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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 hour ago, Seth Vega said:

I am at 150 pounds at about 20 percent body fat on my likely inaccurate scale. I'm sure the weight part of the scale is accurate though. My body has become more defined. I want to lose 10 more pounds. Due to my body in being in a much better condition, everything about me is functioning much better. Mental processes are clear. My emotions are much more stable. I have more self control and I go with the flow more. My body feels lighter and much more relaxed and almost pain free. I am more agile and fast. My intuition has increased. 


My intuition has increased. 

You wanna go down to 140? Are you a shorter guy? Because even at average height that's pretty slim

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16 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Something something good guy with a gun something something. 

We have to have Good Guys first.

Good men don't sit there and let the armed assailant do his thing for a hour.

In a hour I can go to McDonald's, have lunch, go home and do a Alliance Raid in Final Fantasy 14, and have time to spare.

Edited by DarkSakul
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I find it interesting how militarization of the police is rampant yet that's not enough of a deterrence to stop something tragic like this from happening. Where I live, we have some of the strictest gun laws in the world yet shootings will happen once or twice a year at most. I think making it a boring bureaucratic process to obtain a gun could help curb things like this from happening. But what do I know. I live in the tyrant state of Justin Trudeau's Canada according to the people that defend the current gun legislation lololol

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4 minutes ago, elliephil said:

I find it interesting how militarization of the police is rampant yet that's not enough of a deterrence to stop something tragic like this from happening. Where I live, we have some of the strictest gun laws in the world yet shootings will happen once or twice a year at most. I think making it a boring bureaucratic process to obtain a gun could help curb things like this from happening. But what do I know. I live in the tyrant state of Justin Trudeau's Canada according to the people that defend the current gun legislation lololol

Because the police we have are cowards who only think of them selves first.


When they are threatened by the unarmed black man they shoot first, when there a actual shooter they do nothing.


Guess everything is bigger in Texas, including cowardice and stupidity.

Edited by DarkSakul
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4 hours ago, elliephil said:

I find it interesting how militarization of the police is rampant yet that's not enough of a deterrence to stop something tragic like this from happening.

Our cops are cowards. They confronted the kid outside the school with his gun and everything and still let him inside and shoot the place up for like an hour while they waited for backup. No one's scared of the police here if you're white and packing a big fucking gun. Why would this kid be scared of the cops even with their big guns and body armor and APCs. 


Our cops are literally cosplayers bro. 

Edited by RSG3
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7 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Look at em standing their proud, brandishing their guns wont they wont use unless they dont have to.

I've never understood the purpose of LEOs being shown as a "force to be reckoned with" if they are here to serve and protect. It's the same as when I see a number of LEOs using the Punisher logo. They fail to realize that's not how this works. 

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30 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

I've never understood the purpose of LEOs being shown as a "force to be reckoned with" if they are here to serve and protect. It's the same as when I see a number of LEOs using the Punisher logo. They fail to realize that's not how this works. 


The thing is that police officer, after a supreme court decision, are not legally required to defend your life. Same with the one random sheriff at the parkland shooting that refused to go in, these guys are not legally required to stop the shooter from doing what he went for.



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11 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Nothing like forcing a chokepoint for the shooter Ted. He's such a fucking dumb fuck. 


Edit: Fuck what if there's a fire at the school, have to funnel everyone out one door? This man's advice is going to get people killed, fuck this guy so hard. 


Cruz is providing another example of how to respond to a technical issue with a stupidity.  


5 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Cops are fucking pussies. 

Some. I've had this discussion with multiple LEOs and it comes down the three types

  • Those that want to display power on front street. 
  • Those that needed a job and that was it. 
  • Those that are in it to do the right thing.


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1 hour ago, Reticently said:



Finally someone who speaks against the true source of all our problems here: doors.

Damn doors, always there surreptitiously letting people in and out of buildings, always either closed or open in a blatant display of moral duplicity.

Doors truly are devious and evil by nature!


The honorable Senator of the Republic Ted Cruz, in his endless wisdom, rightfully said it was all fault of a backdoor, who are named so because they're notoriously the assholes of the door community, but I say that we need to take even more radical measures. Why have only one door when we can do even better and have no doors at all?


Let's abolish doors! Let's get rid of all doors and all conventional accesses to buildings, and soon ill-intentioned people will no longer be able to easily access places where to do their wrongdoings (and neither will anyone else). In fact, let's also abolish windows, who are even worse than doors, being so arrogant and aloof that they feel too superior to even touch the ground where mere mortals walk.


And don't even get me started on balconies!

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6 minutes ago, Sonero said:

The amount of articles defending Amber Heard are concerning. The fact that there are any at all is just baffling.

It's all promos. It's possible that people are losing a bit of interest in the trial, so they need to find a way to keep this storyline fresh.


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19 minutes ago, Sonero said:

The amount of articles defending Amber Heard are concerning. The fact that there are any at all is just baffling.

Women will almost always defend the sisterhood and that's a rule.  What I find interesting about this case is that women seem to not #believeallwomen if the guy is handsome and rich.  🤣

Edited by J-ride
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Herschel Walker Invokes Cain and Abel, Pitches New Social Media Department in Rambling Proposal to Stop School Shootings



The Senate hopeful called for expanded mental health funding, and saying “we got to get back into prayer” in order to address school shootings. When Brian Kilmeade asked Walker to elaborate his stance on background checks and assault weapons, the former NFL running back gave a meandering answer that involved the Biblical first murder, plus the formation of a new department of some kind to regulate social media.


They want to score political points. Let’s be honest. What we need to do is look into the person that did the shooting. The same thing that’s happened — whether it was in Texas, in New York, in Chicago, the thing happening in Buffalo — you know. People see that it’s the person wielding that weapon. You know, Cain killed Abel, and that’s the problem that we have. And I said, what we need to do is look into how we can stop those things. You talked about doing a disinformation [board]. What about getting a department that can look at young men, that’s looking at women, that’s looking at their social media. What about doing that? Looking at things like that? And we can stop that that way. But yet, they want to continue to talk about taking away your constitutional rights.



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43 minutes ago, Sonero said:




The amount of articles defending Amber Heard are concerning. The fact that there are any at all is just baffling.

If it's publications like Vice or Complex, guaranteed it's for clicks. Pretty sure they hire the most inflammatory and contrarian freelancers on purpose, even at their own detriment. The downfall of some online publications is pathetic.

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36 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Women will almost always defend the sisterhood and that's a rule.  What I find interesting about this case is that women seem to not #believeallwomen if the guy is handsome and rich.  🤣

True but when you like about domestic violence and make a mockery of what several women actually went through. That sisterhood will come for your head. The fact that these idiots writing those articles don't see that they are insulting their own consumer base is fucking hilarious. It's like the female version of Gillette insulting men while selling razors to men. Do these fools not know their audience.

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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:

Herschel Walker Invokes Cain and Abel, Pitches New Social Media Department in Rambling Proposal to Stop School Shootings






That fucking headline.  I don't even understand what 'accusing of politicizing a shooting' even fucking means.  There's shouldn't be anything political about a shooting so I can't even comprehend what that's trying to say.  That people are pointing out that this if fucked up and the government needs to get on its ass and do something?  Calling out this shit situation that has been constantly being churned over and over with no results? 


And this mother fucker is legitimately shifting the blame to people looking at social media and girls on social media.   Literally everything but what the obvious problem is.  What else are they going to come up with that is "clearly the issue"?

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23 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Gop logic: dont put face masks on kids.. It will do unreverseable harm


Also gop: give the kids flank jackets, army vets to roam the halls, trip wire defenses and arm kids


.. K

The leading cause of death for children in the US is literally gunshot wound, and the GOP is asking if the problem is that kids aren't surrounded by enough guns.

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1 minute ago, Sonichuman said:

That fucking headline.  I don't even understand what 'accusing of politicizing a shooting' even fucking means.  There's shouldn't be anything political about a shooting so I can't even comprehend what that's trying to say.  That people are pointing out that this if fucked up and the government needs to get on its ass and do something?  Calling out this shit situation that has been constantly being churned over and over with no results? 


And this mother fucker is legitimately shifting the blame to people looking at social media and girls on social media.   Literally everything but what the obvious problem is.  What else are they going to come up with that is "clearly the issue"?

Politicizing a shooting is basically a buzz term to say the media is trying to make money off of dead people. But both sides are literally doing it.. Sticking their facing in any camera they can to blame the other side. 

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