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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Well, I finally had another dream that stood out as slightly memorable... it's been quite a while since that happened... but there was some adventure or...something competitive going on, and I had 2 others with me as a 3-person squad...and we were supernatural creatures.  heh, unsurprisingly I was a vampire... another guy was one as well, and the 3rd guy in our crew was a werewolf.  There was also some magical elixir he had as an option to "supercharge" the power of his wolf form, but we were holding off on using that until absolutely necessary.  My vampirism was the CW show version; TVD/Originals lore.... they have a great setup, though in some ways I'd prefer how it works in the World of Darkness lore.


The wolf was not bound to "CW show" rules though... lycanthropy on those shows isn't so great....his version seemed to be like that Werewolf game (from WoD lore) that was on xb1/ps4 from last year...he could change at will and had the monstrous, upright walking form which is called "crinos"....that's always been a better deal, imo... way more badass than just turning into a normal-sized wolf. (*in that game you have the "normal wolf" form as well as your option for stealth.  Crinos form is obviously when it's time to unleash hell on everyone in the room.)  


but on another note---free ad for them ....I got some more "Christie Cookies".... Southern Butter Pecan.  No other cookie can fuck with it.  They are so RIDICULOUSLY good it doesn't even make sense. -->

This is a 10 out of goddamn 10, folks.

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16 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

@iStu X

I pulled the trigger on magic spoon. My bundle came in yesterday. I only tried cocoa so far and it's amazing. The size of box is disappointing. I can tell this will only be good for about 3 bowls. 

Been seeing sponsored ads for this everywhere recently. I'm pretty hype about it when I eventually get back to the US. Breakfast cereal all day.

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I was interested in trying magic spoon because I wanted something like that for my kids that wasn't  overloaded with sugar.  As a parent it's one of the issues I've repeatedly come across is how much sugar they put in kid food, it's unreal. It's one of the reasons I don't feed my kids processed/prepared food very often, it's so hard to avoid added sugar.

Edited by J-ride
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Shang-Chi Actress Nora Lum Quits Twitter Over Blackaccent Controversy


Feb. 5 (UPI) — The actress and comedian Awkwafina took to Twitter for the first time in two years on Saturday to address criticism of her use of African-American Vernacular English, or a “blaccent.”




In a lengthy letter posted to the social media platform, the Asian-American performer said that “linguistic acculturation, immigrant acculturation, and the inevitable passage of globalized internet slang all play a factor in the fine line between offense and pop culture.”








In a follow-up tweet, she said she would be leaving “the ingrown toenail that is Twitter” until 2024 but will remain on other social media platforms.

Her statement drew widespread criticism on Twitter, where journalists, activists and organizations said that her statement did not include an apology for appropriating Black culture. Her post received far more critical comments and retweets than it did likes.



Critics also pointed out that Awkwafina had chosen to put out the statement during February, which is Black History Month.

Awkwafina has previously been asked about her use of AAVE and Black speaking patterns in previous interviews. While doing press for Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings, she said she was “open to the conversation.”

“It really is something that I think is a little bit multifaceted and layered,” she said.





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I dunno. That seems like a have your cake and eat it too kind of situation. Like "We want our culture recognised, oh but not like that."


At the same time she blew up doing it while blacks who do the same don't so I guess I kinda get it...but it also blew up as a way to be from famous blacks who behaive like that so I really dunno. 


What I do know is Twitter is not nor ever will be the place to have that nuanced conversation. 

Edited by RSG3
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Maybe I'm narrow-minded, but I simply can't stand all this fuckery where the second someone gets famous, then that's when you dig through all their shit and try to fuck with them. I bet nobody was giving that much a fuck about this when she was a nobody (compared to now). Maybe I'm wrong though, and it's always been a shadow on her success. I doubt she would have gotten a Marvel movie if it was an issue though. The type of people that do this digging really need lives.


I feel like that even in more extreme cases, like with what's happening with Joe Rogan now. I've lost a LOT of respect for Rogan in the wake of this pandemic and him being anti-vax in everything but name. But the latest stuff with that N-Word compilation, even as a black man, disgusts me for the wrong reason. I'm more disgusted that some no-life fools scraped his podcasts for every instance of him using the word over 12 years than him saying the word himself. I don't know if I'm biased (I used to be a loyal listener back in the day, and knew he never used that word for racism), but it grinds me to see blood suckers come out of the woodwork like this.

Edited by axeman61
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Good she shouldn't apologize because her detractors are stupid as fuck.  I do like we live in a time where we are to challenge stereotypical thinking but also that certain stereotypical speaking belongs to said stereotypes.  Interestingly I saw a documentary which traced the use of Mother Fucker to the proximity of Black and Chinese communities  interacting with each other in the 70s because such an insult did not exist in English vernacular until that time.  So does that mean that only people of Chinese dissent can say mother fucker?

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3 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Maybe I'm narrow-minded, but I simply can't stand all this fuckery where the second someone gets famous, then that's when you dig through all their shit and try to fuck with them. I bet nobody was giving that much a fuck about this when she was a nobody (compared to now). Maybe I'm wrong though, and it's always been a shadow on her success. I doubt she would have gotten a Marvel movie if it was an issue though. The type of people that do this digging really need lives.


I feel like that even in more extreme cases, like with what's happening with Joe Rogan now. I've lost a LOT of respect for Rogan in the wake of this pandemic and him being anti-vax in everything but name. But the latest stuff with that N-Word compilation, even as a black man, disgusts me for the wrong reason. I'm more disgusted that some no-life fools scraped his podcasts for every instance of him using the word over 12 years than him saying the word himself. I don't know if I'm biased (I used to be a loyal listener back in the day, and knew he never used that word for racism), but it grinds me to see blood suckers come out of the woodwork like this.

It's all for cred. These folks just want to be known as "the one who brought down x person we're calling a fascist this week" because it makes them look good.


The folks saying Rogan is anti vax are misrepresenting him. Somewhere along the way, not being gung ho about the vaccine became you're an anti vaxxer and he's made an excellent point saying that the government and media would be better served telling people to take their vitamins and get into shape than just pushing the vaccine itself.


Edited by DoctaMario
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Some people have claimed that the Madame Web she would play is not the old lady ,but the Julia Carpenter one.

She was the blond lady who had a dark costume with white spider emblem that the Alien costume  of Spidey was similar to in terms of design 


She became the new Madame Web somehow in the comics in the last 10 years through some machinations of Kraven the Hunters family.


I'm sure Stu or someone can clarify.

4 hours ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

Stereotypes crack me up.  Just so good for jokes.


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15 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

I'm sure Stu or someone can clarify.

Mmmm. I’m not up to snuff when it comes to the Spidey Mythos. A lot of stuff like the Madame Web arcs and stuff like The Inheritors/Morlun stuff can miss me. It’s the antithesis of what spidey is to me. 

keep him grounded, semi slice life/semi-local and low key sci fi. I really don’t want all that high sci fi concept/multiverse/he has a grand purpose stuff. Just let him be a dude struggling with everyday life, what it means to be a hero and the consequences of his actions big and small. 

Edited by iStu X
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I know I can only speak for myself but I was offended by Awkwafina at all and I either thought the way she talked varied from annoying, crazy, funny or sincere.  Offended is not a feeling I've had watching or hearing any of her stuff and I really don't need an apology from her.  The last time I watched a movie that legit had blatant negative stereotypes that made me go "uhhhhhh..." was Transformers Revenge of the Fallen.  The only movie I feel where she was closest to her the "blaccent" that I've seen is  Crazy Rich Asians and i still wasn't offended I just thought her character was annoying and crazy.  I didn't get that at all from Raya and I didn't get it at all from Shang-Chi.

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

  I didn't get that at all from Raya and I didn't get it at all from Shang-Chi.


I'm gonna disagree here in that Awkwafina's voice acting in Raya was the worse part of that movie. I need to catch it again though.


Think Big Hero 6 is still the biggest standout out of all the non-musicals Disney has done in the last decade.

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11 minutes ago, Sonero said:


I'm gonna disagree here in that Awkwafina's voice acting in Raya was the worse part of that movie. I need to catch it again though.


Think Big Hero 6 is still the biggest standout out of all the non-musicals Disney has done in the last decade.

I'm not talking about whether her acting was bad or not.  I'm only talking about her voice within the confines of the potential to be offended in which case the closest that I said it could get for me was Crazy Rich Asians but even still I wasn't.  I'm saying the way she talked in Raya and and Shang Chi aren't anywhere near what people are trying to get offended for.    Whether she was good or not in Raya is a dif convo in which case I think she did an ok job.   I'd have to watch it again but right now my 2 year old is all about Encanto and Moana right now so we've been watching those constantly.


Also will agree on Big Hero 6.  Really enjoyed that movie.

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25 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I'm not talking about whether her acting was bad or not.  I'm only talking about her voice within the confines of the potential to be offended in which case the closest that I said it could get for me was Crazy Rich Asians but even still I wasn't.  I'm saying the way she talked in Raya and and Shang Chi aren't anywhere near what people are trying to get offended for.    Whether she was good or not in Raya is a dif convo in which case I think she did an ok job.   I'd have to watch it again but right now my 2 year old is all about Encanto and Moana right now so we've been watching those constantly.


Also will agree on Big Hero 6.  Really enjoyed that movie.

She turned down the aave for shang chi. Literally everything else she does is on 100%. Just look at her comedy central show

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7 minutes ago, Maxx said:

She turned down the aave for shang chi. Literally everything else she does is on 100%. Just look at her comedy central show

I haven't seen any of her comedy stuff.  I'll probably check it out for context but I have a feeling that I still probably won't find her offensive cause I don't think she's making fun of black culture or black people in a racist manner which really my only concern.  Different people have different backgrounds based on their upbringing and influences so if there's someone who talks a certain way I assume that's just because of their background and where they grew up until I'm given evidence to the contrary.  Case in point my sister's best friend who's white who lived out in the same bumfuck nowhere country has some stereotypical mannerisms that people would consider to be 'Black' and it's just because she hung out around black people a lot.  She's not appropriating anything it's just things that have influenced her over her life.  But my black female cousin when she first met her didn't like her based on her attitude because she thought she was trying too hard and we're like 'no...that's just how she is'.  Took her meeting her multiple times to realize that that is in fact just the way she was lol.

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7 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I haven't seen any of her comedy stuff.  I'll probably check it out for context but I have a feeling that I still probably won't find her offensive cause I don't think she's making fun of black culture or black people in a racist manner which really my only concern.  Different people have different backgrounds based on their upbringing and influences so if there's someone who talks a certain way I assume that's just because of their background and where they grew up until I'm given evidence to the contrary.  Case in point my sister's best friend who's white who lived out in the same bumfuck nowhere country has some stereotypical mannerisms that people would consider to be 'Black' and it's just because she hung out around black people a lot.  She's not appropriating anything it's just things that have influenced her over her life.  But my black female cousin when she first met her didn't like her based on her attitude because she thought she was trying too hard and we're like 'no...that's just how she is'.  Took her meeting her multiple times to realize that that is in fact just the way she was lol.

She's not making fun of black culture. That was never the argument or at least anything i saw. The issue is using aave as a promotional gimmick. Instead of hiring actual black women they hire her for jobs. She gets all the benefits without any of the work or struggle because she isn't black. She also gets to turn it off and not be black. We don't get that option, we are always gonna be black no matter how we speak

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5 minutes ago, Maxx said:

She's not making fun of black culture. That was never the argument or at least anything i saw. The issue is using aave as a promotional gimmick. Instead of hiring actual black women they hire her for jobs. She gets all the benefits without any of the work or struggle because she isn't black. She also gets to turn it off and not be black. We don't get that option, we are always gonna be black no matter how we speak

What I said still semi stands on this though so now I'm just wondering has there been any videos showing that she doesn't talk like she does normally?

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This weekend's been pretty rough. I was supposed to just stop through to say hi to my parents and "Murphy" wanted to show up and show out. Ultimately wound up taking my Dad to the ER and found a laundry list of issues. I know you aren't supposed to think about the "what ifs" but I know that if I didn't show up, things would have been significantly different.   I'm spent but I am glad that they caught things in time. 


Edited by OPTIMUS124
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c'monnnn bruh... why would anyone proudly say such a thing in public?!  Nick stated he was a "proud incel"?  

It's a rare occasion where I'm laughing with the TYT crew instead of at them. 🤣


On a sidenote--- what about straight female "incels"?  I'm always curious about other people's thoughts on that as well... I'd bet most agree that it's so extremely rare that it's almost non-existent.  For a woman to be a so-called "incel", it would have to be the most severe  set of unfortunate traits imaginable----like she would HAVE to be a combination of morbid obesity, diseased, a horrible face, bad breath/body odor, and a foul attitude on top of all that....and maybe she's a burn victim too, so she has that "Freddy Kruegar" look on some areas of her body...or maybe she's just a really old woman, like 85+ that has the "Crypt Keeper" look because she's old.....and even then, there's still probably 1 dude out there with zero standards that may consider hitting it one time in secret.  

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12 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

It's all for cred. These folks just want to be known as "the one who brought down x person we're calling a fascist this week" because it makes them look good.


The folks saying Rogan is anti vax are misrepresenting him. Somewhere along the way, not being gung ho about the vaccine became you're an anti vaxxer and he's made an excellent point saying that the government and media would be better served telling people to take their vitamins and get into shape than just pushing the vaccine itself.


I know I said earlier I'd stop talking about vaccine stuff, but Rogan IS anti-vax, and anyone who actually listens to his podcasts can tell. I've been listening to some relevant ones to see what all the hubbub is about (I used to be a loyal listener, but fell off). It's crazy.


He had Sanjay Gupta on and was "yeah, but" and challenging him a lot when Gupta was telling him rational shit about vaccines. But listen to Joe's podcast with Dr. Malone. Malone says that pretty much everyone but him has a financial stake in vaccination, while he's talking about an alternative treatment program he's working on. He says that hospitals get big kickbacks when diagnosing patients with COVID and when someone dies with COVID (implying financial stakes on their part). He says that we're experiencing "mass formation psychosis", similar to Germany in the 20s/30s (i.e. like Nazism). He even says that if hospitals get a gunshot victim and that victim has COVID, they write it up as a COVID death (provably false). From what I remember, only that last thing got even a small amount of pushback from Rogan. You only have to listen to the first hour of Gupta and Malone's podcasts to see a laughable difference in pushback Rogan is giving.


It's also telling that Rogan, past some point, only got medical experts (like Peter McCullough and Malone) who conform to what he believes. This, despite 90+% of medical experts believing different. He could have on someone actually working on this pandemic and the vaccines, yet he got two people being disgraced for their viewpoints and spouting BS.


And also, Joe likes to be two-faced about this shit a lot. He likes to throw down the "just a meathead podcaster" smoke bomb when he's actually getting challenged. On the podcast with Malone, he said he hoped the stuff about mass formation psychosis makes the rounds. On a podcast with Jocko Willnik (sp?) a little after Gupta, he revels a bit in how he stood up to Gupta trying to tell him shit. But in his spotify non-apology video, he brings up Gupta as an example of how "varied" his guests are and says he never meant to spread misinformation or court controversy. Hell, a little after he first said he doesn't think young, healthy people should get the vaccine, he was criticized and later said he shouldn't be taken seriously. But up until those "pressure" points, he's willing to say and condone all this shit.


Rogan may not like the "anti-vax" title, but we're in clear "if it walks/looks/quacks like a duck..." territory here. Whether he knows it or not, he's doing a lot of shit out of the anti-vaxxers play book. I don't like the witch hunt for him right now, but I can call a duck a duck.

Edited by axeman61
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The Awkwafina thing has been brewing for a while- I'm kind of surprised the tweet-mob hasn't either cancelled her or moved on yet.


Joe Rogan is the talk radio equivalent of "teach the controversy", and he does that deliberately because there's a huge audience who wants to believe that anything that upsets them is a political conspiracy.   He doesn't even need to be decisively anti-vax to be a tent-pole for that whole position.

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37 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

While I'm not a fan of Awkwafina, I've found this blaccent shit to be the essence of stupidity. I bet half these people bitching about her have Asian letter tattoo's. This is reminding me of the Jeremy Lin cornrow nonsense. 

I bet you half of them loved her shtick and loved her until it was hip not to. 

Edited by RSG3
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21 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I bet you half of them loved her shtick and loved her until it was hip not to. 

I'll never forget the Jeremy Lin thing because the way he handled it was godlike. One of the people loudest about it was Kenyon Martin. Jeremy Lin basically gave this professional, but sorta of an F U answer, and pointed Kenyon Martin's tattoo. IIRC, and I'm paraphrasing, he said something like "I'm glad to see you appreciate my culture." Subsequently, Kenyon Martin and a lot of other people shut the fuck up.

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10 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:


bro you still around? since youre russian in russia, wondering,  if the ukraine invasion thingy is real or not?

russia says it aint, usa says yeah.

idk who to believe. 

i believe you tho. since u live there

I know I wasn't asked but I doubt it will ever be more that meaningless saber rattling.  The core of the issue is that Russia has made it very clear that they do not want Ukraine to be in Nato and it is the line in the sand for them.  They have said so for at least 15 years.  Most of the European Nato members are dependent on Russia for natural gas due to green initiatives.  So essentially they are so dependent on Russia them ever fighting a war with them is laughable.  Essentially the EU is blowing Russia but acting like they are all tough because they told Russia they weren't going to swallow. 


Currently Russia is showing they are willing to ruin Ukraine out of spite, but I think Russian leaders are way too smart to try and take it by force.  If anyone starts it, it would be the United States, and considering the Neocon/Neolib retards in the Biden administration, that's always a possibility.

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3 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Remember when that ESPN reporter got fired after the Hornets beat the Knicks with Jeremy Lin because he said they found the chink in the armor? 🤣

Yeah I remember that. It was fucking dumb. It's a common phrase that had nothing to do with him being of Chinese heritage. If that's how people are gonna roll, then I'm having a lot peoples jobs on "Black Monday." I see bunch of people on ESPN referring to the Monday after the  NFL season ends as Black Monday because of all the coaches getting fired. 👀

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I think it's less common sense and more people don't take a second to think about anything anymore. Takes 5 seconds to know chink has more meanings then just

the racist one. 


With that said I have a slight suspicion that's part of the plan. I mean honestly most Americans work too much to have the energy or time to actually think about much of anything. They run us ragged to the point we don't have the energy anymore to 2+2. I thinknthis is a big part of the political issues in America. It's so much easier to treat it like Baseball and root for your team then take the time to do it right because who has the fucking time and who has that kind of energy? 


I'm not trying to say this is the whole problem, it's not it's a whole host of issues, but I really do think it's a big factor. Keep the people so worn out and tired they can't participate in the process properly. 


*tin foil hat*

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