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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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So we got this new trainee at work. He started rough, was late a few times and wasn't the best worker. But he's made the adjustments and become dependable, doesn't complain, but for some reason my captain is kinda still giving him a hard time


Meanwhile,  got this other worker, who comes to work and has been doing nothing for the greater part of 4 years, but his laziness and half assed work is laughed off and treated as an inside joke, whereas the new trainee who actually got better and is doing what he's told to do is catching flack, even when he is doing the right thing 


Why is the energy different? It's honestly pissing me off cuz the new guy is only 19, he's still figuring life out, but he performs whatever task is asked of him to the best of his abilities.


Now, me and my captain usually get into it cuz he's incompetent, but not intentionally on his part, which I let him know in a professional way, so I'd expect it if he was a dick to me. But he's kinda being a dick to the new guy for no seemingly legit reason. I don't want to think it's race cuz I'm black and the trainee is too, but I don't think it's that. So I'm probably gonna talk to him later to see if we can fix the issue, cuz I'd hate to lose a great helping hand due to management 

Edited by HD-Man
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man... "Margit" on Elden Ring is THE hardest "first boss" in the entire history of games, I'm sure of it.  There is nothing that comes to mind that is even close.  I've probably fought this character well over 60 to 70 times now, and the best I've done was get him down to half HP on a couple of occasions...and this is with the summoned AI partner to be a decoy.  On average the battles only last around 10 seconds at the most.  Imagine a normal human trying to fight a character that's like Hulk with Spiderman's agility...who also has Dhalsim's reach on MOST of his attacks....+ projectiles.  That's what this is.  No, you won't win.


Oddly enough, I'd keep him the same though... it just seems crazy that this character appears to be intended as a first real boss.

Funny thing is that there is another mini boss that comes to mind that is far worse and just pure cheapness.

Edited by MillionX
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2 hours ago, HD-Man said:

So we got this new trainee at work. He started rough, was late a few times and wasn't the best worker. But he's made the adjustments and become dependable, doesn't complain, but for some reason my captain is kinda still giving him a hard time


Meanwhile,  got this other worker, who comes to work and has been doing nothing for the greater part of 4 years, but his laziness and half assed work is laughed off and treated as an inside joke, whereas the new trainee who actually got better and is doing what he's told to do is catching flack, even when he is doing the right thing 


Why is the energy different? It's honestly pissing me off cuz the new guy is only 19, he's still figuring life out, but he performs whatever task is asked of him to the best of his abilities.


Now, me and my captain usually get into it cuz he's incompetent, but not intentionally on his part, which I let him know in a professional way, so I'd expect it if he was a dick to me. But he's kinda being a dick to the new guy for no seemingly legit reason. I don't want to think it's race cuz I'm black and the trainee is too, but I don't think it's that. So I'm probably gonna talk to him later to see if we can fix the issue, cuz I'd hate to lose a great helping hand due to management 

He's my age. We're used to school and chores. To us, 100% effort is meant to reap a certain outcome. Sometimes 100% isn't good enough, and that's ok, but he's being treated rough for what that effort is doing. To him, that means he's not doing well enough, so this is the kind of treatment he's earning. I think maybe that's why he's taking it; it's all he knows. He might not tolerate that behavior some years down the line...


Maybe I'm just being presumptuous, but really I'm only giving my account of things. I wonder if he relates...

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3 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

He's my age. We're used to school and chores. To us, 100% effort is meant to reap a certain outcome. Sometimes 100% isn't good enough, and that's ok, but he's being treated rough for what that effort is doing. To him, that means he's not doing well enough, so this is the kind of treatment he's earning. I think maybe that's why he's taking it; it's all he knows. He might not tolerate that behavior some years down the line...


Maybe I'm just being presumptuous, but really I'm only giving my account of things. I wonder if he relates...

Yea, I'm just trynna figure out what's going on. Cuz he's young and not jaded like I am, I'd hate to lose someone who's made an effort to do right


He told me not to talk to my captain about the situation, so I'll back down for now. I still don't think it's cool tho, dude isn't lazy, he follows the lead of whoever is training him and doesn't deserve the flack

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15 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Yea, I'm just trynna figure out what's going on. Cuz he's young and not jaded like I am, I'd hate to lose someone who's made an effort to do right


He told me not to talk to my captain about the situation, so I'll back down for now. I still don't think it's cool tho, dude isn't lazy, he follows the lead of whoever is training him and doesn't deserve the flack

Every boss I have had always has their pets who gets away with murder and then the people they go hard on who really aren't that bad in comparison.  I was denied a new position that would have been a better fit for my schedule mostly out of spite.  This position has remained unfilled for 8 months and I have refused to take on any of the responsibilities of that job just because my boss wants to teach me a lesson.  Like nah, that's not my job, but when you hire that mythical person who meets your requirements you get them right on it!

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This is why you should never be loyal to a job. Also when you leave for another company, write a letter to the people above that person explaining why you left.


Remember that "bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks" is not just a statement about his attitude towards women during the 90s. That applies to hella men and petty people in general doing bitch shit.



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My department has been shorstaffed for about 2 years and our management decided the solution was to hire more managers.  I have 6 managers right now, it's hilarious because I constantly get them to fight with one another by emailing them as a group. 


My mid-level boss is a female who dresses/acts super sexy all the time but also wants to act like a man the other half of the time.  She's a walking contradiction, and most of the time when she is mad at me I can't tell if she wants to fire me or fuck me because of how she acts.  Last time she gave me a talking to in her office she was wearing a push up bra, a v neck dress with a belt under her boobs to push the girls up.....

Its A Trap GIF

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23 minutes ago, J-ride said:


My mid-level boss is a female who dresses/acts super sexy all the time but also wants to act like a man the other half of the time.  She's a walking contradiction, and most of the time when she is mad at me I can't tell if she wants to fire me or fuck me because of how she acts.  Last time she gave me a talking to in her office she was wearing a push up bra, a v neck dress with a belt under her boobs to push the girls up.....


You mean the Porn Industrial Complex has been lying all these years about what you do in those situations?


Damn, they are real scummy people.

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42 minutes ago, J-ride said:

My department has been shorstaffed for about 2 years and our management decided the solution was to hire more managers.  I have 6 managers right now, it's hilarious because I constantly get them to fight with one another by emailing them as a group. 


My mid-level boss is a female who dresses/acts super sexy all the time but also wants to act like a man the other half of the time.  She's a walking contradiction, and most of the time when she is mad at me I can't tell if she wants to fire me or fuck me because of how she acts.  Last time she gave me a talking to in her office she was wearing a push up bra, a v neck dress with a belt under her boobs to push the girls up.....

Its A Trap GIF


"Too many chiefs, not enough Indians!"

  What your describing is why I left my position 4 years ago at my old job; I was reporting to too many fucking directors about status of projects etc instead of actually doing dev work. Last straw for me was an 'End of week Status' report where I literally need to track how many *MINUTES* i spent working on X,Y,Z project, meetings, lunch break, answering lvl 3 tech support etc. Nigga, you want me to actually do some coding or just do fucking TPS reports all day!? Funny enough, in my exit interview, the head honcho of IT dept ask me if  'what if,theoretically, we can create a new position strictly for you, would you be interested(in staying)?'  In my head, "Fuck no! I've been telling you clowns to hire more fucking software devs this entire time to handle the ever growing custom requests!"

  What i officially answer, 'I'm honored but I have already accepted a position somewhere else etc'.

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1 hour ago, Sonero said:

Also when you leave for another company, write a letter to the people above that person explaining why you left.

No good reason to do something out of spite.  You want to escalate issues while you're still working there?  Sure.  But by the time you're leaving you should have already said anything you want to say.

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5 minutes ago, IcyBlackDeep said:

No good reason to do something out of spite.  You want to escalate issues while you're still working there?  Sure.  But by the time you're leaving you should have already said anything you want to say.

Its only out of spite if you had 0 coworkers that you liked.


Otherwise you removed from possible retaliation first AND THEN you can have the problematic person catch all the shit they deserve for the sake of people behind. This stuff should come up in an exit interview. But if that doesn't happen tappy tappy tap away.



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2 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Ukraine is playing to win, and hilariously Putin is basically fucked because he has put himself in a nearly unwinnable situation.  

People were out there trying to figure wtf was Putin's plan, but turns out he didn't have one. 🤣


Now, I'm not going to say that Ukraine might pull this off military, but these sanctions are no joke. I dunno what Putin's end goal is, but it's definitely being thwarted. Wouldn't surprise me if a coup happened at this rate.

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2 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

the Last ASK A BROTHA for a while..


Black dudes,


Do you find any black fighting game character to be intentionally racist? 

If so, which ones?

Intentional? No. But they may as well have had "Hood [N-Word]" on a white board somewhere when they were designing Jax's second outfit in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.

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7 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Intentional? No. But they may as well have had "Hood [N-Word]" on a white board somewhere when they were designing Jax's second outfit in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.

I think this is where I fall. It seems more like an overt call out to "HEY, THERE'S A BLACK GUY" than anything else. It's over-the-top but that seems to be a thing for any group portrayed within fighting games. 

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Yea the economic sanctions implemented are already taking its effect in the Russia market.


  The rouble went down as much as 30% value already; Russia countered by increasing key interests from 9.5% to 20%🤣

Print as much rouble as you want but it's worth shit if it doesn't have $ value globally.   Disabling Russia in the global SWIFT bank system is also a huge blow. I do wonder if Putin really recognize just how interconnected/interdependent we are nowadays and how easily these Russian oligarchs can easily be found. Many companies/events are also cutting their relation with Russia. News reporters are basically pulling an on-nighter finding these oligarchs.


NY properties of some well-known Russian oligarchs


Airlines, law firms, even local liquors are cutting ties with Russia.


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7 hours ago, HD-Man said:

He told me not to talk to my captain about the situation, so I'll back down for now. I still don't think it's cool tho, dude isn't lazy, he follows the lead of whoever is training him and doesn't deserve the flack

Yeah, I'm sure most of the hard working people here or anywhere else would have also told you to stay quiet. I would have. That's the kind of trust that has to be broken in private. You really should talk about it with the captain.

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