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Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.

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Last weekend another TO told me that I was namedropped in someone's twitlonger. It's the same dimwit who started a hate thread about me when I joined Freshcut and then flipped their shit calling me names when I called her out on being a nuisance. This time the conspiracy theory around me is that the person she's mad at (who I'm not on speaking terms with following that same Freshcut situation) is in cahoots with me because I didn't get kicked from the TMNTxJL discord. For those keeping score, I was one of the main writers and promoters of that game as well as one of its best players last year, I stuck around mostly to make sure that the Matcherino League finished and that all the work and money I put into the project was properly credited when it was time for it to go public.


As @Volttold me earlier, I'm greatly looking forward to SF6 because if your game isn't a regular presence on the main stage, you may be subject to having your name played around with like this. 


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3 hours ago, Sonero said:


SRK was the Uber toxic FGC space though.



Imagine being this down in your feelings about what a bunch of perpetually online nerds who probably barely play the game they're shitting on your about think about your playing.


This was a missed.mpney match opportunity. Dude should have been like, "you want to talk shit, put your money where your mouth is and let's see how bad a motherfucker you actually are."  And the people in question would have either taken him up on it or looked like bitches, and either way, everyone would have been entertained.

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41 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Imagine being this down in your feelings about what a bunch of perpetually online nerds who probably barely play the game they're shitting on your about think about your playing.


This was a missed.mpney match opportunity. Dude should have been like, "you want to talk shit, put your money where your mouth is and let's see how bad a motherfucker you actually are."  And the people in question would have either taken him up on it or looked like bitches, and either way, everyone would have been entertained.

He obviously just wanted some sympathy why announce you’re being bullied out. Could have just left without saying left without saying anything.


 Ain’t a mf’er alive that could get me to stop playing a game because they want to talk shit.  I actually enjoy Twitter but goddamn fgc Twitter is either crybabies or somebody trying to get attention.

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2 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

He obviously just wanted some sympathy why announce you’re being bullied out. Could have just left without saying left without saying anything.


 Ain’t a mf’er alive that could get me to stop playing a game because they want to talk shit.  I actually enjoy Twitter but goddamn fgc Twitter is either crybabies or somebody trying to get attention.

People these days are just soft.  Like I had a Ryu player message me last night telling me I was blacklisted all because I taunted him.  Like he had to message me to let me know I was doing something awful.  

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Think SRK got the blame for cultural issues overall rather than SRK created ones. After looking at twitter, there's so many people that would've been dunked on by well written posts and legitimately laughed out of the place for good reasons.


I'm not gonna accept any more maligning of the place because all the things that substituted it have been way worse.

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2 hours ago, Illwill88 said:

He obviously just wanted some sympathy why announce you’re being bullied out. Could have just left without saying left without saying anything.


 Ain’t a mf’er alive that could get me to stop playing a game because they want to talk shit.  I actually enjoy Twitter but goddamn fgc Twitter is either crybabies or somebody trying to get attention.

Yeah that's another thing. If you stop doing something because cunty people also do that thing, you were basically looking for an excuse to stop doing it. FGC Twitter is cancer and if it weren't for going to irl events, I'd have been off the fgc a long time before I actually got out.


1 hour ago, Sonero said:

Think SRK got the blame for cultural issues overall rather than SRK created ones. After looking at twitter, there's so many people that would've been dunked on by well written posts and legitimately laughed out of the place for good reasons.


I'm not gonna accept any more maligning of the place because all the things that substituted it have been way worse.

You're talking about younger millennials and Gen Z people looking at SRK through year 202X eyes. Of course they're going to think a place where everyone was calling each other slurs, shitting on each other left and right, and dunking on people for some of the things people got dunked on there for was a hive of degeneracy. These people have been programmed to believe that there's a zero tolerance policy for all those things and that there is no context where any of it is ok. Srk being cool or problematic probably runs along generational lines.

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12 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Yeah that's another thing. If you stop doing something because cunty people also do that thing, you were basically looking for an excuse to stop doing it. FGC Twitter is cancer and if it weren't for going to irl events, I'd have been off the fgc a long time before I actually got out.


You're talking about younger millennials and Gen Z people looking at SRK through year 202X eyes. Of course they're going to think a place where everyone was calling each other slurs, shitting on each other left and right, and dunking on people for some of the things people got dunked on there for was a hive of degeneracy. These people have been programmed to believe that there's a zero tolerance policy for all those things and that there is no context where any of it is ok. Srk being cool or problematic probably runs along generational lines.

Anything that isn't attacking people for shit that they can't help about themselves should be fair game. Like with the post I made earlier, if you tell some of these people that they need to chill out or hold them accountable for starting something with you, they'll flip their shit and call you names and act like you attacked them out of pocket. And of course, it results in NO games. With some of the more recent beefs, I suspect it's a situation where they are either afraid I would wipe the floor with them in whatever it is I put my training into and then make a scene of it, or they don't play video games for the same reason I do. I'm not here to form a clique. I'm here to express my love of the game and use that love to prop it up for the world to see. 

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4 hours ago, Sonero said:

I am a man of peace now

Then come back to the Discord.



3 hours ago, Vhozite said:

I’m surprised anyone still actually taunts these days all I ever see is teabagging. 

I blame the current taunt input.


2 hours ago, Psychoblue said:

Like with the post I made earlier, if you tell some of these people that they need to chill out or hold them accountable for starting something with you, they'll flip their shit and call you names and act like you attacked them out of pocket. And of course, it results in NO games.

Yeah, in all seriousness, it's just people flipping their shit 24/7. There's no discourse in general, it's either people agreeing with their takes or they're straight-up enemies.


At no point, you'll ever see this kind of people talking about improving, learning from their mistakes, or accountability. That's the bigger issue here. I'm not sure these people even want matches. They don't even have the gall to admit they're casuals like me.

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3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

You're talking about younger millennials and Gen Z people looking at SRK through year 202X eyes. Of course they're going to think a place where everyone was calling each other slurs, shitting on each other left and right, and dunking on people for some of the things people got dunked on there for was a hive of degeneracy. These people have been programmed to believe that there's a zero tolerance policy for all those things and that there is no context where any of it is ok. Srk being cool or problematic probably runs along generational lines.


It has nothing to do with any of that. People attributed all those things as an SRK specific situation. But when you look at twitter/discord, you get more dumb shit and more attacks.


So it wasn't an SRK problem after all, it was just a general FGC issue.

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9 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

This was a missed.mpney match opportunity. Dude should have been like, "you want to talk shit, put your money where your mouth is and let's see how bad a motherfucker you actually are." 

Mate nobody does money matches anymore. 


People are bitchmade as fuck now and the esport circuits ban holding any at related tournaments cuz it's considered thuggery or something 

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I think it’s a gamer thing. Gamers can be completely fucked in the head because they often times lack a degree of socialization that makes them adept at these nuances. There are other types of mostly online dwellers but it’s immediately noticeable in gaming communities that require a large investment of time (mmos, mobas, etc)

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9 hours ago, Sonero said:


It has nothing to do with any of that. People attributed all those things as an SRK specific situation. But when you look at twitter/discord, you get more dumb shit and more attacks.


So it wasn't an SRK problem after all, it was just a general FGC issue.

Okay but WHO is it that is saying those things were a problem? I don't ever remember anyone saying SRK was "lol problematic" until the younger folks took over the scene.


But in a way they're not wrong because the discourse at SRK was a lot more aggressive than anything that exists today, but it was done (at least most of the time that I remember) in more a spirit of family and camaraderie, which is a context I think a lot of the people saying those things are missing. There's nothing like SRK today because anybody who talks or acts like folks did on old SRK usually get banned from fgc spaces even if the context is jokes.


But whether or not all that is a problem is an entirely different discussion.

7 hours ago, -PVL93- said:

Mate nobody does money matches anymore. 


People are bitchmade as fuck now and the esport circuits ban holding any at related tournaments cuz it's considered thuggery or something 

I'm aware. But I think the reason eSports circuits ban them is because money matches are way more interesting than the tournaments they run and they know this. There's a lot more on the line in a money match than in some corporate run tourney and they don't want the thing everybody remembers from EatSports MegaBattle 2023 to be the money matches that got streamed from hotel rooms after the day was done.

Edited by DoctaMario
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Main opinion I remember hearing about SRK was that it was elitist lol. 

To me the biggest thing about SRK that people would not miss words when telling you were bad or wrong about something. Nothing was sugarcoated and i could definitely see how the place would come across as mean to a fresh face. I lurked a long time before joining because I didn’t want to get aired out lol. 

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2 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Main opinion I remember hearing about SRK was that it was elitist lol. 

To me the biggest thing about SRK that people would not miss words when telling you were bad or wrong about something. Nothing was sugarcoated and i could definitely see how the place would come across as mean to a fresh face. I lurked a long time before joining because I didn’t want to get aired out lol. 

Eh, it was but that meant folks didn't tolerate bullshitty people acting like know it all's when they didn't know what they were talking about. I don't honestly remember it being super cliquey other than the Prem folks

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1 hour ago, Daemos said:

Okay but SRK was the best. For a long time, we were on top. It was earned to some extent. Like if I was them at the time I'd hate us too. :bison:

Yeah it was a different time. If I recall correctly I joined sometime in 2014. Twitter wasn’t as ubiquitous for FG stuff, Discord either wasn’t around or was still in it’s infancy and wasn’t a great resource for anything, and I didn’t even know about Reddit. There were wikis and YT guides, but for actually interacting with other serious players SRK was a godsend.

Edited by Vhozite
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6 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

Yeah it was a different time. If I recall correctly I joined sometime in 2014. Twitter wasn’t as ubiquitous for FG stuff, Discord either wasn’t around or was still in it’s infancy and wasn’t a great resource for anything, and I didn’t even know about Reddit. There were wikis and YT guides, but for actually interacting with other serious players SRK was a godsend.

It was even MORE valuable between 2000 and 2010. Especially in the dark ages before the announcement of SF4. Other platforms didn't take off yet. SRK was an oasis in the wild west that was the internet back then.

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3 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Main opinion I remember hearing about SRK was that it was elitist lol. 

To me the biggest thing about SRK that people would not miss words when telling you were bad or wrong about something. Nothing was sugarcoated and i could definitely see how the place would come across as mean to a fresh face. I lurked a long time before joining because I didn’t want to get aired out lol. 

I lurked for a bit too but SFV was dropping right around that time so I felt ready to jump in the fray. I'm glad I did.

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All this talk about SRK made me look up old archives main pages to see if i can access some of the very first articles etc. It seems that i can.


Check out these snapshots of old main pages and one of the forum.










Activity through the years on the forums  ( snapshots of the site not player engagement on the forum ) 




Now here we are  ~ 1 month away from Street Fighter 6 launching. 




PS : regardless of what happened i had a great time on the SRK forums when i joined, and  i truly did meet some great people and i mean it when i say that i never experienced any toxic treatment or elitists pricks. It was smooth sailing especially with bros like @AriesWarlockand @Fatal Error XI  over at the Juri forums giving me tips and tricks when i had no clue how to throw a fireball.

Edited by Skort
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SRK is probably the only website I was ever nervous to post on but this was like 06-07. But it was informative and cool af. Like I could actually find people to play around me in nc .


I don’t think the community killed the forum, I think it was environment around it changing. Everybody just decided to stop using forums and go over to social media. Automotive forums with obscure tech and information on cars suffered the same fate. 

I still wish forums would come back tagging and searching stuff on social media and discord just feels time consuming (I know it’s similar but still).

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28 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

SRK is probably the only website I was ever nervous to post on but this was like 06-07. But it was informative and cool af. Like I could actually find people to play around me in nc .


I don’t think the community killed the forum, I think it was environment around it changing. Everybody just decided to stop using forums and go over to social media. Automotive forums with obscure tech and information on cars suffered the same fate. 

I still wish forums would come back tagging and searching stuff on social media and discord just feels time consuming (I know it’s similar but still).

Forums are back in a way.

The latest iterations of Discord has essentially restored much of the forums' functionalities. But it doesn't feel the same for us older folk but objectively it is a forum and it's really good. But each server is as good as its community.

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