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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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I'm loving that clip of the weak ass Chicago mayor getting all offended about the reporter's use of the word "mob" referring to the worthless shit-head teens causing havoc in the city.  It should be golden entertainment on a regular basis from that guy and the raggedy shenanigans going on in that city for years to come.  I'm sure certain youtubers are loving it too since it's another easy source of content for their channels. 


I keep watching people streaming Baldur's Gate 3 lately... it's tough to keep up; I'm still not sure if I'll actually get it though since turn-based rpgs really aren't my thing...that style of combat can never be as thrilling as real-time to me....still, everything else about that world and the lore is definitely appealing to me.  So far, I'm imagining that my character would be a tiefling or an orc...or a half-elf.  Heh, imagine the people that play a fantasy-world game like this....only to pick a boring ass human.  I wondered the same thing about my fellow Phantasy Star Online/Universe fans back in the day that played "human" characters.  It's an odd choice to me for what I'd say are obvious reasons----in a fantasy world where you can be all these other cool things.... humans are just boring and lame.

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49 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

neil having a stroke over the ufo hearings. its only gonna get worse neil, not better.



he gotta double down on his planetary sized ego.

IIRC, Neil does believe that there's life out there.  I think he responded to someones question that hhe does.  I think he's just not fully on board with the possibility of the government having something.


I mean from a purely statistical standpoint, there's no way that life isn't out there somewhere other than Earth.  I'd like to think that most scientists would have already come to that conclusion.

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11 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I'd like to think that most scientists would have already come to that conclusion.

To be fair, most scientists aren't going to burn a lot of serious thought on stuff there isn't any evidence for, especially if it's outside of their major field of study.


But even if you accept extra terrestrial life as a statistical inevitability, the fact that we can't see any clear evidence of it at the astronomical scale suggests that the combination of intelligence as we would recognize it and any sort of industrial capacity is probably virtually non-existent.

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This video is long, but goddamn if it doesn't hit every point on why I don't fuck with public "anti-woke" shit anymore. I got out of that pipeline years ago because these people were babies wearing grown people skins. But this video is pointing out shit I see from that side all the time when anything from them bubbles up enough to get discussed elsewhere on YT or Twitter.

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The clip of the SUV reminded me--- for many years now it's been like a personal rule that I avoid SUV drivers at all cost...because something stupid is always about to happen in the next few seconds.  I keep a safe distance from them in particular at all times.  


In a fast-food drive-thru situation; I'll avoid that entirely if there's too many SUVs in the line... because you know they have a ridiculous order (like for them + the 5 or 6 kids) that's going to take a long time.  Unless I'm desperate for food from that particular restaurant at the time, I'll move on if too many of them are there (and minivans for the same reason; big family = big order; too much damn time).....however, there is the fact that we're in the golden age of portable gaming now which makes any wait time into game there's that option if one doesn't have to worry about being late for something.


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Im taking immense satisfaction in leaving certain chicks alone. I been trying to link with a few of em during my two weeks off and there's always an excuse or lack of response 


So this weekend I decided to have a little fun outting with my ppl now them same chicks are salty I didn't hit them up and bring them along for the festivities 


Nah. I'm busy now too, bitches. Stay yall broke ass over there like you been doin while I enjoy myself with the gang and network 😂

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So I checked the official TMNT youtube channel just to get a little dose of nostalgia....and instantly I am met with some frustration; they changed something and the theme song/intro sounds wrong.  Perhaps it's an issue with royalties/copyright getting in the way there but that kinda pisses on the general mood for me.  I'll bet it's that way on the officla dvd or blu-ray as well since those were produced in recent years.


...yet another reason to cherish anything you happened to record at the time when it was a new/currently popular thing.  Fortunately when it comes to theme music for shows, I already have just about everything I wanted in my collection as of several years ago anyway.

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@MillionX btw ive been reading the book called, day after roswell.

it was written by a colonel corso.

he was a secretary to one of the "majestic 12" who were the "dirty dozen" that were the original 12 men selected to keep roswell n ufo related stuff secret from the soviet union/china/enemies. cuz it wasnt about secrecy regarding the public but making sure the enemy militaries didnt get access to said tech.

in 61 he was made the head director of foreign technology department at the pentagon.

when he got the position he inherited the responsibility of being in charge of roswell ufo tech.

he inherited the cabinet that housed 4 artifacts from the crash.

the autopsy files n pics. and other documents related.

i wont spoil it for you by mentioning all 4 objects.

but i will talk about just 1 item.

the black computerized contact lens.

so when they did the autopsy on the greys.

they noticed. their famous black eyes.

arent actually ther eyes.

they are actually contact lens.

but computerized.

apparently it activates with just coming into contact with the electromagnetism of the human body.

he said.

col. corso said that if the big black contact lens was laying untouched on his table there was nothing special about it. just a big black lens like a sunglass lens.

but when u picked it up it activated and gave you night vision like in night vision goggles.

you could see in the dark but better than night vision.

they also noted the greys had ic, intergrated circuits installed directly into their brains most likely to interface with these devices.

they assume the computerized black contact lens can change between normal, infrared, ultraviolet, and night vision by communicating with the nervous sytem n the intergrated circuits in their brain.

the autopsy deduced the greys were "biological robots" due to them seeing they were synthetic creatures aka bioengineered at a genetic level.

as for whats under the contact lens.

the autopsy revealed after they removed their black contact lenses they saw the greys had eyes that looked like ours meaning they had white of their eyes, iris, and pupils just like us except their eyes are big and the color of their iris is grey like their skin tone.

its a really revealing illuminating book. you should read it.


i mean....what crashed in june 1947, its a weather balloon. 😜


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LOL so that's where they got Star Trek's Borg from. From the grays.

Hollywood movies have been telling "the truth" in plain sight for years. But because it's classified as fiction/fantasy/science fiction then nobody believes them

Even Coast To Coast AM has been talking about UFOs and other supernatural stuff on AM radio since the 1990s.

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Yeah, it makes sense and it's what I suspected for some time that the beings referred to as "Greys" are engineered "biomechanical" things.  It would make sense to send those out to explore and observe whatever they can find in the known universe.  One interesting question to me is that if this is the case---are they fully self-sufficient like we'd imagine "self-aware" machines, as seen in so many stories, like T-800s?  Or---perhaps they would remain under remote control by the actual aliens that are still on the home-world or on a mothership that's cruising around out there at a safe is likely the "optimal" route to just have it both ways; I imagine they could take over direct control in any situations where it became necessary.


Some abduction stories also refer to there being different types on the ship... that there's usually something else besides the "greys"---often a larger one that looks more like an insect, and maybe that one has some level of authority/control over the "grey" ones.

Edited by MillionX
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2 hours ago, MillionX said:

So I checked the official TMNT youtube channel just to get a little dose of nostalgia....and instantly I am met with some frustration; they changed something and the theme song/intro sounds wrong.  Perhaps it's an issue with royalties/copyright getting in the way there but that kinda pisses on the general mood for me.  I'll bet it's that way on the officla dvd or blu-ray as well since those were produced in recent years.


...yet another reason to cherish anything you happened to record at the time when it was a new/currently popular thing.  Fortunately when it comes to theme music for shows, I already have just about everything I wanted in my collection as of several years ago anyway.

That song alteration was only for the recent upload.


The DVDs by Lionsgate had the original version.

Also I've heard the Pluto streaming service has the original version.


Unlike Disney and the X-Men TAS theme in recent years, Nickodeon chose not to buy the rights to the original theme when they got the rights to the show to save money.


Somehow they can skirt the issue by using a different singer 

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Oh yeah that reminds me--- that Pluto streaming app is pretty damn awesome, especially considering it's free.  I only became aware of it fairly recently when I got either my latest tv or the ps5; I forgot which one I noticed it on first....but there is a LOT of stuff on there; good to go if one doesn't mind the ads---I don't mind it; it just reminds me of the old days of regular tv anyway.  If I'm not actually playing a game on my systems then I'm often watching something on the pluto app.  They have a whole channel of Mystery Science Theater 3000; tons of old shows, current/recent stuff like "Blue Bloods", and I recall seeing some Kamen Rider and super-sentai shows....good selection.

Edited by MillionX
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17 hours ago, Emptyeyes_ said:


I loved Goldberg when I was a teenager and still have some respect for him but all the stories I've heard along with a better understanding of how wrestling works made this definitely more assholish in retrospect.  Really kind of saddens me.  Best Spears in the business still but at real cost to everyone else who's in the ring with him.


All that being said, I'm sure Stone Cold would like to cut the knees off of that horse Bret is sitting on.


Edit:  correction on this.  Owen was responsible for Stone Cold's injury and not Bret.

Edited by Sonichuman
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