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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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4 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I think I'm near the end of RE Village. Game has been a hell of an experience so far and I'm normally very lukewarm on fps games and RE in general (always been more of a Silent Hill guy), but this has won me over. Don't know that I'll play all of them but I'm really looking forward to running through RE7 in VR after I finish this one.

Lots of good stuff to be had in the RE games.  I recommend playing 4 and the 2 remake while you're at it. 4 is my favorite, 2 remake is the scariest (haven't tried 7 in VR) among what I've played.

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@Chadouken i played the demo and I don't know that I even made it through the whole thing, but those are the type of horror games I want. Though I think I had to take a Dramamine before I played it. Getting old is the shits. 😔


12 minutes ago, Camacho said:

Lots of good stuff to be had in the RE games.  I recommend playing 4 and the 2 remake while you're at it. 4 is my favorite, 2 remake is the scariest (haven't tried 7 in VR) among what I've played.

I've never been super into the zombies thing other than house of the dead, but Village, while it has elements of that, isn't what I would classify as a zombie game I guess. I had RE1 on DS and tried to get into RE2 on psx but they never grabbed me. Maybe I'll try 4 after I play 7.

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3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

@Chadouken i played the demo and I don't know that I even made it through the whole thing, but those are the type of horror games I want. Though I think I had to take a Dramamine before I played it. Getting old is the shits. 😔


I've never been super into the zombies thing other than house of the dead, but Village, while it has elements of that, isn't what I would classify as a zombie game I guess. I had RE1 on DS and tried to get into RE2 on psx but they never grabbed me. Maybe I'll try 4 after I play 7.

I've never been able to enjoy the fixed cam RE's either. The RE2 remake is massively different to play, I wouldn't write it off based on your experience with the original. 

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20 hours ago, Chadouken said:

Don't know if I've fought one yet. I just made it to the Volcano Keep earlier tonight. I had taken a break for a few weeks when new Destiny shit dropped, but now I'm back in it with ER. Fucking game is so sick.


Is Radahn the big dude on the beach in Caelid? I beat that fucker.

They are the centipede monsters with human limbs for legs. 

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11 hours ago, -PVL93- said:

The more footage of Gotham Knights I see the more I'm beginning to think that Batgirl's ass is the only good thing about the fucking game




like you gotta admit that's some fine work on the artists' part

Dev 1: "We need to optimize the code to get the game to 60fps." 

Dev 2: "But, we aren't finished modelling Batgirls ass."

Dev 1: "Dammit man, we had to cancel the last gen versions because you couldn't stop working on her ass..."

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This is kind of why I think some form of residuals should be attached to VAing. It's really stupid and fucked up they can use your archived voice and not pay you for it. Yea I didn't make new content, but you made new content and you stuck my voice on it to help make said money, I should see something for that. 


It's a new product if they use her voice (or anyone's voice for that matter) they should be paid for it, new content or archived voice work is pretty irrelevant to me in the long run 

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

I just killed two fucks that Tanith bitch told me to kill. Well, she told Patches to kill one of them but he got me to do it because he's a pussy. I didn't fuck anything up by killing them did I? I know these From games have stuff in them you can miss by killing certain fucks.

If you didn't kill them you would have missed shit. You should do all of Taniths quest line so as not to miss stuff. 


I'm playing currently myself. 

Edited by RSG3
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3 hours ago, Lantis said:

The issue here is to see him not repeating himself or going over the same points over and over again where it becomes too dull.

I've watched a rew long retrospectives/reviews from Luke Stephens and I noticed he sometimes repeats himself, meanwhile Noah Cardwell just pours out his thoughts in a long ass script and his videos are known to be 3+ hours when covering certain subjects (such as entire series retrospectives). Guess it's just a trap some people fall into when writing

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1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

how bout a 6 hour review for a obscure jap only game?

tim rogers also did a 10 hour review of cyberpunk 2077.

so this is nothing new for me. welcome to the edge of madness.

I understand being a content creator takes dedication to be unique.... but holy shit wouldn't having a real job be easier than making a college semester of lectures around video games?


Also I was skimming through this video and thought this segment was funny:


Edited by Jurassic
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on PSN there's a sale on Diablo 3 Eternal Collection right now; it's just 20 bucks and change (as a 10 year old game that should be the normal price at this point).  As crazy as it sounds... yes I'm tempted even though I already play this game on XB1 and Switch regularly.  


Man, and I thought that 5+hour retrospective about the Nickelodeon show "Victorious" they keep recommending to me was ridiculous... 14 hours nah bruh...and I say this as someone who frequently watches those long-form panel/podcast shows; usually I end up falling asleep to them... and even they tend to close the show around 4 or 5 hours at the most, usually (reminds me of the old days of the Howard Stern show; it was usually about 3.5 to 4 hours if I recall).  14 hours?

its a no from me dawg GIF



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3 hours ago, Chadouken said:

Why the fuck would I watch a dude talk about a video game for 14 hours instead of just playing video games? There are a lot of games I could beat in 14 hours 😂

A lot of retrospectives and content that I put up and that other people put up I put in my watch later file folder on youtube to listen to while I'm driving or while I'm at work.  There's also times when I'm somewhere without my switch like at one of my wife's relative's house and having some of these keeps me from being completely bored.  I can't speak for others but often times a good retrospective can be a nice to listen to like a podcast.  Listening or watching a 1-2 hour retrospective or a video essay on a game or aspect of the industry is pretty feasible in my eyes depending upon how the person is approaching it.  When it starts getting into 3-4+ hours it's usually something talking about an entire series and not just one game.   I can't imagine someone talking about one game for 14 hours and it all being consistently interesting but if that guy somehow manages to do it then good on him.

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42 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

A lot of retrospectives and content that I put up and that other people put up I put in my watch later file folder on youtube to listen to while I'm driving or while I'm at work.  There's also times when I'm somewhere without my switch like at one of my wife's relative's house and having some of these keeps me from being completely bored.  I can't speak for others but often times a good retrospective can be a nice to listen to like a podcast.  Listening or watching a 1-2 hour retrospective or a video essay on a game or aspect of the industry is pretty feasible in my eyes depending upon how the person is approaching it.  When it starts getting into 3-4+ hours it's usually something talking about an entire series and not just one game.   I can't imagine someone talking about one game for 14 hours and it all being consistently interesting but if that guy somehow manages to do it then good on him.

That makes a lot more sense to me, something I hadn't considered. I imagined sitting in front of a computer screen for 14 hours watching a video about a video game instead of playing it, lol. But the utility of having it on as more of an audio book while driving actually sounds reasonable.

Edited by Chadouken
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I thought this was pretty neat -

Translated - "I never showed you my homemade pincab  it only works with the Nintendo Switch, the current game is not to be taken into account I could not film and play at the same time.
Everything was done by myself except for the pinball feet"


I started playing Scorn.  Its pretty cool.  I have no idea what is going on but I seem to be makin' progress.



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20 hours ago, Chadouken said:

I just killed two fucks that Tanith bitch told me to kill. Well, she told Patches to kill one of them but he got me to do it because he's a pussy. I didn't fuck anything up by killing them did I? I know these From games have stuff in them you can miss by killing certain fucks.

You won't miss anything by killing them. However, do not kill Rykard while the manor quest lines are active. Everyone will leave if you kill the boss man leaving them incomplete

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