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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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4 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I wish that were the case. If something goes down in Europe. We are expected tp handle it. The rest of NATO sat on their ass while Slobodan Milošević committed mass genocide. If something happens in Europe. We should be support not the main force. I'm cool with supporting our allies. We should not be fighting their battles.

The EU needs its own army. The idea of a shared European army gets discussed from time to time, hopefully this crisis will finally push them into getting something done.


I think democracies should stick together to defend themselves so I'm generally in support of NATO and other alliances like that, but as European I don't really trust the American government to always be there to shield our asses. Having our own real voice and weight in military matters would be good.


8 minutes ago, PVL_93_RU said:

you're vastly understating just how much power he has. Age is literally the only thing that can end VP permanently. He's due for a reelection in 2 years, and after that will stay as president for another 12 until 2036

History tells us that dictators are only one big economic downturn and one large angry protest from an existential crisis.

Republican dictators like Putin, that rest on "technically democratic on paper" grounds, are particularly vulnerable.

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56 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Now that this shit with Russia popped off, where's Meal Team January 6th? This yall time to shine 👀

Where's the Muh Russia NPCs?  They need to be on the front lines against their enemy before anyone else.  Time to log off of twitter and roll out! 


I wonder if they can put Soy Lattes in MREs?  🤔

Edited by J-ride
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I'm not even gonna front.

the threat of Nuclear war scares the everloving SHIT out of me. What's really messed up here is where I live currently about an hour, maybe an hour and twenty minutes from Barksdale Air Force Base (where if I remember correctly, it's common knowledge they have nukes stored there). If a nuke gets dropped there, it's GGs because the nuclear fallout will spread here and probably all the way to Dallas.

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19 minutes ago, YourFavGrandpa said:

I'm not even gonna front.

the threat of Nuclear war scares the everloving SHIT out of me. What's really messed up here is where I live currently about an hour, maybe an hour and twenty minutes from Barksdale Air Force Base (where if I remember correctly, it's common knowledge they have nukes stored there). If a nuke gets dropped there, it's GGs because the nuclear fallout will spread here and probably all the way to Dallas.

Yeah I'm from Virginia and we always used to joke that if a nuclear war happened we'd never know about it. So many major US government institutions are in VA we'd get wiped off the map out of the gate.

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1 hour ago, YourFavGrandpa said:

I'm not even gonna front.

the threat of Nuclear war scares the everloving SHIT out of me. What's really messed up here is where I live currently about an hour, maybe an hour and twenty minutes from Barksdale Air Force Base (where if I remember correctly, it's common knowledge they have nukes stored there). If a nuke gets dropped there, it's GGs because the nuclear fallout will spread here and probably all the way to Dallas.

planet earth. ya had a good run.




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We need to start thinking about anti nuclear weapons if we havent already.  Like some way to intercept shit from assholes lije Putin when they try to fire that stuff across the ocean and we detonate it over the ocean to minimize as much damage as possible.  Cause its real annoying that we gotta be held in a mutual hostage situation in order to secure our survival as a species because of literal Dicktators.

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18 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

We need to start thinking about anti nuclear weapons if we havent already.  Like some way to intercept shit from assholes lije Putin when they try to fire that stuff across the ocean and we detonate it over the ocean to minimize as much damage as possible.  Cause its real annoying that we gotta be held in a mutual hostage situation in order to secure our survival as a species because of literal Dicktators.

This is been talked about since Reagan was in office. Basically IIRC, nuclear war was threatened for developing ICBM countermeasures. I'm sure it's been worked on anyway though.

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I feel like the escalating stuff going on in the world, Russia included, are the consequences to human objectivity, which is predispositioned. Things like good or bad are just concept investments where one can't exist without each other, which neither were never authentic to the moral subjectivity of which we structured to begin with. We don't have any sense of  absolute where that could bring balance to each other's lives, but that dream was always in conflict to our harsh nature. Regardless, I was always more comfortable with whatever happens in life, happens. We aren't in full control of the circumstances and differences that separates us. Unpopular opinion on my part, but self indulgence is basically the essential materialism for me, due to seeing the world at odds with each other.

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7 minutes ago, Lantis said:

I dunno man, Metal Gear Solid 1 taught me all about MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) and that is basically what is keeping everyone from pressing the button.


So that is what I'm going with unless Skynet takes over and fucks all of us

True but all it takes is one crazy motherfucker that doesn't care if he/she dies and we're all screwed.

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The issue with the nuclear threat is for our European allies. If they fire at the states, we for just enough warning that if at high enough alert most to intercept save a sneaky sub getting too close. The countries in Europe do not have that level of distance.


If they back down however they are basically giving him free reign to do whatever he wants. Truly a fucked up situation.

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4 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Now that this shit with Russia popped off, where's Meal Team January 6th? This yall time to shine 👀

There are a few people I'm acquainted with that are always throwing the "meal team six" bit around on Assbook- not coincidentally they're almost exclusively fat fucks, morbidly so in the case of the dude who uses it the most. The sort of guys whose idea of work is clicking on a keyboard all day. I wonder how many times they've actively been waiting on gargantuan portions of junk food to be delivered to them while they're in the midst of online high fiving over that joke.   

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The Chicago PD marathon is on again... I was not aware that Anne Heche was on in later seasons; season 7 episode 1 is on now...after all these years, she actually still looks good.  I'd still pounce her cute little ass....quick internet search says she is 52 now.  I still remember that story where she showed up high and butt ass naked at some random person's house... that story was hot as hell...that's like the way you expect a porn to start off.


Sheeeittt, Sgt. Voight and his team are so badass... if this show was on a little earlier... imagine the dream team-up of Sgt. Voight and his crew working with the almighty JACK BAUER and CTU from 24.  That would be some GOLD, S-rank level greatness right there.


ohoooo and now there's some insanely FINE ass Latina that just joined the team!  Ms. Rojas is looking quite tasty indeed.  She looks like such a tiny thing too... I'd eat.

Edited by MillionX
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Biden was pressed repeatedly by the press corps on why he is not taking more actions today to counter Russia. CNN’s Kaitlan Collins asked Biden why he is not sanctioning Putin today, while another reporter pushed Biden on why he is not “disconnecting Russia from SWIFT,” asking “respectfully, sir, what more are you waiting for?”

Biden dug in and declared, “the sanctions we have imposed exceed anything that has ever been done.”


Not satisfied, the reporters continued to shout questions at Putin regarding further action. Biden eventually called on The Washington Post’s Tyler Pager, who asked, “How concerned are you that Putin wants to go beyond Ukraine into other countries and the U.S. will have to get involved, if he moves into NATO countries?”

“If he did move into NATO countries, it will be involved. We will be involved. The only thing I’m convinced of, if we don’t stop now, he’ll be emboldened. If we don’t move against him now with these significant sanctions, he will be emboldened. Look, you know, every — well, anyway,” Biden responded.




“In addition to the economic penalties we’re imposing, we’re also taking steps to defend our NATO allies,” Biden said. “Our forces not, and will not, be engaged in a conflict with Russia in Ukraine. Our forces are not going to Europe to fight in Ukraine, but to defend our NATO allies and reassure those allies in the east.”

Edited by AriesWarlock
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3 hours ago, Camacho said:

Russel Brand has been on fire lately. People who don't understand the word have chucked "fascism" around like mad for the last 6 years now- you want to know what real fascism  looks like, here it is:  



Please read the Consitution and Charter. I've noticed that outsiders seem to claim they know tyranny when they see it, when actually that's far from the truth in Canada.


Please read "reasonable limits" clause. That is a tool of the Canadian government. It is codified in Canadian law.


Also, those morons held our economy hostage and caused layoffs and prevented people not interested in their protests from engaging in everyday life. My family couldn't go to work in Ottawa. My friends couldn't cross borders. People I know have been laid off for months because of the supply chain being cut off from these blockades and protests.


The reason they are considered "fascists" is because the organizers straight up said they want to dissolve the democratically elected government.


The protests were mostly peaceful, but it was very disruptive to the point it was costing some people their livelihoods.


I don't like Trudeau like anyone else, but Russell Brand is a total fucking idiot and you are too if you believe this.

Edited by elliephil
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6 minutes ago, elliephil said:

Please read the Consitution and Charter. I've noticed that outsiders seem to claim they know tyranny when they see it, when actually that's far from the truth in Canada.


Please read "reasonable limits" clause. That is a tool of the Canadian government. It is codified in Canadian law.


Also, those morons held our economy hostage and caused layoffs and prevented people not interested in their protests from engaging in everyday life. My family couldn't go to work in Ottawa. My friends couldn't cross borders. People I know have been laid off for months because of the supply chain being cut off from these blockades and protests.


The reason they are considered "fascists" is because the organizers straight up said they want to dissolve the democratically elected government.


The protests mostly peaceful, but it was very disruptive to the point it was costing some people their livelihoods.


I don't like Trudeau like anyone else, but Russell Brand is a total fucking idiot and you are too if you believe this.

Even when laying the verbal smack down, Canadians are nice 👍🏾

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2 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

IOC strongly condemns the breach of the Olympic Truce

😆 Yeah, a slap on the wrist would teach them not to commit war crimes.

2 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

“In addition to the economic penalties we’re imposing, we’re also taking steps to defend our NATO allies,” Biden said. “Our forces not, and will not, be engaged in a conflict with Russia in Ukraine. Our forces are not going to Europe to fight in Ukraine, but to defend our NATO allies and reassure those allies in the east.”

What you does Biden thing happen if he don't face Russian in the Ukraine? 
Your Economic sanctions mean jack-shit 

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4 hours ago, elliephil said:

I don't have to be mean when I actually have an idea of what I'm talking about. Aboot. 😉

No Phil, people know better.

We live in a fascist society and we just don't know it because we have Stockholm Syndrome.


Also.. lol @ listening to RUSSEL FUCKING BRAND lollllllllllllll

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On 2/24/2022 at 9:02 PM, elliephil said:

Please read the Consitution and Charter. I've noticed that outsiders seem to claim they know tyranny when they see it, when actually that's far from the truth in Canada.


Please read "reasonable limits" clause. That is a tool of the Canadian government. It is codified in Canadian law.


Also, those morons held our economy hostage and caused layoffs and prevented people not interested in their protests from engaging in everyday life. My family couldn't go to work in Ottawa. My friends couldn't cross borders. People I know have been laid off for months because of the supply chain being cut off from these blockades and protests.


The reason they are considered "fascists" is because the organizers straight up said they want to dissolve the democratically elected government.


The protests were mostly peaceful, but it was very disruptive to the point it was costing some people their livelihoods.


I don't like Trudeau like anyone else, but Russell Brand is a total fucking idiot and you are too if you believe this.

I read a good portion of your Constitution and Charter, specifically the Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms  and Section 1- Reasonable Limits. Trudeau's lockdown measures, mandates, and measures taken to squash the protest blatantly violate the Fundamental Freedoms, Mobility Rights, and Legal Rights. Furthermore, I'd argue that they fail the Oakes test- if not initially (based on the limited information we had about Covid at the start), then certainly now with what has been learned about the virus and the efficacy of the sort of countermeasures the Trudeau government has implemented/mandated. More specifically: 


Is the legislative goal pressing and substantial? i.e., is the objective sufficiently important to justify limiting a Charter right? Covid-19, while absolutely extremely contagious and dangerous to people in high risk categories, isn't the black death it was painted to be. This CDC chart breaks down hospitalizations by age group from 3/2020 to 2/2022. You can get more granular information by breaking the age groups down further by checking boxes on the left. For those too lazy to read into anything deeper than a Twitter hot take, the numbers are fucking low. Numbers over the entire duration of the pandemic at the most extreme age group (85+) are at 4.6% of the population. Go down the young age of 75-84 and it goes down to 3.2%. Those age groups obviously are massively more likely to have underlying health conditions (co-morbidities), and no small percentage of them live in assisted living quarters, where the virus spread like wildfire. To hit the Megashock age demos, 18-29 is at 0.4%, 30-39 is at 0.6%, 40-49 is at 0.8%. Do note that these are hospitalizations, not deaths- these likely include a chunk of people who panic when they get it and demand to go there- and this data is from America, where we have a hell of a lot of obesity (which correlates with high amounts of diabetes) and sedentary lifestyles- not to mention varying degrees of lockdowns, only a few of which are as restrictive as what Canada has implemented. I've also focused on hospitalizations because a common pro-lockdown/mandate argument in countries like yours with national healthcare is a fear of overburdening the hospitals. Obviously, death rates are much lower, particularly when you segregate death from covid apart from death with covid, a distinction that even weasels like Rochelle Walensky are making. More importantly, when you look at the trajectory of cases/hospitalizations/deaths overlaid with when various measures were implemented vs places without them, it becomes fairly obvious that said measures aren't doing shit. And your country already has an extremely high vaccination rate. So no, I don't think the goal here classifies as pressing and substantial- certainly not at this point, and absolutely not at the expenses of stomping nearly the entirety of the Guarantees of Rights and Freedoms your constitution provides.


Is there proportionality between the objective and the means used to achieve it?


a. "Rational Connection": the limit must be rationally connected to the objective. There must be a causal link between the impugned measure and the pressing and substantial objective;


Again, these mandates and burdens aren't accomplishing shit beyond making people miserable, and in the case of those who don't want to get the vaccine, extremely difficult by design. Even Fauci admits we're all going to get it at some point. The convoy protesters have been clear- they want an end to the mandates and restrictions. Further trampling them in extreme ways to cling to a futile objective is clearly irrational. And if you want to be pragmatic about the goal of getting everyone vaccinated, smearing these people as bigots of every imaginable sort  and brutally doubling down is a pretty piss poor way of convincing that remnant to do so.


b. "Minimal Impairment": the limit must impair the right or freedom no more than is reasonably necessary to accomplish the objective. The government will be required to show that there are no less rights-impairing means of achieving the objective “in a real and substantial manner”

To keep beating a dead horse, Trudeau's countermeasures to the pandemic itself and the protests miserably fail to clear this bar. The protesters have had their fuel and food stolen, they have been beaten, they have had their donations seized, they have had their bank accounts frozen, they have had their insurance cancelled, they have been effectively de-banked, and they have been arrested. Your government has directly colluded with and ordered businesses and corporations to ruin these peoples lives for the sin of protesting in a country whose very constitution has "freedom of conscience and religion; freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication, freedom of peaceful assembly ,freedom of association" along with "mobility rights" that include "Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada", and "Every citizen of Canada and every person who has the status of a permanent resident of Canada has a)the right to move to and take up residence in any province; and (b) to pursue the gaining of a livelihood in any province." written directly in it. Your government has also applied this hammer to any of your citizens who committed the sin of donating to the protesters. All to cling to measures that fail at their stated goals while simultaneously causing a ton of other problems, particularly for those of us not in the "work from home" class. 


c."Final Balancing": there must be proportionality between the deleterious and salutary effects of the law

To claim this has happened would be completely absurd. In addition to completely shitting on your constitution, Trudeau's words and actions have fomented massive distrust and made the divide between people much worse. You'd better hope you never find yourself on the wrong side of a government who has already established this kind of precedent- your civil liberties are effectively null if you're not in line with the majority party and deemed a threat or nuisance. And it looks like there could be long term damage to trust in your country's financial institutions.

In summary, the spirit of your constitution seems to be to respect and protect people's rights as much as possible, with "reasonable limits" having a high bar to cross and the lightest touch possible applied when deemed necessary. Trudeau's government has been an abject failure  here. The "light touch" approach would have been to let the goddamn mandates go- you're already highly vaccinated and none of these measures are helping. Canadians who are still worried about it are free to stay locked in their houses, get boosted every two weeks, and wear a fishbowl on their head if they want to. But instead of letting it go (which would have ended the convoy pretty much immediately), the knife was twisted and broken off. Honestly, the argument that this is all ok under the "reasonable limits" clause sounds like the sort of generic catch all an American leftist uses the general welfare clause as- anything unconstitutional  they want falls under "general welfare".   Furthermore, even if all of this was perfectly constitutional, something being legal doesn't make it moral or right. Slavery was legal. Segregation was legal. The Holocaust was legal. The Holodomor was legal. Everything the Chinese government, the USSR, the Khmer Rouge, and North Korea did/are doing to their people is/was "legal". 

I'm sure having those trucks in the way of daily life was frustrating, I'd counter that those affected by Trudeau's measures have as much reason to be angry.  And now it's worse- imagine how bitter you'd be as someone who had your livelihood crippled, your only recourse was to peacefully protest, and now your ability to earn a living in your occupation is wrecked- along with your ability to even use a fucking bank- while your blackfaced PM calls you a racist homophobe for wanting your life back. Or being someone afraid to participate yourself, yet willing to quietly donate to show your support for a cause you believe in, maybe as someone who lost their job or had their business trashed by the lockdowns- now your shit is wrecked as well. All to cling to worthless measures so JT can show how virtuous he is. 

On fascism, it doesn't sound like you have a firm grasp on what the word means. Here's a quote form Mussolini: 
 "The corporate State considers that private enterprise in the sphere of production is the most effective and usefu [sic] [typo-should be: useful] instrument in the interest of the nation. In view of the fact that private organisation of production is a function of national concern, the organiser of the enterprise is responsible to the State for the direction given to production.
State intervention in economic production arises only when private initiative is lacking or insufficient, or when the political interests of the State are involved. This intervention may take the form of control, assistance or direct management."

Now, think about Trudeau's hand in glove workings with your financial system (and their "compelling" of tow truck drivers to cooperate in removal) to squash and suppress, and ruin protesters and their supporters, and how the groundwork has been laid to tamp anything like it down in the future. Does that not sound like fascism to you? Sure sounds like the merger of state and corporations aligning to crush dissent to me. 

Imagine what kind of fallout there would have been had Trump had done something to similar during the BLM or CHAZ incidents. 

Oh, and one more thing:

Edited by Camacho
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