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Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars

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18 minutes ago, MillionX said:


Time for a quick laugh at Marvel Avengers again


The house of mouse is probably fuming right now. I don’t see much more content after Kate Bishop and Maestro coming out. 

id just your losses and leave the game alone. 

Edited by iStu X
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I think the height of my agony this year has been watching every single influencer on every social media platform playing Demon's Souls while I'm over here emulating the original game. 


I am pretty much living in denial telling myself it's not that different. It can't be that good, right? That's the only possible way I can cope. I haven't missed out on a launch day Souls title for 11 years and this could arguably be the best one yet. 


My displeasure is immeasurable and my suffering is endless. 





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55 minutes ago, iStu X said:

The house of mouse is probably fuming right now. I don’t see much more content after Kate Bishop and Maestro coming out. 

id just your losses and leave the game alone. 

Right now, the only thing that can save it is if SE thinks they can pull a FFXIV with this game.

The big difference is that with FFXIV they had the bennefit of being a property they fully own, so the investment made sense.


With this game, they still need to play ball with Michael Mouse.


The fact that Deus Ex 3 died for this is saddening.

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Yeah, even as someone who enjoys the game I can tell it's riddled with corporate meddling. The live service functionalities definitely feels like an afterthought. Seems like it started as more of a story based, single player game and had RPG tropes tacked on later in development.


Looking forward to the "Wha Happun" episdode on this one. 

Edited by M A R T I A N
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33 minutes ago, M A R T I A N said:

Nintendo stay killing communities they could just monetize instead. Smh 🤣🤣

The problem is that they are using emulators.

And like HAwkingbird said, is a nintendo sponsored event.

They are in their right to defend their intellectual property in this case.


Notice how other tournaments use the actual hardware fr their old games, be like the Sailor Moon tournaments, or the mistery games tournaments.

Using emulation is a a gray area that can open this kind of problems, and specially with nintendo, which is heavy against emulation.

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6 minutes ago, M A R T I A N said:

Figured it was only a matter of time before somebody educated me on how Nintendo reserves the right to dick communities that support their games  lol


I'm well aware it's their legal right. Shit is still silly and petty imo 💁🏾‍♂️

Is neither silly or petty.

They digged their own grave when they decided to use emulators, on a nintendo sponsored event of all places, it is stupid.

Common sense tells you is a bad idea.

Getting mad that they are forcing their legal right while ignoring the stupidity that lead to it is just dumb

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10 minutes ago, M A R T I A N said:

Figured it was only a matter of time before somebody educated me on how Nintendo reserves the right to dick communities that support their games  lol


I'm well aware it's their legal right. Shit is still silly and petty imo 💁🏾‍♂️

How can you call it support when they want to run a pirated copy of the game on Nintendo dime?

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2 minutes ago, M A R T I A N said:

Oh OK thanks for letting me know, I take back my feelings on it actually 

You can feel anything you want, it doesnt change they did a stupid thing and now are dealing with the consequences.

Imagine that because you get caught doing something illegal and you are mad about it overrides the fact that you were caught to begin with and should be allowed to carry on.

What kind of nonsense is that.


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Just now, Hawkingbird said:

How can you call it support when they want to run a pirated copy of the game on Nintendo dime?

Using emulators and ROMs isn't illegal. Sharing them is. You can legally own a ROM if you own a physical copy of the game in question. 


If you're hosting tournaments for a game and broadcasting them, you are supporting the game in some form or fashion. "Support" doesn't always mean you are directly monetizing or immediately profiting off it. At worst it's free advertising. 🤷🏾‍♂️

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3 minutes ago, M A R T I A N said:

Using emulators and ROMs isn't illegal. Sharing them is. You can legally own a ROM if you own a physical copy of the game in question. 


If you're hosting tournaments for a game and broadcasting them, you are supporting the game in some form or fashion. "Support" doesn't always mean you are directly monetizing or immediately profiting off it. At worst it's free advertising. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Free advertising for what? A game that's no longer commercially available? Because I'm sure new players are gonna dumpster dive eBay for a use game, console and crt to go with it? Money Nintendo won't get. Knowing how Nintendo shut down emuparadise a few years ago the TOs should have known better.

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Just now, Hawkingbird said:

Free advertising for what? A game that's no longer commercially available? Because I'm sure new players are gonna dumpster dive eBay for a use game, console and crt to go with it? Money Nintendo won't get. Knowing how Nintendo shut down emuparadise a few years ago the TOs should have known better.

Oh I'm not arguing that. They definitely should've known better considering how consistently trigger happy Nintendo is with this stuff. 


It's free advertising for Nintendo and one of their games. I mean it's really as simple as that. Doesn't really matter how old the game in question is, it could spark interest in the franchise. Happens all the time with other fighting games. Shrug


It's petty to me. Ya'll are free to disagree. 🙂



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2 minutes ago, M A R T I A N said:

Oh I'm not arguing that. They definitely should've known better considering how consistently trigger happy Nintendo is with this stuff. 


It's free advertising for Nintendo and one of their games. I mean it's really as simple as that. Doesn't really matter how old the game in question is, it could spark interest in the franchise. Happens all the time with other fighting games. Shrug


It's petty to me. Ya'll are free to disagree. 🙂



LMAO, the way you see things is so childish.


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1 minute ago, Sonichuman said:

Supposedly from what I've read on the situation, Nintendo even asked the TO's to not play Melee with the emulation and all that jazz and they refused.  Sooooo...yeah.  If I was Nintendo I'd pull the plug too.  It's my IP.  If I ask you to not do something nicely and you're going to ignore then I'm gonna back out.

If that's the case that kind of changes things. You gotta be a special kind of hard headed to go and do that. 🤣

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1 minute ago, Hecatom said:

LMAO, the way you see things is so childish.


And the way you talk to people is fucking insufferable dude. Have you ever considered actually having a back and forth conversation instead of feeling the need to educate people with lines and lines of exposition, probably on something they already know? 


If you had just come in and added that one detail like Sonichuman did I probably would've agreed with you a lot earlier on. But instead you resort to being a child and trying to invalidate other people's feelings on a subject with more and more exposition. 


I didn't know they straight up refused to cooperate with Nintendo, nor did I know they even received a warning. I was ignorant of all the information. You, on the other hand, are ACTUALLY childish in the way you interact with people. Like, routinely. 🤣🤣🤣

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1 minute ago, M A R T I A N said:

And the way you talk to people is fucking insufferable dude. Have you ever considered actually having a back and forth conversation instead of feeling the need to educate people with lines and lines of exposition, probably on something they already know? 


If you had just come in and added that one detail like Sonichuman did I probably would've agreed with you a lot earlier on. But instead you resort to being a child and trying to invalidate other people's feelings on a subject with more and more exposition. 


I didn't know they straight up refused to cooperate with Nintendo, nor did I know they even received a warning. I was ignorant of all the information. You, on the other hand, are ACTUALLY childish in the way you interact with people. Like, routinely. 🤣🤣🤣

LMAO, you are the dumbfuck that gets pissy because Nintendo is enforcing their right on a bunch of morons that wanted to run a officlialy sponsored tournament on an emulator.

Yet i am the child.





How do you evne function irl? , serious question.


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Getting pissy? I just said it was silly and petty. Pretty tame response honestly. 🤣


You on the other hand jumped back into your usual routine of talking down to people and trying to educate folks about shit they probably already know, failing to actually disclose the information pertinent to the conversation, like Sonic did. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Shit is beyond clown shoes and I'm not gonna keep shitting up the thread with it. Feel free to do so yourself. 

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3 minutes ago, M A R T I A N said:

Getting pissy? I just said it was silly and petty. Pretty tame response honestly. 🤣


You on the other hand jumped back into your usual routine of talking down to people and trying to educate folks about shit they probably already know, failing to actually disclose the information pertinent to the conversation, like Sonic did. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Shit is beyond clown shoes and I'm not gonna keep shitting up the thread with it. Feel free to do so yourself. 

Typical martian.

Gets mad when people call him out on posting dumb shit, and pretends to have the high ground when leaving the conversation.

Is not my fault that you always take everything as a personal attack because someone doesnt share your opinion, or in this case, your feelings.


Man, you are fucking hilarious.


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1 minute ago, Hecatom said:

Typical martian.

Gets mad when people call him out on posting dumb shit, and pretends to have the high ground when leaving the conversation.

Is not my fault that you always take everything as a personal attack because someone doesnt share your opinion, or in this case, your feelings.


Man, you are fucking hilarious.


The irony here is palpable 🤣🤣🤣

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6 minutes ago, M A R T I A N said:

The irony here is palpable 🤣🤣🤣

Werent you going to stop "shitting" the thread?

Or is your chronic need to have the last word force you to keep posting on a subject you say you were done?


Do i need to make a safe space for your bubu feelings?

Edited by Hecatom
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1 minute ago, Hecatom said:

Werent you going to stop "shitting" the thread?

Or is your chronic need to have the last word force you to keep posting on a subject you say you were done?


Do i need to make a safe space for you are your bubu feelings?

I changed my mind, let's shit up the thread plenty, because all it does is expose your almost compulsive need to be right or to have others opinions directly line up with yours. 


I admitted I was wrong and didn't have all the information. Turns out some people are actually capable of that dude. It's a valuable skill set to have, you should consider developing it. I don't think Nintendo is really being petty when they gave plenty of fair warning to the people in question and they still flat out ignored it. 


I don't even know what you're arguing anymore. Sounds like you're just mad that I didn't completley concede my point when you gave me those first few meaningless info dumps. 


Like, imagine being so insecure that you NEED someone to agree with your feelings on a subject. Heca the type of dude to monologue some lame bullshit you already know and then cry when it doesn't change your opinion to directly line up with his. Imagine being this razzled over someone on the internet calling Nintendo "petty". 


Like, wow dude. You asked me how I even function in real life when you're the one who can't stop thinking about some hot take off a random dude on a gaming forum. A take you could have easily convinced me otherwise of had you actually responded with info that was pertinent to my point, and not just you trying to be a legal eagle. 


But, again, this isn't something you only do to me. It's routine for you, so yeah, I imagine you lack the introspection to even know you do it. 🤷🏾‍♂️

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2 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Anyone else get horny when playing DOOM (2016)?

Yeah man, even after playing the shit out of Eternal there's just something about 2016 that Eternal doesn't have. I think the whole atmosphere is a lot more interesting than the more "self aware" sillyness you get in Eternal, but... Man once you get ahold of that flaming grapple hook super shotgun, it's hard to go back. 


The soundtrack in 2016 rips a little harder too imo. 

Edited by M A R T I A N
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3 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

Nintendo did what Nintendo does with their IP and smashers reacted exactly as smasher did...not really news...

This is worse, since they knew very well that nintendo didnt want them to use the emulator for the meele event, but decided to keep going after nintendo asked them to not do it.

Now they didnt only had to their Meele event affected, but also the Ultimate tournament as well.


They also very likely lost the official sponsorship they had with nintendo.

And by going public with it on twitter and framing it in a way to make nintendo seem as the bad guys, they probably salted the earth for their relationship with them and in the worst case scenario, for many other tos

And all because they thought they could get away with doing what they wanted when asked to not do so.

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6 minutes ago, M A R T I A N said:

Dumb shit

Nigga, if my posts bother you so much add me to the ignore list.

Is that simple.

You are the only one that gets pissy because i dont agree with you all the time.


You are the one that decided to take my reply as something as a personal attack, and then start posting dumb shit.


You are the one that cant take a back and forth in any discussion, since the moment someone disagrees with you you start drama.



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10 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


You are the only one that gets pissy because i dont agree with you all the time.



Nah, I actually specifically said ya'll are free to feel differently. Then you hit "LOL" on that post and continued your tirade because you can't stand that someone called your Nintenlord petty. 


Even after admitting I was wrong, here you are, still arguing because again you have a compulsive need to be right and/or gain compliance out of people. 


It's pretty transparent dude. 🙂


10 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


You are the one that decided to take my reply as something as a personal attack, and then start posting dumb shit.



Well now you're just making shit up. 🤣 Again, I literally said you can feel however you want on it and that's fine. That wasn't good enough for you, so here we are still arguing over shit that didn't even happen. 


10 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Nigga, if my posts bother you so much add me to the ignore list.

Is that simple.




Literally what? YOU are the one that started this whole tangent dude, wtf? And now that you couldn't have your way during a social interaction you suggest "just go ahead and block me"?


Holy fuck, I will absolutely take you up on that offer if it means not having to subject my brain to this complete headassery anymore. 


Dude started the argument then asked me to block him. Literally doesn't even know what he wants. 



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