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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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On 4/12/2022 at 1:05 PM, Seth Vega said:

According to another DNA testing site called My True Ancestry, I am a descendent of the Fujiwara Clan/Nobility which makes me the descendent of Ame-no-Koyane. I am also of the Tokugawa Clan/Shogunate which would make me the descendent of Tokugawa Ieyasu.


One of my ancestors is from haplogroup X. People are speculating that this haplogroup is of Atlantean origin. 

Cool. I'm black.

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9 hours ago, MillionX said:

heh, I saw that was on the cable news at the moment... apparently the guy just stayed there in the subway system all this time until they caught him.


It looks like Donovan is about to hit the topic of this latest nutcase, actually....another one that's sure to step on some toes so I'm all for it...



Yeah. There is a lot of blak supremacists in NYC, most of them bully asian people though. You'll never hear about any black racist crimes in leftist news media like TYT, it would be racist to do so for some reason.

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Steven Seagal Celebrates His 70th Birthday In Moscow and Praises Putin as a ‘Great World Leader’




The Under Siege star hailed Putin as a “great world leader” and called Putin’s allies his “family” and “friends,” according to a report in The Times. Seagal’s comments come a day after President Joe Biden accused Putin of committing “genocide” in Ukraine as Russia’s brutal invasion of the country continues.



The Times reported that RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan and Vladimir Solovyov, a Russian state television host, who is under sanctions, were both present at the event.

Seagal’s affinity for Putin is well known and he was granted Russian citizenship by Putin in 2016. NPR reported at the time on the bond between the two men:


Putin and Seagal share a passion for martial arts: Seagal is an expert in aikido, and Putin is an expert in judo. They’ve appeared together at martial arts demonstrations and official events, including last year’s Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok.


In March, Seagal told Fox News that Ukraine and Russia are “one family” and called for peace between the two countries.

“Most of us have friends and family in Russia and Ukraine,” he said.

“I look at both as one family and really believe it is an outside entity spending huge sums of money on propaganda to provoke the two countries to be at odds with each other,” he concluded.

Edited by AriesWarlock
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2 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

Segal hasn't been relevant in years. Today he looks like the owner of a low tier karate dojo that teaches nothing and fleeces parents out of money. He's a textbook case of a has been. 

Watch one of his modern demos. That's exactly what he is. 




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35 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Seagal's movies weren't that good to begin with LOL

Hey you guys leave Sumo...erm Steven Seagal alone. He'll roll down here and use his, useless in actual combat, martial art to fail to kick your ass. He can still sit on you 👀


Edit: Jokes a side, he's a complete piece of shit. Look up what he did to his first wife. In Japan, he actually managed to win over her family as a gaijin, take over as lead instructor of the family dojo, then bolt for America and leave her high and dry.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Watch one of his modern demos. That's exactly what he is. 




Akido is a pretty goofy MA in general, I will give them credit though that some of the finger/hand locks that it has are pretty gangster if you don't care about hurting the opponent and do them full force.  Otherwise it's lame and doesn't do much else better than other martial arts.

Edited by J-ride
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13 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Akido is a pretty goofy MA in general, I will give them credit though that some of the finger/hand locks that it has are pretty gangster if you don't care about hurting the opponent and do them full force.  Otherwise it's lame and doesn't do much else better than other martial arts.

I agree, but he's not even representing it well despite that. Like dude is there to represent and honorably display Akido and he cant even take a stance. Dudes got his arms at his side like he's standing in line waiting for a Big Mac. 


It's so disprectful to the people who showed up to see the demo, the people he's working with, and to the people who do take it seriously and make it a part of their life. 

Edited by RSG3
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21 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Akido is a pretty goofy MA in general, I will give them credit though that some of the finger/hand locks that it has are pretty gangster if you don't care about hurting the opponent and do them full force.  Otherwise it's lame and doesn't do much else better than other martial arts.

Well IIRC, @Maxxwould probably know for certain, Aikido was developed as a way for disarmed swordsman to defend themselves against their armed adversary. It was never conceived as a hand to hand art. A lot of the holds in Aikido leave you completely open to strikes from your opponent. It's no BJJ. 

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27 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Well IIRC, @Maxxwould probably know for certain, Aikido was developed as a way for disarmed swordsman to defend themselves against their armed adversary. It was never conceived as a hand to hand art. A lot of the holds in Aikido leave you completely open to strikes from your opponent. It's no BJJ. 

Their are aspects of akido i like and aspects that are goofy as fuck. I do wristlocks i learned from akido in bjj as well have prevented me from fights. Like almost every martial art.. You can find and bad with in every art. 

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51 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

 Dudes got his arms at his side like he's standing in line waiting for a Big Mac. 


It's so disprectful to the people who showed up to see the demo, the people he's working with, and to the people who do take it seriously and make it a part of their life. 

This basically. Seagulls fat ass aside, Aikido is not your friend on the streets. Its kinda like a scaled down Jujutsu with tai chi thrown in.  That said IIRC Hironori Otsuka studied a bit of it and added it to Karate and basically became Kenshiro in real life so fuck knows, guess it depends on the person. Like everybody says BJJ is good for self defence but if you open the fight with kicking a BJJ mook straight in the balls then his $5000 black belt is pretty god damn useless.

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8 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Their are aspects of akido i like and aspects that are goofy as fuck. I do wristlocks i learned from akido in bjj as well have prevented me from fights. Like almost every martial art.. You can find and bad with in every art. 

I think all martial arts could benefit from Bruce Lee's mindset. Keep what works, toss what doesn't.

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I don't even try to be symmetrical with my fighting moves. For example I don't practice certain moves for each side. Each side is specialized for certain things. Some moves I do for both sides.  I tend to switch between left hand and right hand stance to a neutral stance. If I had to choose a stance, I would be a southpaw; the stance would look similar to M. Bison's stance. 


If my body is not liking a certain movement, I would just drop it. 

Edited by Seth Vega
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AM with a good one today


Apparently Tichina Arnold made the "mistake" of talking about the emasculation of Black men in the media...

I'd say it's not *just* black men though... in the past couple of years, Hollywood and a certain ideological side tends to look down on or even want to outlaw/ban any kind of traditional masculinity.... that's frowned upon and seen as "toxic" or "creepy" these days.

Edited by MillionX
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12 hours ago, elliephil said:

went down drumming rabbit hole, rip joey



That's a fun one to go down, here's some more (spoiler tag for those uninterested in hearing more snare hits than most people will hear in their lifetimes) :




Worth noting that Derek Roddy is a purist about single strokes and 1 foot blasts. The guy is a total monster, absolutely someone who raised the bar in extreme drumming. He played on Black Seeds of Vengeance, which is the album that the cover I posted a few days ago came from, and he had one week to come up with parts and prepare for that album. 






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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

AM with a good one today


Apparently Tichina Arnold made the "mistake" of talking about the emasculation of Black men in the media...

I'd say it's not *just* black men though... in the past couple of years, Hollywood and a certain ideological side tends to look down on or even want to outlaw/ban any kind of traditional masculinity.... that's frowned upon and seen as "toxic" or "creepy" these days.

Anything that goes against the female imperative/current narrative has to be destroyed.  There are all kinds of "advice" in the media circles about open relationships, polyamory and other such nonsense.  They can rebrand degeneracy with whatever new age title they like, in the end, it's just a selfish way to live that won't result in any sense of fulfillment.

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