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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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The last time I remember them pulling this is with the Crossbell Saga. They hired the guys that did the fan translation to handle the official localization. Once they were hired they had to pull down their fan translation. It's how I got the Crossbell games. I still need to get off my ass and finish the second one. Hell I still need to finish Cold Steel 2, 3, and 4.


Edit: They even managed to connect with a Chinese retailer selling official keys to the second game in the saga, so for $8 I have an legal copy of the game that's fan patched. 👍🏾

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Really makes me wonder the reason though.  Why pay for it when someone is willing to do it free?


I know they just released a game...trail of heroes something or other.  I asked someone in discord if they would play the game if it didnt have english translation.  Then I went and looked and the game had a fan release of an english patch.  Not complete but mostly complete. 

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3 hours ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

Really makes me wonder the reason though.  Why pay for it when someone is willing to do it free?


I know they just released a game...trail of heroes something or other.  I asked someone in discord if they would play the game if it didnt have english translation.  Then I went and looked and the game had a fan release of an english patch.  Not complete but mostly complete. 


The fact is NISA is a business on its own different from most of the companies and including the parent company they localize for. If some folks make a fan patch regardless of it's quality and people buy or steal the overseas release when NISA does drop that takes off of their sales. It is one thing if it is a game no plans on ever coming back for but in today's market they have to defend their own ability to make profit on releases they have the rights to do. Like I told my nephew the other day, fans doing projects are great but a company can't make money off a fan project directly so if the project in some way can hurt the IP, sales or anything that a publisher deems as key then that project is going to die and the company is within their rights for doing it even if it sucks for fans.

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the main story translations for trails of reverie and kuro are complete anyway what drew attention is people inserting the overlay translations into the steam version of the  games. but damage has been done now if you want to play an English translation now you can or be patient and wait till 2024. people will keep doing it anyway now they will just wait until the whole thing is done then shadow drop them.

Edited by nickmanx5
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Watched the Sonic 2 movie last night with my son and gotta say I was pleasantly surprised by it.  I felt the say way about the first one and this one may have been better than the first one.  After the huge debacle of how Sonic looked initially for the movies, the series so far is probably one of the best video game to movie conversions out there.

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I still need to play Katana Zero.  I tried it out a bit but that's all.  Its a fun game from what I've played.  I'd probably buy DLC for it if its only 5 bucks or less.  Makes me think that I also need to play that one with the guy and his Banana friend. 


I played Gunfire Reborn a bit yesterday.  DLC was released for it last week or this week I got it and tried it out.  Game is fun.  I've had it a long time.  Any of you guys ever play it?








Here is more Synthetik.  I wish part 2 would get co-op.


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I cannot believe I did not know about the 10 lives cheat code in TMNT II: The Arcade Game. It still amazes me how good of an NES port this is. The exclusive levels, bosses,new music tracks. Jump kicks feel more precise in this version.


I still feel that the SNES version of Turtles in Time is the better of the two but the arcade version is still solid. I love the faster animation and I'm sure the game is a blast with 3 buds but the SNES version has a more popping soundtrack and the more apparent hit detection is really satisfying for me.

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Code Vein was ultimately a disappointment for me... I keep wishing it played more fast-paced like Scarlet Nexus, or better yet... a stylish-action thing like DMC or Bayonetta.  The co-op mode is also the worst I've experienced since Fable 2 (F2's co-op being the worst of all time, imo)  


However, the customization in that game is incredible; the options are there to make some awesome-looking "anime vampire" characters in whatever way you want.


Dead Cells on Steam Deck---- I beat Normal so I've been playing Hard/1-Cell difficulty lately, unlocking more stuff, and I have all the runes now.  When you get all those runes, that's where this game really picks up, imo.  Until then, you're a bit limited in where you can go.   

I love the tension of the gamble involved with taking the cursed chests... it's rare that I pass up a cursed chest because I always want more naturally most of my deaths are by the curse.

Usually I'm focusing either Tactics or Brutality... it's rare that I'll focus on the Survival points build.  


Well, that latest run was just ended by an Elite Golem.  One of those shows up.... if you don't have an "anti-Golem" kinda build at the moment, you're dead.  Just the regular version is still one of the top most dangerous enemies in the game.

Edited by MillionX
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Dead Cells... the adventures continue...


I forgot this happenings when getting the Hunter's Grenade that first time...if you break the door to get it.  It gave me a 50-kill curse! 😆  ...and I went to the sewers after that first area, so this should be "interesting" to see if I can survive this one.  This is a "tactics" run so I do have a ranged option, so there is *some* hope at least...


wooo the damage I have going on with this Tactics build at the moment... synergy all over the place, with a legendary blood sword that does bonus damage if an enemy is burning... and my other weapon is a firebrand.. and I have a Barnacle  that also does bonus damage to things that are burning, and a crossbomatic that does bonus damage to bleeding things, an effect the blood sword has going on.  It's delicious, what's going on here.  

Edit--yep that combo was ridiculous... Concierge just got beat before he got a chance to do much; no damage taken.

Another one in the books... Hard difficulty---ended up with 22 points on Tactics when I met the Hand of the King...he got smoked easy with all that damage.  It got even more crazy since on the last room before Throne Room, I chose that point to unlock Pyrotechnics, so it was a high level version doing 7k damage on critical, and still in line with the previous synergy I had going on... it caused burning but also did bonus to bleeding enemies... my blood sword and crossbomatic caused bleeding status, and the barnacle had bonus to burning...all 4 items granting each other bonus damage, in addition to bonuses from my passives.  The boss never stood a chance against this.

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Geometry Wars was on sale for just 2 bucks on Steam so I got into that's been several years since I played this on the old xbox 360... part 3 is also on sale.  This has brought back some good memories... back then I had mp3/cd playlists specifically for Geometry War action with the "custom soundtrack" feature which is sadly lacking in every major system that came out after it.  It's sad that feature will never be implemented again....but it helped boost the replay value of that game that much more for me.


It's been years since I checked the high score; I forgot what my high score was on the 360 version, but no one else on my friend list that had the game could surpass it.  Anyway... this is another classic that thanks to the Steam Deck is now portable.  I was playing a few rounds of Geo Wars early this morning while still laying in bed...then again later in another room on the couch.  Portable gaming is the superior shit, folks.

Edited by MillionX
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3 hours ago, MillionX said:

Geometry Wars was on sale for just 2 bucks on Steam so I got into that's been several years since I played this on the old xbox 360... part 3 is also on sale.  This has brought back some good memories... back then I had mp3/cd playlists specifically for Geometry War action with the "custom soundtrack" feature which is sadly lacking in every major system that came out after it.  It's sad that feature will never be implemented again....but it helped boost the replay value of that game that much more for me.


It's been years since I checked the high score; I forgot what my high score was on the 360 version, but no one else on my friend list that had the game could surpass it.  Anyway... this is another classic that thanks to the Steam Deck is now portable.  I was playing a few rounds of Geo Wars early this morning while still laying in bed...then again later in another room on the couch.  Portable gaming is the superior shit, folks.

Loved all 3 Geometry Wars games.  I was always at the top of my friend list as well for high scores.  I haven't played that game in years either I wonder how I'd hold up now a days.

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I made to Yakuza 7 chapter 12



I got excited when I saw Majima and Saejima. Then it turned to terror knowing they were a boss fight. Only fuck are these assholes hard. This so far as been the only point in the game I felt I had to grind. I grew eight levels and several ranks at a couple of jobs to make sure I stood a chance. It was also the first time I made use of summons. I'm glad canonically my party didn't win as I would have been pissed if Ichi and his band of misfits got a win over these guys


Kiryu from outta nowhere. Isn't this guy suppose have faked his death and laying low? Why is still involving himself in this shit? Stop doing this to yourself man 😥


Edit: kiryu is a fucking boss battle!? Time to pack it up


Edited by Hawkingbird
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