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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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VGM Friday post!


Since it's Black History Month I tried looking around out of curiosity for noteworthy black VG composers and came up disappointed  (if there's more noteworthy people out there that you know of then please let me know) .  The most noteworthy is Wilbert Roget II.  I haven't played many of the games that he's been involved in (CoD: WWII, Lara Croft and the Temple of Osirus, various Star Wars titles including Force Unleashed II) but there There is one track of his on a game that's a pretty standout theme that I have played.

^Behind the scenes performance


He also has a VG music record label called Materia Collective in much the same way DJ Cutman has his with label Gamechops.  Hoping that in the future more of our people will step up and make awesome memorable music.



And with that my normal contribution


Edited by Sonichuman
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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

Today is the day! Can't wait to start my next adventure with Aloy tonight.

Make sure she carries a lot of water to deal with the thirst. Saw some comparison footage of Horizon 2, dude literally was checking out Aloy in front of his girl as she strolled into a city. 


Guerrilla: "We purposely made Aloy less attractive."

Guerrilla: "We thought it would be cool for all the NPCs to thirst over Aloy."



Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Started Tales of Arise today, definitely NOT gonna play it for awhile until I beat some of my other games. I can see myself getting sucked into it with the fun battle system and quirky character interactions, I honestly didn't want to turn it off 


I still gotta finish Scarlett Nexus, Ghosts of Tsushima, Guardians of the Galaxy and start the 1st Horizon 😭

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vgm friday




So I was a sucker and I tried out Lost Ark a bit.  It sucks...imo.  I mean, I just don't care for those kinda games cause they all feel the same to me.  The diablo type games.  And they're not hard...they're just time consuming.  Whatever...I gave it a shot.  Its free, y'all should try it.  Might like it.

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I'm probably going to hold off on getting Forbidden West of a bit. I just got KOFXV and my back log is already ridiculous. Witch Queen is around corner, Triangle Strategy is dropping soon.....WTF man. So much money, so many games, so little time to play them 😔


I don't know how I'm going to juggle Witch Queen and Forbidden West next week. I can't play games during the day anymore, and i can only stay up so late at night with the kiddo waking up early.  Too many games, too little time!

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Dead Cells--- the adventures continue!


The "vampirism" passive was kinda worthless before, but the current version of it is surprisingly good... I hadn't tried it since whenever they changed how that works.  This paired with the "recovery" passive might be really good, I imagine...perhaps that will be the next run.  

I've been doing more 4-cell runs lately but it's occasionally a rough road... sometimes it's easy but other times I've been killed before even making it to the first boss....haha on the last run, I died because a ground slam accidentally destroyed a door which gave me a curse...right as a large pack of enemies was in the next area I ran to...the bats, "failed experiment" dudes, the big guys that shoot missiles, the running creatures with the long sharp hands, etc.  On the Switch version I'm up to 500 hours at this point.  Lately, I'm usually going in with Brutality or Tactics builds.... Tactics is the most comfortable to play, imo....but it's the classic problem of being a glass cannon....basically you'll need the heart and/or "disengagement" passives...but even that's a tough choice because I prefer to get passives that help bump up my damage.

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The most annoying thing about the modern consoles is that they have digital libraries that are specific to a certain machine.  It really makes owning digital a real downer because you can't transfer that digital license to a new console.  It's one of the reasons I mostly buy PC versions of games, because it's so much more convent.  The only time I buy console versions is if I am going to play couch co-op with my wife or kids.  I really like Nintendo, but they really need to step up how they handle digital licenses across the board before I will consider buying very many things from their E-shop.

Edited by J-ride
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5 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Which puzzle?

The one with a bunch of moving platforms where you have to do a really annoying series of wall runs in a U shape. I came to that conclusion immediately, but assumed it was wrong after a couple of attempts didn't give me enough height to get on the target platform. Spent the next 20 minutes re-arranging platforms thinking maybe there was some sequence of movement coupled with the first switch that would orient them in a different way. Finally just looked it up and was extra annoyed. Other examples of the Itagaki award in a game would be getting stuck somewhere because there's something you didn't realize you could interact with that you've walked by 45 times. 

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13 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

People looking at Horizon Forbidden West may want to consider getting the PS4 version. It's $10 Cheaper and the next gen upgrade is free. 

It was? I paid 69 w tax for it at the PS store, and there seemed to be no other option at the time besides that. The free upgrade is nice, but the price was locked.


Thankfully, it doesn't suck on PS4. I ran into some bugs, but could chalk that up to me pausing and putting the game into rest mode.

Edited by axeman61
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8 hours ago, J-ride said:

The most annoying thing about the modern consoles is that they have digital libraries that are specific to a certain machine.  It really makes owning digital a real downer because you can't transfer that digital license to a new console. 

PS5 allows you access to your complete PS4 digital library. I don't see why it's so hard for Nintendo to do that, especially for older games that they have you buy again. Oh wait, I think I just answered my own question.

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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I've been seeing clips of random npcs T-posing in this update.  Don't know how rampant it is but its funny nonetheless.

I played pretty heavily for two days (like 6 to 8 hours each day) and I honestly have only gotten 2 or 3 glitches, none have been T-Posing, but I did call my car and it just spawned on top of another car and the game didn't seem like that we where telefraging another car cuz it shot my car to the fucking moon. 


I chuckled to myself for like 10 minutes straight. That shit was funny. 

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man...after checking out yet another general lore video for Vampire the Masquerade... it just hit me that sadly, even if Bloodlines 2 eventually gets out of development hell and becomes a reality... it's unlikely any 1 game would cover all the material from that world.  There's so much going on there in the way of factions and clans, other supernatural beings that could possibly show up as a problem, the complexity of the Tremere clan (that's a big ongoing plotline just by itself, with something huge that happened to them in recent years), all the fine details like whether or not you allow the player to have ghouls and blood-bonded servants, or turn others, whether or not you still are in contact with people you knew before the "embrace", the consequences of breaking certain rules, making sure the character interactions are in line with what the lore says on how certain groups perceive others, etc. etc.  There's a LOT to tackle for any company trying to make a video game with this.


On another note---Wonderlands stuff, folks:


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13 hours ago, J-ride said:

The most annoying thing about the modern consoles is that they have digital libraries that are specific to a certain machine.  It really makes owning digital a real downer because you can't transfer that digital license to a new console.  It's one of the reasons I mostly buy PC versions of games, because it's so much more convent.  The only time I buy console versions is if I am going to play couch co-op with my wife or kids.  I really like Nintendo, but they really need to step up how they handle digital licenses across the board before I will consider buying very many things from their E-shop.

Isnt that only a Nintendo thing? You can totally switch your main PS console to a different one, I've done it 4 times since PS3

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