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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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9 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

People need to stop acting like being overweight is the way to live. 

Yes. 100% 


“I love my big beautiful body.” Cool, you know who doesn’t? Your body. 

We’ve discussed this before, I’m not one to body shame. I love the thicc and all for body positivity but when it gets to that point of unhealthiness you need to do the work and be at a healthy weight. You being overweight isn’t and shouldn’t be a personality trait. 

Edited by iStu X
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1 minute ago, iStu X said:

Yes. 100% 


“I love my body.” Cool, you know who doesn’t? Your body. 

I am all for people loving who they are, but if breathing sounds like punishment after walking 15 yards, there is an issue. 


It's interesting how so many entertainers that made a name for themselves using the "big" element as a status symbol have now started to move away from it. 

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4 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

I am all for people loving who they are, but if breathing sounds like punishment after walking 15 yards, there is an issue. 


It's interesting how so many entertainers that made a name for themselves using the "big" element as a status symbol have now started to move away from it. 

Same. I edited my post to elaborate more. But yeah, 100% 

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24 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

If you eat shrimp, you're halfway there. 

Have you seen Rebel Wilson as of late. People need to stop acting like being overweight is the way to live. 



helllll yeah... and I knew she had potential.  I always saw Rebel as one of those fat girls that made me think "y'know...if she lost the weight..."

sheeeeitttttt I absolutely would pounce, given the chance.


*whoah, she's almost at 10 million followers... the follower # the average major celeb have is insane... I forgot what Ariana Grande's follower # is at this point but of course it's completely ridiculous.

Edited by MillionX
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2 hours ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

It's interesting how so many entertainers that made a name for themselves using the "big" element as a status symbol have now started to move away from it. 

They are successful. They have a life worth caring about and a reason to live long. They finally have a reason to give a shit about their health. 

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I really hope they can lose the weight and keep it off though. It seems lately almost every time I hear of a former big girl losing major pounds it's attached to some weirdo diet I feel they can't keep up with long term. Adele's on the Sirtfood diet and Rebel's doing something called the Mayr Method. This stuff seems prime for a relapse, but maybe they're dedicated. I just hope they keep up with it and they're happy.


I also hope anyone giving them shit about losing weight (unless the methods seem unhealthy) would shut the fuck up forever. I can't stand those people (though they're the tiniest of minorities).

Edited by axeman61
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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

ohooooo here we go with another one lamenting "where have all the good men gone?" 

Time and time again some girl makes this kind of video which ends up being prime content to just rip into.... it never stops being entertainment for me.


Her: "Where have all the good men gone?"
Me *Rising up from the all-concealing shadows*: "You will never find out where all the good men have gone until you understand WHY they left in the first place."

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1 hour ago, Serpent said:

I don't think men will ever stop being thirsty, so I think women only make those videos to throw bait out. I think I know maybe 3 unmarried men my age. And most men are still really insecure and quick to attack each other over female validation.



I don't think that the entire male population across the world will stop, but as many of these ladies are noticing, the pickings are getting slim.  Marriages?  Falling off a cliff.  Childbirth?  Probably falling faster than the marriages.  They better enjoy those simps while they have them.  I have a feeling that won't last much longer.

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nah, there's no shortage on childbirths at least... because a lot of dudes will forever be too dumb to wear a condom in those early years of their sexual shenanigans....haha always thinking their "pull-out game is strong" (while getting locked into a 2nd and 3rd child support situation)....and of course, a large % of women will continue popping out babies to Deebo, Pookie & Ray-Ray over and over again for the foreseeable future, unless some cataclysmic situation drastically changes society in the next few decades or centuries (*and even then I'd say it's still questionable on whether or not that will change).  I'd bet money that 500 years from now, it will be the same deal.... in her prime years, she will pick a "Deebo" all day every day over an "Urkel", spread those legs and have babies by him....even though "Deebo" is likely to end up in prison again very soon.


...iteems to be due to a couple of things--- the combo of most of them being outright stupid (a lot of people treat women with kid gloves constantly, so they are unlikely to come out and say ugly shit like that.  People always go to great lengths to avoid just calling stupid shit out when it's a woman we're talking about; that honestly does annoy me sometimes.  They are reluctant to call them stupid, or *evil* when it comes to things like murder and "inappropriate relations with minors" that female teachers have become known for at this point, etc.).... and of course... the fact that the "Steve Urkel" dude just doesn't turn her on like Deebo does.  A lot of them will *pretend* and lie, saying they ultimately want an "Urkel"....but most know the unflattering truth there, when it comes to Poindexter with the good job-----or a "Chris Brown" who is prone to occasionally beat her ass. 

The "Bad Guy" of the story is just more appealing, and more exciting to her....brings the drama they crave so much.  I also think the popularity of soap operas for many decades partly revealed this about them... the lives of characters on a soap opera are constant chaos and drama...horrible shit always happens to them....and for a long time, women of various generations couldn't get enough of it.  For some reason, this fascination drifts into real life with them.


....but yeah---there's another "unflattering truth" that many don't seem comfortable with admitting... that women are indeed about as shallow (perhaps more?) than men tend to be.  Looks will usually matter much more than the fact that he just beat her ass yesterday and is likely to do so again....or the fact that he sells drugs and is constantly in trouble with the law, or is forever unemployed, etc.

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This talk has me randomly wondering: if men had a phase where they had their pick of the litter when it comes to beautiful women, wouldn't they be doing the same "save until later"  shit to a "good" woman that doesn't turn them on until that pussy waterfall phase was over? People talk about women doing that all the time (the "phase" is them looking great), but I feel men would be doing the same, if not worse.


I'm not condoning the behavior either way, but I feel if you put any human in a situation where they have beautiful members of the opposite sex (or same depending on preference) falling all over them, there's going to be a roster and an imperfect selection process. I'm not going to lie: if I had my pick of beautiful women, no female equivalent of Urkel or Screech is even getting looked at until the hot bitch spigot gets turned off.


But bear in mind I'm a complete zero when it comes to dating. I've never even had a girlfriend in my entire life. Maybe if a guy finds the right girl, he'd just throw all the other ones away and focus on her. But I see SO much of this "didn't want the good guy then, so fuck you now" content, and though I sympathize, I wonder. How much of that is just human nature if you put someone in that position, and how much of it is the guy doing something wrong they're not telling you about? Eh, just random thoughts.

Edited by axeman61
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I've got tons of respect for Lebron. 


Guy has been one of the best if not the best person in the world at what he does for nearly 20 years. And despite being incredibly rich incredibly young and having the entire world watching him, the dude never really slipped up. 


Never got caught cheating (or really seriously accused), never got in trouble with the law, (almost) always spoke his mind and supported what he believed in (cough China cough)


And the guy is a son of Ohio like me, so respect. 

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2 hours ago, axeman61 said:

This talk has me randomly wondering: if men had a phase where they had their pick of the litter when it comes to beautiful women, wouldn't they be doing the same "save until later"  shit to a "good" woman that doesn't turn them on until that pussy waterfall phase was over? People talk about women doing that all the time (the "phase" is them looking great), but I feel men would be doing the same, if not worse.


I'm not condoning the behavior either way, but I feel if you put any human in a situation where they have beautiful members of the opposite sex (or same depending on preference) falling all over them, there's going to be a roster and an imperfect selection process. I'm not going to lie: if I had my pick of beautiful women, no female equivalent of Urkel or Screech is even getting looked at until the hot bitch spigot gets turned off.


But bear in mind I'm a complete zero when it comes to dating. I've never even had a girlfriend in my entire life. Maybe if a guy finds the right girl, he'd just throw all the other ones away and focus on her. But I see SO much of this "didn't want the good guy then, so fuck you now" content, and though I sympathize, I wonder. How much of that is just human nature if you put someone in that position, and how much of it is the guy doing something wrong they're not telling you about? Eh, just random thoughts.

I think a lot of the simping is because you have dudes that don't think they'll ever be able to get another girl again, or another one as hot, etc.  as opposed to people who know they even if it sucks that a relationship ended, there'll be another one coming up if they're open to it. Simping is low confidence stuff and we all know women prefer confident men, which his why simps get starved. 


As far as "save for later" there are a lot of people who are bad at knowing when to get off the ride. That's why you end up with "the old guy at the club" or "the old cat lady" because they're like lottery winners thinking the money will last forever so they don't have to think about how to spend it. I have a few friends and clients that are older guys who thought they had all the time in the world and are now in their 60s wishing they'd settled down. 

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1 hour ago, KingTubb said:

I've got tons of respect for Lebron. 


Guy has been one of the best if not the best person in the world at what he does for nearly 20 years. And despite being incredibly rich incredibly young and having the entire world watching him, the dude never really slipped up. 


Never got caught cheating (or really seriously accused), never got in trouble with the law, (almost) always spoke his mind and supported what he believed in (cough China cough)


And the guy is a son of Ohio like me, so respect. 

The China thing is actually kind of a big deal, and illustrates a rather telling indifference on his part per the suffering of billions, when billions are on the line.

Edited by JHDK
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5 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I think a lot of the simping is because you have dudes that don't think they'll ever be able to get another girl again, or another one as hot, etc.  as opposed to people who know they even if it sucks that a relationship ended, there'll be another one coming up if they're open to it. Simping is low confidence stuff and we all know women prefer confident men, which his why simps get starved. 


As far as "save for later" there are a lot of people who are bad at knowing when to get off the ride. That's why you end up with "the old guy at the club" or "the old cat lady" because they're like lottery winners thinking the money will last forever so they don't have to think about how to spend it. I have a few friends and clients that are older guys who thought they had all the time in the world and are now in their 60s wishing they'd settled down. 

I think a lot of people these days are just plain content to not settle.


Good for them.


That's 1.25 unhappy childhoods apiece that have been prevented.

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6 hours ago, Serpent said:

I don't think men will ever stop being thirsty, so I think women only make those videos to throw bait out. I think I know maybe 3 unmarried men my age. And most men are still really insecure and quick to attack each other over female validation.



I have always been the exact opposite of that.


I don't require their validation.


Which is probably why ones 15 years my younger keep "accidentally" crossing into my path at the store a dozen times. 


Like, okay. The first few I can write off, but y'all had to backtrack twice now...


Dunno what it's about.


Don't care.


Never played the game, never will.

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6 minutes ago, JHDK said:

I think a lot of people these days are just plain content to not settle.


Good for them.


That's 1.25 unhappy childhoods apiece that have been prevented.

I think more than anything it's FOMO, fear of committing to something, and fear of change, with a side of waiting for "the perfect one" (spoiler alert they don't exist.) 


That used to be me somewhat, but when I met my wife I realized that I was ready to change it up and get to the next chapter of my life. When I hang with those older friends of mine, I'm glad I made the choices I did. 

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4 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I think more than anything it's FOMO, fear of committing to something, and fear of change, with a side of waiting for "the perfect one" (spoiler alert they don't exist.) 


That used to be me somewhat, but when I met my wife I realized that I was ready to change it up and get to the next chapter of my life. When I hang with those older friends of mine, I'm glad I made the choices I did. 

I didn't even make a choice, per se.


I met one whom I got on with, and simply kept going.


Edited by JHDK
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Paramount and MegaShock present......


Wayne's World!  (Party Time Excellent)




Aries Warlock as Wayne Campbell

Dangerous J  as Garth Algar

Tia Carrerre as Cassandra Wong


Gooteks as Benjamin Kane

RSG3 as Bobby Cahn

JHDK as Glenn the manager of Stan Mikita donut shop

Starhammer as Good actor at gas station

Chadouken as Terry (I love you man!)

Darksakul as Jim Morrison

Matriarch as Weird Naked Indian Guy

Hecatom as Del Preston


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haha, man.... that little mention/comparison to lottery winners made me think of a certain friend who is pretty bad with money, actually (another thing that is "The American Way", basically)... it would be a bit amusing if he happened to win a Powerball jackpot.... it could be something crazy like 15+ mil... and it wouldn't take long for him to run that out...or at least get "low" on funds, and get to a point where he's asking other people for help or a "hook-up" with's like his spending habits didn't change from those days when we were about 10 years old spending 100% of whatever we had at a comics & collectibles shop, or in the arcade.  


...heh, and that brings back old memories... it's the rules when you're a kid--- get 20 bucks from the parents?  = SPEND 20 bucks at the comics store....every last penny of that shit.  Sheeeeitttt, I remember a typical trip to the arcade... mom or dad might give me $5.00... and back then, when a game was only 25 cents or 50 at the most, that 5 bucks went a long way...provided you were halfway decent at games, of course.  Such a shame I took it all for granted.... back then, I never would've guessed that arcades would actually go away at some point in the near future 😞 

Edited by MillionX
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35 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Paramount and MegaShock present......


Wayne's World!  (Party Time Excellent)

J we gonna fight. 


Wayne's World is one of my favorite movies and I'm not in it. 


Also, Aires as Wayne and not Alice Cooper? COME ON MAN!


Edit: also, most of these are from Wayne's world 2. DUUUUUDE!! 

Edited by KingTubb
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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

Paramount and MegaShock present......


Wayne's World!  (Party Time Excellent)




Aries Warlock as Wayne Campbell





1 hour ago, KingTubb said:

J we gonna fight. 


Wayne's World is one of my favorite movies and I'm not in it. 


Also, Aires as Wayne and not Alice Cooper? COME ON MAN!


Edit: also, most of these are from Wayne's world 2. DUUUUUDE!! 


He knows a lot about Milkwaukee



I have said this before, but I think "Feed My Frankestein" is filled with sexual innuendo 🤔



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2 hours ago, JHDK said:

I have always been the exact opposite of that.


I don't require their validation.


Which is probably why ones 15 years my younger keep "accidentally" crossing into my path at the store a dozen times. 


Like, okay. The first few I can write off, but y'all had to backtrack twice now...


Dunno what it's about.


Don't care.


Never played the game, never will.

Be that as it may, you are one person, and there are 8B+ people in the world, with that number ever increasing exponentially. Over half of those are females. And the vast majority of men are thirsty and will simp hard for every female. And quite frankly, that simping the vast majority of the time leads to reproduction, hence the 8B and climbing world population.


There simply is no normal scenario I see where the population declines and the vast majority of women can not manage to get male interest, should they desire it. Remember, not all females want it to begin with either, you have to also account for women who do not desire men, for whatever reason.


The only way men ever stop simping for women is when men die off, and the number of men becomes very small, such as after wars and plagues (women typically get preference for healthcare and all resources, and are also protected from war, so men typically die out when these events pressure the population).


My belief is the men that think they are going to stick it to women and that women can't find male partners are fools. Just not going to happen. I'm not going to tell them what to do, but to me it is a foolish mindset and they'd be far better off getting an actual hobby or something, and worrying about themselves instead.

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hmm...looks like Biana Golodryga in this Cash Loan commercial I keep seeing...I see no confirmation of it online so far though...but damn she's a fine piece...


Back on the men/women thing--- it still entertains me to see them face the reality of their foolish decisions though... like when they run back to the abusive ex-boyfriend...only to get her ass beat yet again, to the surprise of absolutely no one.  The famous example of Rhianna was such gold when it happened....I was admittedly disappointed when we didn't hear about him hitting her again.  I was waiting on that shit like soooo many "popcorn.gif"s, folks.  Her face looked like the beat-up character on the "Continue..?" screen of a fighting game.....and that dumbass STILL went back to that guy 🤣  That's amazing and hilarious to me.  I look forward to whoever is the next super-famous example of a an abusive relationship....y'know, where we also have actual good proof like pictures and mugshots. ....then we can all take bets on how long until she goes back to the dude that is now known for beating her ass... 


One almost wants to ask them... how does that knuckle-sandwich taste, really?  You apparently can't get enough of it, we see. 😆  Whether they are famous or not, one can't help but wonder----how many decent guys did you pass up that would've treated you right.... to hook up with this dude that pops you in the face on a regular basis?  At least...speaking for myself---if I have a choice between a regular, "Miss. Nice Girl" that will treat me right... and a Jodi Arias who will likely stab me to death in the shower one day... or a Cardi B. that will drug me and steal shit... or a Casey Anthony that may make our child "disappear" one day under highly suspicious circumstances.... I'll play it safe and go with Miss Nice Girl.

Edited by MillionX
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6 hours ago, DoctaMario said:


As far as "save for later" there are a lot of people who are bad at knowing when to get off the ride. That's why you end up with "the old guy at the club" or "the old cat lady" because they're like lottery winners thinking the money will last forever so they don't have to think about how to spend it. I have a few friends and clients that are older guys who thought they had all the time in the world and are now in their 60s wishing they'd settled down. 

My aunt was a good looking woman in Mexico who got all kinds of attention from guys and one she came close to marrying owned a shoe factory and had wealth. My aunt passed him up cause she honestly thought she'd have options and beauty forever. My mom shook her head in disbelief as she saw her sister gain warts weight and died alone and unmarried. 


We as humans are our own worst enemy. We have allowed dating to become more polarizing than ever despite how huge we made the dating pool via online sites and social media and reward peeps for their dumb mistakes now.

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5 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Here in my country, we sue the word Mama, aka mom as slang for something being great, like saying that Wendy's is the shit.

The add says Mother there is only one, and here Wendy's is the mom/shit (it gets lost in translation) but you get the gist

On her neck collar in the US Wendy's logo, the lace spells out mom. 

The idea is mom's cooking is the best. 

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6 hours ago, Hecatom said:



This is a real add for Wendy's on my country, lol

Long story short.
Here in my country, we sue the word Mama, aka mom as slang for something being great, like saying that Wendy's is the shit.

The add says Mother there is only one, and here Wendy's is the mom/shit (it gets lost in translation) but you get the gist

The sign is very simple:

Either eat your food, or......................





.......................Any Questions?

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3 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Considering his quasi-homo relation with Sasuke, I don't see why not.

Their friendship was weird as fuck. Sasuke was like a dick to Naruto like 95% of the time but Naruto acted as if they had the deepest of bonds. Their friendship was not developed properly enough to warrant that kind of dedication from Naruto in part 1 😂

Edited by HD-Man
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