the New Orleans, LA sound.(*it's interesting how that one is noticeably different from all other southerner sounds)


Oh no...well here we go with Shuler King to make fun of some triflin mess's amazing that so many women just stopped caring about being seen in public looking like that.

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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:



French can always elevate a plain looking woman a few levels.


I like some of the various  ones from Spanish speakers from the Caribbean/south American countries. 


I use to be neutral towards Southern US accents,but that one Louisiana senator has one that is ear shattering. 





I'm generally good with any accent except the Boston one. Even a hot woman can't make that one good.

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21 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Wait. Doesn't he have the "right" to say that word, or is he not white?

I'm sure he's white when it's convenient, i.e. if there are cops involved but has the nerve to lecture white people as if he's one of them only to pull the "but I'm Middle Eastern" card. I only have limited exposure to him, but he strikes me as one of those.

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7 hours ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

Mike Tyson speaks the ultimate truth on 'disrespectful' internet trolls


Just saying.

Honestly, I've had to save this. If I have bad blood or any kind of conflict, then it would be addressed in person. This is coming from someone can be very antagonistic and have occasional misanthropic moments in life.


I don't like cowards who put a lot of time and energy toward safe haven edgelord content, knowing that the same energy would never be displayed in person.

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7 minutes ago, AndrogynousBandy said:

Honestly, I've had to save this. If I have bad blood or any kind of conflict, then it would be addressed in person. This is coming from someone can be very antagonistic and have occasional misanthropic moments in life.


I don't like cowards who put a lot of time and energy toward safe haven edgelord content, knowing that the same energy would never be displayed in person.

This is something that I noticed when going to Geek Cons. These are the same passionate fans in the FB groups that are quick to pop-off yet it's rare to any sort of beef displayed in public. You think twice about what you want to say when you're in striking distance.  

Edited by OPTIMUS124
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4 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Just take her out for Japanese and give her some Wasabi 👍🏾



Comedy Central Lol GIF



EDIT: Welp, imagine that Mike Tyson laughing gif in there, I dunno what happened. Interestingly enough, wasabi isn't spicy like it is here over in Japan. You can eat a lot of it and it's more flavorful which is kind of nice.

Edited by DoctaMario
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Video Purports to Show Trans Swimmer Crushing Female Competitors

Video has emerged of transgender University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas utterly destroying natural-born female opponents.



The video shows Thomas laps ahead of the female competitors. Many say the performance is unsurprising since Thomas was born as a man and competed as a male swimmer for three years at the Keystone State University before “transitioning” to being a woman.


The video reportedly chronicles the 1650 Free swim event in which Thomas set a record as a female swimmer, crushing the competition by an incredible 38 seconds. In that swim meet, Thomas blasted past the competition to win the 500 by 12 seconds and the 200 free by seven seconds. These numbers are enormous, considering wins are usually clocked by less than two or three seconds ahead of the swimmer in second place.






Transgender University of Pennsylvania swim team member Lia Thomas taunted natural-born female opponents saying that beating them was “so easy I was cruising,” according to one swimming team member.

The claim came from a second female swimmer who recently spoke out to Outkick. The woman told the site that Thomas, who competed on the male swim team for three years before turning up as a transgender woman, joked about how easy it was to beat all the natural-born women at swim meets.


“That was so easy, I was cruising,” the woman said that Thomas boasted after a recent win. Thomas also reportedly said, “At least I’m still No. 1 in the country,” in front of teammates.

The U Penn swimmer also said that coaches and university flaks told the girls that they are “strongly advised” not to talk about Thomas outside the school.

Outkick initially reported that a swimmer — who needed to stay anonymous to avoid having her life ruined by the woke mob — said that Thomas’ teammates were very unhappy about Thomas smashing female records all over the place. And now, this second swimmer is substantiating the claim that the other swimmers are not pleased with the situation.

Edited by AriesWarlock
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6 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

Video Purports to Show Trans Swimmer Crushing Female Competitors

Video has emerged of transgender University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas utterly destroying natural-born female opponents.



The video shows Thomas laps ahead of the female competitors. Many say the performance is unsurprising since Thomas was born as a man and competed as a male swimmer for three years at the Keystone State University before “transitioning” to being a woman.


The video reportedly chronicles the 1650 Free swim event in which Thomas set a record as a female swimmer, crushing the competition by an incredible 38 seconds. In that swim meet, Thomas blasted past the competition to win the 500 by 12 seconds and the 200 free by seven seconds. These numbers are enormous, considering wins are usually clocked by less than two or three seconds ahead of the swimmer in second place.






Transgender University of Pennsylvania swim team member Lia Thomas taunted natural-born female opponents saying that beating them was “so easy I was cruising,” according to one swimming team member.

The claim came from a second female swimmer who recently spoke out to Outkick. The woman told the site that Thomas, who competed on the male swim team for three years before turning up as a transgender woman, joked about how easy it was to beat all the natural-born women at swim meets.


“That was so easy, I was cruising,” the woman said that Thomas boasted after a recent win. Thomas also reportedly said, “At least I’m still No. 1 in the country,” in front of teammates.

The U Penn swimmer also said that coaches and university flaks told the girls that they are “strongly advised” not to talk about Thomas outside the school.

Outkick initially reported that a swimmer — who needed to stay anonymous to avoid having her life ruined by the woke mob — said that Thomas’ teammates were very unhappy about Thomas smashing female records all over the place. And now, this second swimmer is substantiating the claim that the other swimmers are not pleased with the situation.

This will eventually get more people to be  anti-trans. Considering the lgbtq as a whole are basically being used for profit by the elites to escalate conflict amongst those with conflicting to complicated views on the community. 


Time will come when a bill is passed where trans people especially will have their mandatory spaces. It's for their own good, because more than enough trans posers in particular, and not authentic ones made those privileges dead on arrival.


Having a non trans person with the intent to sabotage trans people in their own spaces, you still gotta worry about that. That's still going to be the unfortunate reality for a trans individual.

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This is all going to come to a head at some point and when it does it's not going to be good. I never thought I'd said the day when people would sit there and pretend than men don't have a physical advantage over women. The men's High School record for the 100m dash (10.00 seconds)  is almost a half second faster than the women's Olympic record (10.49 seconds). And that record was controversial due the wind meter being faulty (which would make the record 10.54 seconds). So the fastest woman in the world would get smoked by dudes at a high school track meet.

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

Interestingly enough, wasabi isn't spicy like it is here over in Japan. You can eat a lot of it and it's more flavorful which is kind of nice.

Because 90-95% of the “wasabi” most people experience isn’t actually wasabi. It’s horseradish and mustard seeds. 

Actual wasabi takes close to three years to grow and is crazy expensive to cultivate 

Edited by iStu X
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5 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Because 90-95% of the “wasabi” most people experience isn’t actually wasabi. It’s horseradish and mustard seeds. 

Actual wasabi takes close to three years to grow and is crazy expensive to cultivate 

The vast majority of wasabi in Japan isn't the real thing either.


Both countries use fake wasabi, which is just horseradish.

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3 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Video Purports to Show Trans Swimmer Crushing Female Competitors

Video has emerged of transgender University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas utterly destroying natural-born female opponents.



The video shows Thomas laps ahead of the female competitors. Many say the performance is unsurprising since Thomas was born as a man and competed as a male swimmer for three years at the Keystone State University before “transitioning” to being a woman.


The video reportedly chronicles the 1650 Free swim event in which Thomas set a record as a female swimmer, crushing the competition by an incredible 38 seconds. In that swim meet, Thomas blasted past the competition to win the 500 by 12 seconds and the 200 free by seven seconds. These numbers are enormous, considering wins are usually clocked by less than two or three seconds ahead of the swimmer in second place.






Transgender University of Pennsylvania swim team member Lia Thomas taunted natural-born female opponents saying that beating them was “so easy I was cruising,” according to one swimming team member.

The claim came from a second female swimmer who recently spoke out to Outkick. The woman told the site that Thomas, who competed on the male swim team for three years before turning up as a transgender woman, joked about how easy it was to beat all the natural-born women at swim meets.


“That was so easy, I was cruising,” the woman said that Thomas boasted after a recent win. Thomas also reportedly said, “At least I’m still No. 1 in the country,” in front of teammates.

The U Penn swimmer also said that coaches and university flaks told the girls that they are “strongly advised” not to talk about Thomas outside the school.

Outkick initially reported that a swimmer — who needed to stay anonymous to avoid having her life ruined by the woke mob — said that Thomas’ teammates were very unhappy about Thomas smashing female records all over the place. And now, this second swimmer is substantiating the claim that the other swimmers are not pleased with the situation.


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5 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:
trans athletes


I was a mediocre athlete in HS, but I could easily crush the women in any even I participated in.  I was on the power lifting team and at 180 lbs I could squat more than this huge bertha chick we had on our girls team who was over 250 lbs.  Women will NEVER be able to compete with a Male physically.  Biology>>>>ideology FOR FREEEEEEEEE ALL DAY!  

Edited by J-ride
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9 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

The video reportedly chronicles the 1650 Free swim event in which Thomas set a record as a female swimmer, crushing the competition by an incredible 38 seconds. In that swim meet, Thomas blasted past the competition to win the 500 by 12 seconds and the 200 free by seven seconds.


This has to be trolling, right? They didn't let some 6' 3" grown ass men say he was a woman for two weeks just to body a bunch of broads...


Ah for fuck's sake.




Edit: c'mon, not like this:



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whoah... so on a random search for characters from Little Nemo the Dream Master---I found out there was a movie!  It's from 1989---  I have no idea how this slipped under the radar for me until now!  Maybe it was direct-to-video or something... if I had known about this way back then I would've been all over it; I loved that game.


Meanwhile, on the Dark Shadows front----

this story in the flashback (1795, I think) is SO juicy... basically... Barnabas (*not yet a vampire) loves Josette, and is planning to marry her....but he had an affair at one point with this girl Angelique.  Angelique still has a thing for him; she can't just let it go.  Eventually she's pissed enough to start wreaking havoc in his life, of course... as per the rules of soap operas. 


She happens to also be a witch... she nearly killed him from a distance by tying cloth around a voodoo doll, and in the episode now---she has slipped a "love potion" to Josette, but to make her attracted to his best friend.  Josette came to the friend's room late at night, basically throwing the pussy at him... he's real tight with B like "bros before hoes" so he turned it down, not wanting any of the drama.  Barnabas still doesn't know about it just yet.  

Edited by MillionX
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It's gotten to the point where I gotta TRICK my coworker into doing his job cuz my manager is too pussy to make anybody but me actually do their job. 


Manager annoyed because I "forgot" (I intentionally didn't do the task so that other mfer would actually do some work). I frequently have to come up with schemes to get some productivity when it's my managers fuckin job to do that😂


I'm laughing but it's annoying as fuck to have the bulk of the work unfairly and constantly thrown on you, then have to come up with Kingpin style plots to get help. And it's not even a secret that my coworker doesn't do shit, like wtf

Edited by HD-Man
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2 hours ago, HD-Man said:

It's gotten to the point where I gotta TRICK my coworker into doing his job cuz my manager is too pussy to make anybody but me actually do their job. 


Manager annoyed because I "forgot" (I intentionally didn't do the task so that other mfer would actually do some work). I frequently have to come up with schemes to get some productivity when it's my managers fuckin job to do that😂


I'm laughing but it's annoying as fuck to have the bulk of the work unfairly and constantly thrown on you, then have to come up with Kingpin style plots to get help. And it's not even a secret that my coworker doesn't do shit, like wtf

It's odd to me in modern times how much do nothing employees get rewarded.  I had a coworker who was the same and they got a work from home gig and everyone else has to work on site.  It's pretty silly.

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